Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 26 Mar 1925, p. 1

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$I.5o. per annum, in advance.] “ In Essentials, ‘ The March meeting of the Home and School Club was held Tuesday in the Gymnasium ot' the High School. Collecting Sale Notes If you have any farm sale notes for collection, you are invited to utilize this Bank’s collection service. We will be glad to attend to details of collection for you when they fall due, and deposit the money to your credit. \\ lM-PE 1- o. c... \ RICHMOND HILL BRANCH, ‘rA. T. MINNIS, . 459 b I n - ‘ For Sale m Two frame houses on Centre I 8.. I S t, pnlpwood front timber limits went to acres could sell where he got the most Unity,- in Non-Essentials, Liberty; 1' Vaughan Liberal Association â€"-.â€".-u l The annual meeting of Vaughan! Township Liberal Association was hell in the. Town Hall, Vellore. Wednesday. March I8:h, addresses were given by Mr. Howard (lane, Newmarket; Ml‘. I’ingle. ex-speaker of Alberta, Legis- lature and Hon. Duncan Marshall, Dom organizer. Mr Marshall Went into the pulpâ€"Wood industry ex< tensin-ly. and said that not one foot of the I'. S. but. had to he marmfaeturrd in Canada. But the settler on his 160 money for his prilpwoodâ€"and where the US. paid more than the (lanndith. he got pulp-wood, ()ti‘irers were elected as follows: Presidentâ€"j. S. MoNair ’ Secretary~â€"\V 0. McDonald Treasurerâ€"\V. Andersmr. I oOâ€"â€"â€"â€" Past Masters’ Night Richmond Lodge No. 23, A I“. & A. M. duly observed Pa~t Masters‘ Night at their regular meeting held on the 18th of the month. A candidate was 't‘en room brick house on Church St. nll convenicniws. .TWU beautiful brick houses on Rose new Ave. every convenience, . Eight room brick house, central loca- imn every convenience. Several small properties from two to tour ltCl‘t’S, good outbuildings. The attendance was splendid consider- ing the condition of the weather. After a few business items were disposed of the. programme was given by the Literary Societv of the High School. 1 In the absence of the President of the Society, Mr, Stewart, Principal of the School. in a few Well chosen words extended a hearty welcome to with good sized lots ‘Lt-nge brick house on Elizabeth initiated and the Past Masters Showed they had lost none of their old time vigor in conferring the degree. Dur- ing; the evening V. W. Bro. Lamnn was presented with a Past Master‘s jewel for which he thanked the Lodge in his usual happy manner. It was also decided to have 3. Ladies' Night on the 17th of April. The chairs were filled as follows : Com lete list on ,1 ~, “cation theiHome and School club, and stated a I 1’. M. W. Bro, G. ()owie. P l" tewh ways in “no. a... the w. M- ir, v}; Bro. H. A. Nichons. ‘ v ‘ clu had insert a benefit. to th s ~n- 1. 5~ W. 1’0. A. .l Helmkay. Apply, J. a. IIhRRINtzTON. 2-24: This i...- followed rw ,..,.‘,‘, 3,3,; V,_ w_ W_ Bro. ,,._ “Trench __________ Kin-HI and instrumental lrlllnlwis l“â€" ’l‘;eas. W. Bro. (i. B. Newbery. y - it‘s“- L'llllk' BAH, Murii-l “Hitsmi, 0 ap- \V. Bro. I). Hill. Soldri't \V-‘ill'lell and NI r. Bernard 2?. C- kykgrohti. {LALalng T n N It 93'. H lest: Were ,ll 7 r, [,[V >3. I. . ’. r0. ‘. . .amon. “pill'l'clill’t‘d by thirst- I)!(’Sl‘nif-,l\(\'I]III-‘ D. \V. Iiro. A, Glass, . the scene from "'I‘hc Merchant: of 5- S' ‘V- Bro- A- R Metcalfe- LOAD or \'i;iirt'i.r:s .\("r Venice.” although short, was 1.3. W. Bro. P. 0. Hill. splendidly given, I. (i. W. Bro. W. A. \Vright. t ‘ . . . , ' . . .. . ' i I ' PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby giwn that, Alter a limit \ort oi thinks “as Filer R. \\. Bro. W, H. Legge. extended to the Nirtnrtnirrrrs the meet- ing was closed by singing, "God Save the King." said Act provides that. during the mouths of March and April in Unclll year. vehicles operating or object. \ being moved over or upon a public, highway, which is 'not within a city= or separated town. and Ilil\ ing A " R carrying Ctllitlt'iLy execedin‘z one. ton, I shall not lk' loaded in excess of oneg half the rated carrying capacity of such i~ vehicle. or object without a permit us ‘ provided by said Act. The Act also irovides that notwith- ' standing such prirnrit. the owner, driver , or operator of such vehicle or object, is responsible for any danrrge caused to , . it highway by such vehicle or object. 1 ' A penalty not exceeding $11I0.00is: provided for a contravention of any of the provisions of said Act. Notice is also herelry given that the provisions of the said Act will he strict- ly enforced with respect, to the high~ ways under the jurisdiction of the Township of Markham. Road Commissioners are hereby in- structed to watch their .respective sections for overloaded vehicles, l according to said Act, causing damages to the Township roads. and act accord- ...â€";. M...“ «urn-u Hill mond Continuing Service in Masonic Hall on Suud March 29th, at 11.15. try, Sunday School at 10 n.111. All cordially invited, Bring your Bible and Hymn Book. enry S. Mulliiwuey: “EIY- ‘ BARRISTER. Soucrrorr, \V.C. GOHN. G.A.I\I. DAVISON, -:- Norway PUBLIC. 36-89 Reeve. Township Clerk. TORONTO OFFICEâ€"~Standrird Bank Sand and Loan. .. .. DELIVERED .. PHONE MAPLE 1049 T. MITCHELL, Elgin Mills. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING Of all kinds ‘ - LICENSED - iv R ep‘dil‘S-Prompt Service Wiring 'Estimates Free i All Work Guaranteed J. A. HOLMES Edgar Ave. BOX 42 LANGSTAFF P. 0. Branch). Phone. Hudson~~3218. icmronn HiLL OFFICEâ€"Over Davies Dry Goods Storeâ€"Every Saturday. Money to Loan at Current Rates. Phone Richmond Hillâ€"<11”, M DR. J. P. WILSON Office hours: 9 to II a.m. 6 to S p. 111.. and by appointment. and _Oi’fice Centre and Church Streets Richmond Hill, Phone No. 24. M DRS LAN GSTAFF . onru Yormn Sr. Ricmroso HILL DR. ROLPH L. LANGSTAFF. DR. LILLIAN G. LANGSTAFF' (diseases of women and children.) Office hourl I :3 p. m! Phone 100. DR. M. B WELLWOOD Ot’tice:â€"-Centre St. West RICHMOND HILL Phone 83 Ofl‘rce Hours: 10-12; 6-8. t l J. EDWARD FRANCIS l NOTARY PUBLIC «ZOMMISSIOSER, CONVEYANCER. are. REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE Thornhill. ! ’I‘ENOR TEACHER OF SINGING Now accepting pupils. Phone ill} for information CHOIR-LEA DER AND ORGANIST I‘RESIiYTERIAN CHURCH Office hoursS : I0 am. and t3 :8 PELHAM CIIAFFEY Lightrefreshments were enjoyed in the Tower Hall at the close of the Lodge. .Hâ€" Don’t Miss This? "\Vhen rr Feller Needs a Friend." A humorous, witty farce in three acts, presented try the Young People‘s League of the Methodist Church. to be held in the Masonic Hall, Friday and Saturday, April 3rd and 4th,:1t R p.11]. shai p, (‘n .\ R AC’I‘ERS In order of Appearance Thomas Denker, an artist Nuel Price. . Boh Mills. a magazrne writer Harvey \Vulker.‘ Mrs. Reese, their landlady, Gertrude Harding. Jerry Smith, jtht returned from “Over There" Gordon Sloan Liz, Mrs. Reeses Stepdrrugliter Olive Mortson. “Bin:r Dickson," Liz's steady, Iiolph Tyndall. William Hooker, Tom’s Uncle, Fred \Velrster. Alice King. 'l‘our‘s Aunt Victoria Hunt. Elaine Lynne, Alice King's Wziidl Building 2453 Yonge Street, (Eglinton Daisy Hurt. Anfiela Scott, Myrtle Smith. “Bob’s Fiancee" “a..____. VILLAGE COUNCIL. .uâ€"ttâ€"n The Council met in the Clerk‘s office, Monday, March to, present the Reeve and Councillors, McLean, Pugsley and Greene. Minutes of previous meeting read and confirmed. Councillor McLean reported having | investigated the matter of drainage in ' the north end of the village and stated that. his opinion was that the only solu- tion of the difficulty was a storm drain on Yonge street. '1 he Reeve also stated that he had obtained some engineering advice on the matter and also prices and r lWomens Suits made to your order I that the work could be done for approxi- mately 13 cents cost per foot frontage , to the proportion effected. On motion of Councillor Pugsley. i seconded by Councillor Greene the ; application of H. H. Palmer for a Bowl- | log Alley license was granted. the same .to be subject to the regulations under â€"â€"- -â€" r the lay-law in that regard. i Mr. H. Davis addressed the (‘ouncil ‘ with a view to having some gravel ‘ placed on Mill street. Mr. A. G. Savage made a personal application for a drain on Yonge street t from I point in front of the louth side ‘of his lot to the Centre street drain. . On motion this application was granted subject toa report of the engineer as , to the levels and sufficient fall. A resolution, moved by Councillori ‘ Pugaloy and seconded by councillor Greene. wu carried, appointing Mr. r Wilfred Jones to serve on the Board of .Educstion as High School Trustee for one year. I Accounts amounting to $583 ‘33 were read and ordered to be paid, Council adjourned. n all things, Charity." [Single co pics, 3 cts. Jack is Twenty-One To-day ACK is twenty~one to-day. But he has more than a man’s years to his credit. He has one thousand dollars in the bank. It has grown with a practical mother’s love, from the initial deposit of one dollar on the first Birthday twenty years ago. Youth and age alike bear witness to the value ot'stcudily building :1 Savings llank Account. Your child as a deposrtor, will attain a higher standing,r in the, community, family, or, most important, in his own estimation. Open a savings account for the child. BANKING FIFTY YEARS' THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA. RICHMOND HILL BRANCHâ€"W. G. Redford, Manager Brand-nu aluo at Aurora, Lansing. Thornhill 6.’ Dr. J. R. ALLISON DENTIST STERLING BANK BLDG. 'r'r:t.r;P110N1§r;i THORNHILL, ONTARIO (ltmsultttti'tm and Diagnosis Free Gas for Extraction OPEN EVENINHS Quality Garments RICHMOND TAILORS Situated One Door South of Rustic Inn Solicit your Patronage for the latest creations in made-to-measure garments. The best of work manslrip is being put; into every garment by experienced tailors and under the personal supervision of Mr. Greene. Beautiful samples of the new Spring fabrics, both suitiirgs and overcoatiirgs, are on exhibit in our sample and tinting room. We invite you to call and see them. OPEN Evssrxos. We do Repairing, Cfeaning and Pressing at Reasonable Prices. . Phone 5,] 01- Residence 9 xv RICHMOND TAILORS J. A. GREENE As Easter is Early Now is the time to place your order fOr Spring- Mens Suits made. to your order $25.00 up. $30.00 up. . I keep on hand a full line of Vlcker- man’s Fabrics of Blue, Slack Gray, , fancy worsted, all colors ‘ guaranteed. Fit and Workmanship Guaranteed. Repair Work, Cleaning and Pressing Satisfactory Done i E. R. Former Phone 95 r sadies and Gents Tailor and Clothier

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