Milk is powerfulâ€"powerful as a food because it can generate energy, and the human system is an engine Jllwt what power a supply of milk has was strikingly demonstrated in Chi- cago recently, when a locomotive was run by milk. Not a human locomotive either, but an iron and steel engine, pulling a train of ï¬ve cars for a dis- MORE THAN 55,00a FARMERS have bought their farms in Western Canada from the Canadian Paciï¬c. A remarkable Fact. Think! There is a reason. The large area of our hold~ ings affording choice of location and of land to suit every farming need. Fair price, fair contract. and fair dealing combined with abundant fertility of soil, good climate and social condi- tions make farm life there desirable and attractive Thousands more will select their farm from our virgin lands, from our improved farms, and with some capital and determination to work, can make a home and pay for It. Write for our booklet, “The Prairie Provinces of Canada," and leaflet. "Western Canada Forges Ahead." C. L. \Iorwood. Land Agent. Canadian Paciï¬c Railway, Desk W.. Windsor Station, Lachine, Quebeoâ€"“ I took Lydia E. ' inkham’sVegetableCompoundhecause ' suffered with ains in my left side and eck. and witï¬ weakness and other troubles women so often have. I was this wa about six months. I saw the Vegeta 1e Compound advertised in the ‘ Montreal Standard ’ and I have taken four bottles ofit. I was a very sick wo- man and I feel so much better I would not be without it. I also use Lydia E. Pinkham’s Sanative Wash. I recom- mend the medicines to my friends and I am willing for you to use my letter as a testimonial.â€â€"Mrs. M. W. ROSE, 580 Notre Dame Street, Lachine, Quebec. PAINS IN LEFT SEE AND BABK Montreal. Que Dther Troubles Women Often Have Relieved by Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound Doctor Said an Operation Provost, Alberta.â€" “Perhaps you will remember sending me one of your books ayear ago. I was in a bad condition and would suffer awful pains at times and could not do anythin . The doctor said I could not have c ildren unless I went under an o eration. I read testimonials of Ly ia E. Pinlzliam’s Vegetable Compound in the papers and a friend recommended me to take it. After taking three bottles I became much better and now have a bonny baby girl four months old. I do my house- work and help a little with the chores. I recommend the Vegetable Compoun to my friends and am willing for you t use this testimonial letter. â€â€"Mrs.A.A. ADAMS, Box 54, Provost, Alberta. 0 ' Provincial loud of Health. Ontario “flatwnï¬nhwumwnuumuuhmnaflï¬ï¬ but through thin 001ml. Address N- a W Bone. In“ TBA "1s 2on tea†f1; bRANGE PEKOE QUALITY make: I" finer tea and more of it Made by the people who made your Phone. HEALTH EDUCATION It brings in far stations easily and distinctlyâ€"and as easily tunes out strong local stations. A ï¬ne, handsome instrument, operates with four Pea- nut tubes. Two of them are radio frequency ampliï¬ers, giving volume with clear tone. So simple that ï¬ve minutes is enough to learn its operation. Write bo-day for full information and illustrated literature regarding radio apparatus of established reputation from 83-85 MAIN ST. Dealersâ€"W. solicit your onqu‘ries for catalogue and discounts Radio Norf/zerfl Elect/7&- David A. McGowan Toronta The R-Bâ€"A Radio Frequency Set. BY DR. J. J. MIDDLETON Distributor The parallel between milk as human ‘fuel and engine fuel was pointed out, lbecause after all, the human body is {essentially a very intricate machine tauce of six miles and carrying two hundred passengers in the coaches. The demonstration was comlu Hui ly the Health Commissioner of Chicago just to show what milk could do as a fuel. .The novelty of the test made it all the more interesting, for who would think of milk being able to run‘nn engine? And yet it did run an engine. It shows that all this talk of hygien- ists about milk being good food for children and adults is no idle talk, but that its truth can be forcefully shown. The train in question started from the Englewood Station on the Rock Island tracks and ran to Beverley Hills. The sole fuel was dried milk worked into lumps about four inches in diameter, approximately the same size as locomotive coal. Calculations show that this substance has about the same heat value as medium grades of coal. Several days previous to the running of the “milk†train, a test of milk as fuel was made at one of the roundhouses of the Rock Island Road. To give the strange fuel a chance, a “warmed up" engine was taken. The steam gauge registered 135. Then 125 pounds of the lumped milk was shovelled in and began to burn vigor- ously. One of the veterans of the roundhouse staff, on watching the ex- periment, exclaimed as the milk began to burn: “That milk stuff beats any ï¬re I ever saw inside a locomotive. It burns like oil.†The steam gauge had started to climb, and when it reached 200, the engineer who had ï¬red the boiler, threw out his chest and said: “I have the honor of being the ï¬rst man to ï¬re a locomotive with milk.†DEAF AND HARD OF HEARING Toronto Lip Reading Club gives free instruction in Lip Reading. Apply Secretary, Miss A. Hetherington, 113 Hilton Ave., Toronto. Pgulgylguttet! and Eggs MONTREAL. Please write for our price list on We GUARANTEE [born for a week mac P. POULIN & 00.. LIMITED HOUSE established 60 years. 36-39 Bonucoun Market. Telenhune Main 7407 TORONTO, ONT. QUEBEC which re uIres the right kind of fuel as much, ‘lf not more than the iron and steel locomotive that pulls a train of cars on the tracks. If all these, young and old, who now use tea and coffee would stop using these beverages aml take ure milk instead. they would soon nd an improvement in their genâ€" eral health and would not regret add- ing the right kind of fuel for the deli- cate engines of which our bodies are composed. There is some reason to believe that someone fabricated an airship which Solomon gave to the son of the Queen of Sheba. Of course there was no motorâ€"possiny it was a glider. The secretary ‘of the Royal Aero- nautical Society in the preface to “Bibliotheca Aeronautica." states that Solomon gave to the Queen of Sheba “a vessel wherein one could traverse the air for wind, which Solomon had made by the wisdom that God had given unto him." There are other re- ferences to flight in Abyssinian sacred writing, and there is a long d%crip- tion of the miraculous way in which the Queen of Sheba’s son Menyelek left Solomon, journeying to his moth- er’s country. “No mar. hauled his wagon. and whether it was men, or horses. or mules, or loaded camels, each was raised above the ground to the height of a cubit.†A cubit. accord- ing to the ancient Egyptians, measured about 20 inches, but elsewhere it is recorded that over the Red Sea they were lifted up three cubits, “and every one traveled in the wagons like an eagle when his body glideth above HEALTHY CHILDREN ALWAYS SLEEP WELL the wind.†The healthy child sleeps well and during its waking hours is never cross but always happy and laughing. It is only the sickly child that is cross and peevish. Mothers, if your children do not sleep well; if they are cross and cry a great deal, give them Baby's Own Tablets and they will soon be well and happy again. The Tablets are a mild but thorough laxative which regulate the bowels, sweeten the stomach, banish constipation, colic and indigestion and promote healthful sleep. They are absolutely guaranteed free from opiates and may be given to the newâ€"born babe with perfect safety. You can obtain the Tablets through any medicine dealer at 25 cents a box, or by mail, post paid, from The Dr. Williams’ Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. The fire seems to have burned it self out, however, for on July 29th of this year she was seen, still afloat, be- tween the Azores and Portugal, and she has been reported by other ships since that date. Derelicts, like the Governor Parr, are a menace to shipping, as was shown when the Allan liner Ionian struck one in 1900. She came into port with a forty-foot gash in her side. Sometimes a derelict will remain afloat for a very long period, the re- cord being probably held by one which drifted about the North Atlantic for thirty-one months. The American schooner W. L. White affords another classic instance of the derelict’s powers of endurance. It was aband- oned in March, 1888, off the coast of the United States, and ran ashore on one of the Hebridean islands in Janu- ary, 1889, having covered a distance of 6,000 miles. Ocean Derelicts Last a Long Time. Much interest has been aroused in the question of ocean derelicts by the adventures of the abandon-i Scotia schooner, Governor Parr. This vessel left Ingramport, Nova Scotia, on September 25th, 1823, with a. cargo for Buenos Ayres. but was dismas‘ted in a gale and abandoned on Oc-tober 3rd. Later, the Elder Demp- s-ter liner, Zaria, encountered her in mid-Atlantic. A party was sent off to her, and she was set on ï¬re. Dominion Expres's Money Orders are on 53113 in ï¬ve thousand Oï¬iCes throughout Canada. Dual Personality. A certain professor was endeavor- ing to explain to his class that both parents have an equal iuuence upon the life of a child. "For," he concluded gravely, “you will ï¬nd that a. man ls as much the son of his father as he is the daughter of his mother." Mlnard'a Llnlmentifor Rheumatism Experience. Flapper Motor Driver (after the ac- cident)â€"â€"“It was all your fault. I've ieen driving carefully. I've had two years’ experience.†Old Man (picking himself up)â€""But I’ve always walked carefully. I've had 68 years' experience." Youth and beauty go: character a] (lures to the end. Did Solomon Have Airship Fleet? ISSU E No. 47â€"'24. Give and it Shall be Given - You. There lb in Austria a monastery which, in former times, was very rich, and remained rich so long as it was charitable to the poor; but when it ceaed to give, then it became indi- gent and is so to this day. Not long since a poor man went there and solicited aims. which was denied him. He demanded the reason why they re- fused to give for God‘s sake. The porter of the monastery answered: “We are become poor;" whereupon the m-endicant said. “The cause of your poverty is this: Ye had formerly in the monetary two brothers. the one named Date (give) and the other Dahl- tur (it shall be given you). The form- er ye thrust out; the other went away of himself.†London’s meat ration, according to what passes through her markets, is about 2% pounds per head of the what passes through her markets, i: about 217; pounds: per head of th1 population every week. Sweeter: the Stomach Gold in the Head Heat Mlnard's and inhale often Splendid for catarrh. Aspirin is the trade mark» (registered tn .cldesml' of Salicylicnchl (Aceryl Salk-y“v m: Alplfln mans Bayer mnulacrure, to of Bayer Conway will be sumpea win: Unless you see the “Bayer Cross†on tablets you are not getting the genuine Bayer product proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians 24 years for Insist on BAYER TABLETS OF ASPIRIN “Tobacco of Quality†Colds Pain SMOKING TOBACCO to bring you the full richness and mellow sweetness of thisâ€"â€" Manufactured by IMPERIALTOBACCO C0. OF CANADA LIMITED IS FOUR TIMES SEALED Headache Toothache Handy “Bayer†boxes of 12 tablets Also bottle: of 24 and looâ€"Dmggim. ('usdt‘s of Burr Muutnctum of Mountain- Arld, "A. S. A."). \Vhlla It 13 well 1mm swim. the public gum: lmltnflons, the Tibia. um: amen) mac mt. the "Bayer 0:0..." Accept on}; “Bayer†Package which contams proven directions. Neuralgia Lumbago Neuritis Rheumatism California produced almost six per cent. of the total hay crop reported in the United States for last year. wanted. Reynolds, 77 Victoria St., Toronto. Mlnard's Linlment Rerlieves Pa!n. \\ But you can Promo“. a (Sloan. Healthy Candis!“ Use Murine Eye Remedy $- “Night and Morning." may your Eyes Clean, Clear and Healthy!- Write for Free Eye Care Book. M‘s!“ In Bamcdy Cans) Ens: onloï¬tml, 82:355.: Classiï¬ed Advertisements “ My trouble began with a raab of pimples on. my face and shoul- ders. The pimp1-:s were hard and red and festered and scaled over. They were very lmim’ul and itched and burned so that I could not sleep nights. I was ashamed to go any- where my face was so disï¬gured. The trouble lasted about {our and a half years. “I began using Cuticum Soap and Ointment. and after using three cakes of Cuticura Soap and two boxes of Cuticura Ointment I was completely healed." (Signed) Miss Myrtle A. Weatovcr, Bolton Centre, Quebec. Rely on Cuticur? Soap, Ointment and Talcum to keep your skin dear. 31mph Huh Free by um. Address Gun-dill Depot: "Cnï¬curl. PA 0. Box 281‘. Mutual." Pnce 5031725.. Ukrainians-uniï¬es. Talcumfle. “- Try our now Shnvina Slick. ARM LOANS MADE. AGENTS PA On Face and Shoulders. ltched and Burned. MONEY TO LOAN. CURA HEALS “Bayer†package