Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 12 Feb 1925, p. 1

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Dated at Toronto, this 24th day of January, A. D. 1925. “E. W. BOYD" 3|.“ Assistant Manor of the 8. C. 0. For further particulars and condi- tion of sale apply to N-ughmn 3nd Jonklnl, 608 Federal Building, 85 Richmond Street, West. Toronto, Soli- citors for tho Plaintiffs. Time shall ha of tho use contruct. Th purchaur will pay n. the time 31' the ale to titfu' solicitors, and the thirty days into court. , -r.‘....n.--, “7-1. The conditions of sale will ,he the standing conditions of tho Court ex- sapc that all parties save the Dsfend- outs. sbsll ho at liberty to bid; the purchaser shall havo tsu days to sssrch the title at his own expsnse and sons requisitions on Plsintiffs' solicitors snd shall not, be entitled to call on the Plaintifls for any evidonce of title. snd i! any requisitions srs made which the Plaintiflu' solicitors ars unoble or unwilling to satisfy the contract shall, at. the option of the Plnintifls' solicitors, and on the direc- tion 0! the Court. be cancelled and deposit returned without interest and without, ginning”. ‘ rursnsnt to ajudgment of the Assis- tant. Master, dated ths 4th day of September. 1924. there will be offered for sale by public auction by John T. Suiaeon. Auctioneer, It Hotel Rich- mond, Richmond Hill, Ontario, on Sat- urday, the 21st day of February. 1925. at three o'clock in the afternoon. the estate and interest at The. Trustee of The Property of [sumo H. Siuidereon (An Authorized Assignor) Henrietta Sanderson and of Florence May San- derson in the following property. being part of Lot 47, let concession ’l‘nwn- ship of Mnrkham, Village of Richmond Hill. having a frontage of sixty-six feet one-half inch (66 ft. :_l inch) on Yonge Street, by a depth of (180 ft.) and being fifty-six feet seven inches (56 ft. 7 inches) in width in rear, the said land commencing sixty-four feet two inches (84 It. I inches) South from the South limit of Centro Street and running Southerly sixty-six feet one- lmlf inch (66 ft. .1. inch.) together with and subject to a right of way ss des- oribed in the mortgage of slid huds to Samuel McOabe et al. on which pro- perty in Mid to be erected a. theatre. two stores and apartments in course of construction. Ths ssid propexties will be sold sub- ject to loonl improvement. rstes and tllfllndn reserve hid fixed by the said Anni-tent Master, also subject to I mortgage for 883,347, nnd interest at the rate of eight per cent. from the It'l'ludny of $eptember. 1924. day, eh. Nth. After that, date he will be In Richmond Hill to give per- sonal agltention to his CUIIOMI‘I‘I. In eunhliahing A business in Richmond Hill urn-Her the name of Richmond Tailors; he hopes to receive the co-op- oration ,‘of the citizens. and in return will [win-Am“ satisfaction. Having been 163 years with the House 0! Hub- herlin. Toronto, in the capacity of Mommas- of Cutting, Trimming, Fit- ting and order departments. he is pre- pared to givn you an upâ€"to-the minute. tailored-tu-meuauro garment and will he in larger premises, one door south of Rustic Inn. Yunge Stu-st, on or about the Lt, of Min-ch. IN THE IATTIR or “THE MECHAmca' AND WAG. EAHNERI' LIEN Ac‘r.” WILOOX LAKI V TRUSTEES 0F ISAAC H. SANDERSON. ET AL. Sale of Unfinished Property ON THE EAST SIDE OF YONGE 3T. RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO In the Supreme Court of Ontario ‘ursnant m gjudgmom of tho Von. XLVI I. ANNOUNCEMENT Whatever your banking needs may be, this Bank can satisfactorily fill them. Every customer of this Bank, whether their accounts be large ‘or small, receives the same Courteous and adequate service. A.r'r. MINNIS, L Greene wishes tn announce it severing his connection: Hausa of Hobherlin, Sutur- .Dl'lth. A_f_t§:.li_thuc data he .50 per annum, in advance P“! his deposits Is I.” the Phin- thn halnnce in ellence 9! the , , or CANABA RICHMOND HILL BRANCH SAM. SHEPHERD PAPER HANGER and PAINTER Oxford Street Phone 128 - r12 J. F. BURR - Phone 82 w Deliveries Tuesday Formcr student Ariâ€"Dr. A. S. Vogt. Toronto. tho Into Erna-t Nixon. Kitch- onqr, Ind {he Into Cyril Rnlphrul Hogg, Innipog, and of Percy Graingor, New York. Yonge St. Richmond Hill M"... H: it‘lfioila.‘ Iffilicted with dinbcten bettor. and II calling friends. Manlfred Brillingar. who had 1 severe smack of hcr heart about ton dnyl ago in again convalescent. u__ I! n -- ~ J. J. Deane w-I Accl'll mtorooting and profitablo to tho lorgo Audion“ prolont Tho houon nervol lunoh. Ind I oociol holf hour woo spout. The St. Androw'l Buoy Boon Mia-ion Bond not It tho homo of Mn. J. Ketfor. snurdoy ovonin‘. the 7th of Fobruory. Ofl’icon wore olootod. and tho work of o now your. entorod upon. u name of Mn. J. B‘ Man‘nT-‘ilo'dno: day utter-noon, Fob. 6th. Tho pastor. Rev. C. H Bowman. gnu In nddrus on Foreign Miuiom which vu- intgrnting and profitablc to th- l---- G°Wmm¢n§ Municipal and Corpomu'on Bonds ‘ Bought. Sold and Exchanged There will be Communion Service in the Methodist Church next Sundly n 11 A, M. Service in the evening It 7 o’clock. Rev. Mr. Christie of T will preach at both_urvi¢ee. A~J Custom grinding. flour and fend. Oar-load utSumd-rd re- cleaned Screenings. Poultry feeds. Grits. Cnrcoaln, Mont Mean, Buled Hay and Straw. Mrs. Steuart Williams eacher o f Piano All business strictly \ confidential RICHMOND HILL Private Phone: 78 Woodbridge GORMLEY Heine. who has been linbctea is fooling um. culling on many old MAPLE and Friday " In Essentials Mum-(er; 450 The Board requested the Vililgo Council to make a levy for school purpose: as follows: Public School $11,000 High School 6.500 The Beard decided to hold the monthly meetings during the your in the Public School Chairmenâ€"G. A. Duncan Viceâ€"Chuirmsnâ€"Rov. E. Kelly Secy.-Tren.â€"l. 8. Cooper Committee 0! Managementâ€"Kelly, Gee, F. Atkinson Financeâ€"Wright. Gian, J. Atkinson Propertyâ€"Mn. Perry, Cowie Attendance Officerâ€"G. Smith Public Libraryâ€"fl. B. Stirling The report of High Stboni Inspeclm Rogers was road, which was very satishctory. The~ Board requested the Viilsgei Cuuncfl to make a levy for schooli hV!II|I\nn- -A £_n 1 no ruuowmg otficerl wore appointed At the Annual Meeting of the Bond of Education: ,,_... ..... unucu manxeu the members for thoir mark of up- pn-cintion. but asked time to considel befale giving a definite answer. A resolution was also pnued. ox- tending the thanks 01' the congregation to tho evangelists, Rev. E 'I'. Crosaloy and Mr. J. 11. Leonard, for choir splendid work and unliring effort. in the special services during the put two weekl. Al a meeting of the Official Board of the Methodist circuit Tue-day evening, an invitation was extended to the Pastor. Rev. B. 8. Warren, to remain another year “Superintendent of the circuit. Mr. Warren thanked the member- fur lboir mark of ap- prvcintion. but {asked time to consider hafnun ~:..;._ 1 The annual vestry meeting:r of St. John's Church, Ouk Ridger, was held on Monday afternoon. Jan. 26, with a good attendance. Thn reports of a II the work cf the church were must en~ thusmstic. showing it was one of the best yenrs in the history of the church. The wardens rbpurted a balance of 314500 after all was paid, including the increase in the Rectnr'a salary, and the student’s salary for the sum- mer months. The different organizi- tions also presumed very encouraging statements of their year's activitin Tl'le tyllowipgpfficerl wore ur. vveiimiod will enter the pulpit at. Beach Avenue on the first Sunday of July, succeeding Rev. George E. Balfour. whu has accepted an invitation from Cal-man Methodist Church. , "a"..- u. nwlwnou, U. U . of Collier Strut. Methodist Church. Rev. H. The travelogue lny Mr: T. ldgar Plewumn, l‘. R. G.S., announced in last weeks' Liberal to he held on Monday. February 23rd, has bani changed to Monday, March 2nd. Mr. Plowman will give an account of his expeditinn into Tibet. Thil will be illuntrnted by splendid views which he himself took. As he is the only white man to penetrate into parts of this interesting and little explored land the Young People's League of the Methodist, Church is fortunate in being able tn procure Hr. Plowman. Remember the date, Much 2m}. I A! a msetipgflnf the Mann. H. Murphy, 1. Dunlop and H. Arnold v 8 Reception Committeo Roux-inns on their nrriva quot this ovninx. Atamuting of the Boar: Monday owning, acting on thi tion of Fin Chiaf. H. Mills. n wn paused requesting the Council to appoint a committoi Bradford and other townl wit] of improving our waterwork- Ippjinncu. I Ufli‘y.‘ in N ‘ BOARD OF EDUCATION . ONT.. THURSDAY, FEBR ...- uuv v: Luv us in the history of the church. ,rdeus rbpurled a balance of after all was paid, including mum in the Reclnr'a salary, stgdent’s salary for the num- h, m. ,J .x-. vllv qul‘ ha. The different. organiu- presumed very encouraging a of their year‘s activities. Board of Trade Meoling 1. Wellwood Goes to Avenue Church OAK moms Change of Data Resolutions I requenving tho Villnga ppoint a committee to visil d other townl with a view 3 our waterworks and fire . Murphy, J. McLean. J. H. H. Arnold war. appointod \ (Fommitteo to meet the I {heir nrrivaL for the Bum "Orw‘. N on-E ssentials “19 Boyd 0! Trad. ing on the Iuggu- I Mina...- regqlution . People‘l Leagu- Beach Ladies and Gent: Tailor and Clothier Spring Cloth has Arrived RICHMOND TAILORS WRIGHT STREET Richmond Hill Style Books and Samples at Your disposal in our Tailor ShOp. Cleaning and Pressing a Specialty Our New Spring Samples have just. arrived, which comprise beautiful falnics in xll shades. We have the vfl-y latest styles and guarantre mm! of workman- ship throughout. ARE YOU INTERESTED IN' BEING WELL DRESSED? l m. PUBLILNOUM Cleaning and Pressing a Specialty DR. M. B. WELLWOOD IICHMOND HILL Phone 83 Cities Houra: 10-12; 6-8 Otice :â€"Centre St. Welt 1 bus .150 u {ow unit: and overcoat: left our from 1924 which I will sell less thin coat. Sizes 83-44; I can now new you 400 or our different nylon of "ring cloth. Lndiu 1nd Men are uking sdvantaga of buying only, as it 3110: than a large usortmenz to pick from. Leno your order (or upring unitl. Price wil! be film to TRY THE Richmond Tailors (,bvasultals'mz and Diagnosis PHONI 49 w OF CANADA RICHMOND HILL BRANCHâ€"W G. 1 DENTIST STERLING BANK BLDG. TELEPHONE 61 THORNHI LL, ONTARIO slik your pooh“: Ina suit-5710 (It- '7 {UA {1' 12. 1925 Dr. J. R. ALLISON Branch“ also n: Aurora N THE course of development Ufa banking business policies are formed, habits maintained and methods practised which are peculiarly snd intimately connected with the institution that gave them birth. It is these things that giye a bank individual character that infan ences a man in making his financxal affiliations. In offering our services, we solicit. your enquiries regarding Standard Bank policies as affecting your own business. . F ortner Character and individuality in Banks OPEN EVENINHS TH E Free NORTH Ymmn S'l‘.. RICHHOND HILL umce noun: :5le mm. and 6 : 8 p.11” R. LILLIAN C. LANGSTAFF‘ (diseases of women Ind children.) Oflice [molars] :3 p. m.‘ Phuna 100: R. ROLPH L. LANGBTAFF. Ofiice hours 8:10 mm. and 6 : A supply of the best Anthmcite in all sizes almuys on hand, and Icreoned before delivery: also Pocahamna Egg Gaul. Snlvay Coke and cut Hard Wood in 12 in. length. We are paying Highest- Market prices for grain. We have a quad Iupply of Bran, Shorts, and Middlinqa, selling under wholesale prices. Also Glutin Feed. Special Scratch Feed. Cracked Corn, and Blalchford Laying Mush fur Poultry. Ruled Hay, and Baled Straw, Purity and Royal Household Flam-fur Rlead and pnlnlonnuw 1â€"“). G. Bedford, Manager ‘. Lnnolng, Thomhlll I. D. RAMER 'nr Pastry. DRS. LANGSTAF F Gas for Em’tractz'on COAL [Single copies, 3 ct; w_ill_be right to fd Royailrml‘iousehuhi Bread and Polar Beau- No. 33

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