demar any While we are distributors t Atwaoer Kent Radio Equip-me have other sets at lower price: Ideal Christmas gift at prices Full details regarding the Yuletide Dance to be held in the Gymnasuuu of the High Schoul. during "bliStDlilS week, will follow in next week’s issue. Five members of the famous Ben Hoke» Orchestra tinder the directi-m of Mr. \Vilsmi. are being engaged. and no detail will be lacking. to make the function successful and in keeping with the joynus Christnms Festival. ATWATER KENT RADIO “Life uf M given. All secretau‘ have their reports re ing. All women of invited tn be present The annual meeting of the \V.M.S. will he held in the schuol man of the Presbytcriun Church nu Thursday alfmrnm-n, December 18th at 3.45 prompt. Electinn of ufficexs will take place at [his meeting. A nuner nn nu. Duncan's fun :11, Int 40, Tuesday night lwlwven 1 o’clock. In the burn weâ€: :I tons of hay, and ten loads is thought that slime pera the but n to sleep, and dropped a match. Arthur Addisnn. p. dale Melhndisl Ch that churvh Sund Addisun is in his 91 Choir mmnhem of the Presbyterian Church pleas: unu- (In! chnir practice will be hrld on Thursday evening of this week, instead of Fniday evening. As [his will he the least practice befure Christmas. All members are requested to be piesvnt. Addisun is in his 91 former superintvm mond Hill circuit. Mr. Edward Barker who had been confined tn his house for the past. three months. is now able to lake short; walks, vud call on friends, who are. pleused to see him out again. The Min and outbuildings on the Cook farm, near Cnrrvillc. occupied by James Wunds. were burned to the ground Sutluday evening, with their contents. I‘he cattle and omen-animals Were saved. A lantern explusiou is said tu be the cuusv. Tin: [Tannery Sun report a net loss nf $29,667 on the operations m- the past year. in lhv balance sheetto he presented to annual meeting (If the Farmer’s Publishing Cm [n be held in Massey Hall on Frid-Iy of this week. Owing tn the hulidny season the meetings nf the Young People's League of the Methodist Church, will he withâ€" drawn for lhe next (Wu weeks. to be resumed again an Monday evenina. januury 51h. Announcement with re- gard to the programme will be given later. ' As a result of the recent vote Presbytexiun Chulch. it is ann lhat Mr. James Strwurt and Mr Almstong have. been elected a: iunnl elders. Their mdinutiv induction will he arranged for Sunday service in the near futu Mrs. Ellinlt, Markham Ruad, whims La) thank the Indie-s of the \V.().T.l'. far their kind gifts to hex; Also her many trivnds fur thvir gem‘mus help, and sympnthy during her husband's long illums. W. G. BALDOCK LTD. RICHMOND HILL Owing tn the h:~lidaysâ€"â€"Chrislma and New Year’sâ€"falling nn Thursday [he Lilli-'1'"! will gm [0 press Wednesday during llw next two wevks. Col'rr‘ sponde-nls, advertisers and others wil please send in n. duy cal-lie: . Mr. Albert Michael returned to his home in \andrun Snsk . having sant :1 very enj-nyubl» three Weeks, visiting his. A‘lolher, Brother. Sister and Friends hil‘. \Varden luune in A letter healing on Wm»le idgc and Vuugbnn Tchâ€"phnne Cumpnny has been lE'Cl‘iVPd, but as the letter dues nut. bear the writer's name we prefer not to insvl't it. 771 h ye Tuesday Richvnlv Church me holding their annual ()ln-islnms eulH-tuimnent, DPC. 22nd. Du not forget. to cmnv. All me welcomr, silver cullecliun will be lankPn. Annuul Christmas Tree and Pntor- taimuent at. Headmrd Church this. Thursday evening. Stan-ts at 7.30. Adluissiun 25 and 15 cents. Nomlnauion meeting 1 of lteevo, Cunncillm Trustees, in tho Mnsnuk evemug, December 29. The \Vomen’s Institulgwish to thank all lhnse Who assisted in any way whatever. at the recent High School Opening. The High and the Public sulmuls of the village will close L0-morrow, Friday, and re-open on the fifth of January. RS |l‘ll All T. J. \Vnodcock, :1 fnnm-r of YUlk Ucuuly, diulat. his Newmnrket on bundny, in his .u~s. lnteuneu‘. took place ufteluoun. ACCESSOR SUPPLIES are taciu eclinn of (Ifï¬Cl-‘IS will take meeting. A paper on the u-guret. McKellm" will he secretaries me asked to reports ready fur this meet- nnen of the congregation Addison the xenr of Mr. Garnet u, lut- 40, was burned between ninn and ten hurn we: a uhuut twenty d ten loads of wheat. IL ‘ heen elected as uddit- Their mdinulion and meeting for the election sou, father of Rev. lSCUX' of North Pm k urch, preached in uy m’mning. Mr. th year. He was a lent un the Rich- BVV 1V ersun went Into and carelessly llms and school mic Hall. Monday is announced pmer vote in [he for at future. M Christmas AND net, loss fvr the ct to he nf [he jumps Uni-re- l's will “'8 Six moms detached, good nulbui ings with nine acres land fronting Yunge St. Will lease for three year Complete list on application. Detached six mums conveniences. Detached frame ï¬w electric lights and 3: thing for a small fmui Detached brick house floms. all conveniences. g; and fluit ELIZABETH 5'11. RICHMO ND HlLl BOX 109 Ill Vicinity want to Alumni, tn do [ht-ir first skatingof the seasmm, un Satludny night. ' W'e regret :hat Ml. Jusoph Fry is no Inngel' ‘ a citizen of Victurin. Square. He has taken a positinn in Tm-nmu, in which his nmny fliends Wish him JOBBING, CARPENTER “'URK FURNITURE REPAIRED STORM WINDOWS MADE and FITTED, CARPET SWEEPERS REPAIRED, LOCKS REPAIRED and NEW KEYS MADE DOOR CHECKS PUT ON and REPAIRED REPAIR \VORK DONE BY After this very gratifying lcpnrt, hy the cmwener of the plum: cnuunittee. Mrs. 0. L. Wright. it was with much pleasure that Mrs, '1‘. F. McMahon in a lpw well chosen wmds. pie-sealed Mus. Wright, with a beautiful L'nmpcrt (‘n ~(whall’ of (.he snciety. Thu members of [he Institute-felt that such :1 very large measure of the success of the work of Ihe above mentioned Commitlee, was due to the untiring efforts and loyal service of Mus. \Vright. that snme slight. token of appreciation wue a fitting consummation [0 such a splendid report. Fullnwing the presentation Mrs. Watsim served tea and a delightful half-hour was eninvcd hv all. On Wednesduy. Decemlterthe lmh, the \\'0men's Insiilute held theii Christmas meeting at the home of Mrs. Donald Watson. A goodly nunihei were present to enjoy the :lppioprinle vocal selections of Miss Manning, of Maple. An exceedingly interesting Christmas paper was read by Mia. Harry Endean, and was greatly appreciated by all present. The most- interesting feature of the meeting was the report of the piano CUlllllliHCe. This r‘ommittee reported that the proceeds from the very successful supper and dance given at the High school upeninz. together with the proceeds fmm the garden party held last summer on the lawn of Mr. A. E. Plewnian’s residence, Were sufficient. to corupletly pay for the piano. presented to the High Sch ml by the Women’s Institute. SUCCG Apply, J. R. HERRINGTON \Ve regret that Miss W'in’u‘ Nichols and His: Ella Nichols suffvring'fI-mn :l severe cold. Miss Mm-llvy spent the wer will) flivnds in Toronto. S EVERY PATRON WE HAVE SERVED--KNOWS mom mus 999123: JflE'VE nor SWERVED! beâ€: hmthar Sunday Chlistmns Entertainments men: to he the event of the day now. We hope that. the number of culls Santa has to make, and the splendid recepliuns he will ieceive ML Hendfnid and lelville. will not lead him to fmget to call at Victoria Square on L‘hristnms E\ v, where u x-nynl “'E'](‘nll)(-' awaits him. Mesms Harold and Gordon and Miss E. Moi-tson. tnI-k dinner with their hrothPr, Mr. Hemmn Multan last Special Christmas services and Uhlin‘llllui music. The Mmisu-r \vill preach. Morning theme "The Christ- mas Message." Evening, “The Sweetest, Thing in the World." Annual Sunday School entertainment tunnel-um, (Friday), at 7.30 p. m. 14. B. I’INCH L; INNES & SON 1ched br uur acres HE whole town knows that; at this lumber yard every con- tractor and inexperienced builder receive the same fair ;5 treatment. It is common bed frame ï¬w 1 lights and gar '1' a small buqu VICTORIA SQ L‘A RE Presbyterian Services Women's Institute FOR RENT enjoyed by all In nrd For Sale good out Miss \Vin’nifred Ella Nichols are ISP. hmdwmud gamge. garden wal rd nulbuildâ€" fl'unting un 1W ople of this tn d0 [hi-il‘ rn Saturday buildin a Sty-ea: furr Just 1b [h Ell] and Markham i In response to an invitation from Messrs. Naughton & Jenkins. Iolicltorl for the Municipnl councils of Aurora. King. Whitchurch, Markham and Rich- mond Hill, about ï¬fty Reeves, Deput - Reeves. Councillors. County Oflicin I and a few other friends, sat around the 5 tables in the Queen's Hotel dining hall. ‘Aurora. 'l‘uesday evening. A long and ! interesting toast list followed a splendid 1 dinner. Mayor Walton, acting as toast- ; master. 1 After honoring "The King," Reeve I T. H. Legge. of Aurora, propoled j"’l‘he County of York." and this was } ably responded to by Reeves Trench. of Richmond Hill, Liohn. 0! Markham. McMurchy. of King, Baker, of \\ hitâ€" church. \\ ll. Pug=ley and E. A. James. “Municipal Councils," proposed by J. L. Jenkins. clerk and treasurer of King. was responded to by Deputy-reeve E. M. Legge, of King. Leary of Whit- church, and J. McLean. of Richmond Hill. "Municipal Officials." proposed by Mayor \\ alton. ant? responded to by l‘l..rly nnr‘ l -...._.., ,,, n The Order you lost â€"â€"Who got it? Aurora. and The Towns! Owing to the lateness of the hour me balance of the toasts was dispensed with. The evening was both enjoy able and proï¬table. and went to show that the best of feeling existed among the Municipal Councils, Ufn'cials and coliciâ€" tors r , , _-_r ...... w v Clark and ireasurer Davison. of Mark- ham, Clark, of Whitchurch, and Mcâ€" Donald. of nuroru. “Education Institutions" by M. L. Andrews. of Aurora. responded to by W. H. S (Jane. of Newmarket, and Dr. Langatatf, of Hichmond Hill. Barristers Solicitor Notaries Telephoue Adelaide 2108 NAUGHTON & JENKINS Did 3’ )pportunitios us L-kllOCking at \owadays salosn To Merchants am} Salesmcn :x ,g» a mu Complimentary Dinner )portunity was there. ‘ur competitor call up 'ustomer by Long .00, and sell him? 11 chmond Hill. 5 of King.|Whitchu wd plan of Distance. 0m opport ll llI-wav 1&0 0U to come ck, Aurora 10 West John Donald MULCCK. MILLIKEN. CLARK & REDMAN. 711 Dominion Bank Building. Tul'ontu. Solicitms fur the Executnrs. Dated at Toronto. this 9th day of December, 1924. 24-26 AND 'l'Ahh‘ NOTICE that after such last mentioned date. the said executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among: the parties entitled thereto, having l‘Pngd nuly tn the chums of which they shall then have notice, and that the said executors will not- he liable for lhe said assais nr any part theleof to any person or persons of whose rlaim notice shull not have been received at the time of such distribution. 7|. statement of [hail-accounts midiâ€"hie; nature of the seculjty, if any, held by them. AND TAKE NOTICE um after - -V-.. ‘ . -....., Ivluulv' u(l.:‘ilal‘.'u‘ NOTICE is herebv gin-m pursuant tn Sention 56 0f the Trustee Act R.S.O. [914. Chapter 121, that. all credith and others having claims or demands («gainst the estate of the said Margaret Chaillnn, who died on m- nlmut the l‘2Lh day nf Murch.1924. at Richmond Hill, Ontzu-in. we required on or heâ€" l'ure the 30111 day of December 1924. to eend by pust prepaid or deliver [n the undersigned sr-licitnrs for the executors wf the last will of the said deceHSed. [b9il‘ Uhristinn names and surnames. addresses and descripti-ms, and full paiticululs in writing of their Claims. IN THE MATTER OF the Estate of MARGARET CHARLTON. late of the Village of Richmond Hill, In the County of York, Widow. deceased. l Cow, Rosurden Rvginn Segia, 52215. 7 years a butter 32 491bs., milk 713.1: 30 days butter 124 2 1 Cow, Ro=arden Barbara, 37440, 8 years old, due to butter27.29 lhs., milk 55011bs.; in ‘21 days. bum And uthers younger and equally as All with official backing FL n. I - MILLINERY J.J.Deane Government. Municipal and Corporation Bonds Bought, Sold and Exchanged urs Repaired â€" AND â€" Renlodeled ORDERS TAKEN Farm Stock and lmplementrswigbvey Registered Holstein Cattle T - Lnder Accredlted Herd System, 1 Clean Test Notice to Creditors Also will buy raw skins Trench Block and Underwear. Sta your Christmas Gifts we meet all unmpeti are always Welcome al All business sf‘rict Santa Claus does not cc but at this festive season He has paid our stone n and left, With us a grea Gifts for every member 0 to $10.00. Toys. fancy Fancy Pins, and Barret Scai-fs. Gauntipfn GRACE CORSET 8 Woodbridg Elgin Mills - Box 16 U. Toys, fancy article ’ins, and Barrettes. N Gauntlets and Glmes den-Wear. Stamped UL every member of the LOT 21, CON. 6, MARKHAM Mrs. Norman Batty DV gnen pursuant Trustee Act R.S.O. that. all creditm's claims or demands CATALOG L‘ES SENT ON REQUEST Sale at 12 O‘Clock Sharp PRENTICE & I‘RENTM‘I mm: at our SU mpetitinn . F. ARNOLDI . uul conune his activities to one pa season is every where spreadingjo; stole numerous visits during the p 8. great variety of articles suitable not confine his DRY GOODS -:- LADIES’ WEAR now, \\ h The pl Opel ty of family, mnging in price. from5 :les in China, Pulses, Needle ( Ncckiuce. EarRings, Handkerc es, Hosiery. Ladies' Fancy Lil' .Sunds, Sweateis, Blouses etc. line the usso: Lment is good. In bum in and inspect our stock. i Insurance~Life, Fire, Acci-' gdent and Sickness, Automo: ’ bile Etc. and s teudu ductet School Supplies ---This FOR- COUNTY OF YORK AID ONTARK Owen A Smiley Studio. Address Miss Marguerite Boyle. studio ‘Homewood Hall,’ Thornhill. Ont 30 tf Artisr, Teacher in Literature, Expression, Reading, Dram- atic and Humourous Sketches, Dialect Poems. Prgfessional Graduate of “aple, Ont. J.R. HERRINGTO’N C. H. BX’ABI AGENT FOR THE BIIleIAI. T Money to loan on mort- gages. TELEPHONE 11 M Those having funds avail- able for investment are advis- ed tQ look over my list of secunties. ted AND E. FRANKLIN ELOC U TION Miss Marguerite Boyle LI( OFFICE. CHURCH STREET offered the Day of Sale ms 0].! due Dec 415 Bulliol St Phone Huds 13H 2. Hulk 2846.7. xe to Cake March 2. hutter81.491b3.. mil [y as promising. ll. Preu I £00 tone Hudsdu 13477}; €SED AUCTIONEER BUTTERI Rings, Handkerchiefl 'ommission. Allsalesyat shortest, notice. and con ‘gn'nst‘approved methods pe particulsz place, 2 joy and glad ness. )8 past few weeks. nble for Christï¬las price. from 5 cents :es, Needle Cases. Phone 53 RICHMOND HILL Auctionem rontn. K 1’ ' Lingerie etc. Buy to sales o m and fax-n Arms buugh Phone A TT If R NS In 7 dan. price QDA 0fnce