Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 27 Nov 1924, p. 8

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The third December lst Discount of instalment of taxes for 1924, is due on next. 5 per cent. when payment is made on or before December 15. A. J. HUME, W DR J. :9, WILSON to to 12 Ollie: hours 6 to 8 p.111. 0fi°lce and . (‘rhurch Streets Richmond Hill TV». 24. MW DR. M.- B. WELLW‘OOD Oflice:â€"â€"t‘entre St. West RICHMOND lllLL Phone ‘3 Office llours: ill-1:2; 0-8. m-mm~ I l a.m. residenceâ€"Centri- and Phone l l * r l J. EDWARD Iii-{A NC18: NOTARY rustic . COMMISSIONER, CONVEYANCER. FTC..." REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE Thornhill. ' ; ww‘ m lilacNaughton & Campbell: Barristers. Solicitors. Etc. ,Offleesvfiuite 5n MeKi-inon Bldg. 1 Cor. Jordon and Melinda Stsq Toronto.i Telephone Main 363l. A. CAMERON .\l.\t‘.\'AUGI£TUN FREDERICK -\. A. CAMPBELL Mr. Campbell will he at. The Liberal (lfiiec. Hill. every Tuesday afternoon. WW... ~Adeline Meietcr and illiss Rosalind Bush l. T. C. ill. From the Toronto Conservatory of Millie. will accept a nnmlu‘r of pupils ii. Piano. Vocal and l -: Theory ' 3 Richmond Hill, Friday and Saturday ' For information Phone 110. Mus. MYLKs. *â€" JOHN R. AMPBRLD VETERINARY SURGEON. ’l‘hornhill. Call by phone or otherwrse promptly ; JOHN T. ANDERSON PIANO TUNER 378 Berresfortt Ave. \Vest Toronto. Phone lunction 0072. Leave Orders nt Glenn's Dun: Store, Richmond Hill. l TWENTY-FIVE YEARS’ EXPERIENEE All mail orders will receive“ promp attention. in l i l Denton, Macdonald 6: Benton Barristers. Solictors. &c. MANNING ARCADE. teries, Myers. and Westinghouse tubes carried in stock at Toronto prices. ero S'r. WEST. TORONTO. Camus. TELEPHONE MArx- 311 Cable Address: “Dedo frthut A. Macdonald Frank Denton Laura Denton. B. A. l l . l Studio â€"â€" (fertile-St. West. Licensed Auctioneer for therunty of York. Salenzetlonded to on shortest. notice, and at reasonable rates. .8. a. PALMER a Sorts RADâ€"l6 . town. ‘ Radio Set installed. wonderful results from our Atwater Kent set. home so you can enjoy the concerts Treasurer DRS. LANGSTAFF and ' NoRTH YONGE ST., llrcnnoxn HILL. v DR. ROLPH L. LANGSI‘AFF. Office hours 8:10 a.m. and Il : R pan. 1 DHTLILLIAN C. LANos'rAr‘E (diseases of women anzl children.) Office hours 1 :3 p. to. Phone 100. mmmm . Miss Verdella [loner Teacher of Piano Playing Pupil of]. E. Newton, and B. 1-1. Gal-man Pupils sueressiully prepared for Conservaer Examinations Phone 88 liit-litt. ind llill. 12~2l _......... flm.,.~ ‘__..._ PELHAM CIIAFFEY TENOH TEACHER OF SINGING Now aer‘cpting pupils. I’l'ume ill] f('l' information CHOIR-LEADER AND ()EIGANIST I’RESRY'I‘ERIAN (‘l-H'Rt'l‘l I. ‘1'. SAIGEOR Maple t Patronage solicited DEALERS FOR Dodge Bros. Motor Cars WillysoOverland Motor Cars ‘ Willy'sâ€"Knight Motor 1 Cars. lO-th‘ Now is the time to have your We are getting j Let us instal one in your ‘. the air every night. ' given over to consultation and minor l ____4 )1 Presentation and Acknowledgement l By Our Prompt Adjustments of Claims and Prompt Service we Are Known In All Lines of Insurance for The. following letters themselves : R. H. H.S., Nnv.17, 192i Dear Mr. linden.â€" Ou behalf of the. 1533' Athletic Association I Write to thank yoi for spea'; our 5 lendid ift to the pupil»~ 0| I) __ J i x Pichmdbd Hillg High School. We ABrngi‘IgBLi??? greatly appreciate your interest in our â€"JA ‘ ‘ v I (1 ‘ ’ " sports life for we, realize what such ACCIDENT BLRJLARY sympathy and interest mean to w. SICKNESS and G UARAN'I‘EF OF PON.’ S Sports of all departments in the school curriculum, do most to develop a spi : of fair play anti good fellowship amongst the future citizens of our fair dominion and we are taught to play the game no matter what the odds may he. Bring Your Business to lie and (let. Service. No Charge for Advice A. G. SAVAGE, General Agent In closing [again thank you for RICHMOND [IIIJ‘T‘ ‘ TI”: POST_OFFICR BUILDING your extreme kindness, Yours gratefully. â€"â€"â€" ;»_â€"-- -â€"â€" 4. in. M..- ...._. _ R. H. H. 8. Boys‘ A, A. (per) 1. Craig; McDonald, Secy. ORE EGGS from Each lien The use of hens is to lay eggs and hens will positively la ' . . . v y more eg 5â€" GUARANTEEDâ€"rf you put a dose of Pratt's Poultry Regulator in the iced every day. * Your dealer is authorized to give back your money if it fails. #18113, Poultru Regulator Write Ir FEE BOOK. Richmond Hill, Ont, Ntiv.2£19‘2l Ml‘. J. Uraig McDonald. Secretary R. H. H. S. Boys‘ A'. A. Richmond Hill, Ont. Dear McDonald,â€" I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter of the 17th inst.. and \thlli‘l .sk you to convey to the It. H. H. H. ll =y~' A.A.. my very deep appreciation r-t' their acknowledgement of the basket ball outfit and gymn suits. l h .(l the sweaters (:1 tripletin fur IllPl' . , _ ._ H . l with m) Regimental Crest. Tn me the V (a Crest is sacredly unasured, and l hope ’ "I C‘ ' " "I in Wearing those sweaters, that the Joâ€"U‘nbl I members of the team will ever up. hold as true gentlemen should, the highest sporting traditions. May the gymn he to every member of the association an inspiration LO play illSU the ganw of Me nobly, and may each of you not only he moulde physically the better but also morally. PRA FOOD CO. OF CANAA. LTD., TORONTO The next. meeting of the (‘ouncil of thej Municipality of Vaughan will le held the Town llall, [ l in l l Vellore, on MONDAY, DEC. 1, 1924‘ Muilr today is being given you young men. therefore later your re. at 10.30 o’clock a. m. l sponsihilititu~ are the greater. Arise, J. BAH-[41,332 pink. I each of you ~o lllt‘ tasks later demand- . 4 - 5"""3 a ’W V ' JU¢ r-<l, and the samihiws now being made . “L” " N “am l for you by your devoted inlhers and , mothers, will then not have been ‘ mail:- in vain. Again. McDonald. l thank you, and your >|l‘lllllllll‘tllls appreciation his pleawtlum- far greater than words L n exprtms. Government. Municipal ’ and Corporation Bonds Bought, Sold and Exchanged d. J. Deane Private Phone: 78 Woodbridge -nm Yours must sincerely, llnty )lorden, Capt. Yo: l; l’taugvrs. Secretary, Richmond Hill lloaltl of Education. milk is a friend of baby’s friend“: " enough . Its purity helps to ward . â€"4-â€"â€"v¢.9_‘â€"â€" oll' illness and its wholeâ€" “’9'er . v.5, on: ttohgszizll iii? militia Middle“ 67 All business strictly COLLEGE ST., TORONTO . confidential .. 2 off.“ a ‘ iigggggMOM/fmfltm I ' Pear Mr. Editor:â€" Your readers have probably had their appetite for statistics satiated during the past few months. Stil‘ they will, no doubt, want to know something of the work accomplished by the hospital to which they have so generously contributed in the past. They arew shareholders in a Mission of Mercy. Their dividends are not paid in coin ot’ the realm. May I trespass upon your space to outline what those dividends are? H. A- lllOHOLL‘s NOTARY PUBLIC Commissioner, (Ton \'(â€"‘_V:lll(‘t’l‘, Etc See Samples of our New Type FaCes before sending your Printing elsewhere ; they suit Insurance and Real Estate RICHMOND HILL ' A. C. HENDERSON PLUMBING .\.\‘n TINsnITHINo HO’I‘ warm: HEATING; AND (murmur. REPAIRS THORNHILL. ONT. Dr. L. R. BELL DENTIST} Oflice Trench Block. two doors north of Standard Bank: licursllaun. II- 3.50 p.m. Telephone 22 Firstly, the daily average of chil- dren occupying cots in the Hospital for Sick Children was 255. The total cared for as ln-patients was 6.397. That is equivalent to the ~ population of a goodâ€"sized Ontario I ' MULHOLLAND 8: SMYTH SOLICITORS, l WRIGHT BROS. Undertakers and Embalmers RICHMOND HILL. THORNHlLL ANE UNIONVILLE arge stock of Funeral Furnishing Kept at the above places â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"_â€"_â€"____ And secondly, the out-patient de partmcut. This is a wing of offices ETC. Toronto Office : 2193 Yonge St. Phone Hudson 3108. iAltltlsTERS, operations. On an average there were 190 young callers a day. That is where the dividends are I earnedâ€"4n the difference made in ' .)._ . -b bm I A” Sets from >375 up. .Y i Everready and Burgess B. Bab. ladiotron, De Forest‘ Loud speakers aerial wire and nsultators. W. G. BALDOCK LTD. RICHMOND HILL OUR FIRST CONSIDERATION IS QUALITY We have a full new line at from $3.50 of men‘s Felt Hats to 54.00 All kinds of Sweaters and Sweater Coats at from $2.50 to 85.50 Men’s good grain cowhide Work Boots, solid leather. $4.50. all Everything for men, and Boots, Shoe-3 and Rubbers for women and children The fall and winter Hobberlin samples are in; wrth prices greatly reduced NORM AN J. GLASS limbs are made straight. ' Ontario which has taken place since f i nurses have been going out through . “irritationirritations ‘ could any the lives of thousands of children 1 through the voluntary contributions which render it possible to main tain an institutmn where pallld cheeks become .,rosy and twisted FEATHERS The Dominion Feather and Mattress it‘ll. are located at Richmond Hithand Good Workmansbip ,lu'ill maki- y.:ut feather bed into a. . ‘ sanitary roll mnttn-ss 1:l' down ’ Pronlpt service cointarler. We pay liighrst prices for l in Vvintertonvs IAll Kinds of Boot and Shce Repairing Neatly Done 1 old or new feathers, Drop a. card and Stand, Yonge St. enormous salvage of child-lire in i 192;, I u that were flat divjdend enough itilll agent “'1” Call. Dominion Feather-l l . GEO. KIDD “118 might "Y to estimate the land Mattress Co. {ichmond Hill, ()nt ‘Boot and Shoe Repairer "Sick Kids" doctors and “SiCk Kids" 5 Are you a Subscriber P I. ll. HARDWARE & SUPPUES limited Phone 33 Thornhill, Ont. Fleury Products WALKING FLOWS, No, 12 or No. '21 With 'l‘inkler Wheel Attachment 3 this province equipped with ‘ knowledge or children's diseases. which they could not get except in 5 some such highly specialized and ' pro-eminently etflcieut institution . as the Hospital for Sick Children. On this year's service the Hospt tat expended $345,126 and find: itself in the hole to the extent 0) $134,284. What comes in around Christmasttme Keeps the Hospital going. So long as the word “Christ mas" retains its original significancq charity possibly enlist more of the sympathy of your readers or enti‘le itself to more 01 their support? Faithfully yours. 1. E, ROBERTSON. (1.: IO N. is: 00! C .9 O “U: also wish to announce that we have obtained the Agency {up 'l‘llE ('OC'KSIIL'TT PLOW (0., Lin, and will in future carry a full line of their products Chairman Appeal Commit“! MINUTE OF MERCY COSTS FIFTY CENTS T. H. HARDWARE & SUPPLIES LIMITED Phone 33. Thornhill, Ont. mmâ€" A ll

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