Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 18 Dec 1924, p. 3

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....â€" Bank of Montreal Annual Sir Vincent Meredith ExpresseslBeH Offers Inducements to Immigran Countries. Sir Frederick Williams-Taylor Points Orderâ€"People Must lnsist on Governmcn Meeting. hat Canada Must Put House in Out T t Practising Policy of Economy. ___________.â€"_'~ The 107th annual general meeting of the shareholders of the Bank. of Montreal was marked by interesting addresses by Sir Vincent Meredith. President, and Sir Frederick Wil- Hams-Taylor, General Manager. The President declared that he was satisfied “that a gradual improvement in the trade situation is occuiring. Statistical returns support this view, and while there is irregularity in the movement. in the main the trend is upward." After pointing out the grati- fying "rowth of a favorable balance of trade, the President declared that he regarded this increase in Canada's foreign trade credit as “an augury of a not distant improvement in domes- tic business." The President concluded his ad- dress with the following expression of confidence: “My last word is a word of confi- dence and encOuragement. The in- terests of your Bank are more closely bound up with those of Canada than ever before and unless Canada pros- pers the Bank cannot expect the prosperity it should enjoy. I believe Canada will prosper. It offers in- ducements to immigrants vastly su- perior to those of other countries which are at present endeavoring to attract citizens. it stands third amongst the countries of the world in natural resources. “Yetcardinalvirtues must be prac- ticed and I would again stress the necessity for hard work and econ- omy, so often preached and seldom put into practice, and the need for immigration. Given these three things, BY DR. J. J. Crescent, Toronto. The health of many men and women engaged in certain industries is affect- ed by benzol, a product largely used in this province in the preparation 0 rubber for commercial purposes. T00 often in the past, before the effects of benzol poisoning were known, and measures taken to counteract; it, there Twas a considerable amount of some- what unexplainable sickness, through such conditions as loss of energy and loss of appetite, general weakness, sleeplessness and irritability. These and other symptoms of a kindred na- ture indicated that something was wrong, but just what the trouble actu- ally was, constituted a problem. i r . Knowing the effects of benzol poison- ing, investigations were made by phy- sicians from the Ontario Dept. of Let Christmas Day usher in months of pleasure with a ONIPHONE, Radio Receiver. No other gift will give such continu. Ous pleasure, so constantly remind the recipient of Your thoughtful goodwill. And it's a gift you can be proud ,to send. All Marconi deal- crs have vario‘us models and will install the set you select. Willa lo any one of addresses below for illustrated booklet THE MARCONI TELEGRAPH 60. OF CAN.. LTD. WIRELESS FONTREAL, TORONTO, HALIFAX, VANCOUVER. ST. JOHNS. NFLD. Provincial Board of Health, Ontario. Dr. Middleton will%e glad to answer questions on Public Health mat- ters through this column. Address him at Spadina House. Spadina fitbe blood of the I look forward with fthe utmost conâ€" : ‘ ’ ce 0 Canada's uture. lmun Mltlch to be Thankful For. n Sir Frederick Williams-Taylor. tte general manager. in his address 0 the shareholders. said in part: "First and foremost I Would say :that there must be an end to the Pre- lsent apathy about pirblicwpffaoigséo it: ' so who W1 11 . my opinion, the Eir VOte m the trouble to register th 4 â€" municipal, provincial, and federal at fairs should be penalized in some form for their indifference. “We all know that apart from the cost and defects of the war Canadas troubles are the accumulated. result of what may be termed in mild arid temperate language imprudence n affairs. ' "Good government is a hard probâ€" lem in any country. No government can move faster in these matters than public opinion will permit. and. 11pm; the people lies the responsibility 0 o in for economy. v ‘t‘Wge, in Canada, have much to be thankful for. If this were a poor country our case would be a bad one, but we have riches in our forests. our fields, our fisheries. and in our miner- als, also in our mighty water powers, and in the industry and ambition of our people. . “If Canada were a private business enterprise the situation would pre- sent no great difiiculty. for we are solvent, with wealth vastly in excess of our liabilities; and a way would be found by following the obvious course of cutting down our overhead and. like a sane, capable and indus- trious people, putting our house in order." I I HEALTH EDUCATION MIDDLETON ‘Health, in plants where this commod- ity was used. One of the firsttests lconsisted in making an examination of persons working ‘there, to see if the amount of red and .white corpuscles were up to the stan- dard. In nearly every casewhere the worker had been submitted to the fumes of benzol for a considerable length of time, there was a diminuâ€" ltion in the white blood count resulting in the symptoms already mentioned. Just how many people in the province are subjected to benzol fumes has not been determined up to the present but at any rate, there is definite proof that the poisoning from this source constitutes a health hazard, the in~ 'jurious effects of which cannot be minimized. It might be opportune to mention {at this point that benzol is very ac~ tive solvent for rubber. It is efficient and economical in all trades in which rubber has to be used. Its only two disadvantages, and both are formidâ€" iable, are that the fumes are poisonous iand highly inflammable. It will, ltherefore, be seen at once that measâ€" fures have to be taken to control the gfumes of benzol and quickly and effi- ciently remove the from workshops and factories where people are em- ployed. ; A few days ago I visited a large canning factory in this province where benzol is used in the manufac- ,ture of rubber rings for the lids of Iairtight cans. Recently one or two iof the workers employed in this in- dustry died and the cause of death was attributed to benzol poisoning. iAs a result, ver active interest is fnow being taken y the management ‘11) the health of the workers, and every possible effort is being made to remove the danger of benzol poisoning. Powerful exhausts have been installed over the ovens where the benzol fumes :are evaporated and these exhausts 1draw away a very large amount of {the fumes. Except directly at the in- take of the exhaust, the odor of hen- 5201 is hardly discernible. As a furâ€" ;ther precaution, the workers are subâ€" .Jected to a blood examination every _month or six weeks, and if any indi- cation of anaemia is found. the affect- ;ed person is either transferred to an- {other department or allowed to go {home for a period of rest and recupâ€" ,eratron._ The management has further {Shown'its interest in the workers by ’prowding a pint of fresh milk each ,morning for every worker in the henâ€" 1zol department, and this innovation has proved doubly successful in that 11t has stimulated the employees and .especrally the women emplo'ees to ,‘brmg-sandwiches, etc, to ta e with :the milk. Many of these women, worâ€" : ried with household cares had hitherto stime for only a cup of tea or coffee be- ,fore coming to work. The provision 'of milk has brought about a better standard of health for every worker Eso favored, and in addition has reâ€" iduced the time lost through sickneSS. {Efforts are being made by the Indus- Itrral Hygiene Divrsion of the Pro. ln‘ncial Department of Health to inâ€" iterest all employers in the health of 1their workers, so that active measâ€" lures may be taken to preserve the ; health of all classes of people engaged lin industry and so bring about a bet- lter standard of health and living conâ€" ditions not only for the workers themâ€" selves but also for their families and ldependents That anomaly of the gentler sex, the fur neckpicce in summer that fas- hion decrees milady must Wear if she would he the envy of other L. Patch, Government taxidermist of the Victoria Museum. In this way wild fur-bearers would be given greater protection. 4.; "There sh uld be a closed season for fur nerkpieces." he says. "if wo~ men want to wear woollen undergar~ ments in July and August it is tliolr own business, as iltc supply of wool is unlimited, but I claim they should not be permitted in summer." lxtorminaiion, he claims. had be- gun when the number taken for fur was greater than the annual birth rate. Reliable furriwrs. he said, had abandoned the practice of selling furs under misleading namos. such us call- ing dyed mink sable. and dyed rabbit ermine and chinchilla. One would no longer find two rabbiis reared by the same mother posing on the same counter as "white fox" and "black lynx." .. a... awom . T00 WEAli T0 WALK The Sad Condition of a Brandon Ladyâ€"How Relief Came. “I owe my present good health to Dr. YVllliams’ Pink Pills," says Mrs. Annie Treherne. Brandon. Man, who tells of her new found health as fol- lows:~"Some years ago I had an at- tack of pneumonia and it left me in a. terribly weakened and run-down state. I was unable to walk for a long time as I had practically lost the use of my legs, and had to be carried up- stairs, for I had not the strength to go myself. I became despondent over my condition for I had tried many remedies, which failed to help me. While in this wretched condition a lady friend urged me to give Dr. Wilâ€" liams' Pink Pills a trial and 1 pro- cured a supply. After taking the pills for a while I could see that I was growing stronger, and l gladly contin- ued their use until I had fully regain- ed my old-time health and strength. Now if I feel at all run down at any time I at once take Dr. Williams‘ Pink Pills, and they never fail me. I can therefore warmly recommended them to others who may be run down.” There is no better tonic than Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills to improve the acute diseases such as fevers, pneu- monia, influenza, etc. Given a fair trial they will not disappoint you. You can get the pills from your drug- gist, or they will be sent by mail at 50 cents a box by The Dr. Williams' Medicine 00.. Brockville, Ont. Free Paint Book for the Children. Xmas is not far off. Mothers can reduce the cost of filling Xmas stock- ings by securing a little painting book entitled “Tommy Tomkins Painting Book” in return for four OX0 CUBE wrappers. It is filled with pictures showing how Tommy won a long dis- tance race; how he won fame at foot- ball, boxing, wrestling; what he did when his automobile broke down in a big race and how he succeeded in keeping at the head of his class in sch-col, etc., etc. “The Mighty Atoms" are always ready for making beef tea and consomme and to put flavor and meat strength into soups, stews, hash, and meat pies. Ask any grocer, every store, of course, carries them, and mail the wrappers to Tommy Tomkins, Oxo Limited, 232 Lemoine St, Montreal, P.Q., and your copy will be forwarded by return in time for placing in the Xmas Stocking. 4.“...â€" Her Finish. “Your daughter recites very well," the pastor's wife remarked to Mrs. Muddleby at the church social. "Yes," said Mrs. Muddleby. “I’m goin’ to give her a course in electrocu- tion." Then she smiled and added, To sorter finish her off, you know.’ . _________.:o.____ Mlnard‘s Llnlment Relieves Pain. Britain’s largest train is the 3.45 ,pJn. from Swindon to Paddington, which does the 77% miles in seventy. five minutes. MORE THAN 55,000 FARMERS have bought their farms in Human Canada from the Canadian Pacific. A remarkable Fact. Think! There is a reason. The large area of our bold~ ings affording choice of location and of land to suit every farming need. Fair :prlce. fair contract, and fair dealing combined with abundant fertility of soil, good climate and social condi- tions make farm life there desirable and attractive. Thousands more will select their term from our virgin lands, from our improved farms, and with some capital it. Write for our booklet. "The Prairie Provinces of Canada." and leaflet. “Western Canada Forges Ahead." C. L. Norwood. Land Agent, Canadian Pacific Railway, Desk “K, Windsor Station, Montreal. Que. lSSUE No. 61â€"'24. ishould be barred. according to Cylde, blood and bring back strength after ' and determination to. iwork. can make a home and pay for‘ FOR HIRE GNES women. ‘ Mrs. Avila Noel, Haut liameque. N. 8., writesr “i can highly recommend Baby's Own Tablets as tizoy have .workcd wonders in the caso of my baby. i always keep zlmm in the house ‘and would not feel .-z.l'e without them." .What Mrs. Noel says coucorning 'llaby's Own Tablets is just what thous- ands of other mothers say and feel. .’l‘be Tablets are a mild but thorough ilaxative which regulate the bowels ind stomach, thereby banishing cou- istipation. colic, indigestion and a host for the other minor ailments of little ,Ones. The Tablets are absolutely guaranteed to be free from opiates or , narcotics or any of the other drugs so [A GRAND liEllltiNE ’ .___._ MONEY TO LOAN. ARM LOANS MADEâ€"AGENTS wanted. Reynolds, 77 Victoria Street, Toronto. We are interested in obtaining OLD and HARE BOOKS ON CANADIAN SUBJECTS. Send particulars to the Wilson Publishing Company. 73 West Adelaide Street, T'~ronto, Ontario. Don’t Cough l Rub the throat and chest with Minard’s, enemv of colds. the great .liarmiul to the welfare of the baby. : .«_ :nlways do good. They are sold by linedicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine (10., Brockville, Out. I. I At So Much. “I'm very sorry my engagements prevent my attending your charity concert, but I shall be with you in .spirit.” ‘ “Splendid! And where would you like your spirit to sit? I have tickets for half a dollar, a dollar and two dol- lars." Payment for arbicles advertised in this column should be made with Doâ€" minion Express Money Orders~a safe way of sending money by mail. Never wring or twist a dyed gar- ment. Squeeze gently and allow to drip till nearly dry. Minard's Liniment for Rheumatism. Those who can, do; those who can't, talkâ€"~Mr. George Bernard Shaw. Every man must put the “U” in his own future. . A_._‘.-_.~_.._ foe You» EYES .They cannot possibly do harmâ€"they l [CZEMA IN RED PIMPLES 01] animal Badly. Cuticura Healed. “Eczema first began with an itch- ing on my face. Little red pimples formed that itched very badly caus- ing me to scratch. The scratching made the pimples large and red. and some nights they burned and kept me awake for a while. “ My mother recommended Cuti- cura Soap and Ointment so I sent for a free sample which helped me. I purchased another cake of Cuti- cura Soap and a box of Cuticura Ointmen and in a month I was completely healed.” (Signed) Miss Edith H. Kelley, Rt. 1. Unity, Me.. July 12, 1923. Daily use of Unions Soap, Oint- ment and Talcum helps to prevent skin troubles. Sample Blah Free by Mail. Addresl Canadian Depot: " Outlcnra, P. 0. Box 2616, Montreal." Price SoapZéc. Ointment 253ml 60:. Tllcumzée. Try-our new Shaving Stick. " filiiiiii“ - 2. . ’5’ v-v‘ 5“ f - " ..«» '~ I â€"- ' elbolbular Route.z‘wfiicflfafiz‘ermnmn SS.Providence SS. Patria SS.Providence SS. Paula From: New York . . . . . . . an. 10 Feb. 17 Mar. 21 Apr. 28 To: Ponta Delgsda [2 hrs. on. 11 Feb. 24 Mar. 28 May 5 Madeira . . . . . . 10 hrs. on. 19 Feb. 26 Mar. 30 May 7 Algiers. . ..24 hrs. an. 23 Mar. 2 Apr. 3 May ll Palermo .12 hrs. on. 25 Mar. d Apr. 5 May 13 Naples . . . . . . . . 12 hrs. an. 26 Mar. 5 Apr. 6 May l4 Piraeusâ€"Athens 24 hrs. on. 29 Mar. 8 Apr. 9 May l7 Constantinople.“ hrs. an. 31 Mar. 10 Apr. 11 May l9 Beyrouth. . . . . .ls hrs. Feb. 3 Mar. 13 Apr. 14 May 22 Jada- Jerusalem 30 hrs. Feb. 4/5 Mar. 14/15 . May 23/24 Egypt . . . . . . . . . 3days Feb. 6/8 Max. 16/1 Apr. May 25/27 . Messins . . . . . 8 hrs. Feb. 11 Mar. 21 Apr. 22 ~â€" Feb. l3 Mar. 23 Apr. 24 â€"- Marseilles . . . . . . . . . . . Feb. U Mar. 24 Apr. 25 May 31 Length of the Cruise 35 day: as day1 33 day- Mininium Fule' $450.00 including shore excursions and Hotel at Egypt. Clean, Card p” kits 5. nd Lorncdious Vessels especially built for the Mediterranean Trade. at Portsâ€"ofâ€"call. Stop-overs permitted. Concerts. lectures, dances, -cs 0! all sorts in addition to the social pleasures of ocean travel. Un- ‘ C'iisine and first class service throughout. Orchestra: Moving Pic- rs Daily. For further information and descriptive literature apply:â€" Surpas...d . ic' turcs:\‘V1rcI-. » Any authorized Steamship Agent, or JAMES W. ELWELL <1 00., lNc., Gen. Agents 17 State Street, New York City Order Your Farm Help Now TO BE OF SERVICE to Eastern Canadian farmers and help to meet their needs in securing competent farm help, the CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY will continue its farm help service during 1925 and will include in this service, as last year, the supply of women domestics and boys. Through experience in the last two years, the Company is. now in touch with a number of good farm laborers in Great Britain Norway, Sweden, Denmark, France, Holland, Switzerland an other European countries and can promptly fill applications for farm help. i In order to have the help reach Canada in time for the. spring Operations, farmers requiring help must get their applications in early, to enable us to secure the help needed. _ Blank application forms and full information regarding the service may be obtained from any C.P.R. agent or from an Of the officials listed below. FREE OF CHARGE. THE SERVICE IS ENTIRE-L THE CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY Department of Colonization and Development. MONTREAL, Quaâ€"J. Dongnll, General Agricultural Agent. MONTREAL, Quaâ€"C. Ls Due Norwood, Land Agent. TORONTO, 0nt.-â€".l. E. Parker, General Agent, Ocean Tnffid. . . .I. O'Brien. Special Colonization Agent. ‘ gg§g§00%fdlae.â€"w. M. Hillhouse. Special Colonization Wait. ST. JOHN. N.B.-â€"G. Bru KENTVILLE, N.S.â€"-Gco. H. C. P. Cromwell. Superintendent. B rDce. District Passenger Azenf.‘ . lg. (Station, Gen. Manager Dominion Atlantic fly. '1. 8. DENNIS. Chief somiuioner. ' l i

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