Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 25 Dec 1924, p. 3

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[s An Indication That the Blood is Thin and Watery. A remedy that has corrected many, cases of rheumatism is Dr. Williams’l Pink Pills. These pills enrich and! purify the blood so that the poisonous rheumatic matter is driven out of the, system as nature intended. Miss Ger-i tie Denne, Washago, Ont.. was attack-l ed with rheumatism and found relief; through Dr. Willisms' Pink Pills. Shel says:â€""About a year ago I was ntu tacked by rheumatism and for twoj weeks was confined to my bed. The" trouble was so painful, affecting theI Joints of my limbs so that I could not} stand alone. Mother had a box of Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills in the house and thought they might help me. I began taking them, and when I had takeni these pills got a further supply, with} the result that the rheumatism van- ished and l was a well girl. I may add that my mother and two of my sisters have also used the pills for various ail- ments with equal success, and now we are never without them in the house." the joints. If this is not treated through the blood, which is the seat 0! the disease, the poison spreads, affect- ing other joints and tissuesâ€"some- times rheumatism attacks the heart and Is fatal. If you are suffering from any con- dition due to poor. watery blood, or weak nerves, begin taking Dr. Wil- liams’ Pink Pills now, and note how your strength and health will Improve. You can get these pills through any dealer in medicine, or by mail, at 60 cents a box. from The Dr. Williams’ Medicine 00., Brockville, Ont. The policy of the Soviet government in endeavoring to kill imports from Poland has obliged the Polish govern- ment to look for other foreign mar- kets. During the last year Poland has paid special attention to the Balkans, sending there an itinerant exhibition of Polish manufactured articles. Poland organized a regular fair in Constantinople in September. the first European fair in Turkey. and every- thing seems to indicate favorable prosâ€" pects tor the expansion of Polish trade in the Near East. PAEN IN THE JOINTS When sending money by mail use Dominion Express Money Orders. Safer than sending bills. touchresr very closely the life and hap- piness of every one of us. It is not an ubstruce subject or one which a per~ son takes up merely for cultural rea- sons or as a pastime. It is a neces- sary subject to knowâ€"go necessary, in fact, that ignorance of its prime: les is at the root of a good deal of an er- ing in this world, causes race deter- ioration and oftan brings people to an early grave. There are many ways of explainin what Public Health means, and coul fill a volume in doing so, but it can be conveniently described in two wc-rdgf“RLght Livmg." _¢_____ in ' . f ‘ Mlnardv. Llnlment for Rheumatism. fofaxngizesfloz‘: daily 00d 15 bed The Great War that shook the foun- dation of the nations of the world has taught us much. One of the most im- portant things it has brought to our attention is the great need for the prgsorvation of the hymn race. ' So man precious lives were sacri- ficed on e battlefields during those terrible years that thinking men and women have come to realize the neoâ€" essity of preventing the useless sacriâ€" fice of human life in times of peace. Take the question of infant mortality alone. The annual list of deaths of chilfimn from mglnutrition, ‘prevent- Effie fifsozises and so 131th, :8 a dis- grace to any civilized country. B the enforcement of public health an hy- ienic measures, many of these little fives could be saved. But there are 'many other fields of public health work equally important. One of the earliest codes of health regulations with whi h we are familiar, dates back to ‘chE “Te We 'of b10553 2 igggunj 5f 1 fieklflations with the re giene of the Public Health is a subject that Provlnolal Board of Health, Ontarlo. Dr. Middleton will be glad to answer questions on Public Health mat- ters through this column. Address him at Spadina House. Spadlna Crescent, Toronto. Though I go by wit-11 banners Oh, never envy me These flags of scarlet flying, This purple that you see. . . This air of marching triumph _ Was 8.1-1 that I could save 01! loves that had an ending And hopes that. had a grave flMax-guet Wlddemen HEALTH EDUCATION Poland’s Trade. hu} rm Ta rémarkabie on the fact thug many of the are in entire harmony acognized rinciples of hy- 3 present ay. This is espe- Pageant. BY DR. J. J. MIDDLETON is fr<+ Hon. Marguerite Shaughnessy ' - Daughter of the late Lord Shaughnes- BY, Chairman of the Canadian Pacific Railway, who acted as sponsor at the launching from the Clydebank yards of John Brown & Co.. of the Canadian Pacific 8.8. “Princess Marguerite” re- cently. The new vessel is a twin acrew, oil burner, and will be an im- portant addition to the Company's Pa- cific Coast fleet. The ship comprises five decks and has an over-all length of 868 feet. Hides of water buffaloes are being shipped from China. to the United States for manufacture into suitcases. Ciauy true of the warnings against dischaer and eruptions from the bOdy, o the emphasis placed on Wash- ing and bathing as a means of purifi- cation and of the explicit directions for prgper disposal of excreta (see Lexi} ._angi Deut. XXIII)._ With the low standards of medical knowledge prevailing during the dark ages, it is not surprising to find prac- tically no traces whatsoever of activiâ€" ties relating to Public Health Educaa tion. In the thirteenth, fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, however, mainLy because Euro was repeated- ly devastated by var ous plagues, the need appears to have been felt for furnishing authoritative information regarding the dreaded plagues. The result was the publication of numer- ous leaflets called "plague tractates,” dealing with many scourges such as leprosy, s hills, plague alcoholism and sweat ng sickness. A reawaken- ing of interest in public health was observed maini in England, in the early part of t e nineteenth century, and we find, as a result, that communâ€" ities concern themselves more actively in the provision of ure water sup- plies, in the dispose of refuse, the construction of better streets. Towards the end of the century, especially during the eighties, a cam- pa n was begun for the suppression of uberculosis. This campa gn was developed very effectively in the Un- ited Stages. Up to ten or fifteen years MAMMOTH FOUND IN TRAFALGAH bQUnRE, LONDON The fossilized bones of a mammoth and a hippopotamus that, about 100,000 year: Square, now one of the world’s busiest spots, have recently been discovered thirty feet, bones, including also those of the aurochs, or great ox. and the red deer, have been iden the renowned anatomist, and Mr. R. H. Burns. They have been placed in the museum Surgeons, to which they have’been presented. The bones were found when foundations jacent to the head European Oflices of the Canadian Pacific Railway (right). It is assu that these relics of the past belong to one of the milder periods of the Ice age. The SpC is marked by a cross. infam nized. Leather foi- Suitcases. infant mortality mting out and pro e for sick babies That this was a Iperfective alxty waa n mount as expe BABY’S 0W TABLETS ALWAYS IN TE'EE fifii‘vfiE Once a mother has used Baby's Own Tablets for her little ones she always keeps a supply on hand, for the first trial convinces her there is nothing to equal them in keeping children well. The Tablets are a mild but thorough laxative which regulate the bowels and sweeten the stomach. thus driving out constipation and indigestion, colds and simple fevers and making teeth- ing easier. Concerning them, Mrs. Saluste Pelletier. St. Dumas, Que, writeszâ€"“I have used Baby’s Own Tablets for the past ten years and am never without them in the house. They have always given the greatest satis. faction and I can gladly recommend them to all mothers of little ones.” The Tablets are sold by medicine deal- ers or direct by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams’ Medicine 00., Brockville, Ont. Firm on Eternal Rock. There are silent depths in the ocean which the storms that lash the sur- face into fury never reach. People who have learned to control them- selves, who do not live on the surface of their being, but who reach down in- to the depths, Where, in the stillness, the voice of God is heard, where :l.;y absorb the great principles of life, are not affected by the thousand and one storms and impartsâ€"domestic finan- cial, social, political. which cause so much suflering and unhappiness, and ma: so many lives. In the depths of their being they find the divine stabil- izing power which carries them poised and serene even through a hurrioane of dimwlties.â€"O. S. M. Wet leather is damaged mcuh more readin by heat than dry leather. Many a good shoe has been spoiled by putting it too close to a stove or radi- at:r to dry. Mlnard’a Llnlment Relieves Paln. Poultry, Butter, and Eggs MONTIIAL E0051: «numbed GD nu: Please write for our price if“ on We GUARANTEE them {or I wool aha-a. P. POULIN G. CO. LIMITED From: New York To: Ponm Delgndn 12 hrs. Madeifl . . . . . . 10 hrs. lien. ......14 hrs sienna . . . . . . 12 his. up!” , A . . . . . . 12 hrs [runs-Athens 24 hrs. > onsunrtinoplo‘fi !us Minimum Fare $450.00 in Comfortable and Coulodious cud Length of the Cruise 34ml!!! maul-d. . ‘ Musexlle: [8-30 Banucoun lurk“ ‘I’mnhonl um 1101 l TRAFALGAR bQLwRE, LONDON hippopotamus that, about 100,000 years ago, lived in Trafalgar 6 recently been discovered thirty feet below the surface. The eat ox. and the red deer, have been Identified by Sir Arthur Keith, They have been placed in the museum of the Royal College of WINTER CRUISES “925 Anf‘éilthorized Steamship Agent, or JAMES w. ELWELL &. 00.. INC., Gen. Agents 17 State Street, New York City. 3?, ii? 1.4 hr: SSProvidmcc‘ 85 dlys :ludlng shore excursions 1nd Hon Vessels especially built for the M l-call. Stop-overs permitted. Conner ta In addition to the social pleasures GUI!“ SS. Patti: have bought their farms in flan-Mn Canada from the Canadian Pacific. A remarkable Fact, Think! There is a reason. The large area of our bold- inga aflording choice of location and 0! land to suit every farming need. Fair price, i’air coxmuct. and fair dealing combined with abundant fertility of soil. good climate and social condi- tions make farm life there desirable and attractive, Thousands more will select their farm from our virgin lands. from our improved farms. and with some capital and determination to work. can make a home and pay for it. Write for our booklet. "The Prairie Provinces of Canada," and leaflet. “Western Canada Forges Ahead." 0. L. Norwood, Land Agent, Canadian Pacific Railway, Desk W.. Windsor Station, Montreal. Que. MORE THAN 55,000 FARMERS 35 day- A tumbler ls filled wlth water until it can hold no more, and II placed on the corner of a handker- chlef which is placed very near the edge of.a table. The table shoul‘ have no cover. The problem is to remove the handkerchief without touching the glass or spilling any of the water. Although the task seems impossible of accomplishment, it can be done very easily. Grasp the opposite corner of the handkerchief and hold it. in a hori- zontal position, holding the corner as far as you can away from the table. With your other hand strike the handkerchief a sharp downward blow. If you do this, the handker- chief will be drawn from under the glass. It in desirable that the tabletop be very smooth Ind that the handkerchief have no heavy hem. (0le this out and paste it. with other or the series. in a scrapbook.) EASY TRICKS :ions ud Hue! at Egypt. Clem, mm for the Maditerranem Trade. 'mmed. Concerts lectures, dances, main] leasuxes of ocean navel. Un- bxoug out. Orcheatn: Moving Pic- n and descriptive literatuxe AM.â€" No. 847 3th A Glass Of Water ‘88. Providence we'e being dug out ad- med in Geological circles t where they were found A pr. Apt 35 days SS. Purl: MA] May May 33 day. May 3] Professor Hamilton. of the Dublin University, used to recall his first meeting with his predecessor, Brink- ley. Hamilton was a youth of eigh‘ teen, and sat next the bishop at a ban- quet. They did not speak, and the young man thought he ought to say something. Seeing a map of Van Die- men’s Land hanging on the wall, he asked, suddenly: “Were you ever in Botany Bay?" The bishop turned to him, with a look of severe displeasure. and thundered: “Eat your soup. sir!" OLD and RARE BOOKS Bum-Phosphate feeds ‘the nerve and old people need it to make them feel and look younger. It‘s the one best nerve builder for weak, nerve-exp haunted men and women and that ll why we guarantee it. Price $1 per pkge. Arrow Chemical Co.. 25 From St. Eat. Toronto. Ont. And then it just occurred to Hamilton that the bishop thought he was being asked whether he had ever been transported,” for at that time all des- perate criminals were sent to Botany Bay. ‘ ON CANADIAN SUBJECTS. Send particulars to the Wilson Publishing Company, 73 West Adelaide Street. Toronto. Ontario. FARM LOANS MADE. AGENTS wanted. Reynolds, 77 Victoria Street, Toronto. Frost Bites Classified Advertisements I’M 1mm. Hon:th (or Incunhlu. I "flu-(Ion um: Rallevuo Inn Allch Hun"!!!- l' .1 York cm. aflerl 3 mm yarl' Cum u Trnlnlno In "1'15 women. huan lhl required rduzcallen. and dulrou: cl bacon!“ rursu. Thh NMn'fal hm launlnd flu duh!- vww warm 1"" walk roe-Iva unlfonm I' Ihe School. a monthly rllovmnca and Irnolllnl excmuu (c and Iron New Yuk. Fur fun". murmaxiun nupIy In In. Gunner-Mend"). We are interested In obtaining Tree Pruners Mlnard'u takes the sting out of them. Quicken: circulation and prevents complications. For every purpose in the orchard, cutting limbs up to 11 inches. Handlesâ€"- 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12 feet. Your Hardware Dulu- know: (in nullity TAYLOR-FORBES Our ductiptivc circular sent to any address on rcquesf. ample tun Bathe freely with Cuticura Soap and hot water to cleanse and purify. Dry lightly and apply Cuticura Ointment to soothe and heal. Nothing better for all eczemas. rashes, pimples, itching: and inflation. Cuticura Talcum also ls ideal for the skin. i’ri’ce: 80168;: Sigh-n}; Km? 7:82 TEE-a: I Try our new Shaving Slick. Theanng Subject. COMPANY, LIMITED GUELPH. ONT. 3d Paapla TAYLOR. FORBES Get Rid Of Irritations By Using Cuticura , NURSES MONEY TO LOAN. ISSU E No. 62â€"'24. ch free by m‘ Ad Canadiu Og‘ficgjl. P. 0. E0: 2“ , [outfall GUARAHIEED

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