VOL. XLVII. ‘In Songs, Sermon and Story in Ladies and Gents Tailoriland Clothier SUNDAY, JANUARY 25th 11 a.m. -- “Three Priceless Treasures.†7 p.m. -- “Five Wrong Views Of God.†MONDAY, 7.45 p.m.-- “A Joyful Assurance.†TUESDAY -- “Seven Crowns.†A Song Sermon. WEDNESDAY -- “A Revival Secret†THURSDAY -- “A Great Man’s Ideals.†A Song Sermon. FRIDAY -- “Practical Life Maxims.†The Solos, Duets, Community Singing and Addresses are Inspir- ing. COME ! TELL OTHERS $1.50 per annum. in advance.) Your Big Chance A. T. MINNIS, AN ATTRQGTIVE PRBGEAMME Farm Sale Notes Richmond Hili Meï¬hudisi Bhumh Suit. or Overcoat made to your measure $18.50. Wonderful Stock of Wollens to choose from GOOdIStock of ready-:o-wear overcoats, suits, odd pant... a: prices that astonish you Blue SergeISuit band-made in our own shop, 840. Outiusual guarantee of perfect ï¬t or money_[refunded goes with every garment Dr. Crossiey -- AND -- Mr. Leonard CLEANING AND PR ESSING NEATLY DONE "OF CANADA RICHMOND HILL BRANCH, THIS SEASON Farmers should realize the desirability of depositing their Sale Notes with a bank for safe keeping as well as for collection when due. We invite farmers to utilize this Bank’s services. RICHMOND HILL. ONT.. THURSDAY. JANUARY 22. I925 ortner “In Essentials. Unity; in Non-Essentials, Liberty ,- in all things, Charity.†Manager. “6 On Friday evening. lo‘lh inst. :1 grand banquet was hvld at the Curls- Hite Hotel.Tomnto. at which nhnut, 400 teachers of York Gummy were prvn sent. All the Inspecmrutm were well represented excepting the Nnrlh. Mr. BI-ysnn, nf Silverthorn Public Schtml, occupied the Chair. He ex- plained that. Lhe banquet was held to organize a "ank County Toucheis’ Asmciation,†thenbjI-ctnf which WM Social intercourse and discussion of topics affecting Lhn profession. Mr. Duncan McKenzie, Conductor nf Music in Toronto SchoI-Ia'. led the ()ummunily singing which was v;er much enjoyed. The women of the village- aw cordially invited to attend a ten, held under the auspices of :he \V.G"I‘.U. at the home of Mrs. l’hipm, Richmond Street, Thursday, january29t/h. Tea will be served from five to Seven p.m., at a charge of tanLy-ï¬ve cents. The women of the villagp are asked tn show their npprm‘iwtinn of (hie organization and give encourngpnwnt to the members who are \miking in this why for God and Hump and Every Land. by paunniziug lhiq tea Every Land. h) on January 29th The speaker nf the evening was Canon (Judy, Ext-Minister nf Educ"- Linn, whose address was eloquent, and inspiring. Short. speeches were made by In- spectm' 'l‘x-Pnch. Inspector Jordan. Inspector 7nmphrll. Mr. Gardhouse, “Sudan of the Cuunty, and Dr. Mcâ€" (Jmcheon, of the Ontario Civil Service. A hull HUM-'11 one of the most. de- lightful evenings in tho hislmy of York County. The ï¬rst monthly meeting of the \V, AT. S. was held in the ghoir mom of [he Plesbyterinn church on Thurs- dztyaftemoon. January 15th. After the business part of the meeting was conclude-(1n. most, interesting and in- structive paper was read. Mrs. Ml}th in her paper gave us a general survey of Missionary Work in China. _ “Go ye into all‘the world and preach the Gospvl,†was lhe 0anng sentence of Mrs. McNab's discourse. \Ve have in China 124 Presbyterian Missionaries and nf these 4-! are sup- ported by the Women’s Missionary SnuieLy. The ï¬eld is ripe for the Halvestâ€" Let us 599 that the reapers are sent, forth and our "Mastex's Command" obeyed. r We are making China. mu- Mission- my Study fur 1925. Interesting pru- gmmes have been arranged for each meeting. Uomé‘aud be a member of our Auxil- uu‘y. Report of Jr. I Class Total nuumlner of Marks 500 Hunu ul's Puss mark 375 300 Weak subjects given of those below standard. Jack Ulinkei' 421 Adel] Duffen 408 Marjory Bxillinger 390 Victor Scott 380 Lnn-uine Burns 379 Charlie Bailey 374 Geraldirw Sanderson 373 Ruth Tennyson 37? Fred Carter 365 Sela]; Smith 347 Hoherm Leech 347 Dorothy Wade phonics. \\'Hll91’Dnle absent Isabel Hare] absent. 277 1‘ writing and B~ou less difficulc lest Fred Ueben 433 Louise Grahnm 432 Percy Bailey 4113 Bobby Hall 411 Ream Bailey 399 Dorothy Reid 388 Ralph Fi-isby 877 Floyd Hiltz 358 Henry \Vhite 352 Billie Richards 2310 Alec Patterson 325 Edith Deadmun 325 Wallace Graham 820 Phyllis Ofield 319 Cl‘iylon Denby ’3“ (l and Phnnics.) Ethié Emerson, just returned from another school. 'Myme Homer 193 writing fl_nd numbey work ï¬rihmmfl. Uâ€"[n order of merit Mary Kozuk. Hughie Duscburm. Teddy Willoughby, Matthew Buylr, Dnm Foxtuk. Helen Phinuey, Louis Mnbley, Neil McMillan, George Stung, Kenneth McUutchenn. Richmond Hill Public School Report Presbyterian W. M. S Teachers’ Banquet '. C. T. U. Tea 70. J0! MARRITT, Teacher. 874 373 372 365 (Reading (Reading ARE YOU INTERESTED IN BEING WELL DRESSED? OUR GARMENTS AT A NOMINAL FIGURE. Style Books and Samples at Your diSposal in our Tailor Shop. RICHMOND TAILORS WRIGHT STREET Richmond Hill NORTH Yoxmn S-r.. RICHMOND HILL DR. ROLPH L. LANGSTA‘E‘F. n um" v --- _, Ofliée Hours 8 {TOâ€"III). and 6 : 8 p.m. DR. LILLIAN C. LANGSTAFF‘ (diseases of women and children.) Office hours 1 :3 p. m. Phone 100. ocumssxoxnu, COFVEYANCEB. no. REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE J. EDWARD FRANCIS NOTARY PUBLIC \Ve have the very [Meet styles: and guarantee hesL of workman- ship throughout. J.J.Deane Government. Municipal and Corporation Bonds Bought, Sold and Exchanged TR Y T11 14: Richmond Tailors DRS. LANGSTAFF STAN DARD' BAN K. l'wzsultalimz (end Diagnosis Free OF CANADA, RICHMOND HILL BRANCHâ€"W. G. Bedford, [Manager All business striatly conï¬dential Thornhm. BANKING FIFTY YEARS- Private Phone: 78 Woodbridge STERLING BANK BLDG PHONE 49 w Dr. J. R. ALLISON Branch†8130 at Aurora, Lansing, Thornhill THORNHILL, ETWEEN the curtness and coldness of printed bank forms and the human element for whose use they are designed, are vast opportunities for the.- bauker to give valuable personal The Personal Element in Banking Affairs banker to give valuable personal assiuance. The Standard Bank, [hmugh the members of its staff, is anxious to use any opportunity that arises to demon- strate its value in offering persona] fldViCl' on financial matters. The [nest] manager of the Standard Bank will be glad to give intimate counsel upon money matters pertaining to your business. DENTIST OPEN EVENINGS EPUBLIG NflTiflE JOHN H. DUNLOP & SON FLORISTS At 'I‘he [Elevator We solicit orders for cut flowers for all occasions. which will be promptly and carefully ï¬lled. 32 RICHMOND HILL, ONT. 00%; hours 9 L0 11 mm. and (3 to H p. m.. and by appointment. Ofï¬ce Centre and Church Streets Richmond Hill, Phnne No. 24. DENTXST Oï¬ice Trench Block. two doors north of Standard Bank. Bout-39mm. to 5.3) p.m. Telvphon? 32 We have a good supply of Bran, Shorts, and Middlings, selling under wlmlesale prices. Also Glutin F's-ed, Special Scratch Feed, Cracked Corn, and Blatcbford Laying Mash fur Poultry. Bcled Hay, and Buled Straw, Purity and Royal Household Fluur for Bread and Polar Bear for Pastry. COAL TELEPHONE (:1 ONTARIO A supply (f the best Anthracite in all sizes always on hand, and sweened before delivery; also Pocuhantns Egg ()onl. Solvny Coke and cut Hand Wood in 12 in. length. We are paying Highest- Murket prices for grain. DR. M. B WELLWOOD I. D. RAMER Dr. L. R. BELL {Single copies. 3 cts DR. J. P, WILSON Oflicezâ€"Ceutre St. West RICHMOND HILL Phone 83 Oï¬ice Hours: 10-12; 6-8. Gas for Extraction No. 30