Mr. and Mrs. Wlu. Green and daugh- ters, Muriel and Irene, (If Mr. Glenn-m. Mill)., will spend the Christmas buli- dnys in Tumnto. \Voudbridge, and Richmond Hill. The Brelblen of the Tunkpr Church, Gorlnley. are holding a series of meet- ings at, prt‘sent. conducted by Elder Wilbur Snider, of Philadelphia. All are inviled l0 nttvnd. The In Cadet (5 ing to (,3 Salurdn another Maple nunuul Hull. 1“: prngl‘ "The Thine “ill lw n [)mililthflender Hockey Match in (he Arvna. Friday pvening. Decmuher 26. \Vychwund Interim-(Haws vs Rinhmnnd Hiil Intel-lm'dinn-s Alsn Wychwm-d Jrs vs Riclmmnd Hill Juniors. Puck faced at 8‘ 15. Admission 2.") and 15 cents. The Minkle srl'vices, 11 a Mesmgu. 7 p 1 In the \led 2.45 p. In. DECEMBER 28. 1924. The Minihtvl‘ will preach at both services. ll 3. mâ€"Tu junior Congregatinn, the story of “John Evans." The children of the Onphanage will sing Christmas Selections. 7 p. In.â€"Tl-'.ume “Lust and Found " 'l‘hP choir will rvpeub the Christmas Music of 145‘. Sunday. 1!) 11 n. In. Full Ohmul and Carol serviceâ€! p.m. The Sunday School Christmas Tree will he held in the Masonic Hall. on Tuesday the 30m. commencing at 7.30 pm. Admission 25 cents and 15 cents. Subscribers to the Family Herald and Wei)le Star nf Mnntleal have been advised that they will receive free of charge a beautiful calendar for 1925 with a must attractive picture in culmrs entitled. "The Sale of Old Dobbin.†When one considers that the sub- scriptiou price of lliis big 72 page family and farm jnul'mll is only $2.00 per year, one is amazed hy the value received. but with a beautiful picture calendar thrown in, the- vuluoisiudeed supexlaliw. HEISE. ALICE A.-â€"ln loving memory of our dear wife and mother who passed away one year ago, Dec. 24, l924. One year has passed since that sad day. \Vhen one we loved was called away: Forget her, no. we never will. We loved her then, we love her still. We do not know the pain she bore, \Ve did not see see her die: We only know she pessed away. And could not say good-bye. No one knows how much we miss her, No one knows what bitter pain, we have suffered since we lost her, Home has never been the same. St. Mal-33's Church (0. of E.) Christmas Day. H. C. S u. Illâ€"Choral Communion Dramatic Art and Expressioh COMMENCING IN JANUARY Studloz-Richmond Hill FEES:â€"â€"Olass Tuition, Ten Lessons, $5.00. Private Tuition, Ten Lessons, 87 50. FOR ARRANGEMENTS AND INFORMATION Telephone 72 W. - Mrs. Lube: YONGE ST., NORTH Toronto, 83 Glen Grove Wesk HUDSON 0976. John T. Anderson, piano tumor, West Toronto, wishes his many friends and customers the Season’s Greetings and P-rosperous New Year. Â¥AAW L- 0rder for piano tuning may left at Glenn’s Drug Store. )le Mmhndist S. S. ll enterluimm‘nt in l Friday H‘ening. Dec nlnnw will inclmlwtp Love Gift." members of the Richmund HiH Corps are usde to wth cloth- Uner Capt. Bert Grunt. lwfme luv nf this “'t‘l‘k. Se? Cult] (7“ WISHES TO ANNOUNCE THE FORMATION OF A CLASS IN HI. r of this we pagv. Myra H. Cruickshank 'F()RON'1‘O Presby‘erian Services Beautiful Calendar Free Methodist Ser.ices Christmas Services CARD 0F THANKS IN MEMORIAM Sunday 28th a. m.â€"-)lm-ning Prayer 1' will pun-«ch nt hath a.m.â€"An Old Year Ill.â€"Tll€‘ Hardest Thing 1. Sunday School at â€"Busb|nd childun. hmund Hill give [heir énmmnnity 26, Th’e y entitled For the firet time for about 600 ypnrs, n tulul eclipse of the sun will take place throughout Ontario. It will occur at, seven minutes past nine on the morning nf January 24th. and will last, for one minute, dlll ing which time there will hp complete darkness. Tbelight, will rely snun begin to re» turn. However. and by 10.22 a. m. the whole- eclipse will be over. It, will be- gin at. 7 59 ".11). and gnulunlly work up to the minute of total (in: kness. The Januaiy number of RN] aud' Gun in Canada, comprises a vaiiely of iuLerestving stories and alticles in addi- Linn to the exwllent, regular depart- mean Teddy's Hospitality from the pen of R. Valentine Gilliam is :1 Wellâ€" wxitten uud euteilaining stury, whilel the Hist, installment of Close Races by ‘ A. J. Uull‘murlle tells of the thrilling adventures of a seal hunter. The other regular cuntiihulors c-f sturies, J \V. \Viuson, F. V. \Villiams and Mailiu Huuler uphnld their iepulatiuns in ï¬ne style and a number of articles on Iuia‘cellmeous subjects of interest In spnrtsnien, including that of conserva- tion, will be sure to hulr'l their atten- Linn. BARGAINS Hats for Bobettes, Matrons and Kiddies Also large head sizes in great variety of shape and shade ALL REDUCED TO HALF PRICE Come early so as to have the best chance “Sickness Stalked Into This Happy Little Home" “'heii Jlm Harrow moved into his pretty whiteâ€"washed cottage he thought he had reached the height of happiness. His wife and his baby boy Imidly voiced their pleasure. too. Everything seemed to be "breaking right" for Jim. - ..y u u,_i_ “It's just 1-. pain in my back, maybe rheumatism," she said. But Jim knew how a previous attack of pleurisy had weakened her. so he called in a doc- tor The doctor hinted at “lung trou- ble" and advised a complete examin- ation. Jim took his wife to a. spe- cialist. who quickly conï¬rmed the first verdict. “Consumption.â€he said. Hus- band and wife stared at each other in hopeless misery, but cheer was forth- coming. "Don't “harry,†said the doc- tor, “a, year‘s treatment at the Mus- koka Hospital for Consumptist will put Mrs. Harrow on her feet again; but she must go nowâ€"no delay." A kindly neighbor is taking care of the baby boy while Jim is "keep- lng house" by himself; Every few days the postman leaves a letter which tells how kind nurses. and careful doctors all do their utmost to bring back the health that be- longed to Mrs. Harrow. Shortly the letters will cease for she is almost ready to come back to the little white cottage. ' l A VII-e _ nappy (13in didn't last long. Sickness _fe11_ upon Mrs. Harrow. In Mid-Winter Millinery AT THE Thornhiil Millinery Shop WNW“. Should you wish to have a hand in such worthwhile work as this, please send your contrlbutlons to Hon. XV. A. Charlton. President. 223 College Street, Toronto. Ontario. Detached brick huuse. hardwood floors. all conveniences. gal-age, garden and fruit. __ _ _ _ uuu ..u-... Detanhed six rooms, solid brick. all conveniences. Detached frame ï¬ve rooms, furnace. eleicixr'icr lights and garage lbi_ng fo_r H‘slpfl'“ family. Dé’tached brick, good and four acres land. FOR RENT. Six IOOIDS detached, good outbuild- ings with nine acres land flouting on Yonge St. Will lease for three years. Complete list on application. Apply. J. R. HERRINGTON. 23-lt‘ ELL why shouldn’t we have the finest lumber that's hewn dow and milled? When it comes to timber that's where we live and when you do business with us you get the benefit of a wide experience. Phone 133 FOR NEW Pu nos: THAT ‘5 KNOWN-ME HAVE THE FIN 5qu BER GROWN 3 (Miss) E. G. Barker One Minute Darkness Rod L‘. INNES & SONS And Gun For Sale E6061 outbuildings nupbuild- Yonge Street Just; the all ()wing In ; Birrt-ll will oh tr: thv pululic, the lat (2f prupvl-ly is n the City Lim hrick on stun he used for fag in connvctinn. at the HHIPI, l vsmlv. 65 Viutuli The Richmond Hill Cadet Corps All Cadet clothing must he returned to Cadet, Capt. Bm-L (ii-ant Hutcl Rich- mnnd. before Sntmdny tlw 12711) inst. Parents of LI)? Cade‘ts‘ will kindly assist to have this wm-k cmnplvted at once, as a“ clothing and states have hevn Called inv by Head Qunl'lels. Capt. Mnrdvn would gmlefully appreciate their Isa-operation, as the Richmond Hill Cadet. (Imps now officially ceases. THE MILL J. F. Burr, Phone 82w ATWATER KENT RADIO While we are distributors here for Atwater Kenn Radio Equipment, we have other sets at lower prices. An Ideal Christmas gift. at prices to suit any pocket). Let us have yourordur early as we are facing :1 shor age on Radio owing :0 heavy ('hristmas demand. RADIO ACCE§SORIES AND SUPPLIES. Notice of Application for Divorce NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that. Edith Mary \Viles, of the City of Toronto, in the County of YOrk. in the Province of Onlurin, Married Woman and Stvnrngrapher, will apply to the Parliament, of Uauadav. at the next session thewnf, for H. Bill of Divorce from her husband, Russell Agar Victor Wiles sometimes known as Russell Wiles. 0f the City nf Toronto, in the Cuunty of York, in the Province of Ontario, Driver. nu \lie ground of adultery and deserlinn. A MERRY CHRISTMAS DAY \Ve :ue Sklling Feeds of all kinds. Alll‘Ol'H. Belle, Monarch and Cream of \Vesb Flour. Regardless of scarcity we me keeping price-5:15 right as possible. Grinding, Buled Hay and Straw. DATED at the (‘ity of Toronto, in the Province of Ontm-in, this LSIh day of December, A. I). 1924. FRANK REGAN. 507 Confi-dm'ntion Life Building, Toronto, Ontario. Solicitor for Edith Mary Wiles. 26 JOBBING, CARPENTER WORK Greetings of the Season FURNITURE REPAIRED STORM WINDOWS MADE and FITTED, CARPET SWEEPBRS REPAIRED, LOCKS REPAIRED and NEW KEYS MADE DOOR CHECKS PUT ON and REPAIRED REPAIR WORK DONE BY ELIZABETH ST, RICHMOND HILI BOX 109 Otflces {0 thrr. u L :mdl Snlicltor tor : Aurora. and Richmond Hill. The Townships nf King. WI and Markham. W. G. BALDOCK LTD. RICHMOND IIILL LI ue tree 11¢ Hotei Property For Sake Barristers Solicitor Notaries Telephone Adelaide 2108 ' 85 Richmond St. “'est, Ices { Toronto. Naugbtcn Block, Aurora ll: NAUGHTON & JENKINS 4. B. FINCH is nnly u fmv: Limih‘. The hl stnnc fmmdnth ' Here you se-p our Christ mus 1)‘e-e,m I f I. h e h i p001 whit lllllillV llu 'y. (inrnge and stable For pal-Licnhrs apply u- Ln WiHiams, real it Sh, Tmuntu. honlth )Il'. [hr Yulk Mills a Standard H( Standard Hotel, an any nth. The L fmv ludï¬ south (if The building is led [h :uiH cuultl md stable if! [ht Whitchm‘c H 0t 91 [1'], on 26-30 MILLINERY -:- DRY GOODS -:- LADIES’ WEAR School Books at The Liberal Store Village of Richmnnd Hill, In the County of You k, widow, decvnsed. NOTICE is herehv giwn pursuant to Section 56 of the Trustee Act R.S.O. 1914. Ulmptm' 121, that all creditms and others buying claims or demands against the estate of [he said Margaret Challtnn, who died on 01- about the IZLh day of March. 1924. at Richmond Hill, Ontnrin, mc xequixcd (mar he- IN THE MATTER. OF lhr- Estate of MARGARET CHARLTON. late of the 12m day 0szer1). 1924. at Richmond Hill, Ontnrin, mc xequixcd (m.or be. fore the 30th day of December 1924.130 send by [mat prepaid or deliver In the undersigned svlieimrs for the executors of the lust wiil of the said deceased. their Uhristizm names and surn'imes. addresses and descriplinns, and full pmticulals in writing of their rln‘ims. LA GRACE CORSETS a; réiztrlerment of Lheirhéccnunts and the nature of the security, if any, held by them. AND '5AKE NOTICE that aftpr such last mentioned date. the said executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among: the parties entitled thereto, lmving regmd only in tho claims of which they shall then have notice, anfl that the said executors will not be liable for the said assets ur any part thereof to any person or persrms of Whose claim notice shull not have been received at the time of such distributiqn. Relnodeled ORDERS TAKEN Also will buy raw skins .John Donald - Elgin Mills - 30x16 MULOUK. MILLIKEN. CLARK & REDMAN. 711 Dominion Bank Building, Toronto. Solivitms fur the Executors. Dated at anontn. [his 9th day of December, 1924. 24â€"26 b‘unm but at this festive and left. Gifts for: to $10.00 Ht yuur Christmas Gifts now. while the a nd Trench Block u'e aquys welcome at mu sh ‘illK Woven, cows, MOM/rag QUALITY SHOPPE J.J.Deane Government. Municipal and Corpqration Bonds Bought, Sold and Exchanged urs liel)aired _ AND â€"â€" Notice to Creditors meet all Underwear. Stamped Uuuds, Swezum Pins, and an-rettos All business strictly conï¬dential paid our ston L Gauntlets With us 9V8! HIS Private Phone: 78 Woodbridge (.7120 Remedy Mrs. Norman Batty cumpetilium member season is c JDC ){ cunfim numc ul'ti the family ‘lriely of an 1\(‘§‘ Come in and inspr. Neck] ry when hIS activiti my; visits Husk Those having funds avail- able for investment are advis- ed to look over my list of securities. Money to loan on mort- gages. Insuranceâ€"Life. Fire, Acci- dent and Sickness, Automo- bile Etc. J.R.HERR1NGTON TELEPHONE 11 M ' Special attention given to sales 0 every description. Farms and faru stock sales specialty. Farms bough I and snld on commission. Allsales at tended to on shortest ntyice. and con ducted by the mustappt ved methods Patronage suliciu'd. Artisr, Teacher in Literature, Expression, Reading, Dramâ€" atic and Humourous Sketches, assox Luxent is gm Dialect Poems. Professional Graduate of Owen A. Smiley Studio. Address Miss Marguerite Boyle. Studio ‘Homewood Hall,’ Thornhill. Ont 30 tf LICENSED AUCTIONEER £0}: COUNTY «m YORK AND 0mm: The Pl'ntectiVP Association 0 ‘ Canada. and The Dominion Gauranlef and Accident Co. FIRE, AUTO MOBILE, PLATE GLASS ETO . Manle. Ont. Phone 232 spreading ju during the; iclcs suitubk C. H. BYAL‘I AGENT FOR THE MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE OF CANADA School Supplies ---This 0fnce Maple, 0m. OFFICE. CHURCH STREET ELOC UTION Miss Marguerite Boyle Ladies Rings, Handkerchiefs. R! INS 415 Ballinl St, Toronto. Phone Hudson 1317 w in pri ll( I‘TlilHCK l’AT'l 0111‘ S‘( JUSBS y and gludness nlicuhu' place, Int 1- Christmas from 5 cents Prentice cdl Phone 53 few weeks, Lingon In price RICHMOND HILL Buy ()ll