Sure enough, Jewell wrote a bril- liant description of the scene-«the \nearest thing to a Turner. sunset that ï¬gu could get in manuscript. 1 was on t 9 point of sending it up to the com- pos‘itors and was glowing with plea- sure. over my judgment in having se- lected Jewell for the job when a mesâ€" senger placed on my desk 3. report from the tape machine. announcing that thirty people had been drowned at the launching. As the ship took the water the displacement had submerged a staging where masses of spectators were assembled. Several hundred of them were thrown into the water. and more than thirty could not be rescued. In Jewell's masterpiece of scenic effect there had not been a hint of any dis- aster, of anything at all untoward. Idemanded an explanation from Jewell. Hadn't be seen anything of the catastrophe? V , "Well," replied the languid Jewell, “I did see some people bobbing about 1n,the water as I came away. but I didn't stay to see Why they were there.†"'SHEET METAL Pnonucrs (J; Tho ToronIo Houlhl for Incurahlel. In “ï¬llallon wlth Bï¬llevue and Alli-4| HomiIull. Now York City cflerl u three yoart' (Mm. bl Trlinino lo younu Woman. having the nuulred educnflon, and deolrnul o! becomlnl of Trlinlnn \o young woman. having ms required education, and deslroul of becomlnl nursas. This Howlul mu Adopted he eight- hour Iylnm. le nunlln rcfllvc unflarmu c! the SCHOOL a monthly allownnu and (ravolllnu mum“ to and irom New Vurk. far burner Inlormatlon apply ko the Superintendent. 8MP Enameled Drain Boardâ€"Price Wonderful value. W'th enameled Armco Iron base. Ve ' strong; handsome; handv. These new S P Sinks and Drain Boarés sold by all plumbers and hardwarc stores, or write direct to $1.2. Entirely new of Sink at a remark- ably low price. he base is rust-resisting Armco Iron, coated with purest white enamel, same as refrigerators, electric ranges, etc. Sold complete with all ï¬t tings and Instructions. The Best Sink Value Ever Offered SMP Enameled Sinks Price Complete A Negligible Detail. MONTREAL TORONTO wmn 1 PEG NURSES .00 lOWER CALGAE‘I . unï¬t. 183A The warm winds and sunshine calll the young miss to doï¬ her heavyi coat. We answer the call with a cape gensem-ble. It makes a 'charming out- lï¬t for wear during early spring and the cool days of summer. The dress, No. 1041, maintaining the straight silhouette, \is made in poudre-blue flannel. The front is closed with a line of half-ball buttons. Either side ,of the vertical pocket-laps has one button, which adds an interesting :bouch to this simple dress. The belt iis narrow and adjusted at low waist-l lline. The cape has the required full- cness to make this costume smart. It‘ is lined with a white polka-dot on al ï¬eld of navy. The fullness is gath- ered into a narrow band and tacked .to the dress under the large collar. ' Cut in sizes 16, 18 and 20 years. Size '18 years requires 3% yards of‘,36-l To obtain the. top price, Cream must be free from bad flavors and contain not less ‘than 30 per cent. Butter Fat Bowes Company Limited. Toronto For referencesâ€"Head Oflice. Toroqu Bank of Montreal. or your local banker. Established for over thirty years. We supply cans and gay express charges. We pay daily by express money orders, which can be cashed anywhere without any charge. 34 WhitehallStrcct - Nch Violinâ€"y or Any Local Tourlu Agent g ' idel rin Vacatis ~ Only2 gays“ rom Nean-k "(am/l @m13._.. WE WANT CH URNiNG “FORT VICTORIA†Aha l “FORT ST. GEORGE†FURNESS BERMUbA LEN}; when Bermuda is ablaze with ‘ Towersâ€"perfect days for rest or pI-y VIV’A Ian's), Twin ~Screw Steamers ._.___,.,..y :rvxvln Go May and June% f9! Illustrated Hookletl Write A CAPE ENSEMBLE 104] The Argentine Republic is without a doubt the hardest competitor for the English market. To-day they are able to place a large quantity of beef on the English market at a very much lower price than Canadians. This pro- duct is very much superior in quality. Therefore, the question confronting us lis,what can we do to beat this com- petition? ‘ l‘ As we look over the reports of auc- tion sales held in Great Britain dur- ing the last ten years, we ï¬nd that the big ranch owners of the Argentine I have paid enormous prices for bulls to head their pure bred herds. Men who know conditions in the Ar- gentine say that these high priced bulls are ï¬rst used on the smaller heuis and later turned in on the range of cattle. It is little wonder that the Iquality of beef animals in that coun- try is exceptionally high. Thus, we can readily see that we must follow the example of our strongest competit- ors and use only high class pure bred bulls on all our grade herds. out the loss sustained, the ï¬gur‘ startling. The average farmer loses abm to $40 per head on steers bred’ grade sires. While we are well aware that prices are obtainable for almost kind of beef animal. yet it is clear, to those who follow marke ports closely, that the low grade 2 are the ï¬rst to suffer when the kets take a downward drop. FaCIs prove that on every 1115 the steers from pure bred sire: only sell for higher prices. but more rapid and more economical than those sired by grade bulls. While we are well aware that Figures from yards show tha stock marketed export trade; To those wh It is use of Canadian live stock men are Intense- Iy interested in the extension of the market for beef and beef products. In order to compete successfully against other countries we must improve the quality of our live stock. i en the stomach and regulate the bowels. [Such a remedy is found in Baby‘s O'ivn Tablets. They are easy to take and are guaranteed to be enâ€" tirely free from opiates and narcotics. Concerning them, Mrs. Joe. Tousalg- nant, Ste. Sophie, Que. writes:~â€"“I would like all mothers to know that I feel there is no other medicine to equal Baby's Own Tablets. I always keep a box in the house and their prompt use never fails to restore my little ones to health." The Tablets are sold by meats cine dealers or by mail at 26 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co.. Brockville, Ont. Stomach distm‘bal tion are responsible peeizishness of babie ren.‘ When the bab abie the mother sh so-called soothing It the trouble for in L111 thes‘e mixtl Into an uun ed Is a gen MAKE CARE 037 BABEES EASEER it carefully address you: Wilson Pub stamps or c inch material for the dress and yards for the cape. ion viewed from any angle. It is high time that we discard )r bulls whether they be gr‘ lorub purebreds. This is important Lecauee ’act that the bull used on e h: iuences all the years of calf an Discard the inferior type 01‘ b1 HOW TO ORDER PATTI Write your name and addrc Ky, giving number and size pattérns as you want. Enclo: D, many y This life And that w Before I And aide nard's Llnlment'wr Colds. ake And urn mai ’e mixtures simply drug an unnatural sleep. Wha ; a gentle laxative that w the stomach and regu 915. Such a remedy is 11] Why Pure Bred Sires. therefore. (1 grade sires ! an old life w Couldn't Flnd Her om who sit down and ï¬gure sustained, the ï¬gures are ire ago I SIT .lell Unforgot. grade herds. our Canadian V only about 29 during 1919 wa Jr 1' to Pattern Dept, Co., 73 West Ade- Pattuns sent by d in on the range wonder that the als in that coun- high. Thus, we majc eat Britain dur- we ï¬nd that the f the Argentine Jg‘n osing propos ought beauty rin a herd in ty of : the Instance, sires, not but make xlcal gains y of cases the child lt Is Reed- 'jll sweet- Llate the found in are easy to be en- narcotics. Tousalg- 'ade of the ï¬t for sto nfe t $30 from 1'6 11g he "is gooé; tea†"Come. come father, who had noise til] patien‘ me; “there‘ scream and "Why, [a tue; “there‘s no reason wh scream and holler so.†"Why, father,†said one fellows. “don't you knov. holler-day?†Eager and thri What high adver lure And \I‘ \V o GOENG. FISHING? which contains proven directions Handy “Bayer†boxes of 12 tablets Also bottles of 24 and lOOâ€"Drugzista Cuï¬ada) of Bayer Mnnr noetlcacidester of Salicylic anew ‘0 revelations, which become a. part if secret joys, that nestle in one’s heart! Unless _)’0u se Cross†on table getting the genu uct prov‘ed safe Say “Bayer†â€" Insist! Bea To wat And IUS‘I‘AVE TOTT. M America's Smar Resort Hotel. Famous for its E Dean Atmosphere. Perfect Cuisine Servme. New Hyduatric Electro - Theta} Single room: {mm Double rooms from The ORANGE PEKOE is extra good. Try it! hand-s long since greensward laid? 11, wild garden, divide watch some 51 unfolding hue each bright, s petal lends .lty and charm made 0011 RH, The name “Red Rose†has been a guarantee of quality for 30 years Wonderland. n the dronean Hollerday V said a distracted endured the children's ce ceased to be a vir- reason why you should harm and wonderment .) g1 said one of the little Therapeutic strange bud’s slow, sunshine-burnished and reverent, one mark (registered in mnracture of Mono- 'Hcacld. 0 holds Smartes! ling lOOâ€"Druggista Jan'lotte Becke Ian of Mlnard bites. Al‘: Nfsn'm’m' where quaint llngs, wistful hen the borders $5.00 $8.00 u fragrances a garden ‘ath the deeper HER NERVES 3:! BETTER NOW and kept on getting worse until I could notdo my own house- work and was so bad with my nerves that Itwas afraid to sta alone at any time. had a girl working for me a whole ear before I was ab e to domywashing again. Through a friend I I learned of L dia E. = ‘ "7 Pinkham's egeta- ble Compound and took four bottles of it. I gave birth to a baby boy the 4th day of September, 1922. I am still doing my own work and washing. Of course I don’t feel well every day because i don’t et my rest as the baby is so cross. But w. en 1 get my rest I feel ï¬ne. I am still taking the Vegetable Com» pound and am going to keep on with it until cured. My nerves are a lot better since taking it. I can stay alone day or night and not be the least frightened. You can use this letter as a testimonial arid I will answer letters from women asking Chatham, Ontario.â€"â€"“I started to get weak after my secongiphild was bo_rn, Received Much Benefit by ‘Taking Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound â€"â€"Mrs. Street ADIES WANTED I) 1131â€. new"!!! at h good buy: work sent :1 Bend stump for Danlculn C0,, Montreal. It you are weak. thin and nervous. let your drugglst supply you with Euro-Phosphate. It is guaranteed to increase weight and strength and re- store energy, vigor and nerve‘ force. Price $1 per pkge. Arrow Chemical C‘o., 25 Front St. East. Toronto, Ont. N ALL HATCHING EGGS White and Barred; (Jr-ping: Butt: Reds. both Combs; Black Min Silver-Laud “'ynmlnttes. “'rlte I Jellous, Innrsnll. 0m. RR. 5. A great man is he who does not lose his child's heart. The man who can say “Good morn- ing†with a smile has the right start for a pleasant day. Wima j; for: You»? EYES E-_Re.fT€sï¬e§ raged Eyes or Sore Throat Use Mlnard‘aLlnlmenl Cuticura Soap. Ointment and Talcum are all you need for every- day toilet and nursery purposes. Smpla Each PM I: MAIL Addren Canadian Depot: "sunbeam, t1. Manned" Price. Soup 35¢. Ointment 26 and 6°C. Talcum 5c. w Cuticura Shaving Slick 25:. “ I sent for a free sample of Cuti- cura Soap‘ and Ointment and it helped me. I purchased mcre and after using one cake of Cullcura Soap and one box of Cuticura Oint- ment I was comple‘cly healed." (Signed) Miss Nettie Kceso, R. R. l, Listowcl. Ontario. “ Eczema brck‘ gut in a rash and blisters between my ï¬ngers and on me backs of my hands. The skin was red and swollen and used to pecl off. It itched and burned badly and was awfully sore especially when I put my hands in water. .I had m keep my hands bandaged. ECZEMA IN RASH AND BUSERS Had to Keep Hands Band- aged. Cuticura Healed. Classiï¬ed Adverï¬sements s. Carson is bout the Vegg CHARLES CAB REDUCED PRICES all suffer ‘table In) PLAIN AND “Lake or spare time: jiqance: charm-a pua. Nullontl Manufacth 8 FROM ROCKS. ngtons. “11m And Jinan-cu: White and for prices. John )wnte to any from femalo l: frightened. a testimonial from women Compound." 27 Forsythe 51