Of all kinds - LICENSED - R epaiI‘S'Prompt Service Wil‘ 'Estimatcc Free All Work Guaranteed J. A. HOLMES Edgar Ave. BOX ~13 LANGSTAFF P. 0. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING Rev. Peter Taylor. of Turuntn. will conduct, services at Thurnhill Presby- Lerian church. .Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Chapman will be in churge~ of the music as usual. At a meeting of the nan-concurring members of this church it, was decid- ed that an invitation be extended to all those who voted in favor n! Uninn to‘remnip and worship with he. Dr. J. T. Phair, Chlk'f Selma] Medl- cal Ofï¬cer for Ontario. will address the members (If the Home and School Club at their max! mee'ing, which will he held in th» New High Schm-l. 'I‘unsdny Pwning, thrunry 24th. Th9 subject of School Medical Inspoction is \of more than ordinary inlerest Ln Lhe public, and Dr. [’hnir will he able to explain any questions that mly be m our minds to the working of the system. A brief mmivul programme is being pie-puma. so please remember the dun», Feb. 2M). Mr. and Mrs. H. Stanford and family, stnp 23 Yonge St... wish to thank their many friends for their kind expressions of sympathy. and Lhemnny bountiful floral tributes ex- tended in their recent sud hen-"ve- ment‘. in the [ms of a loving son, Henry. Councillor Jumu McLun of thin \vill|[o has bun elected Provident of \lhe Ont-tic Association of Flirs and Exhibition: ML McLean hu bun {or your-ma prominent member of the Th:- lmnqupt, nudwr Ibe umpicvs uf the Richmond Hill Rimrd uf Trude. bu be given in the air-hunl mum of the Preshyuvrhn Chm-ch. this, Thumdny. vveninz at 7 u’i-lnck, promises to he the eVPnL of the seam-n, A splendid progtammo will he given hv between 30 and 40 Hutnrinns (If Toronto. Tickots MI? 75 cents. A large number of men and women are expected. "The Envutiwa ()nmmiuno of Hip Richmond Hill Agricultural Sncipvy that, in, the hmne vi the Prpsidonf, M". R. Thumpann. Lunpbaf’f, lust Tnulu- dmv evening, and unwise-d the Prize List fnrlhe Annual Fair on th9 24th of May. The suggestinns will he prr- sélihmi fm- confirm-nun" at, the hexl meeting of the snciety. rt _...v‘,. v. un- (Xntario Plowmen's and Seed Growers’ Auocintinnx. a judgo of plowing m tches and ï¬eld crop competitions. aigd exhibitor of heavy horses. Thnsu in m-pd of flesh milch vuws should uttnnd the nut-tin" Rule uf D. A. Funnng Ht Cultis' BnInS. Rich- mond Hill, «m Friday. the 20th nf Fahrumv. ’I‘he Int will include Hul. stains, Ayrahirrs and jerseys. 53!? In Zo't'lock. If ynu want tn h-Hrn why Rutmy that arigmnted in 1905 has spread over the whale wm‘ld, don't min the Banquet 'l‘huradly night. Thor? will lw something diving fmm start. Ln flnieh. Secure your ticket while the supply lusts. ~ ‘ on April-12th. Thin brings Binnie} days earlier than last year. whnn it fell It a particularly late data. On behalf of the chil(ll'9n,l WM: [0 thank rhnse whu so kindly sent dun»- tiuns uf clnthed tn the schnnl. The present difï¬culty is Ior children up ln 7 years of age. M. L. Mchnnghy. The Pustor. Trusrees und Members of the Ricllvale Community Church Wilh to thank their many pahons for their splendid support nf thu )nncert recently given in the chumh building. Lent will commence on the 26m of Fob‘ruarrrxgnd gaster Sunday will {all The light, 6 McLaughlin var, ude- tised fur snlu by auction in Thomp- son's Garage, Oak Ridut-s. will not he ulfercd {qr sale neitt. Satmduy. 0f cnmse you cxIIecr, u valentine an Saturday, and n1 course yum' friends expect. to hear fmln you. Rem]. W. McIntosh will preach at hmh services in the- Presbyterian Church utxt Sunday. Emergent meeting of Richmond Lodge Friday evening. Regular meeting Wed- nesday evening of next week. Thornhill Presbyterim Church CARD 0!“ THANKS Detached luick hou floors. nll conveniences. 1 and fruit. Detached six mmm, s nonve-niences. Detached frame ï¬w- 1' electric lights and gun thing for u small family Detached brick, gmn and four acres land. ’ Among the nuumus lflul‘al lnhutes was a large and beautiful on“ from the teachers and pupils of the puMic school. His min remiined clsmr tn the t-nd, which came very Mzdduuly and mm);- neetedly to his pamms who we“: with him. The funeral selvice was (:nnductod at St. Muly’s chum-h hy Rm‘. Mr. Noblv. Rectur of Thornhill. owing to the illness of the Rev. F. H. Butlershy, Those “'hUCéll'liPd their law {Hand to his early grave \ven': ()swmd Carter, Teddy Philput. DunuM Frishv, flux-old Ronke. Jack Finch and Teddy Bennett, followed by many of his pluvmates yvhn were devp} v affected. A Push Mon-Lem was held on Muudny and his death was found In have hvvn caused by acute descending pm-nlyaie, occasioan Ivy u fall ; but u, is not knmvn just when he recciwd 1h» fatal fall. ~ He Was out of sclmul only one day. On Friday and Saturday he was nnc well, but. there was no anxiety felt until Sunday manning In the after- noon lle was remmml In the Sick Children’s Huspilnl. hut pasï¬ed «Way shortly after being admitted them. (By one of the teachers) A dm-p glumn was casL m‘er [he Public Schuul lust wrek by lhe sudden and untimer dent]: of Henry Stam- ford, one of the helm‘ed pupils of the school. and unly sun (If Mr. and hits. H. Stanlmd, fur whom lhe glealest sympathy is felt in [heir sad bmravcâ€" mem. Henry, who “ms in his Lllircet’lilh year, was of a bright and Clll‘el’flll dis- position llml had rude-"red him to [us Lean-hers and tn all who knew him. “(if uur deur mother; «way. Full. )1. 1923. Gud saw huw her footsteps did fultov, And the way had gruwn loo strep, So he cIused her wean-y eyvlids. And give his luved une sleep. Ever renumbered. B;.§§DS~Tr_ihute nf love in mommy Fmiu-nl 2.30 pm. In- terment iu AlllUl'll. Cemcu-xy. STANFORDâ€"At Sick Children's Huspi- [H], on Sunday. Feb. 1, 1925, of acute descending purulysis, Henry. umly son of Mr. and M15. ll. SLanfurd. stop 23. Yungc Sum-I, in his [Rt-ll Yrm'. MCMAHUx~~0u the Uth of Felnual'y. 1925, at. his LtLB residence, Lurmm t SL, Alll'Ul‘u, Edward McMnhun, belm'ed hush'nnd of Phoebe Hniu- stg‘ck. in his 55th year. At, a meeting at Lung Brunch. Fnduy evvning. the chairman. Dr. H. R. Adams ummuncod (but. Alex. Macgl'vgm- would prnimluly be Wed. York's candidate IL the next Plrclinn. Mr. Macgregur was the chief speaker of the evening. ‘ DENnY-On February h'lh, 1925, in Mr. and Mia. John Denhy of Down:- View. a son. John Henry. Complete list Apply, 1. R. | The Pasting of Henry Stanford â€"â€"Ddugmels, Frames and Lila West York Liberal Nominee IN MEMORIAM FOR RENT HE DEATHS For BIRTHS :lpplic {RINGT Sale gnnd w romns gnruge. huuse‘ snli gar Minn outbuildings h" 'uge‘ 0N hrit furn Just andwnud -. 'garden we. the all 'Artist, Teacher in Literature, Expression, Reading, Dram- i atic and Humourous Sketches, ! Dialect Poems. [Professional Graduate of , OwenA Smiley Studio. Address Miss Marguerite gBoyle. {studio ‘Homewood ;Hall,’ Thornhill. Ont 30 tf ELOC U TION Miss Marguerite Boyle MILLINERY . QUALITY SHOPPE H 0 SI E R Yâ€"-For Men. Women and Children CORSETS, CORSELETTS and BRASSIER ES, UNDERWEAR. â€"- For Ladies and Children. WOOLâ€"~le all the pogular shades and for all purposes All Flannel Dresses at. reduced prices to clear the stock. We specialize in the following line: :- DRY GOODS -.-- LADIES WEAR