Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 25 Dec 1924, p. 4

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F. GORDON COOK THOMAS DELANY BARBISTER. Somcuon. NOTARY ETc 'I‘nrnnto Oflice, 816 Fedeyal Building, Toronto Oflice, 816 Federal at 85 Richmond Street. West Richmond Hill Office ‘ (knee), ezgry Thursday fore - W 7. an“-.. A... ".50 IVICIJUJUHU mug-“4. .. v.“ Richmond Hill omce ‘- mnérax mce). every Thursday forenoon. Maple, Thursday afternnon. Woodbridze, Saturday forenoon. Money to loan at Current Rafa Noted fur high made insu- and superim- vmpluymrnt 59 Many studeni: fu-m olhur In In all probability you have never thought of a colleges Jones Lumber (10., Centre St, hem dming m».- for Cntnlflgue months Corner Yunge & A lexnnde \V. J. ELLIOTT ~ PHINCIPAI WILLIAM COOK: BUY CHRISTM AS GIFTS Richmond Hill& Lansing We wish you one and all A VERY MERRY BHRESTMAS have [won A Real Money-Maker Enter «my lim- Tmontu LUMBER YARD zmde instruction in nucndance llwx- business 43 J Linn}, ngnt. Richmond Hill P110“ What would be nicer than a NEW HARDWOOD FLOOR. We can supply Oak Flooring for a room 10 ft. x 12 ft. for $10.40 or $13.60 according to grade, the latter be- ing the one generally used in the average, moderate priced Home. Limited As a place to twrlve 3374'}: tits: mm: \' icr \VIM BALDOCK to. V Twu beautiful residences on ROSe- H. A. Nicholls dumb; curing. chant. thallium!“ fininzthelib. measly nnd rid: much kudos-t. . Toronto Fun Entire! “'3 "W" again 3: paella. a; 3111'. a}?! «'5 sum :th n3.” duh-duh hum. com a: unnmml I? FOR SALE The Real Estate Man It was not generally expected that Controller Foster would ofi'el‘ himself a candidate for the lllavoralty of Toronto. The present Mayor Hiltz has filled the office with dignitv, and appears to have given general satis- faction as the City's Chief Officer. At the nomination Mr. Foster went out of his way to tell his bearers that at the late election he voted for Government Control. That was done no doubt to switch the wet vote With grateful appreciation for favm's and much kindness received from our old fliends, loyal and true, and to new triends whose friendship and good will we shall try to deserve, The Liberal and snafi“ extend a Hearty Greeting for Christmas, and best wishes for a Happy and Prosperous New Year. in his favor. Wheat in Winnipeg passed the 951.80 mark this week. This will raise the price of flour to consumers, but let us remember this old and true saying “If the farmers are prosperous everybody is prosperous." Stranger, enterlng pnsu Uluuc. “Any mail for Mike Howe ‘3" The postmaster was busy and made no I-epley. “Any mail for Mike Howe ‘3” re- peated the stranger. “No. of course not. Who do you suppose would send mail to your cow." ask ed the postumster. A man with a gun under his arm walked into a village butcher’s shop the other day, and asked for a couple of rabbits. "Sorry. sir," said the shopkeeper, “but I’m completely sold out of rabbits. I could let you have some nice ham, though,” “Don't, be ridiculous,” snapped the customm- angrily. “How the (lickens could I go home and say I‘d shot a pig P" Au Aherdeenshix-e farmer had gone to the city on business. and an ener- getic salesman bud endeavoured to sell him a biuka‘. "Na. nu.” said the canny country- on a con.” “But.” said the salesman. in an effort to be fucetious. "think What a fool you would look‘rlding about, on a, cow!” Put name the crushing retort. "Nae half sic u fule as I wad 100k trying’ tae milk a bicycle.” man 3 “1 Leave Orders at Glenn’s Drug Store, Richmond Hill. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS’ EXPERIENCE All mail orders will leceive promp attention. MacNaughtqu; Caxppbell AUTO LIVERY SERVICE 378 Benesford Ave., West. Toronto. Phone Iunction 0072. The Liberal for School Books Motor truck for general work and long distance hauling. Phone 11 \v . M. PALMER 8t SONS JOHN T. ANDERSON Corner Arnold and Yonge Street? GlVE J ' _ a.” saw! the canny country. ’d wither spend ma money PIANO TUNER Who Indeed ? Tm: REASON enteriqg pp§t office: lO-lf IIULr', nllu u... MaanPr, on the right hand hillk‘, (In the twenty dollar note a pmlruit of the President. appuaas M} the fm‘c in the centre. with handsomely engraved lalhe counters on either sidu carrying tho denouxinntiun in prominan flames while on the fifty and om- hundred dollar notes Mr. Howland's pnrhu‘w appears at, the right and left hand sides prospectively with Ungntvvd lathe cuunLers, giving the dos»ng 1|, pleasing and artistic appearance. It is particularly appropriate LhnL Mr. Hnwland's porn-nit. should uppn-zu- on the notes of the new issue leplacing l’kuf nit the imam: now in use wt" Ills on the notes bf the new issue xeplacmg [hut of the issue now in use nf his father, Mr. H. S. Howlund. whn “as the first President of the Bank “lu'n it was fmlnded filly years ago. A uni- form design has been adopted fl 1- Ilw buck of the untes with denomimnun of each shown in figlu'vs on either side 0f the Bank’s (‘bzav-uf‘Anns, and across the h..Ltnm iu ltnnmn leltvvl'ing‘ These represmt fi'nt‘ examp es ‘ f sun engravi 1K and priming. Twenly llu'ee young men and noâ€" men from Ontario attended the con- vention of replbsr‘ntaLiH‘s tf Juniur Farmers’ Clubs held during mu week of the Chicago International Fair. The party asembled at, the. Disuict Rvpre- sentatives Office at London, 0ntm-in_ leaving there on the evening of Novem- ber 29th. arriving in Chicago on Sun- day forenoon. On Monday, the pan-Ly visited the Fair being banquebed that evening by the Wilson Company, the distinguished visitors including the Hon. John S. Mumin. A .._i "C On Tuesday they went on the various packing which largest in the world, and tha attended a banquet ub Ll HUch \Vednesdays programme Include a. visit Lu the New Field Museum. Lincoln Park and the large Depalt- mental Stores winding up the (lay with a banquet at. The Mon-Hun Hotel. . ~ . .1 ; A: ..:..k: “nun .. .w -___ ,, Having survived three days Hi sighL- seeinq and banquets they reachvd the climax on Thursday with a. visit to the I. H. (3. plant. another banquet, ilt noon and a Grand Parade at. night he- fure President Coolidge in the glen Amphitheatre. Here Lhe whole. party of over thirteen hundred paraded in State groups in columns of right, mu- rying banners and flags, Ontario bringing up the rear with the banner of their Plovince and the gxillld old flag of Canada. 1. ,1 nag UA Val-lulu“. . On Friday the party indmged in some more sightseeing lezu‘ing for home in the afternoon. 1" . 5 _>_‘_ While in Chicago. the Ontario pally was grouped wish thirteen hunched other delvgates from for-Ly-tvm slates The party from Ontario consisred of the winners of the Championship prizes in the County Live Stock Judg- ing and Domestic Science Judging cumpetilimis and were accompanied by Mr. R. H. Clemens, District Reple- sentative fur Wellington Culinty and Miss Muclntush, Domesmic Science Representative in Peel County. York County wzis represented by: Miss Lilian Hart. Newmarket. Miss Margaret Watson, Woodbridge. Mr. Clarke Young, Milliken. Mr. Thomas Hastings, Markham. 1 I The Maple Sand. Gravel and Brick Company, Lt‘d, have on hand for sale. Cement drain tile. 3, 4. 5. 6 and 8 in. Culvert. tile 12. 15. 18 and 20 inch (30 inches in length) Also Cement Brick Sand or Gravel sold by the load or i 11 car lots. Cedar posts and telephone poles for sale. T. LOUSINS, To the patrons of the Canadian National RailWay at Maple, I desile to express my thanks for their business during the past. May I wish them one and all the Compliments of the Season, and solicit their future patron- age. C. J. ALLISON, Agent, 0. N. R, Maple. Blcmmsn STREET. Rxcaxuxn HILL Representing The Maple Sand Company, Lt‘d, ha Cement drain tile. Culvert. tile ’13. l Sand, Gravel, Tile and Brick The Mutual life Inmate Company of New York Ontario Represented at Chicago Conference AMBROSE L PHIPPS New INQUIRIES SOLICITED (ARI) 0F THANKS eenth Annual Report of the tank of Canada which “Mal n.t.1he recent, mPeting nf the 1-5 of that. institutiun slun‘s ank has fully maintained its ,une of the strongest and fimmcinl institulimm in ‘ Issue of NOteS eat on a tmn- of which are the and that. evening I; ub the Dtake g, whl’ch in pmtrails U a1 Mun-ang pnrh‘ui‘h‘ H include Manager f thc In [)0- nnLes $50 Still” 1:63 SALEâ€"A mm Chm-x-nlet. cm- in 7 gut-(1 shnpwâ€"llllnlpvl“ spotlight. flashlight spm-dmm-tr‘r, windshield \vipvr, 5pm 0 tire. Fnur tires in gnod shape. Apply L. M. LAYER. Phone 16, Maple. 26-27 Wtfi‘k (lime no ALFRED HAWKE 1' 1:04;}: h:ll'lH'S<. Thnrnhill IV calf. Elgin Mills \j nour!v now, for ('n: ANTHONY Nmn. Int, 2],( hum. (im'mley Nnfl T0 HENTâ€"Cmnfmtnhlo hrin Imuse in Map)“, Ph'Pll'iC light. fmnacp, soft \vatm- in huuee, good Muhlv, garngu, and all kinds l-f fruit. Applv “'M. G. “MODS, Phan 562 anlv. H. D lul 26‘ can. 3. Mnlkhum. BENNET'I', Phnnvfll 14 fitnufl'vilh F you aw interested in Plymmh Rock (lurkerels. of Chniu- Bred- tu-Lay Sh‘ain, call and See what we- can offer you. R. F. KLINCK. Victoria Square, Phone Stoufi'vilk- 4011. 24-26 Office iGidOliil'oliuhle man wants \vmk hy tbv hour 01-day, clenninz ur floor polisning. Terms xeasnnablo. D. BRIDGER. Richmond Hill Post 0an 24-26 WIGMORE. Notice of Application for Divorce NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Uheules Thumus Bolum, of the Town- ship of York. in the County of York, in the Province of Ontario. Florist, \vlll apply to the Parliament, of Canada. M the next, session the-Ieuf for a Bill of Divmce from his wife Eliza- bel h BulLou, of the City of 'l‘muntu, in lhv County of York. in the Province of Ontnrin, on the gmuuds of adultery HAV FEVER Will spoil your summer and make your company distressing to your friends unless you get relief. Get a box of RAZ-MAH today. Most people feel better from the first dose. Your druggist will refund your money ifa $1 box does not bring relief. Ab- solutely harmless. Generous sample for 4c in stamps. Templetons, To- ronto. 812 RAZ-MAH a Bill of Divmce from belh Bnltou, 0f the City the County of York. i of Ontzlrin, on the gum and desertion. DATED at 'l‘mnntn. the 25111 day of November 1924. SKEANS & IIOOPER, 171 Ynnge Streer, Toronto. Solicitors for the Applicant. 22-28 NJfiWcéâ€"0{prlication for Divorce NOTICE is‘ hereby given that Edwmd Hugh Reid. of the Tuwuship ut' Yurk, in the County of York, in the Prnvince ut' Ontario, will uppr to the Pullianwnt of Canada, at, the next session Lbereuf, fur a Bill of Divorce from his wife. Louisa Florence Reid. of the ann of Wrtlsull, in the County of Staffmdshirv, England, House- kePpH'. 0n the ground (if adultery_aml desertion. W. . - . I. .. I)...“ Inna TOR SALE ?Olt SAI.1‘};|Tf1tI(]e Island Red Itn::l:mvl.<: Al~n u 501 0" single- ‘nmvsf‘L Apply U. A.TU'I"1‘, Sinp 15. an (I'â€" Notice of Application ior Divorce gnu-rd NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that. 7» 0:... n! fiUlluly 1o uuuuu- -_ _ _, William John Taylor, of the City of Toronto. in the Countv of York, in the Province of Ontario, Street Car Conductor, will apply to the Parlia- ment of Canada at the next Session thereof for a. Bill of Divorce from his wife Ethel May Taylor of the City of Toronto. in the Onnnty of York, in the Province of Onbax in. on the grounds of adultery and desel‘tion. mumâ€"An :n 1924. . HEYD. HEY D. SHOREY INEWMAN 614â€"516 Confederation Life Building. Toronul. V :OR RENTâ€"HI‘IISP on Elizabeth street, for rent. Apply to JAE. u. “an. -‘. DATED“ it"che Oily the County of York, i of Ontarin, this 20th dag Solicitors fur {VirliiiéinrJnhn Taylor the above-named Applicant. 22-26 ‘ OOD (SHEER HANG Summer Asthma Maple HOUSE PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING Phone 124 J AUTO PAINTING Phone 68 A T ARNESH REPAIRING SHOP-Arr ()ppnsite the Church of England. A dune noutly and prmnplv. urn HAH'KFS, 26-2“ {N FOR SALE . PATERSON V‘Vant AdS. Sale by Porter's Drug Store ____._â€"â€"â€"â€" .lC-rlruâ€"sh mild) cow and (L SAVIaRs, Oxfmd SL199!- hâ€"é VCily of anonto, in York, in the Province 20th day of Novamber, ‘FZâ€"A [Hill ‘28 x 40, Mmkhum. HARRY lipâ€"Fm- salt“. .1 m wood. um, I}. Mark- ‘25â€"‘26 2526 3-tf 26

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