Under the distinguished patronage of His Worship Reeve Trench and the Councillors of Richmond Hill, Dr. Langstaff, Chairman of the Richmond Hill Board of Education and Trustees, and the Master of The High School, Principal Stewart, B. A. SUPIEIVISING COIMITTEEâ€"Messm \V. G. Bedfmd, Albert Glass. Percy Hill. J. R. Hvrringtnn. Harlld Mulphv. A. '1‘. Minnis, Hun-y Naughton. (Barrister). Dr. Lorne Bell, Armand Savage and W. A. Duncan. FLOOR COMMITTEEâ€"Messrs Gordon 81mm. Hurry Elldean,Jack Bownmr., Donald Forrester, Jim Buwnmn, Allan Bales. Ivan Max-ks. Lloyd Hill, and Dr. Milton Wellwond. sTEWARDSâ€"A George Lasher, Bert Grunt, Gordon Wetherall, Ivan Machuchlan, Raymond Hawkins, Cecil Martin. Lu Teelzd. Cecil Harding, Harbld Little, George Baldock, Allan Arm- strong, Albert, Hill, Jack Innis. PAGES â€"â€" Masters Laverne Wright. James Lnngstaff, Howard Atkinson. David Stirling. Donald Hick, Pete Savage, and Freddie Greene. LIGHTS â€" Mr. Harry B. Stirling. PARKING 0F CARSâ€"Mr. John Sheardown. SUPERVISING OANTEENâ€"Mrs. John Shenrdown. Ladies and Gents Tailor and Clothier The Spacious Gymnasium of the NEW RICHMOND HILL HIGH SCHOOL Monday Evening. December 29th A’l‘ NINE o'cuocx Grand Yuletide Dance VOL. XLVII. Your Big Chance IMPERIAL BANK When Investing A. T. MINNIS, Ben Hokea’s Famous String Orchestra Suit or Overcoat made to your meuure 818.50. Wonderful Stock of Wollens to choose from Good Stock of ready-:o-wear overcoacs, suits, odd pants, at prices that astouish you Blue Serge Suit hand-made in our own shop, 840. Our usual guarantee of perfect ï¬t or money refunded goes with every garment CLEANING AND PRESSING NEATLY DONE Couszdtation and Diagnosis Free .50 per annum, in advance. STERLING BANK BLDG. TELEPHONE 6 Dr. J. R. ALLISON OF CANADA RICHMOND HILL BRANCH, THORNHILL, ONTARIO THIS SEASON â€"-â€"- To be held in â€"â€" in Attendance TICKETS $1.00 DENTIST OPEN EVE-KINGS The managers of all our branches are in a position to obtain reliable information for those of our customers who contemplate making an investment. The purchase or sale of Government, Muni- cipal and higher grade Industrial Bonds can be arranged through any branch of this bank. A ortner RICHMOND HILL. ONT.. Ga: For Extraction “In Essentials, Unity: in Non-Essentials, Liberty; Manager. 44) The Sunday school room WI: ï¬lled at tho Fix-“Id. Serviu lut Sunday won- ing. when Mr. Young cxhibiud some of the world's mlltorpiecu of thc Holy Bnbe and His mother and of the only life of Joann. Noxt Sunday ovonin; "I'ho Story of the Reformation" wlll be told. Ind spnclal music will be [Won by tho Chit. On 'l‘hurldny evening. December 18th. the Sunday School Entertainment of tho Mothodiat church took place. The church was ï¬lled to fullest clpacity. The largo platform was buutifully do- corned. The differ-ant parts won well tnken. from the tiny totl with thcir dolls Ind lullaby song: nnd "young rooster!" with vim and strut, to the sdults with thoir more difficult recita- tionl, tableaux and dialoguu. It was I happy night for all and in a resolution, preuntcg by Mr. J. R. Smith and Mr. --â€". H. B. Schmidt. Hr. Goulding, the Super- intondent and his help." were most heartily praiud and thanked for thoir good work. Roy. E. R. Young prgsidpd. l\_ 0",), - On Sunday morning the l'Sundly School Scholar-I took charge of the singing. nndering two belutiful chol- ulu 3nd little Min Thomas nng a solo up Qttrautiyaly. > 111 Kb. waning the Choir give Iomo oxcollent Christmas munic, lining Christmu enroll and Mn. LowiI I beautlfullolo. Next Sunday morning more Chi-mm“ mulic will be nun; And a musical trio of orznn, piano and violin will b. rendered. This choir II mulling oxcollon: prom-en undor tho leaderâ€" ship of M r. Walker. of Toronto. 7- _-_.. nuvuutuu- - r v "J The public achool cloud on Friday afternoon for the Christmas vacation. The pupils gave a short programme in the junior room. A largo uumbor of the parent: and othora won present and oxpruled themselvu aa having an- joyod the entertainment. After the programmo the distribution of giftl took plan. The principal waa present- ed by his puplla with a handaomo duk lot Ind an addrus, and many other boautiful pron-nu. The assistant. Mias Effie Bird. wan also tho rocipiant of a large number of proaentl from her pupill. Mr. J. Brake]. and Mr. J. R. Campbell wuo pro-ant and gave ahort addreuoa. Let us hope to see a large attendance at Nomination Meeting in Dh Masonic Hull Monday evening. So (im- there appeal to he no indications of any change in the Village Council, but as Lhereure vacancies on the Board of Education. these vacancies will have Lolw ï¬lled by new blood. The Wo- men's Institulp and other women {rel that. their sex should he rvpresented on the Board of Education by at least one member. Come out and hear the speeches. The concert given by the Young Men’s Bible Clue in the Hethodiet Church on Wednesday evening of last week wen a decided succeu in every respect. The church wae crowded end everyone was well pleased with the programme. The chief feature we: "The Greet Matrimoniel Trial." in whlch ell the parts were taken credit- ably by the member. of the clan. The local hill by the jury were much appre- cieted. The cleee wee ebly assisted by Mrs. A. M. Rlce. Mies Merguerite Boyle. end Mr. S‘tenleyWoodheed. rpL_ _,,Lu- The Iecond edition of tho Hockey Pictorial is on the market, more com- plete and up-to-dale than the- original edition. which was received with such acclaim by followers of the great win- ter sport. Most favorable comments have been passed upon the publication by sport. Writers the continent m'er. and the general opinion as expressed by players :nd scribes is that no more comprehensive or handsome book in the sporting line was ever printed. A feature that should possess Pl marked appeal not only to the puck-chasers of the present. but to old timers. are the many group pictures of the champion tennis, dating back to the early history of hockey. The new edition not only contains the history of hockey in Can- adn, but covers the history of the game in the United States also, with 300 handsome engravings of Canadian and American teams, and is right up to the minute in every respect. Any further information pertaining to the book can be obtained by writing to the Hockey Pictorial, 84 Victoria St., Toronto, Ont. The Richmond Hill Skating Aran will be open for skating Wednesday. evening, 'l‘hmsdny afternoon and evening. and Saturday evening of this weak. Band in attendunce rm each occasion. Come and renew acquain- lunceship. Hockey Pictorial NER'TON BROOK Nomination Meeting Rink Opening THORNHILL THURSDAY, DECEMBER 25. 1924 Mmmfl. coumssxoxnn, CONVEYANCER. ETC. REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE Thornhill. NORTH YONGE ST.. RICHMOND HILL DR. ROLPH L. LANGSTAFF. DR. LILLIAN C. LANGSTAFF' Ofï¬ce Trench Block. two doors north of Sbandaxd Bank. Houanm. to 6.30 p.m. Telephon? 32 0m“ hours 10 to 12 tun. 3nd 6t08p.m. Ofï¬ce and residenceâ€"Centre and Uthb Streets Richmond Hill Phone NO. ’ . AND A PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR Saucers, from 50c. up. Rose Bowls $1.00. Lustre Vases, from 40c. Cut Glass Vases from 20c. Salts and Peppers, from 20c., Cream Jugs, from 25c. Fancy Teapots, Milk Pitchers etc, etc. Come in and see our stock and make your Christmas Selection early. Bruce’s Chocolates and Candies. HOME-MADE SCOTC H-BREAD PLACE YOUR ORDERS NOW FOR SHORT-BREAD RICHMOND TAILORS Ofï¬ce hours 8 : 10 1.111. and 6 : 8 p.111. (diseases of women and children.) Office hours 1 : 3 p. m: Phond '100. DR. M. B. WELLWOOD . EDWARD FRANCIS NOTARY PUBLIC Dr. L. R. BELL Extend t.) their many Patrons A MERRY CHRISTMAS Oflice:-â€"-Centre St. West RICHMOND HILL Phone 83 Oflice Hours: 10-12; 6.8, DB. J. P. WILSON YONGE AND CENTRE STS. DRS. LAN GSTAFF See our display of China and Cut Glass. A_splendid. assqr‘tment 0: Chi_na Cups and in all things, Charity.†STANDARD BANK OF CANADA RICHMOND HILL BRANCHâ€"W. C. Bed!ord, Manager BANKING FIFTY YEARS F YOU desire to place any of your valuable papers, jewellery, or other precious belongings in one of our Safety DepOsit Boxes, you will find our staff ready to render prompt and courteous service at all times during banking hours. The cost to you is only nominal and we are glad to be of any possible assistance when you wish access to your box. Standard Bank Safety Deposit Vaults . STEIN THE 1W. HEWISON HOUSE PAINTER. Glazier. Grainer and Paper- Hanger. SIMEON JOYCE, L.C.A.M. JOHN H. DUNLOP & SON FLORISTS RICHMOND HILL. ONT. We wish our many Customers and others We solicit orders for cut- flowers for all occasions, which will be promptly and carefully ï¬lled. a Merry Christmas and A Happyand Prosperous New Year Pupil of 1059f Lhevinne and Frank S. Welsman Studio: Over Mr. E. R. Fortner'a Tailor Store. PHONE 95 I. D Ramer PIANO and THEORY [Single copies, 3 cts. No. 26