Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 23 Apr 1925, p. 5

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Mr. «ml Mls. G. Buynmn, Muphx. :UIHUHHI‘I‘ [he I-ngugI-nn-HL uf llwir nly duughtvr, Hn'm-I anw, to Mr. lulu-y hmilh. of Victor i'l Squaw, lhp Midge Ln [flue place the liner palt plil. The WI‘Pk of April 1925.11.13 been appointed by. lIIs-. Excellency the Govel-nm General as “Save the Forést Week,nnd the people at Canada me 19m nesLly entrunlvd in the pmclanlt tion to consider this prublem. and to givvou-eful heed to infonnutiun dis- seminated by the various fur-est pro- tectiwe. agéncivs. A “um-Ht will ha bull] in ( Ch"! 13“. I"1i1]u_v, April ‘24, :11 8| gnud p1 ngmumw uf pl-W“. 5"“ \vill'\ v plésvnh'd In" 'l‘m‘nnt... Adu‘fi ‘sixm, adults 25c child” Come :nul vnjvpy :l g'WJd on ment. Th? CASH-r 'J‘hunk-Olfeting Menling Hf the “W M‘ S. nf the Pmshyterirtn Uburc mnk tlwfnrm (f it Misxinnux'y Ten. at Ihv Manse {m Saturday lnsx. There was u. Inge HHPndHnCP ufid the enlh’ctiun amounth to over nvenly- six do .1”: s. :fl. Lhifi 0m 6 The series of recitals at the Rich- mond Hill Methodist Church will close on Sundiy evening, Apiil 26th, with an exceptiuually fine prugnunnm. Mr. Suchettinf the Metropolitan and Bos- ton Grand Opera Umupnnies will sing in Italian and Agnps Adie. Brunswick Artist, in English. Mr. Melerci. at the nrgun will pl Iy Bm-uwski's “First Sunntn." ‘ The victim of heait disease, J. E. Pee] drnggist, 235 Rnncesvulles av- enue, was found dead in his bed yvster- day morning. Mr. Peel is survive-d by his widmv and two chiljren, He was a. pi-umizwnt temperance worker in the Pm-kdnie Pi-nhihitiun Uuinn, and :In office bearer in [he Nu: [h Pm-kdnle Methodist Church. â€"â€"'l‘nmntu Daily Stun. Mr. l’cei was :1 sun-in Luv of Mr, J. G. Alconibmck (If this village. Con Humming Fumil y Hele he se 11‘. (,u Ne “"le ' t' Hf ton-y rate of 5 news llsut‘iher .nzan- under the anspives of {he W. A. (If All Saints Uhunch, King, will he ~eld in the Mnsnnic Hull, King, We nosduy. Apr-1] ‘2‘th. Cnmmeuciug at; p.111. Lllexc will I): u sule nf wmk. ice; cream, hUIIIQ-llldde candy. fancy gm’ods. fish pond l‘l.C. and moving vl¢tures at 7.30 p.m. Dman Mutm‘s of Cnnadn.‘ Limited. repnrfihut curs are being built at the rate of 75 cars per day at, their Lea- side plantnuw and emu-ts are being m1de tn increuse this pruduction to 100 cars per day. Dilfiuulty is being encountered \iu geLtiug sufficient. materiuLfor that pl'uductiun’. Unfilled orders for Um nmv Star Brougham alune tutu! Over 500. Pruh‘ts shown on business for lhe'mnnth uf March Were highly sgttisfuchiry. Denim-s, who are cunning to -lht‘ factory in Inge num- bers Ln drive (Ln-s away, ropul-L busi- ness prospects exuvptionnlly bright. Blah” A 3.! pices 0 iuries ( flichm ful :m in bus I BITS. \Mich , ':(' 0f 'l‘uuml hell Izhl, “Uller (a noun (0 cumvdy. aented 1 Club. of 'Eeneral fn I‘llll) vxnl mun :md nvi tended vil z‘thlnk prizes. On S: Mrs. Oh one [inn ed pmz Order (ukvn and u. supply uf Field Seed Guru of lhe best varieties and guamnleed quality. AL the Eievgtur. M}. A. J. Cnmpbvn is rammed to beJnuking u very good recnvery after u sudd n ultile of illness about, a Week “‘(‘l pau Mrs. Hurry Gamble returned ham:a Snluldny nfternmking :1 [\V0 wwka' visit. with her sister in Oriun, Mich. Hgl \V 1 :ss smokers thowing &|\\'.‘l ig-u‘eues in llw \le'xd gms‘s )g the Ul‘Cll.ll‘d :md buildi Jmms are afloat tint it was a incendiary. Mr. Hoppvr is loss at between $300I 3500.00 with M) expired ulicy as his only protection. Mr ln next n; n Lt he mi HI 0‘ h L:u- and the Giz- ndlfliSsh Drug Su HI I) his we ! Mrs, Arthur lfilson Wish to hvil’ upprvciuti‘m fur the ulnvssus shown hv frivndr: hm: during Mrs, Shuults ex- t. M: Hi] Hall cing immediately, the ml-l and Weekly Star will » New SlthCl'lhel‘d fur the 1925 at lhe‘snvcial introduc- 0f $1.00. This offer is to ‘ihers only. Orders taken V. Bl‘ucv’, of A mpuliod m7 Mrs visited Mrs. A 99k. and call? )M fliends. McMahon. u'hu has been‘in Hospital fur‘ [hr past, six expected home [he latter uto “71 At )p Play under the ans- 5‘ and Juninr Auxil- y’s Church (0. of E.) will he held in the '5 issue will elppmu‘a rd Puzzle, for which and try t1 'eciutiun Ln uur Gun ninn of :m (*XU'H Hg L. where it WAS n'm 1," Will be prQ. n-d's Dramatic served se 115 60c Called? upnn of Ann Arbor, m. V will rmmtn [Hl"llt. childmn 150. ad ontoltuin- w h n Curl-ville l 8 run. A sun-y. etc. May whea 1U ill put on 0111' one of the 0.00 m Insuran [bl-e .\l SaVage On In p- act of iumtes US an ll n DON’T FORGET NEXT WEEKS ISSUE. OUR OWN EMPLOYEES WILL NOT COMPETE. The discussion at the Horticultural meeting on Tuesday evening was on the activities in progress through this society for the season. Members dis- played interest in these. The small trees given be the Provincial Govern- ment will arrive very soon. and Mr. Gee, president. expressed a wish that citizens would lend a hand in their planting under the supervision of the Reforestration Department. On Mondnny {waning Apri127lh. 1m} uweting of the Young Penpie's League will he in charge of the Missionary Department. and an interesting pru- gmmme has her" prepare-d. Rev. J A. 0. K8“. B. A., Of Richvule. \V‘ll give an illustrate-d uddmss on his Missionary wurk in the Imrth. Mrs. A (1?. Savage will give u. Avmtal snln, Miss V. Dunera piano suln, :m_d Mr. Gen. H. Price will give u reading from Drummond. All are \velcomv. Representatives from the Board of Trade stated the prop’wsition of that body to coâ€"o‘perate with tho Horti- cultural Society in giving prizes for Boulevards etc. This to be dilculaed at an early directors‘ meeting. M. Hume. Secretary. ' The wide terrace at the north-west section of the park is being cultivated preparatory to the planting of the rose trees from the Dunlop Green Houses. Mr. Dunlop most graciously is laying out the beds and will supervize placing the rose trees. his gift to the village which will be backed by shrubs from the Endean Nurseries. Four vine: were donated by Mr. Lashcr to be planted against the walls at the waten works. . ‘ the Gills’ Conference at Guelph Hm imz April 23, while- the next thwv ' receive cash prizus (vf$?f01). $2.0!) : $1.00. The girls standing Let and: in the gem-Ira! Handing will got. 11 t trip to the Uhicrugn Inlet-nutin Show. The cunt-est (:iused by a m _enjnynhle hamwa which was hpld lhr School Rm-m nf [he Mvthu Church. the supper being provided lhe LadIt-s’ Aid Hf LhP Uhm'ch. rr-gret Lhatlupk of spam: prevents giVing names of prize winners. For Our For the first three correct answers received at we award three prizes. . First $3.00 credit on purchase or cash Second $2.00 credit on purchase or ca§h Third $1.00 credit on purchase or cash all 0143503. will receive the Gills’ L ing April 2 receive casl Methodist Young People’s League THE FOREST SHALL WE (3R9? ET SHALL WE Nation'al Int the Treatm \\'E M Horticultural Society W. G. BALDOCK, LTD. OBSTA< FORD - DEALERS RI C}II\I()N1) :I'IIIJIJ l \A‘ .\ Cross word r Puzzle In Next Weeks Issue HON. CIIA AND AND WATCH I-U; DEPLETE OUR F4 UNDEIRMINE INDLLS MENAK‘B I"U~TURE P est and t of our NSER ABLLI SURE rm- will ’ APHH" .00 and I Our houu 1nd 2nd Dear m : “‘1'ng Thu Aug; a “hwt held in ’Lh‘uihh MENE ET STEWART, Minister of OUR FOREST CAPI INDUSTRY FUTURE PROSPERITY lational Securl ‘orest Resource April 26, WilL close the series with Umberto Sachetti, tenor, formerly_of Metropolitan and Boston Grand Opera Companies. and Agnes Adia, soprano, Brunswick Artist. During the recitals, Mr. Melecci at the organ will play a number of sonata movements {rum Botowski, Rheinberger, and Men- delssohn. Mr. \ieiecci, organist of Richmond Hill Methodist Church. announces a series of Sunday night recitals for the month of April. o The artists talfing part age}; folqug : But her earl,th hnme Her face nu mom “‘0 VV(- miss hm", I?) we mi~ [Ln-d tears nhidden Xes. we nussl Thrmgh \w. [fiin And sumu day Whore \‘Vr'll Her lmsy hand: are folded now Upon her peaceful breast; HPI' fwu'Me fm m inactive Imw, \Vnile she now sweetly rests. HA FIâ€"‘EY â€" At h Nanny 2 April-20‘ C8331!!!) Splendid Opportunity for Lovers of - Good Music J. J. Deane Government, Municipal and Corporation Bonds @ Bought, Sold and Exchanged Ill” un. V.Iug Ann Rm- ‘s Hurfey )iid All business strictly ' confidential 0 day “'1’ hlype t We'll never part I'R Private Phone: 78 Woodbridge l.\' “EJIURIAII : sad and Ivme‘. her gone away ‘ ~:mw:1nd loo} 1- shining shore HI LPE DEATHS ml)ka ha eaba HOXV in MM unhill hmm demand 3 Crop dour mother', she’s free from Ink her hon) re. our office, "I ITAL hufimd Hill W mm-‘t her, gain . I“ )ty now I 2nd mm- «lny, April f the lute Famiiy Sir Inf/WNW]! d a wnv 1n |9(.l1 I ll] 3 Broadcloths in stripes and plain colors, from 75c. to $1.25. ' - l ‘, Voiles priced at 39c. to $1.25; 13130 ready to Wear striped broad-v {cloth dresses, special at $4.95. ' ' A good line of House dresses, large size and also summer under- wear‘for Ladies and Children. In our Miilinery Department every day has been opening day, and We still have on display, Hats suitable for all occasions. ‘ Silk Hosiery that we can recom- mend, at $1.25 per pair, or other lineshfrom SOC. upwards. Former student of Dr. A. S. Vozt. Toronto. the late Ernest Nixon. Kitch- ener, and the late Cyril Ralphrul Hogg, \Vinnipeg. and of Percy Grainger. Mrs. Steuart Williams/ Teacher of Piano Yonge S .MILLINERY BOOK FREE. PRATT FOOD co Trench Bloék On McLaughEin-«Buick â€"Thoroughly 'Eested F our-Wheel Brakes QUALITY SHOPPE McLAUGHLIN-BUICKfour-wheel brakes have been thoroughly tested not only by McLaughlin-Buick and General Motors engineers, but by thousands of owners of Four-Wheel Brake McLaughlin-Buicks. To these owners McLaughlin-Buick four-wheel brakes have proved‘their increased control and safety by fault- less operation through nearly two years, in every extreme of weather. Mrs. Norman Batty David Hill, Dealer Richmond Hill ichmond Hi DRY GOODS â€":- LADIES’ WEAR Denton, Macdonald c: Demon KING ST. \VEs Barristers, Solictors. &c )IANNING ARCADE. WWW“ D-SOS Phone 53 3'

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