Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 30 Apr 1925, p. 4

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Mr. Campbell will he at, The Liberal Office. Richmond Hill. egeI-y Tuesday afternonn. ' A large stock of Funeral Furnishing Kept. a.b the above plices Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York. Sales attended to on shortest notice, and at, reasonable rates. Patronage solici d MONDAY, MAY 4, 1925 RICHMONDHILL. THORNHILL ANE UNIONVILLE Banisfers, Solicitors. Etc} Officesâ€"Suite 511 McKinnon Bldg.. Cor. Jordon and Melinda Sts.. Toronto. Telephone Main 3631. A. CAMERON MACNAUGHTUN FREDERICK A. A. CAMPBELL The next meeting of the Council of the Municipality of Vaughan will be held in tho Township Hall. Vellm-e. MacNaughton & Campbell Vaughan Council Undertakers and Embalmers (L On rural lines there are over 125,000 you can now do business with by telephone. Costs a family less than 2% of its annual outlay. Eager to work for you! 50,000 new telephones are added yearly. We can help you list those in any section who might prove profitable customersâ€"if you wish it. full benefit or not, the telephone goes right ahead rounding up potential customers in an everâ€"widening market. WRIGHT BROS. thther you reap the at 11 o’clock a. m. J B.MCLEAN. Clerk I. T. SAIGEOIV Maple 1 acre land with solid brick hrmSP, 8 rooms. stable and other outbuildings, at, Headford. Lows. ACBEAGES, AND FARMS Office hours 9 to 11 mm. 6 to 8 p. m.. and by appointment. } nor. land \\ ith good frame house. 4. rooms, cellar, good water, stable 12 x 16, hen house 10 x 12. Frame and stuc‘co house, 5 rooms, furnace. Pleclric light, water in house, lot 50 x 169. Office Centre and Church Streets Richmond Hill, Phone. ~ PHONE "0 F - RICHMOND HILL Real Estate world peixce along Rep but this remains to be Unis struggling old wm‘ from the effects of the 121 .htvpe for the best. Contracts call for a certain number of miles, say every day in the week, fine weather or stormy ~ weather. Many a faithful man loses his job be- cause a. neighbor tenders fox afew dollars less. The last tender may find at the end of his contract that he .has lost money by the transaction. What the Government should eXpect is efflcent .and carelul service. For that they should be willing to pay a (air living wage. The Globe quite properly asks the question, why is it that rural mail carriers have to tender for tl‘cir pOsitions every few years. The Government would not think of 35k ing' letter carriers in cities to gel; their positions by contract. The same may be said of railway mail cl :rks. In the last two eases the Government sets the salary for what; it thinks the work is worth, and the posilion is permanent. There seems to be no good reasofi why rural mail carriers are not treated the same as city letter carriers and railway mail clerks. The election of vor Germany’s War Lon late war, to the I’re: German Republic, is uneasiness throughout; the Whole civilized what; adds to the une contirmed report; that. is rejoicing over his fr hoping ii; [11le lead tor __,.‘ emcniun, Monarchy It is true ‘ OFFICE OPPOSITE BALDOCK’S GARAGE. W. J. Scrivener DR. M. B. WELLWOOD Office Hours: 10:12; 6-8. DR. J. P. WILSON RURAL MAIL CARRIERS Ofiicézâ€"Centre St. West RICHMOND HILL _ Phone 83 FOR SALE fin l. ng over his friend ; may lead (on re 7 with himself at Von Ilindenburg, pledged himst u 66666 1 On MCLaughlin-Buickâ€" ‘ Cantilever Rear Springs Von Hindenburg, Lord during the Presidency of the is causing much iour. Europe and 3d wm Id. And uneasiness is the mat, the tax-Kaiser is friend's victory, .to a re urn 0f thé maelf at the head. ,euburg, before his imsdt‘ no wmk for Republican lines, ,o be seen. May world, suffering be last awful war, Insurance ULL Cantilever rear springs absorb the shocks . of the road and give maximum riding comfort. The McLaughlin-Buick “Sealed Chassis” with its torque tube drive makes it possible for McLaughlin- Buick to use this type of spring. One of the many reasons McLaughlin-Buick has maintained its posi- tion as Canada’s Standard Car. DA‘7ID I-IIIJL3 Dealer RICHMOND HILL '378 Bebresford Ave.. \Vest Toronto. Phone Iunction 0072. Leave Orders nt Glenn’s Drug Store, Richmond Hill. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS‘ EXPERIENCE Bring Your Bdsiness to Me and Gethervice NORTH YONGE ST.. RICHMOND HILL DR. OLPH L. LANGSTAFF. .0 ce houst :10 11.11:. and 6:8 p.m. DR. LILLIAN C. LANGSTAFF‘ RICHMOND HILL. APRIL brightened my mom with henuuml flmvmsâ€"emhlems of frivndshipâ€"and lo all WPll-WlShE‘I'S. I dvsite tn express my since-re thanks and appreciation. Althnugh receiving every attention in the Hospital, it, ishnnbumlly :1 great pleasure to find mysdf bar-k in my own home. And although still requiring care I confidently hope, in a short timP, to be fully restored to my usual good heulth. ’- 4-11.1!“ VA"... Well Mr. James McLean and sisters wish to thunk their many friends and neighhom for their kind expressions of sympathy and many flm'ul tributes extends-d toward them during their recent sud bereavement in the loss of their dear mothpr. To many kind friends ' me during the gixl Wgeks (diseases of women and childnen.) Office hours 1 :3 p. m: Phone 100 Prompt Adjustments of Claims and Prompt Service JOHN T. ANDERSON PIANO TUNER maif order will receive prompt attention. The Village Caretaker will, on or about May lst, make the rounds of the Village for the purpose of collecting the Dog tax for 1925, and of delivering the Tag therefor. All pal-Lies concerned will please take notice and be ready for the Collector when he Calls. RICHMOND HILL DRS. LAN GSTAFF J. Hume, Clerk CARD OF THANKS CARD 0F THANKS We Are Known In All Lines of'lnsurance FIRE PLATE GLASS LIFE AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENT BURGLARY SICKNESS ‘ and GUARANTEE OF BONES Hospital . SAVAGE, General Agent Gratefully Yours T. F. MCMAHON , to lhnsé who m with beautiful f frimmdshipâ€"and I dvsiue to express and appreciation. every attention in naturally u great who visited : VI spent_in 23. 192-3 BV Our TH E POST-OFFICE BUILDING {FORBETTER( (Veterinary Surgeon) R’Bcent graduate of Ontario Veterin- ary College. All clases of animals treated. Day and night calls prouan- ly attended. w 'Ot‘fice and residence Church St. Richmond Hill. Telephone 13-2 At 'I‘he Elevator 415 Bullinl SL. Torimtn. Phone Hudson 1347 w _ LICENSED AUC'J‘IUNMER FOR COUNTY OF YORK AND ONTARH Special attention given to sales of every description. Farms and farm stock sales specialty. Fin-mslmnghl and sold on commission. Allsulvs at tended to on ShIH‘LE’St notice. and con ducted by the most approved mrthmis Pakonage snliciu-d. COAL Bran, Shorts, Glutin Fee-d, 3 CA W. \Vestern Outs, Sczatch Ferd, Bread, Pastry, and Whole Wheat Flour. Glazed and Clay tile. and Cement. Lime and hard wall Plaster always in stock. R. MACDONALD, B. V. Sc. As [how is every indicMiun (.f :1 Coal Stlike on Expiratiun' (rf Wage aggrwmenr, August, Jfilst. we advise cllSUIllH’I'S '1” put, in their supply when iL is umilahle and the quality is the hes! and price the lmvesl, . D. RAMER Markham Flour Mills MARKHAM, ONT. P. S. If its Feeds you needâ€"We have them [-1. Pren (ice 415 Bulliol St,” Thrunto. FEED A Bag from Your No Charge for. Advice USE SNQWFLAKE FWUR Every Bag C Your Grocer will Convince You Manufactured by. ’ ~‘OR. SALEâ€"Five acres, choice land. running stream in the reav, nice five room b(1ll§9,hflth, cupboards, and fire place. good well. J. EDWARD ! FRANCIS, Thornhill. 42-“ COMMISSIO-S'ER, CONVEYANCER. Eipression, Readin atm and Humourous D1alect Poem IDLYMOUTH ROCK â€" Hatching eggs, (bred to lay struin,)60 cams u splting. Rouen duck eggs, black curan bushes. 2 years old. Senator Strawberry plants. G. YEREX, Elzin Mills. pbune 249 Maple. 394f. WIGMORE. nw horns $5 pvr 100, s‘uist’uutinn assured. Cox Elms, Greeufiich Park PonlLl'y Fun-m, Elgin Mills. 44-45 0R SALEâ€"Six mum frame house’. [wally new. full size husenwht. wsll. located near Yonge Street. J. EDWARD FRANCIS. Thornhill. 42-44 umnd Hill. OUND A WATCHâ€"Owner may have su'me by applying to NELSUN THOMPSON, Markham ‘Road. 37-tf‘ ‘3 ANTED~BeLhesda; and Smufi‘ville 'l‘elephune (Jo’s. bonds $1500 worth. Apply LIBERAL OFFICE, Rich- m'rnd Hill. 4344 1'00an house hard and 5(qu wnj Apply to W. II. PC! IA\( mitiSt, '1 137R5 Euaranteed fill FOR RENTâ€"A A. C. HENDERSON PLUMBING AND TINSMITHING HOT \VA’I‘ER HEATING AND GENERAL REPAIRS THOBNHILL, ONT. 30R SALEâ€" Al REAL’ ESTATE AND INSURANCE Thornhill. OR. RENTâ€"Hume (.n Yong? St. nelth of Post Office. Apply MRS. HARRISON, Richmond St. Ri'chf 1!];{0 KTGHING EGGSâ€"3. c. _\\f. ng- .EDWA1<D FRANCIS NOTARY PUBLIC ELOC UTION Miss Marguerite Boyle AS‘I‘URE for hnrses and cattle, lot 29 Vaughan. jUHN SLINEY. 44-45 )I U R [D II In :1 (‘11! HI gehurst, clu- [ANTEDâ€"A gcud ‘ Mus. E. T. ST] Re St. NO'I picket R RENTâ€"Housp on Elizabeth street, for rent. Apply tn ‘IZ‘E; pot ICHMOND HILL ‘V' ant Ads. ALI U LL 1U HOLLS RY PUBLIC â€"A gund dvlivery mute, an :1 gum] strong buggy, lmx. WALKRRMPKAY, Rona, Stop 2!. Phone 44 “(It â€"A cmnfmhnblv 53): use on Anmid bin-set, water, rvul lmrderatv. PUGSLE’Y 434E m T. STEPHEN out HSO fresh CAKES l pntntm‘s.) Alsu Sonata] {Dulllnp . MITCHEIJL I‘Ihzin 1049. J 43-45 Ill ‘oem 1311*} S AND ‘home Ont 3 l( ‘11} ‘nng hi nng rature Dram lurulstein Apply Stopr23 I]:II"l'O\V lerite wooc E). tf prply 43.44 37 If. hes 44-45 3-tf Tl

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