MADE-TOoMEASURE from an assortment of all the Latest Fabrics, Plaid-Backs, Isaac Carr's Elysians, Etc. Also a Beautiful Range of Suitings at Preusin and Cleaning 3 Specialty. Suite or phasing and cleaning may be loft at the Rustic Inn. SAM. SHEPHERD Call by phone or otherw se pmmpll (Veterinary Surgeon) Recent graduate of Ontario Veterin- ary College. All clases of animals treated. Day and night calls prompt- ly attended. PAPER HANGER and PAINTER Oxford Street Phone 128 - r12 JOHN R. CAMPBELL WRIGHT STREET Richmond Hill Ofï¬ce and residence Church St. Richmond Hill. Telephone 13-2 Overcoats RICHMOND TAILORS TheHIBHMflND HILL FURNISHMG STORE _â€"___â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"- ____.â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" A MERRY CHRISTMAS AND Adelmo New and Miss Rosalind Bush l. T. C. M. From‘ the Toronto Conservatory of Manic. will sneept a. number of pupils in Piano. Vocal and â€": Theory -:- Richmond Hill, Friday and Saturday For information Phone 110. M33. MYLxe. These cats are in good condition and out before the end of the year. We also have 1 1924 Fordor St balance of our 1924 stock, whic! Prompt service. A HAPPY NEW YEAR R. MACDONALD. B. V. Sc. VETERINARY SURGEON, ’l‘hornhill. REASONABLE PRICES Frederick W. Pollell PIANIST & TEACHER House North of Presbyterian Church. 26 Puma 40 w .BALDOCK, LTD- D 45 McLaughlin Touring 1922 Oakland Touring 19223 Ford Touring 1921 Ford Touring 1920 Ford Touring 1923 Ford Runabout; 1923 Ford Light Delivery 1918 Ford 1-2 Ton truck 1923 Ford ton truck nearly new used asa demonstrator pneumatic tires 1920 b‘ordson tractor with governor Sedan and mu we wil: s ‘26-‘29 i we are JONES LUMBER C0 PHONE 27 Centre Street East J. T. SAIGEOIV Maple Llcensed Auctioneer for the County of York. Sales attended to on shortest. notice‘ and at reasonable rates. Notice 0! Application for Divorce NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Albert \Vilsnn Dunning. of the City of Toronto, in the Count? of Yo: k, in the Province of Ontario, Musician. will apply to the Papliument of Canada. at the next. session thereof. for a Bill of Divorce from his wife Myrtle Denning, of the Villa 8 of Mimico. in the said County 0! ork, on the ground of adgltery and degerlion. DATED at the cm» of Toronto in the Province of Ontario, this 29th day of Oct-ohpr. 1924. We have the following storm sash in stock which we do not wish to carry over and which we are offer- ing at fully 25 per cent. below the regular price: 3 Snshfl ft. 8 in. x 4 ft. 6 in. 4 lights 3 Sash 2 ft 8 in. x 4 ft. 6 in. 4 lights 2 Sash 2 ft. [Oi x 4 ft. 82 in. 4 lights 2 Sash 1 ft. ï¬t in. x 4 ft. Hi in. 4 lights divided g and§ 4 Sash 2 ft. x 6 fl. 5‘ in. 4 lights 1 Sash 2 ft. 4} in. x 4 ft. 7 in. 4 lights I Sash 1 ft 5 in. x 5 ft. 4} in. 4 lights. JOHN R. HUFFMAN, 909 Excelsior Life Building, Toronto. Solicitor for the Applicant, Albert. Wilson Denning. 20-25 C. M. PALMER & SONS Now accepting pupils. DEALERS FOR Dodge Bros. Motor Cars Willys-Overland Motor Cars Willys -Knight Motor Can. 1 1 1924 Touring never driven sell at a Special Offer. BARGAINS in Storm Sash PELHAM CIIAFFEY CHOlR-LEADEE AND ORGANIST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH TENOR TEACHER 0F SINGING Phone 94] for information some real money. \Ve We have the foilowing very anxious to clear them refuse any reasonable Patrons e smlicited 104i that after the last mentiond date the Executor: will proceed to distribute the assets of the Estate among the parties entitled thereto. having regard only to such claim! as they shall then have received nuLice. DATED thiw 5th day of December. 1924. WILLIAM COOK. CALL AND SEE THEM OR Phone 86 J Richmond Hill PURSUANT to statutes in that be- half. Notice is hereby given that all parties having claims against the Estate of the said Andrew Stephen Russell. who died on or about the 6th day of November, 1924. are required on or before the 10th day of January, 1925, tn _send to Lillian May Russell. Executrix, Maple. R. R. Nu. 2. a state- ment of their claims, and the security, if anyi held by them. Dentou, Macdonald k Denton SAMPLES FREE PAINTING. DECORATING IN THE MATTER 0? the Estate of ANDREW RUSSELL, late of the Township of Vaughan, in the County of York. Farmer. Deceased. J .W. WELLMAN Phone 306, King: Tuesday Evening, Dec. 30 Skating from 9 to 11 p. m. Full Band in Attendance. Admission 25 and 15 cents The Christmas season is drawing near and the spirit of Christmas is already abroad. for the coining season: January 2â€"Kichmond Hill at Aurora January ï¬â€"New market, at. Mm kham January 8â€"Mal‘kham at Richmond Hill. January Sâ€"North Toronto at New- market. January l2â€"Markham at, North Tmonto. January l2~-Newmarket at, Rich- mond Hill. January lSâ€"~Aurorn at, Maxkham January l9â€"Richuiond Hill at Nonlh Toronto. January 22â€"Markham at, Newmarket January 22â€"Aurora at, Richmond Hill January 26â€"Newrual ken at North Toronto. January 27â€"- Markliam at Aurora January 29â€"Richlncnu Hill at. Mark- ham. January 29â€"Aurora at, Newmarkct February 2â€"Aurnra at North Toronto February Sâ€"Ricbmoml Hill at, New. nun ket. February 4â€"N0rlh Toronto at Mark- lmm. Febluary Bâ€"Newmarkeb at Aurora February 6â€"North Toronto at, Rich- mond Hill. February 9â€"Norlh Toronto at Aurora BURLESQUE Hockey Match Intermediate 0.H.A. Hockey Schedule AND TAKE FURTHER NOTICE 'l‘ELEPHoxE MAIN 311 Cable Address: “Dedo rthur A. Macdouald . Frank Deuton Laura Danton. B. A. Wall Hangings .. 0 - Artistic Charm these cool mornings. Rubbers. Golonhes,Boots, Shoes for Ladies’. Gents and Kiddies, alwayson hand. I have a good assortment of Scarfs, sweaters, shirts, silk Handkerchiefs etc., that make ideal and useful Christmas Gifts. All reasonable prices. iso a variety of Ties in Gift Boxes. Boudoir slippers for Ladies‘ and Chiidren. Jusn the thing for 1' ’HI’LL, “Oak Ridges P. 01 KING ST. WEST. TORONTO, CANADA. Following is Married Men 816 Federal Buildinï¬. Toronto. 0 Solicitor fur the Executors. GENTS’ FURNISHINGS Barristers. Solictors. &c. MAxxIxG ARCADE. Notice to Creditors Single Men IN THE the Hockey Schedule 24-27 MULHOLLAND & SMYTH Price $5.00. PORTERS 313116 STORE Richmond Hill An ldealGift For Boy or Girl Bring: Your Business to Me and Get. Service. H. A. NICHOLLS NOTARY PUBLIC Commissioner, Conveyancer, Etc Insurance and Real Estate Film , Portrait Attachment 50 Page Kodak Albun, 1 Tube Photo Paste, Instruction Manual and l Year's Subscription to “Kodakery†PLUMBING AND TlNSMITHiNG HOT WATER HEATING] AND GENERAL REPAIRS THORNHILL. ONT. T. H. HARDWARE & SUPPLIES limited Phone 33 - ' Thornhill, Ont. BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, ETC. Toronto Oï¬ice : 2498 Yonge St. A No. 2 Brownie Gift Box Containing No. 2 Brownle Camera, 2 Rolls Kodak A. C. H EN DERSON Prompt Adjustments of Claims and Prompt Service RICHMOND HILL R'CIIMOND HILL] The use of hens is to lay eggs, and hens will positively lay more eggsâ€"‘ GUARANTEEDâ€"if you put a dose of Pratt's Poultry Regulator in the feed every day. Your dealer is authonized to give back your money if it fails. MORE EGGS from Each Hen #121225 Poultru Regfulator erte for FREE-i BOOK. 7 PRATT FOOD 00,70!P CANADA. LTD. Radiola III A, four tube set, iincluding loud speaker Installed Comple'te $108.75. Phone Hudson 3408. 26-6m T. H. HARDWARE & SUPPLIES LIMITED Phone 33. Thornhill, Ont. WESTINGHOUSE RADIOLA 11!, two tube set Installed Complete $553.75. ‘We Are Known In All Lines of Insurance FIRE PLATE GLASS LI FE A UTOMOBILE ACCIDENT BUI ’IerRY SICKNESS and GUARANTEE 01: RON: s . SAVAGE, General Agent RADIOS BY Our THE POST-OFFICE BUILDING A large stock of Funeral Furnishing Kept at the above places WRIGHT BROS. Undertakers and Embalmers RICHMOND HILL. THORNHILL ANE UNIONVILLE Boot and Shoe Repairer BOOTS AND SHOES OF ALL KINDS NEATLY REPAIRED AT THE ROLFE SHOE REPAIR GOOD WORKMANSHIP QUICK SERVICE All Kinds of Boot and Shoe Repairing Neatly Done Good Workmanship Prompt Service Shop in Winterton’s Old Stand, Yonge St. Work done while you wait. Store next' to Village Clerk. GEO. KIDD No Charge for Advice TORONTO