Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 20 Nov 1924, p. 5

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{ There is a. strong feeling that the ' Village Council. the -Bomd of Trade ‘and the Hutepuyers' Association Eshould get together and see if \hey can devise some scheme for better i uccommodation. I Hamilton has been shocked by a econd murder. Harriny mutilated gum body of Fred Genesee was found Saturday morning at a point, about «if a. mile east of Stoney Creek. The nfortunate man who wasntaxi-cab river had been bound with card. and :hrown over the precipice. Uames McCormick, 26 years old, of fiomuto. died in the Millard Fillmore Hospital at 10 o'clock Saturday night, is the resulu of injuries suffered, when yun over by the wheels of a freight cur til; the end of the Amerian International Bridge in Black Rock. According to once, he was being smuggled into nited States. and was attempting to escape when the tragedy ncvurred. McCormick was Said to have jumped from the freight car, and striking his shoulder against. the door. fell, rolling nder the wheels. At :\ meeting of the Board of Trade Monday evening Reeve Trench re- ported that the an-d of He‘lllh had appointed Dr. Macdnnnld, V8,, t0 make an inspection of the source of our milk supply, with a view of swing thut everything is k( pt in a sanitary condition. At u Rpsciul meeting of the Bnald 0f Educulirm Monday evening it was de- cided to have the formal opening of the npw High Schnnl Fuidny evening, December 5. Addresses by prominent vducationists [mm 3 tn 5 p.1n.: Lea from 5 Ln 7, to hr fnlluwed by a hop from 8 lo 12 o'clock Tho literary department of We Young People’s League of the Metho- dist Church has charge of the meeting for Monday evening, Nnvemher 24th. A good musical programme has [wen un-nngvd, and lantern slidps on the life of David Livingston will be shown. The farmers in Lms section 0f conn- trv have had 2L pruspornus season. With the exception of ponders the prices have been SiltiSfélClOl‘y. Wheat in ‘Vinnipog h:.s gnne nwr the $1.70 mark. and uthr grains are bringng a good pxicc. Win-n farmers are pros- perous all other lines seem L0 be pros- perous. To the Editor of The Liberal : Sir. Is any mnve being made regard- ing the erection of :1 new Town Hall in the nmu‘ future. \Ve. are very much in nerd of 21 building with accommo- dation for Council Ulmmher, Fire Hall, Clerk's officv, Public Lihrul‘y. Count Room, nnd a hull furemm'tninmems and pulilic met-tings. The Council Chamber is Vented only from month to month. and the uccupants would have to vacate if they l‘eceiVed a months notice to do su. Unless the spved limit, is very high the wind list Sunday must. have gone beyond lhe limit. The first real snow covered the xrnund. and Sunday night gzwe us 15 m- 20 degrees (If frost. Many motorists and ulhers were not prepu'ed for the sudden (-hungc Last Monday evening tho Roald nf Trade assembled fm- u meofing in the Council Chamber, but, as they found it was the night. for Band Practice. the fmgner hl}d to retire to a private home. B A 7. A A R â€" Presbyterian Uh urCh, Sntuldny, Nov. ‘2‘2nd, opened at 8 o'clock by Mrs. Gen. 5- Henry. Fancy work. lingexip, nmwltles. homeuuade cooking, and candy. fish pond. Tea served from 4 Lo 6 o’clock, ‘26 cent/& A Bazaar will he held in NW Oak Ridges Hull, in connection with St. John’s Church. Friday Pvt-ning, NU- vemhev 28. Supper win he served frum (S ta 7.30, in be qunwed by :1 con- cert at 8 o’cluck. " Don't {mgr-m lhe lecture 01) “Son!- tish Hnmnm” by I’wf. Knnx. of T0- mnto. in NW Presbytelian Church this (Thmsday) evening. Mr. J. H. Dun- lnp, President of the Men's Associa- tion, will nccupy the chair. Miss Elizabeth McLean Alleyne was accidental y killed yesterday by a small work-car on the C. N. R , which passes through the Alleyne farm. 3rd conces- sion of Whitchurch. Funeral at Oak Ridges Church Friday, at 3 p m. \Vill our valued cot-respondents and others kindly try tn have news items reach The Liberal Office e-m'ly in the wef’k. If nothing H‘dChf’d us before Wednesday thme Would he no paper on Thursduy. Bull) ('olnpnnivs of hunts-Is frctm Richmond HI” hnw retmnod snfu nnd sound frvm the wildg (If Musknkn. Both II’DHI't Liv:er piemiful and a splendid nfiling, Miss Cari-i0 Lymbmner. of New York. Min 13 making n visit with u l‘PlnLivv. Mr. Arthur Morgan. of Thumhili, called an n number of nld friends in Richumnd Hill on Tuesday. ‘Mr. Albeit, Michuvl, of \ledmn. Sask" is home on a visit with his muthr, hl‘ulh‘d‘, and sister. This is the firsL visit inside of twenty yeuls. Remember the dates, Nm-omlwr 28th and 29th. Annule Catholic H.1Zv'al‘. Euchle and ten and dancing induy. Fowl supper Saturday evening. mane A report, of banquet, will Municipal Accommodation NEWS NOTES 'JB ‘L‘flllic meeting and given in mu- next RATEPAYEB. The fulluwing is [119 programme given on the above nccnsinn : Doxolnzy and Invocatiun. Bass Snln and Uhm-ns,’“Therv Is Nu Death " (O‘Hara) â€"â€" Sherhnm‘m- Street Choir. ' Snpmnn and Tenor Duet, ” ane inine" (Stainm-)â€"Mx's. W. 1. Walker 'hnd Mr. W. D. Dykes. The Baseball boys and their friends were given their annual imnqutâ€"‘t by the Baseball girls in the Public Hall. on Saturday evening last. The re- pasb, as usual, was sumptuous. and the wants of the guests wenu we}! supplied by the younger girls of the community. This banquet was the ocension of the presenta‘tiun (if the cup given to the winners: in the Hill- Squax-e Leagup, which was wnu by the Victoria Square boy: this year. Ouixgmluiatiuns boys! A Reading, "‘The Village Pat-son’l (AnoMâ€"Ml'. Harald Pryce. Chm-us. "Soldiel's Uhmus from Faust" (Gounod)â€"-Ccmbined Choirs, conducted by Mr. Melecui. At the close the visiting chair was accorded a hme vote of thanks 0n motion of Reeve'l‘x'ench, seconded by Mr. W, A. “fight. The presentation of :.he cup was made by Mr. Ins. Chytnn, Llilliken, :1 keen and fair sport, in an appropriate speech to Mr. jas. Smith, umnager 0f the boys Lnam. Mr. Smith in turn, presented it to Mr. Ben Guynmn, capt. of the boys team Mr. Bert Grant, of Richmnnd Hill, and Mr, Hooper, of 'l‘bornhill, spoke for the League and the places which they represented in :1 few wall-chusen words. \V'uh Mr. E J. M. Hitchcock as toasbumsler, Lunsts were pmposed and responded to in a very able manner. The committee in charge are to be congratulated upon thg success‘ng the evening._ The Sunday snowstorm came just in time to remind us that winter and Christmas are drawing very near. The extremely fine uul unm ulumst led us to believe that winter had passed us by. Organ Rbstlude, (Ragingâ€"Miss Mm On Sunday the Melh‘fidist congre- gmion was delighted to have with them, the childrPn nf the Orange Orphanage fur the afternnnn service. These happy. well-bE'haVed children left a very pleasant impression upon the people zmd ;\ visit from them again will be u pleasuie. to which everyone is looking fox-ward. Motet. "Tn Thee, 0 Lord" (Bach mnninuf’f); ‘Finale from "(iullia‘ (G9unod)-C0mhin9d Choirs. Humorous Quartetle. "Mrs. \Vinsa- low" (Annn)â€"~M::ssrs. PlyCl", Forster. Keeler, and Forster. \Altn Solo. “Lullabv“ (Sanderson): "The Old Arm Chair,” Old Melodyâ€" Miss Dorothy Shaver. Chorus for Duuhle Chair. “In Heav- enly Love" (Brown)â€"-Rirhumnd Hill and Shel-hom-ne Street Choirs. .Quartétte, Inst: iimrelvxierlV‘â€";Serenade” (Suint~S=nene)â€"~Vi(ulin, Miss Chateau- vierp; Viola. Mr. F. E. Blachfmd: Piann, Mr. Melecci; Organ. Mr. G. 1). Atkinson. Male Quintettv, ‘V'MHI-é-Hli‘nve to Thee" (Hum) â€"â€" Messx-S. Robinson, Dykes, Plumstead, Keeler. and Forâ€" S‘PI‘. Mrs. Goforth. a Missionary, bnme on furlough, gave a very interesting address at, Prayer Meeting, Tuesday night. She gave us a short sketch of her work in China and of what pmyer had done for her- and her husband. She impressed upon us that prayer as well as money was an absolute necessity. Prayer meeting wxll be held at Mr. R. F. Klinck‘s next week. Mr. W. H. Mortyun. Fairlight. Sask” There was :1 Lupe attendance :n the supper givw) at the Methndist Church Thursday evening. follnwvd by a con- oart by the cnmbmed clu-irs (,f Sher- huulne Street Methudist Church. Tn- wnlo, and the Richmond Hill chmr, Violin Snln, "Romance" (Wgeniaw. ski)~Miss Clmtea View F. M6. 133. Smith spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. H. Forrester. Mr. W. H. Mortson. Fuirlight. Sask., is spending a short time with his brother, Mr. john Mortson of this place. Mr Mortsun has bought acat‘load of pure-bred stuck to show at the Royal Fair. Bliss Ward, Toronto. spent the week- end with Mr. and Mrs, H. Forrester. The Nnvvmhrx' uweling of Lha Home and Schoul Club will he held in the Public School on Tuesday (waning. 25:1), at 8 (-‘cIm-k. An interesting programme cnnsislmg of fulkllnnues, songs, and an illustrated address on England by the Rev R. S. Mason will 1).: given. All members and frivnds shnuld lllukL’ an effort [U be plesrnt. SATURDAY. DEC. 20â€"me stock, implements. furniture, grain. hay etc., lot- 19, con. 4, East York. the property of}. W. Lowry. Sale at 11 o'cluck sharp. Lunch provided. very large sale. The auctioneer will start on time. Prentice A Prentice, Aucts. Miss Irene Fry mxs the guest of Miss Alice Read over the Week-end. A former pastor, Rev. ‘V. S. Irwin, will occupy the pulpit in the Methodist church next Sabbath both morning and evening. His many friends will wish to seize this opportunity of renewing friendship. ' HOME AND SCHOOL (ILL'R VICTORL‘A SQL‘AHE Supper and Concert Methodist Senices vrx' nweting Iuh will he l on Tuest Cluck; An ude, “March in Mmy C. Urump. the visiting choir For bving intoxicated while driving an automobilp, films A. Jack will spgnd‘lwgrwwks in jail. spend lwu weeks in jail. In the Women‘s Cum-t, Samuel Bul- lou was fined $100 and casts or two months, on ccnviction of illvgal possesâ€" sinn (2f liqunr. The charge against Ethel MuLmen juimly charged with Bulmn. was disnnssed, PRESBYTERIAN CEiURCH Dialogues, Dills, Recitations 5-Piece Orchestra By Grant Mission Band Magistrate Jonns continues tn deal severely with offenders against the Ontario Temperance Act. Monday. in the Pnlicc Court, :mulher huts]- keepm- was beinre hm: in the person of Aihexc j. Simon, of Bruadview Hotel. Queen Strum East and Bumd» view Awnue, charged with kt'l’pi!)2 over-strenglh beer. Simon was um:- victed and fined $1,000 and costs. Accumzd of keEping liquor for sale at 209 Ontario Sueet. Edward \Vilv Hams was firwd $1,000 and 008‘s or six months. with [he nddiLirm uf a comâ€" pulsory three months in jail. This was Williams‘ second offence. Ruben Junkiu was fined $250 and costs for having l‘quor in an automoâ€" bile. SAT\'RD.\Y, Nov. LIZâ€"Barn timbers. lumber, fencing, Yorkshire pigs, lot :28, can. 5. Scan-born, the property of the Wu). Rennie 00. Sale at 1 o'clock. Terms cash. Prentice & Plentice. Aucts. SATURDAY, Dav. Iiiâ€"Farm stock, implements eLc.. lot 10. con. 1, Sourboro, the property of Mrs. Fawselt. Sale at 1 o’clock. Ten ‘monlhs’ credit. Prentice & Prentice, Aucts. TUESDAY, DEC. 16â€"Oredit sale of the entire herd of firstcclass dairy cattle, ht. mm. 2, King the property of W. T. Beynon. Sale at l o'cluck. Terms cash. Prentice & Prentice, Aucts. . TUESDAY. Nov. 25râ€"Farm stock and implements, lot. 25, rear ht con. Markham. the property of E. J. Tooley. Terms 12 months. Saleat 1 o’clock. F. W. Silver-sides Auct. . Wednesday Eve’g. Dec. 3rd cheptiunully keen competition, the boys are to be congratulated (m the splendid shuwing which Hwy made. Much credit is :Ils‘o due tn the different breeders who so gvnemusly gun- them classes to train on and ileialEd in ('VH y way pnssihle. Admission, 15 and 25 cents The team which judged ill? the Guelph Fail-consisted uf, Jack Frishy, Gonntey: Owen Luxewss, Agint-umt: Nelsnn Boyntun. Hot-mley. 1n the indxviduul standing. Jack Frisby stand eighth with Nelson Boyntm) thirteenth. ‘ I cure cancer without knife or syringe. Nothing to do but put. on. It will um. tnuch good flesh nor burn. I cured myself (our years ago. having had cancer in the month. What cured me will also cure you. The first one answering this advertisement. will get in bottle free. Come and see me; my face will Show you. Teams Iepx‘cse won fouth plat-v Competitions at Fair. and at, lhv Toronm. Camp in both evun(s,1 at Guelph and tn Royal. Considering the fact that the Imms had verv little time tn truin on account of the busy season and mat there was Caflgsrt skull \V‘LS fl'ékt rushl'd tn .’ht‘ Si 311'. Juhn (Hem un Hu’milu'uy the child. The “Royal” team cm) Clare Sanderson, Victol'iz} AHan Baldsnn. Tcdmmdnn Uowie, Markham. Glam Sanderson stood eleventh in the individual standing with Allan Balsdon fourteenth ' Dr. leins. Thwuhi” by :m unto on hol'V yesterday nflmnnnn. THE WONDER OF THE AGE ni M The ministe .UJI'I'IUN SAL!" York County Judging Teams CLARK GALBRAITH. 180 Dunn Ave., Toronto. "I Presbyferian Servicvs Toronto Police Court . v V lepresemmg \ Ul'k (u mly ,h plm-v in llw Stock judging mus at the (illr‘lph Winter at, the Ruyul Wintel Fair. Competition was ver keen vums, cwmxw-six campeting and thirtyâ€"five tennis .1! the Morning shhj The Sunday Sc leuwnt. ’zxy Hm fmct uth Sad Accident __.AT_ k Childrvl Learn consisted nfl Vlclul‘iz} Square n-Hm-nod “5: mm- in trying Lu miss REGISTER '1'!" m little 5m 5 H414 )lll at muol child ll) (1‘ Hnrvld l1 and hm-ch 2&2 Richmond Hill Phone 86] J. W. Wellman GENTS’ FURNISHINGS Paéts and Shirt: FURNITURE REPAIRED Boys lunmng s 06:. vaps, STORM WINDOWS MADE and Jersey sweaters all at very , ‘ _ ‘ ) _. ,. Pa 8 reasonable prices. }I‘ITI‘ED, ( ALPE’I DWEE R ___ QREPAIIIED, LOCKS REPAIRED . ! and NEW Ii EYS MADE Comer of Yonge & Richmond} DOOR CHECKS PUT 0N and REPAIRED ! MULHOLLAND 8; SMYTH! REpAm won; DONE By An ldealGift For Boy or Girl PORTERS DRUG STORE Richmond Hill MI LLINER Film, Portrait Attachment 50 Page Kodak Album, 1 Tu be Photo Paste, Instruction Manual and 1 Year’s Subscription to “Kodakery” A No.2 Brownie Gift Box Containing No. 2 Brownie Camera, 2 Rolls Kodak BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS . Price $5.00. 111ng ‘ . (7sz gq/fl‘mn Remedy #6906113, sews, mama/m ‘oronto Office : 2498 Yonge St. Phone Hudsuu 3108. 26-8m Boots and shoes, with agood line of Oxfords and Ladies shoes. Special prices in Khaki Pants and Shirts. Boys running shoes. caps, Jersey sweaters all at very reasonable prices. Trench Block (f nullity Curselete Fancy haying Hosiery f Underwu We invite Butterick Make ‘nur 1nd at Us” I QUALITY SHOPPE belil 1“! HT E‘VPI Mrs. Norman Batty Ill 130])“ yuu to md Bl llLPl‘ik‘S :nld Falshi hiun hunk and Deli [ht H'k uni yum: in Lhe house, 5 ests, Bloomers 2m uulkcrchiuf 183191113 'oplP of Richmnn prices. Our stuc DRY GOODS tf( TC. ndqnarl H) Icluditag toy 11in” Sheets. liuealm'. HOW G. HILL, "Oak Ridges P. 0.? BOOTS AND SHDES OF _ ALL KINDS NEATLY REPAIRED AT THE ROLFE SHOE REPAIR GOOD WORKMANSHIP JONES LUMBER C0 PHONE 27 BUILDERS SUPPLIES Special attention given to sales 01 every description. Farms and farm stock sales specialty. Farms boughg and sold on commission, Alisales at; tended ‘to nn shortest notice. and con ducted by the must approved methods Patronage salicited. JOBBING. CARPENTER. WORK LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR couxn' 0F YORK AND ONTARIO SAMPLES FREE PAINTING, DECORATING Phone 306, King, ELIZABETH 8'11, RICHMOND EH; BOX 109 )3 QUICK SERVICE Work done while you wait. Store next to Viilage Clerk. Wall Hangings _ of- Artistic Charm J. 11. Centre 14. B. FIN CH Rough and Dressed Lumb'er Hardwood Flooring Pine Lath Doors Cedar Shingles Roofings 11 display bef 01‘ 1 Hill \vzmtqunlity first k is new and up-to date. ,siik and wool, and wool. Combinattivns, Corsets. ‘ul‘ 415 Balliol St., Toronto. Phone Hudson 1347 w 1nd paper Building paper buying my in comfort 1]] and LADIES’ WEAR Street East Prentice xv or Xmas .‘rvicc Phone 53 G y prock Wallboard OI)( Sash

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