Newtnn Brook correspundence too late for this issue. Remember the Catholic Buznur in the Masonic Hull. Flidfly and Salm- dny. E. R. Fm-tner has on suh- this week a number of men's suits and girls coats, helmv cost. Gull and see the-1n. it will u-u‘e yvu money. Division ()mut next, Tuesday, at )0 n. m. Miss Be“, u furnwr teacher here, \vu's u guest of Miss Efï¬e MoNair over the week-end. ‘ Reeve Tu-nch is in 'l‘oruntn this week, uuvnding the November ï¬lling of the Cuunty Council. Warden W. J. Gardhnuse wil'. be lmnquetlvd by his cullvngues in York OuunLy Council. at the \\'ulkel House, this (Thursday) vvoning Select, yuur gwoling cuuls in gum] time†See smuplvs ML The Liherul SLOH‘. Mr. F.W. RHWIdfld, mnnuger Standard Bunk ut Kingston, was in ’l‘uwu Sutuxdny. and m]ch on Mr. Bedfoxd 'nnd other friends. A Bazaar will be held in th Oak Ridges Hall, in connection with St. Juhn's Church. Friday evening, Nuâ€" vemher ‘25. Supper will he served from 6 tn 7.30, [n he fulluwvd by .‘l. con- cert all 8 u’clnck. Albert Britnnn, the well-known Yonge Street, bookseller, who died suddenly in Tm‘nuto on the 16th of October, 19ft an estate valued at $101,514. Deceased bequeathed several legacies tn friends. huL the bulk goes to the \vidnw. u sun and :L daughler. Did you know that. the “St. Loonaud's Players" wcn- Intud the lending amateur players in’l‘m-nnLu? Dnn'L fail tn see them at, the Masonic Hall, in "A Full Hunse" on Snluxday evening, December 6th. The ludim‘ (If the Fleshyteriun Chuwh wish to Impress their nppreci~ «lion of [he gene-runs suppmt of all who helped to make thvir lmzmn‘ such a succvss. The proceeds "mounted Ln :Ibnub fuuhlmndrkd and twenty-five dollars. ANNA A. BOYLE, Secretary. An invitation is exlended to all who can nllL-nd Im- Juniur Leuguv next Monday ut‘lm-nnnn, December 15!, at. 4 u’clnck. in the Methodist Sunday Schnnl romn, where an interesting pmgramnm will be given by the children (If the Orphanage. A special meeting nf the \Vomen's Institute will he held in the High Schuol, on \Vednesduy. December 3rd, at, 3.30 p. II). Final arrangements for the supper to he served at the opening of the High School, will beumde at, this meeting and every member ls urged lo be present. The publishpr and staff are pleased to hear that Mr. Hubert Johnstun who did splendid service in The Liberal Oï¬iCe..for nearly throw: years. is now cmnfmtahly Settled as foreman of the Uhesley Enterpxise. Mr. Johnston will be grufly missed in Richmond Hill. (aspeciuly by the girls baseball and hockey teams. A large number of enthusiastic Liberals. men and women, gathered in Prince George Hotel. Toronto, Monday afternoon. for a conference. followed by a banquet in the evening. tendered by \V. E. N. Sinclair, K. L‘., M.P.P.. the Liberal Leader for Ontario. Delegates were present from all parts of the Province. At 11 meeting of the Board of Trade Monday evening, at committee was appointed tu wait on the Village Council win) a View of fixing cextnin nighl§ whegmeelings for band practice. Board of dee and other hddies will not conflict. Schemes for a new Town Hall etc. were discussed, bu! nuthing was dOCided. The rt-gulur munthly meeting uf the Women's Missionary Snclety nf the Presbylm-inn Church was held in the School Room on Thursday afternoon. Nov.2l)lh. In Cnntinuing our study on [ndiu an interesting paper entitled, “Looking Forward," was give Mrs. H. B. Slilling. A sulo. hody mm In», of Jesus." was su Mrs. Wm. Snedden. The Young Peoples Recreation Club of Sr. Mary's U. of E. held at club dance ut the home of Mrs. Stewart Williams on \Vednesdny evening last. when umet thirty young people had a. most delightful Lime. Music. dancing. and games. were the order (if the evening. A delightful club supper was served and all went home shortly before mid- night. The annqu Rally of the Young People's Leagues of the Northern District, will be held in Richmond Hill Methodist Church, on Monday evening. December 8th, at 3 o’clock. The principul feature will bean omtorical contest in which a representatiVe from each League will take pm t. This should prove particularly interesting as each contestant has the privilege of choosing his own subject. The musical part of [he prugrmnnie will be given by the members of the Central District Executive. Has also bee welcome. "Pt‘nyé‘l. “' Sims, Miss M A vucul 5010 Glass, a mud ll be. read by Mis Smith, and Miss gi‘ven‘ ‘hy sung by The \V. A. of St. Maly’s Anglican Church announce their annual Bazaar and gale of home couking. on Saturday, December 6Lh, opening at, 2.30 in the Masonic Hall. All kinds of dainty and useful articles suitable for Christmas : 2115Ԡa fish pnnd fur the children. Afternoon tea will he served. They have been fortunate in seeming thu talented "St. Lennalds Players," in their new play "A Full Honsv,â€fnr the cuncm't, at 8 o'clock. General ud- niissinn 3?) ccnh; Rem-wed seats '50 cunts. The Choir of St. Mary‘s Church of England were invited to Mr. H. A. Niclinla’ after Iheir weekly prucLiCe last Wka for a humid] evening. A very pleasant time was spent «villi music and singing, nnd u must sumptuous supper was served. A very hwn-ty vote of [hunks wns tendered Mr. and Mrs. Nichulle and Miss Russell by Mr. Stanford fnl‘ their kind thougthulnL-ss. and lhrve hourly chm-rs fnl' each Ins-m- her of lhe full)in almost lent the walls asundw. Mr. Niulmlls replied in his usual gnod form. Rev. J. H. Rntclifl'e, I). D, recently of St (,‘atherlnes. will conduct the services next Sunday at ll and 7 o‘clock. The Sunday School will meet at 2.45 Missionary Anniversary in [he Melhndiat, Church, November 3Ulh. Special speaker’s for;th oqcasim), ll n. [ILâ€"Mr. J G. Endicntt. under appointment to China. 7 p. m.â€"â€"Mr. (i. K. Quarrington, Tnmnm, :1 forceful speaker. Don't miss Lbnso servicrs. Decvmlnm l’rvsiclent members, SATURDAY. Nov. 29â€"Anctinn sale of 30 bend rf fresh milk cows and for- ward springers, will he sold by auction at The \Vnudliridge House yards. Wuodhridge, the property of Lrnzud Clement. Sale at 1 p. in. Terms: Calves Cash. Cows 4 months credit. 1. T. Saigeon. Auct. \VEDNESDAY, DEC. 10~Farni stuck, implements etc†cum. 5, King. near Kettlehy. the. property of Lewis Muunb. Terms 10 months. Sillent 1 o'clock. Saigeon & Wilson, Aucl’s. MONDAY. DEC. lâ€"Auciion sale of 10 acres smurding timber in 1 acre lots. first rluss cedar. elm. pine and 2 virgin pine trees, an int. 27. con. 6, Markham. the property (if Thomas Hurgrave. Sale at 1 o'clock. 4 montns credit. F. W. Silver-sides, Aucticneer. _ ’I‘I‘ESDAY, DEC. 9â€"Farm stock, impleâ€" ments, furniture etc, int 24,c0n.4, Vaughan, the prnperty (if j. A. Manning. Sale at, 12 o’cluck. Terms 10 months. J. T. Saigeon, Auct. SATURDAY, DEC. Iiiâ€"Farm stock, implements etc., in: 10. con. 1, Sear-born. the property of Mrs. Fawsett. Sale at 1 o'clock. Ten mmxlhs’ credit. Prentice & Prentice, Aucts. TUESDAY, DEC. lGâ€"Credit sale of the entire herd of first-class dairy cattle. int 3. con. ‘2. King the property of \V. T. Beynon. Sale at 1 o’clock. ‘ Terms cash. Prentice & Prentice, Aucts. SATURDAY, DEC. 20â€"Furm stock, implements. furniture. grain. huy etc., int l9, con. 4, East York. the property of J. W. anry. Sui? at ll o’clock sharp. Lunch prerided. very large sale. The auctinnper will start. l on time. Prentiro & Prentice. Aucts. The regular munlhly W.U.'l‘.1'. will he held M rs. \V IN THE MATTER OF the Estate nf ROBERT MAUKIE, late of the Town- ship of Markham. in the County of York. decgused. NOTICE is hereby given pursuant tn the “Trustee Act," R.S.O. 19“, Chapter 1'21, and Amending Acts. that, all creditors and ntbers having cluims or demands whï¬tsoever against the Estate of Ruben. Mackio, who died on m‘ ahout the 19th day of Mav.19‘24, are required on or befm'e the 27th day of December. 1924, to send by post prepaid or deliver to the undersigned, the solicitors for the Executors of the last Will and Testament of Lhe said deceased. their Christian names and surnames. address and descriptions, the full particulars in writing of their claims. slatement of their accounts, and the nature of the security, if any, held by them. AND TAKE NOTICE that after such inst mentioned date the said Executm-s will proceed to distribute the Resets of the said deceased. among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice and that the said Executors will not helinhie for the said estate or any part. thereof to any person or persons of whose claim notice shall not, have been received hy them at the time of such distribution. Al'CTlON SALE REGISTER Notice to Creditors Presbyterian Services Methodist Sen ices ulm- monthly meeting of the will he held at [he hnule of A. Wlight, next, Tuesday, 2nd;- at lhl'eP n'clhck. Tho: dunirew a. full Mtvudunco of and ofï¬cers. W. C. T. U. this 24th day herein cil .| . . . .. 2.21 Adrmssxon, 15 and ‘20 cents 9 (his muly. ‘ Byginning with :1 Xt~nr uf Simpsnn's EStmz- nt 13.30 on Fliduy, lllt‘il' hip in- cludod alsu n lmnqxwt, pnuidval hv the Robert Simpson Cu, In Company with l the hands (If the firm, :1 {Our of thc T. )uton Co. factory, u u-ip Lhrnugh the Parliament Buildings, an address by Mr. ledhnuse, the Deputy Minister Inf Agriculture, und finishing up the first day by taking in the night show at, the Royal. where the classes of jumpers. trained hursvs, musical ride and the antics of the clown nllcon- tlibuted to {he evmnng's entertain- nwnt. Many people have been hvzud 10 exp: Pas lheir nppre-cinlinn (if the Royal Winn-r Fair, but it is doubtful if any nu:- wus as keenly :xpprecinlive of all the sights uf lhn big: Fair as th pmty of buys from York County which spent two days in 'I‘nmntn as n I'P\Villd uf Ilwil- "hilin in sluck judging at their SCIIOUI Fairs. Run-iv has n IMI'L" of Ilwil- ulnlily in slmgk judging a Sulmnl Fairs. Ruwlv has n p; boys had so lulu-h (-xpmiemv r jnymenL cramnu-d into lwu days this muly. Buginning with :1 [nur uf Sin. The boys were warm-d nut to get up until 7.30 next, mmning. but such a thing as, sleeping on n U ip of this kind was considered a waste of time and as enily as five o‘clock sounds of revelry \vme heard and long luefm-ednylight the boys were lendy to shut the day. Saturday \(‘us >pent, in the Royal )oliseuln where nothing was missed. The. hmse. mltlv. sheep, and swine stables were, all visited. much interest being ShoWn by all the boys. Next. 111.u poultry show, silver fox exhibits, and all the other exhibits including the gold fish. Were visuted and connnenled upon. The dog show prohahly excited more interest, than anything. This huilding contains wonderful variety of (logs. and slit-h u gnu-n, \':n iety of noises ranging all the way from [he yapping of N pinnelaninn to the buying of the hounds and nmslifl'a. The "flel'nonn was spent watching the horse show, the party leaving for home at four n'cluL-k, and were all de- liveled safely to thu vaiious hnnn-s, loaded with smu’cnirs, very tired and \‘e_l_-y happy. This [Pip will be made an annual affair for [he winan in the Slock Judging Cnmpeliliun at the diffuth SChUUI Fail-s. It. is It) be hupvd that man Township will pmvide enough live stock at such nf the fails to per- mit of a gnnd Cumpvtilinn. The party cnnsiatcd of -â€" John Uavxnagh. Aginmmrl: Frank Snudden, Pt'fft’ll'lw: Arlhur- \\'.dsun, Queunsvillv: Lvlund Heucock, Kvmlehy; (iemge Boyntnn, Golmh-y: Canwl'un McUlux-v, Klginlng. Brimful nf iunterest to every spurts- man is the Deeomlwr issue of Rod and Gun in CMYHLdfl. Twu especially good stories appear in the fiisb section. I’ve \Vnnderml in the Village, Tom. hv Geoxge R. Beltou. will lunch a chord of sympulhy in everyone who has returned to lhl' home town after years ofnbsence. Bonnycaslle Dale upholds his reputation as a writer of very interesting wild animal and wild bird smiles in The Canada Grnuse. F. V. Willhuns and Martin Hunter. other regular conu-ihhtms, have sturies that are Worthy successors of their previous mws. Besiues’utber inn-resting and instructive articles, the regular depart- ments are. all up [0 the mark. Guns and Ammunition comprises a number of extremely Interesting articles on a variety of subjects. 1C0ncert J .W. WELLMAN The Christmas season is drawing near and the Spirit of Christmas is already abroad. Phone 86] Richmond Hill PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 7-014†1 Wednesday Eve’g. Dec. 3rd! Dialogues, Dills, Recitations 5-Piece Orchestra By Grant Mission Band I have a good assortment of Scarfs, sweaters, shirts, silk Handkerchiefs clan, that make ideal and useful Christmas Gifts. All reasonable prices. lso a vaiiety of Ties in Gift. Boxes. Boudoir slippers for Ladies’ and Children. Jus: the thing for these cool mornings. Rubbers, Goloshes, Boots, Shoes for Ladies’, Gents and Kiddies, aiways on hand. CALL AND SEE THEM OR York County Boys Visit The Rayal Winter Fair GENTS’ FURNlSHlNGS Rod And Gun (:ur uf Simpsnn's jay, lln‘ir hip in- Lpnn'idell hv the In Company with Mir as [130 pmty Lnty which spent as n Haw;le Hf judging at their party - um] ( as u] MILLINER An IdeaiGift For Boy or Girl PORTERS DRUG STORE Richmond Hill The National Sanitarium Associa- tion is to be congratulated on the handsome Christmas Seals now on sale in aid of the Muskoka Hospital for Consumptives. To meet a persistent demand for a real Christmas Seal, not merely an advertising sticker, quite a new dc- parture has been. made. The seals, beautifully colored and embossed. tenadesigns, are put up assorted in packets of different denominations. A No. 2 Brownie ? Gift Box .I Containing ‘ No. 2 Brownie } Camera, ‘ i 2 Rolls Kodak 1924 Christmas Seals Film, Portrait Attachment 50 Page Kodak Album, 1 Tube Photo Paste, Instruction Manual and l Year’s Subscription to “Kodakery†Price $5.00. [221C to carry on these seals only will ronto, Ontario return, made to s will go to For sale by banks, or dir Department ' Jilillflll- cRets of differs The Hospital i: Trench Block (Quality We are receiving daily, Christmas supplies, including Toys and Novelties. , A full range of Handkerchiefs from 5 cents to 50 cents each. Silk Scarrs in newest shades Silk and wool and pure Silk Hosiery, "No Seconds“ Billie Burke Flannel Dresses, the kind you are not ashamed to wear; Also Blouses in silk Broadcloth and pure silk. Ladies‘ Vests, Combination and Bloomers; also Childrcns underwear. BUY AT HOME Abill SAVE YOUR CAR FARE OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT. QUALITY SHOPPE 1t your mane help someone in distress. : by school children, and direct from Xmas Seal 1t. Gage Institute,’ To- I‘VE in lieu Mrs. Norman Batty‘ Work. WI DRY GOODS â€":- LADIES’ WEAR 00d BOOTS AND SHOES OF ALL KINDS NEATLY REPAI RED AT THE ROLFE SHOE REPAIR GOOD WORKMANSHIP JONES LUMBER C0 PHONE 27 BUILDERS SUPPLIES LICENSED AUCTIUNEER FOR COUNTY OF YORK AND ONTARK Special attention given to sales 0 every descnption. Farms and fan) atm'k sales specialty. Farms bougb and sold on commission. Alla-ales at muded to on shortest notice. and con ducted by the mostapproved methods Patronage sulicited. SAM PLES FREE I PAINTING. DECORATING G. HILL, “Oak Ridges P. O. Phone 306, King: JOBBING, CARPENTER WORK FURNITURE REPAIRED STORE/I “’INDOWS MADE and FITTED, {‘ARPET SWEEPBRS REPAIRED, LOCKS REPAIRED and NIHV KEYS MADE DOOR CHECKS PUT ON and REPAIREI) REPAIR \VORK DONE BY QUICK SERVICE Work done while you wait. Store next to Village Clerk. ELIZABETH STA BOX. 109 Wall Hangings J. 11. Prentice - of- Artistic Charm Centre Street East Rough and Dressed Lumber Hardwood Flooring Pine LaLh Doors Cedar Shingles Sash Rooï¬ngs Gyprock [‘ar pa per Wallboxrd‘ 415 lelliol St, Toronto. Phone Hudson 1347 W 'Building paper ‘rvice Phone 53 RICHMOND HIL 13 Doors Sash G y prock Wallboard