Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 19 Mar 1925, p. 4

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Real Estate, Loans Government and Municipa Bonds and Insurance .5...â€" Automobile. Etc .) OFFICE . YONUIC H’I‘IIICE'I‘ TELEPHONE II M Ilit IIMHNI) IIII.I. _ ‘____'______â€"â€"-â€" MacNaughton & Campbell Barristers. Solicitors. Etc. Offices-Suite z'ill thIilniiUI‘I Bldg” Cor. JOI don tlhd Molindit Sis, loi'onto. Telephone Illniii 361”. A. CAMERON MACNAUGIITON FREDERICK A. A. CAMPBELL Mr. Campbell will ‘ie :it. The LIIIPI'HI ()l’fice, Richmond Hill, every Tuesday :ifternmm. Government. Municipal and Corporation Bonds 9 Bought, Sold and Exchanged J.J.Deane l Private Phone: 78 Woodbridge All business strictly confidential R. MACDONALD, B. V. Sc. ‘ (Veterinary Surgeon) Recent graduate of Ontario Veterin My College. All clases of animals treated. Day and night culls prompt- ly attended. Office and residence Church St. Richmond Hill. Telephone 13-2 .._..â€". ________â€"_|â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€" BOOTS AND SHOE OF ALL KINDS NEATLY REPAI RED . AT THE ROLFE SHOE REPAIR GOOD WORKMANSHIP QUICK SERVICE Work done while you wait. Store next to Village Clerk. # NAUGHTON 8i JENKINS Barristers Solicitor Notaries Telephone Adelaide 2108 85 Richmond St., \Vest. Toronto. Offices Naughtcn Block, Aurora Solicitor tor : . Aurora and Richmond HIII.I The Townships of King. \Vhitchurch and Mnrkhuiii Walter S. Jenkins ‘ _ Res. Phone Res. Elgm Milts Hill. 5048 Res. Phone 44.). _______._._.â€"â€"-â€"â€"-â€""--‘r AUTO LIVERY SERVICE Motor truck for general work and long distance hairline. l’lurnv 11 \V C. M. PALMER 8; SONS Corner Arnold and Yongc Streets littl' H. PATERSON ItOt‘Si‘. PAINI‘ING AND PAPER HANGING E‘Iraniv 11.3% .3 \t‘i‘o PAINTING E ‘Iuriio 6‘“ I. Harry N nughton W. J. Scrivener Real Estate ~' Insurance .\<-l.\l l ‘.. 1.1.. Central Fire IIISLII'IIIZCL‘ Co. \\U The Ontario lief. and Accident Ill<tiflilifc t o. l-l‘iSll’t‘N.‘EL CENTRE STREET more: no r - Riciiiiow hlLL Sl-tf. ii??? Lit‘. i A orcNicn \I. III. Whether or not. we are, to have. a general ("IL'CIIHII this 3031‘ notmly knows, not even the l'riuio Milton-r, because while thi- be, . Int: di-‘custed, more ‘ ,the Ilouse is in session no possibilin i~ (\l‘“1315.30I‘mirfli‘~ gtin’l‘lI' llle I ‘ ‘ l “V ' l l. l i l ll.ll L I ll‘ Ill Ill I L u l \ i . v I, n l , ~51 i IS {:1 l" O l.ll('. t tl1 l \ .- LlilUll Iltfil- .t‘ .‘ will be it geiicrzil clc grout while. I 1 : 'l‘liisisrhe fourth session .int tIl Polistitucncit s which have to Ito won I'Ul‘ the Liberal cause it. is llll-Iltrlthl» tout. that czintlidutt-s should how no opportunity it Illt"'llll‘l> the to min, In tidings \’tltt‘lt' orgiiiig'flfi 11 work IS being C:tl'lit'tl on to twat ton». should hr- culled :tm‘t ('Jllllllnl‘lit5 fol. (’thtl with ditr- regard to their staunch liber‘ulhm, I Mr err: pit! Impulzlt‘it-y and llt<'lt‘ ll’ltUsS l‘vl‘ pith.- lite. Honicuiher Wm, llnstings. ill go into the The Liberal l’iii‘ty w p .w‘iti. “0” light \Vllt‘ltt‘\t‘l‘ it (mint-s high liopo tor success and \‘v'ltit II].{:'tl Pleasure and'zii‘ioii, because in the last three. \'(‘EIIS in which l‘i‘einici‘ Mackenzie, King hits born l'riuio Minister he has not made any SCI'IOIIS mistakes. On the contrary he has added Instie to his record and has rI‘llt'I‘lCII such credit on the Liberal Party that his followup? :tre enthusi- usticnlly confident of the outcome. WW... I. T. SAIGEOIN ‘ Maple Licensed A‘ictionet-r for the Uonntyof York. SIIIL’S attended to on Shortest notice and at reasonuble rates. - Patronage solicited M William Coolr, Cook & Delany T,,.,._,.,,,,,. F. GORDON Coo}; ated by the‘O ,at commencement exercises WILLIAM COOK THOMAS I‘ELANY BARRISTERS. SOLICITORS, E'rc. ‘ Toronto Oflice. 816 Federal Building, at 85 Richmond Street. West Richmond Hill Office , uioeral Ofilce), every Thursday forenoori. Maple, Thursday afternoon. Woodbridze, Saturday forenoon. Money to loan at Current Reta ________â€":â€"‘â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"_‘ Notice oi Application for Divorce par-ad NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that \Villiani John Taylor of the City of Toronto, in the County of York, in the Province of Ontario, Street Car Con- ductor, will apply to the Parliament of Conudit at the next Session thereof, for a. Bill of Divorce from his wife, Ethel May Taylor, of the City of Toronto, in the County of York. in the Province of Ontario, on the grounds of adultery and desertion. DATED at the City of Toronto, in the County of York. in the Province of Ontario. this 20111 (Iin of November, 1924. HEYD, HEYD, SHOREY a NEWMAN, 614-516 Confederation Life Building, Toronto. Solicitors for \Villiirm John Taylor, the above-named Applicant. 34-88 I ICC'I‘IOX : \VllICX 2’ ‘ ,llilt'ltlttiltl‘ 28th, the nti.~pices of ill be held in the t‘hui'ch, “l§;i(‘l{l‘i<ili(i" \Inrch an I Thursday evening, entertainment under The. League w when the comedy drama will he presented ’lhis is :1 «loan, \'illIJlL‘>""ilt‘ twinime mid put~' across the ti.:it otte's i'utnre depends lzirizi‘li l'uct nion tho di~.o\'erv and proper IISI‘Itr lil’ltit‘ll J|()\\'t't>' You writ :ipprwciit» ’\l;, :‘tjtl ,\irii I‘listtvn. livlll'y lfinlng :;t homo "\iominzi" hcv furnish lots tit" .(lls A\\i‘.io Scott ‘ now.: they h:i\‘o :i until liittj,‘ fin to lltt‘ (lili‘twy pr'Itt't-ti‘f Not-tr It.IIHl the "t iiiru" tut, ‘h I\'.' \'.H] inure I).'lt'l\i‘lilt9 by Coming out I in the Qttth and SE'U how it works. ‘00 posters. (‘.\.~'r or ( i:.\ir,\tT1«:it.~ IIcnry Iiiistun .Inck I’ris'riy man in hiisiness but i'llit‘S rho rt list, Illltll t'tin Illizulwth "\t-mo people Pt \‘i l‘ h I‘ithi-l Mortsou Mrs [Gaston > I‘Iiizziheth I‘lil.\lli‘.l. the attractive daughter .Ierin Nichols Mr. Horton, owner department Ftoi'e Harold Morison I’red Burton, his son Willie Scott who lets well enotigh_ alone vllnlll .I. Hmtth' Kate, maid at l'laston IIomc Mae Meek Collector for tieo, Agar Installment IIouse Walter Smith Miss \\ oodward who believes Horoscopes Invina Mt‘rtley 'I‘om ] \Im Freeland Bob k E. Klian lloruthyi Elizabeth'sfriends M. Agar Mai-ion ", G. Duncan Itirector I‘l. I. Hitchcock IN NEED or? A SERVANT iIrs Marshal Miss (iv Duncan l‘tIr. Marshal Walter Smith Margorot H'Flanagan Miss (‘aswetl Ix'eatrinzi Yon Follenstein Miss E in BIRTHS “INLAND :\l (I II{\ illv, Out. on Much ll, It‘llâ€"r, to Mr. and MM \\'. 'I'. 'u'vllutitl, Ill ’t‘ li'hwl i look I .1 st :i, iAv oo>â€"â€"-â€"â€" IlliniIb l‘niszrr .‘ti thw (2.. u». (nu {6.2. tl:i\‘_ W Hill li‘u'o, t‘ii'ilwt'v- Iiiuiii, III'l‘th‘Il will" |‘l .l‘ l.ii Iiil~iiy 'ti liu: 75th )wni IPHI win.“ it I'i Inn r- ‘il‘i:,[‘ . Non. ii i‘, .‘i h Hit», .it 11H p. III ,1 tho \ll'illttlt\l ('ilnizltv-ijr, \V‘t vii.i Stiliwit‘. «gin-n ' .5" M " ""7 “w F' god :4. E} E,“ l to {oi r... 3.9 ti ‘J it :2 4.; r. \Vo ll'|\" .‘I )9 ll ‘llrt‘l‘l" ‘ I II' Short-3th.] .\lt‘':. -,~I II n.:: mi: |' ‘\llrlt\ ll prim». AI-n- t.1tiiili l‘it't‘Il‘ Slit-FIJI .‘it': iI- ll I'U'Itl. ('iurkrtl t‘t1n, tl‘l liii'(’itl’till fining: Mwh hi l‘nnltxv. H-tlt-il Hi}'_ itittl liiliwl H'i;i'i'_ I’liiii)‘ and Royal III'II“ ht ’il I‘IIUII: f-tl' “It‘ll'l :illtl I‘ltlv'l lintl’ for I’iistry, COAL A \lippli’ if tho Imzt [\lilliirtri‘w in :til <i‘/.w< nlwuiy: on li'ii'ti, r'Illl IV loin tl!’ll\'t‘iVZ I’otntlmnluw [‘jgt: ('onl. . S. lviv (Niko :Illtl ('Ill IIJIIII \Vuod in IL? III length. “3- Hr“ pnyin; Illqhnt- MiiikI-t prices for groin, N‘I‘II'I tiwl :1“, Nichols , Snowdrop Washington (Col t (I. Agar Mae Meek Mrs Bunker and child and ,Master A, Nichols. ..A . 27 Nurses will Graduate at Orange Memorial m n nurses will be gradu range Memorial Hospital to be held 23% the \Voman 5 Club of Orange. April Mrs. E. Westervelt Tucker,president of the board of governors of the hospital, will preside and present the diplomas. Among those graduating are four Canadians. one of whom is Miss Roxie Topper. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. Topper, Elgin Mills. AGENT FOR THE MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE OF CANADA The Protective Association of Canada. and The Dominion Gaurantee and Accident Co. ‘ FIRE, AUTOMOBILE, PLATE GLASS ' ETC. Maple Out. 1 Phone 23 _â€"___.â€"__â€"-â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€" l JOHN T. ANDERSON PIANO TUNER 378 Berresford Ave, \Vest Toronto. Phone Junction 0072. Leave Orders Iit Glenn’s Drug Store, Richmond Hill. TWENTYâ€"FIVE YEARS' EXPERIENCE mail orders will receive prompt attention. ‘ i On and zit'tt-i- .\l;:l‘t t not tt>li tor Lorne; I lit‘ t i not hit»: uni lltll ‘tl. . - t “\1:“ IX": .. ‘11".1. tI.‘it..:‘. ,t '! (iivo tho numlw' Dir rt Mil ~~ :'\ lt't‘ is Jilthlr ti:in on Kim ion-t ‘(Ott it I: for :1 numb-r ‘.':'. Effective Saturday, M'arch 215t, 1925 'li fist, to It la, hone t11]_\’ iilllllltt‘l‘ iii 'l‘oi'onto you need )i -I ‘tIlt‘t‘. ‘ » \\~- .( I t i‘ ., _ ‘ \Vltllt‘ t‘tiiiit l'-\"1t‘l iii-'l' i z: Ilt‘l‘r’illl. lt' \‘ott «lo: 1‘ :1 illlyl‘t‘rllilli‘H-‘l St'L'L‘ nor the cicluz. MISS Richmond Hill -I->'.i TV: It t:;~ . Of (:1... .' ;. of 55:0 can"! .l o lttz~l :1 mi '-z:.'::r ::;r:‘o'z ask, for "I. ’~ J JILI7fljk,’ â€"â€"k A1. 'EWIP 1. D. RAMER FOL-valor- OUR LUMBER‘IOU SHOULD sentry» H“ is THE BEST .. CASH CAN BUY! < PIGCIFY our in your building plans. You will not only find that you receive. it high quality of merchandise but that you Sm,,ff,.,“,. come in contact with folks whose business principles are quite correct. Let. us get acquainted with your building plans. L. INNES & SONS Phone 133 Yonge Street s t I". Lt lowztl Hill. D0 3 t't'Ylitll is lit‘llitt't‘xtLIIJ- :li-~. that is, whore . l-(Iiow tho iiuiiibtéi', t l tI‘ ,â€" _. .â€" _.._._. __.._..__ \V’ant .rkds‘. OH HAI.l'l-»â€"Coiigtvlcuiii Rug, 9 x13. us. it two mu: ih~, Mus, [mm-1w. l Yoiigo Mimi South. .in’ 'IIIIIL 5 .i "UNI. HII ll‘ tix II III):- III-till“, iui t. it\\ lljlllll‘ i|\l‘;,|t-\\. I: :.t \\-'.r .- Ilr' I‘l’id V.‘.lI5).\:‘ \\tl ltI‘ 'i“!\lrli A‘\ It \l MIi'Il‘ littii. lis‘llt. ,|>.\ .‘l‘..-Iilil ."-- llint l: l<i t==lltt. is .tivlj.‘ Ii‘tii .l:, (h ' (‘I‘ilt‘i'ttlit .mm. "evapgr. .â€".m-=â€"_~nr :n-u agenda ’)i.‘1\(. It ”'I|l w... o I.‘.tllt } ii~\v i t'ir.lI|I., I. It tl‘L' ‘w tip \ it I 'lIt‘r '- mi _' s \' ‘\ |leli'l|‘ltllllllttl ."l i. I..t,.. "it .7. ‘\illi>,illll‘ I-.t ' it“. l’.'.lt I‘“ ~ .â€". L' V-my‘n ' W1 in I Inc. It |lll'.\I (hi, .,._; .i...i»i.. I.II' Hop, \[ to, littl li .tiiil \l'llltll . . - . . v~ ,. . f\\liltl..\w.\tn..ilitiiit, Iih'phriw l law-lining. 3'3 ' .uâ€" “Vaâ€"hm" nmmm UH I,lu‘ 'llltl' in. I‘. I‘ ll' 1' Humor- _ II-Illl\tllill, litut‘ttllt‘ilJiI‘ PIIOIII‘ i-i], J.\I'Iil'. I.i‘.\',\l'. EH )AII.IFI“'H suit: W or... 3.7.7... ~t'p;si.ilt>t' (I ~‘Illntl :.~‘ l'wllo\\~, It, ~liiii-‘l Siriupiwx, lllt II- I 5 ,~I'iinl tin. nt'th 13.31, s'm- it)“, put. I'_H.A , April u“. llll'l, III IH‘ ~ttlil Irv Illll'llt' :ilII‘IIt-ll :it Iii 'liiuln, st: p _“.’ \Vttltgt‘ hilt-rt, Zilli day of Mui Ii. tail? :it ‘2 o’rl wk in tho Attrini» ii. that). At t~H.\‘, li-t‘i II". It“ I , , . 1, UR SAIJI‘. 7 Six Irlilt’li L'iit'liiii " hint: to |iei.<, :tntl IIII‘Slt‘I. turn-MM) .\ivil i'\::, Line“? If. 3‘4-3‘ -wmm.-.._._wâ€"â€" Alstlli FALL» llt |~t7, lill’lit‘~~' HIHI \\':vj_;viii, iliw lot lint til-5M”. A so Ilol~lt iii t-tvw, tlllt‘ to In sh. Ii Apl II .[lL I‘lorrx l“:~i-fi,\', tlxi't-itl M , pl one 1‘34 l.’ 3 'EH-iill 1, Aim rot». suit; on kItN'l‘ or ‘2‘", FUN, '_’, Vaughan. iinni ‘tllfllt’ .ItiIlN SLINEY. [Him-“ion. LIB-15H ' ‘lil'tfli 1"th mm â€".\ rm: it”... about lll‘ll. \\ill:t'lltht ip, Applv IIAILHINSUN, (-loitiiley. 383% It. FUR SALIC (Jl’. EXCIIANUEâ€" i5 for-t Iiingsdnlo :it Yonge, (‘XI’IIEII g9 fm' Sllidll house and iiciengt', tic-Iii Rich- mond H.ll. No agents. l8l Gin ‘9 St." Toronto. 38-3?! ‘7 Olt SALEâ€"Euily Eureka po,tuteo.=, at 90 cents per bag. Applyi H. R. Higisn, Gfilndv‘y. 38-41 1:0“ SALEâ€"Young Iii-w IIiichl) Cow. ' calf by side, ALUNZO l\I.\iR’I‘I.\. Richmond Richmond Hill. 237-351 ____â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"\Iâ€"- r‘OR SALE â€"A few tons of No. l 'Bynnthy ll’ly. A. J. Nit'nQLs, lot 2|, (1m. 4. Mnikhtuii, Phone4014 37-38 ‘OR SALEâ€"Cheap Pnrnrie State int-ubiitor 400 egg size. in good condition. Apply E. PARSONS, Maple, Ont. 37-39 ____._____â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€" XPER'I‘ FOR TREE PRUNINGâ€" Experienced. Richmond Hill, Box 217, HARRY SIIUSHENSKI. 37â€"39 F foid, Phone Richmond-1714. OR RENTâ€"58V?n-I'UK'II) brick house. Apply CHARLES CLARK, Head- 37-353 “OR REN’I‘â€"-Gnrage on Roseview Ave. A. ELSON, Phone 56w. 37-89 â€"â€"â€"_L,,.__â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" OR SALEâ€"500 bushels of seed outs. Joux RoBISsoN, Jefferson. 37â€"3“ M Olt SALEâ€"Two Holstein bulls rising one year, no... two oxtia good rows, lot ".29, con. Vaughan. T. B. \\'r:i.1:niCi(, anlc It. R. 1. 37-44) ________..___.â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€" OR ItIflNT~Housc on Yonge St, north of Post Office, Apply MRS. C. HARRISON, Richmond St, Rich.â€" mond Hill. 3711 ‘L)I.'XL) A WA’I‘t'Iâ€"I«Own(-r may E hnvc same- by applying; to Miii'khziiii Road. 2574f. .____‘______________ ‘ I'LliS â€"â€"For sale, 20m Strong (iludioli Illillhâ€"It‘d. pink and beautiful (whirlpgs, splashed whiti- :.iid lriiioii. Ni . 1,581.50 pt‘l‘dt-Z. No. 2, $1.00 PL'I’ (Irv/h Sporinl prices by the hundred. l‘l. \Y. MoYIE, Lang- stixll'. 36-89 __________.__â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" Ol’. SALEâ€"Emily cobbler <eed F pot.itoos, :ilit‘til 15H hugs: Also it ‘quiiiitity of Into [Nil'ylltttu‘fi Spencer. 10. ll. .loxrzs, 21m Maple. If, 1 w.”â€" NELSON 'I‘Iioiii'soN, St'flllt‘l. "OR llIiN'l'idlttis-r oii lilizuhctli . hllt‘ti l',i ltlit. Apply to I. E. i‘NlliMHlil.. , :S-tf ._..__..._____._,,__,.r_ HISIZI lug-4 ~UIi SALE~ N~\\', .3 [littlhs' p'iw: lltil. lutlilltlttln, ill ir"~ i ll. lit t I~ tlt\‘.1.~lilt\_ hark Jittrt‘ll. \wim ilili. \‘ftit i, tli't'til', lltll sit/m, ‘l‘lltt'i.i '.1«i. i'iir..iv- ltILI“ Ill. 'I': ‘.I-- I ert; :.i~,. .3 I'iltiIIi It 'li‘, “Ill-l, smile :Iiit’. ‘,t '2 ', .tlil.llvl‘tillllll,l:i]g{; . \.!.‘.1.\V ll; him Iid St, :3 15-25 m: L ~ ifrngmAJ-umvaWv 4!;(‘4‘ ‘ lulCI H J-‘. '. {Y t ‘ \ ‘,_‘.'I I>_‘."1'.\Itlt 5 wt'iul “H. II gi'w t to >llt'> t ~\‘- j.‘ I" i 1p?i i l : Ili\ itlitl Min 7' l; . : x i .in. liti-gh .iii. \‘l. . t . .\,i« .lownt 'vl III 't ‘.. w. «MIMI. i'. It ‘It ~’ . ' -‘.:.. 1 Mil: It... t,: i .. Advertise in The Liberal.

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