It is beautifully printed in 193,1,qu and gold. On each monthly leaf is u rhimed aphurism by Arthur Guitar- man or other rhimster. with n. cheer- ful little vignette suggesth by the month’s festivals or typical weather. Each leaf, moreover, Czu'rirs, besides the calm-Marni he current month in bold, readable Ly e, a marginal remo. duction of the calendars for the pre- ceding nnd suceeding mo lhs. This calendar will be sent. if requested with order. free tq eVery subscriber who pays $2.50 for the 52 numbers of The Yuuth’s‘Companion for 1925. uome Ualendau' for meat, however, has 1 It is beautifully pr and gold. On each rhimed aphm-ism 11 man or other rhimst ful little vignette : month’s festivals m- ['sefull two thing The Youth’s ‘l'a-ea s u re address. There was a. large audience in the Presbylerinn Suhunl Ronni on Monday night,cnmpusvd chie-fly uf the mem- bers hf lhl’ Methodist Lgugne and the Presbyterian Y‘ P. S. The meeting was in chung of Mr. \Vill Bitty, Whn had with him lwn of his fellow-stu- dents fwm McMuster Univm‘sity, Messrs. Argh‘s and McGinley. and also Miss Ax-gh-s, 0f Tun-(mm. The whule meeting was an uppval to the audiences t0 fullmv Olnist in His sacriï¬cial ser- vice during the new year, and (he due:s by Miss Miss Arylvs and Mr. Ben,†erunthened the impassioned appeal uf Mr. MuGinicy. who guvo an exposition of the story of the ï¬ery furnace. The meeting of the Presby- terian Y. P S. is to he held on Thms- dny eveningof next, week. when Dr D. M. Black. sun of th.» P.-m-;.m;..l Meassrs. A: Miss Ax-gh meeting \v There v Presbylut night, cm hers nf [h Presbylm- was in th: lmd wilh dents l‘n Fvllmving [he :unulgmnzlliun 0 Standard and the Sterling Bank staff spent H. busy day on New 3 transferring hunks and uppliz fromthSLex-Hng Bank in (he I Black In the SLnndurd Bank bnil Mr. Bulfmd rcumins as manager. Max-den and Mr. McLaughlin attached to the Bank here, pen further Instruction“. and Mr. Marlin has been Ll'uxufen-ed m Mn The many his nds and‘ George Bald! deepest sympathy il mplhm- whose dent! ton on Jan. lst. who :thended the Salllll'duy afternoon Patti-[sax], Mr. Gen Uuldu ell. Rev. [1‘ S On Tuesday of last week, Mr. and Mrs, J. R. Hel'lingtnn attended the Golden \Veddingnt‘falr. and Mrs. Esli Terrill in Nm'tlmmherland County. There “'(‘le 60 invited guests. Mrs. Terrill was formerly Miss Ella J. Her- rington, an aunt of Mr. J. R. Hen-ing- ton. $26.25 wouuu. nnw 22.50, regular $35.0(Lunmir $26.25. See our samples and pl'icPs and uur adv. NORMAN ]. GLASS, ugvnt. The Hubhmlin Agencyâ€"AH Holmer- lin suits and oven-coats reduced one quarter. made-to measure fut-examplp, regular $25.00. nmv $I8.75, regular $30.00. nnw 22.50, regular $35.00 How Mrs. Harvey jackson of Gadshy, A]- bertn, who IS visiting'hex- parents. Mr. and Mus. J. '1‘. Saigvun of Maple, is spending u few days in the Villagewith lreraunt, Mrs. Neil]. and friends. Mrs. Jackson and lhrpt- children will remain in Ontario the most of the winter. Atllw nwoting of Ihe Ynum: Peu- ple‘s League (It Lhe Methodist Church next Mnnduy (wt-hing at 8 n’clm-k, an addrw’s will hp given by Miss Craw- ford. Mia'sinnary Pnesidenb of Toronto Centlnl Disllict. Guod music. All are \V(‘lC(‘lnk‘. ‘ Under the auspices of the Village Cnuncil n Fancy Dless (lvu'nivnl will he held in the Arena next, \Vvducsdny evening. Gund prizes will he. given. Further announcement by hills. The Annnul Me-eLing of the Hiclr mnnd Hill Aglicullln-nl Society will' he held in “w (.‘mmcil Chamber. Sutur- (lny, .l-nnnnry 17. at 2 u'cluck. The meeting is puhlic to all. Undo: Cnuncil held in evening. Further Miï¬sr-vs Mm were in the Lhï¬â€˜il‘ Culluin, Minister of l" The children from the 0er occupivd the seals of the choir Mebhudiql. church hst Sunday conducted the singing very crod (Il'PPk. Spl'nt, Xmas and will) his aunt and HHlf’P. Mr. Geo. Kidd. ut Riclmlund Hill Junuu r Ul'USalt ‘EVllllgr-“Sl iC servic in lhc Mt-Lhudist Th0 Cman sub-divisiom‘ Municipal el our nexL issu Division Court, will he) lie-id next Tuesday. January 13, at 10 11.11]. The . Public School is clusetl this week owing to an epidemic of liwnsles. High School reports of Christmas Examinations will be given next week. At the recent Builusque Hockey Game held in the AI'L'IHI the SCUH‘ was 3-2 in i'zu'ur uf the married men. Mr. William Young $5 and aimec ndar I .llll‘ nut-rung Ul [Ila rreshy- ’ S. is to he held on Thlusâ€" xguf next. week, when Ur wk. SUI] of the Prm‘inviul for Mulimbzx, will give un ._____... s Companion Home Calendar 1 for 1925 1 rgP Haldnck exwml their nnpalhy in the. IUSS nf their base death nccurx-ed in Wes- m. lst. Among Lhe many Ided the funm‘al service on afternoon were: Mrs. Lurne , Mr. Gen. Rnbinsun, Mr. B. Rev. H. S. \Vm-len. Bank Changes MH‘ .___ hikh-(‘n from the Orphanage ) .I A f‘ ‘ ‘ ads or typical weather. )reorel', carrivs, besides E he current month in Ly 9,41 marginal rem-o- caleudurs for the pre- lceeding mox‘lhs. This e sent. if requested with every subscriber who Lbe 52 numbers of The >1vthudist church. S E5. to be conducted by lylld Lennard, ary and Kathlren Hndgins 9 City last week visitian n, tlw Hon. Jamvs Lyons. ' Lands and Fore-sts. )s‘ 201' Vaughan election will In mo. People’s Rally : J (ieunm-ll. (, Xmas and New nvenience are L119 3 The Oompam‘zn 1925. Embellish- not. been forgotten. s of Messrs. “’alter st week, Mr. and ,‘tnn attended the 1311-. fund Mrs. Csli nte Ind MI“. Um erred ll) Mupk ling Bank. the w New Year’s nd appliances : in (he Lmne Bank building. e for the various Lughan Townshyp will cmnmence :ry croailaluv n of the [In u re pending ‘. chil the Hiclr “Ly will' he er. Sutur- le. The 1 ud ‘ Mrs givru in Suudu y in the , :md II‘HV Ulnar wrecke builded ’i he future hi I hemhv take this opportunity If thanking Lhe electors of Vaughan wlm wznke-d and voted for me at the recent Mnnivipal election. 'l‘bnugh not elected I appreciate the intPresL that was taken. and («specially the splendid vote tendered me in my own sub- divisiun. To the men and women voters of Richmond Hill, I desire to express my deepest appreciatiun fur their Votes (in pulling day. Idem†it an hnnm- to 119 a member of the Vill-Ige Council. and thank you for electing me at the head of a worthy list of men. wILL BRI'NG liéééii‘r :rofT‘o 31m; mammals SPRM Mr. }. A. Creamy Uuunczllnr, thruugh The Liberal, wishes to thank the guctm-s of Richmond Hill, and all those \vhn in any away assisted in making his echtiun a success, nssming the electoxs that their interests are his at all times. 995 ngggkï¬ï¬ï¬ SURE ne I wish to thank the ratepayers for the splendid support they gave me on Monday, in my first, CUhtPSt for the Mfice of Reeve of Richmond Hill. -Pl('ctiug nu \Vi(h best v SHVILLE, JANUARY 6, 1925 l‘he undersignr I hemhv nor t‘h Kindly accept ing nm to [he pr Reeve by auclnm year. \Vishing prosperity To THE ELECTORS OF VAUGHA) T0\VNSHIP: VVm'ld L. INNES & SONS D THE ELECTURS OF VAUGHAN TOWNSHIP: ’ l n.m p. m. KAUAMâ€"In loving mommy 0f R. Graham, “hu departed t, Jan.8lh, I924. -â€"Sudl\' mix Thu Ministe wife and family ('l grateful to my '5 fur the Inyul mo in lhv reevnl Indidnl the Ne. (AR!) 0!" THANKS ANKIND CA RD optimist his Imus m (2.\ Nil 0F THANKS (‘ARD 0F THANKS Card of Thanks Presbyterian Services Card of‘ Thanks Th Th(- IN MICMORIAM 0F THANKS mus respmflfuliy FRANK GKA HAM Yours truly ALTER ANDERSON up t my thanks for elpct~ pnsitinn of 19!. Deputy- mutiun fur the [)reSent l wishes to thank the an Township for the nnferwd noun mojn )nuncillur for 1925. rs for the) New Year. Yuma? u-uly \‘(xict- of Duty. Mightiosc Thing: in th recent l l't‘nmin unrs Sincerl-ly ‘.".â€"4â€"~â€"._ will In GEO. KELLAM all happiness and T. B. \\'E 111 onge Street A. w. F'A RR Szâ€"ldly IlliSSPd 7h}; DAVID HILI frit w] PD {V8 J. LUNAU right u-L U :linn h LDRICK nomi- I'he 1f rt James this life HI) In Cedar posts and telephone pole; {or sale. T. LOUSINS, 11C Sand, Gravel, 1 Tile and Brick! (30 inches in Also Cement Brick Suud or Gravel sold car lots. The Maple unpunv, Ll unenf, drin (Veterinary Surgeon) Rmcent graduute of Ontario ax'y College. All class‘s of treated. Day and night calls I" ...A~..A iy attended. ' Ofï¬ce and resid Riclunond Hill. T‘ J _ CAMPBELL “I’ll Be Home AUTO “VERY SERVICE Solicitor fn‘I: mmnly llf Yolk, in the Punian of Ontario, Driver, nn [he gx-(unnd of adultery and desvrtiuu, DATED at [he (‘ily nf Tm'nntu, in the Province nf011Nu-in,this 151i] day of Decenlhpr, A. D. 1924. FRANK REGAN. 507 Unnt‘c-derution Life Building. Toronto, Ontario. R. MACDONALD, B. V. Sci Notice of Apphcation for Divorce Richmond Hill, Fliday and Sat! For infornmzmn Phone 110‘ Mus. MYLKS‘. :- Sammy Adelmo Melecc: and Miss Rosalind Bush L. T. C. n Motor truck for general work and long distance haang. l’hone 11 \v . M. PALMER & SONS Parties wisl' evenings†Skating Eve'ry Wednesday 81 Saturday E1 From 7.30 to 10 1'). m. BAND 1N A'I‘I‘IJNDANCE Admission 25 and 15 Cents Comer Arnold and Yonge Streets Skating Rink I ‘mm the Music. v pupils ‘ vm‘ VETERINARY Sï¬RGEON I‘llol‘nhill. CHAIHMAN RINK will Sand. Gravel and Brick I. have on hand for sale. lilt‘. 3. 4. 5. 6 and S in‘ ir. lprution Life Building '(mtn, ()ntm-in. Edith Mary ‘Viles. 24 )f 'urmztn Cunsvn‘ntnry ‘ m-rtept. a number of '. Piano, Vocal and Them-y -' idence Church St Telephone 13â€"2 Soon, Mother," \Vrites Sammy J. MCLEAN '\ PPI 4. b. 6 and 18 and 20 length) by the loaior little lat than he 1 much mo 1d rin m‘io Veterin- s of animals calls prompt- unset-vatm'y of and Saturday Mama ,s father lped him n k Iplai e di1 ‘ight ‘oMMI'n ager He only 1p ivy lO-lf 26-30 I John Donald ELIZABETH 8'13, RICHMOND HILI BOX 109 STORM WINDOWS MADE and FITTED, CARPET SWEEPBRS REPAIRED, LOCKS REPAIRED and NEW KEYS MADE DOOR CHECKS PUT ON and REPAIRED REPAIR WORK DONE BY JOBBIN( L. B. FINCH CLUBBING LIST J.J.Deane Government, Municipal and Corporation Bonds Bought, Sold and ‘ Exchanged lu's's Repaired â€" AND â€" Ronlodolod MILLINERY ,.______._. ____.__. E. Liberal and Globe .......................... Liberal and Mail and Empire . . . . . . . _ .4 Liberal and Daily Star . l . . . . . . . . . . a . . . . i Liberal and Evening Telegram .......... Liberal and Farmers Sun . . . . . . , . . i Liberal and Family Herald and Weekl3 Liberal and McCalls Magazine Liberal and Ladies’ Home Journal ..... Clubbing rates with other Periodicals appfica'tion. Subscriptions received at Office. All business strigtl conï¬dential Trench Block 78 Woodbridge Derous New tor a continuance of same m 1925. May rivate Phone Elgin Mills TAI THE LIBERAL PAIRED MADE bepression, Reading, Dram Box 16 atic and Humourous Sketches Dialect Poems. r'Herald and Weekly Star DRY GOODS )1 Wish. SAWS“ SHEPHERD PAPER HANGER and PAINTER Oxford Street Phone 128 - r12 Miss Marguerite Boyle éz‘tist, Teacher in Literature nuance of the ‘25- May you appy and Pros- VA Year is 111V Owen A address I 3oyle. Insuranc: dent and E Money gages. Those having funds avail4 able for mvestment are advm- ed to look over my list of secunties. TELE .R.HERRHNGTON )FFICI HOSE 11A OCUTION bxckness, bile Etc. llSS mu HI may be had The Liberal oan aduate of ' Studio. Marguerite Homewood 3m; 30 tf Phone 53 on mort- Ii re, $6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 3.00 3.10 2.50 2.50 {01110-