MQRE EGGS from Each Hen 'l‘lic u>c of hens is to la ' ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ . y eggs, and hens w ll ' ' ' (I ‘ x ‘ _ v l osutncl l â€" {JENTh‘hD if you put a dose of Pratt's Poriltry chyulzftbornigrihcegï¬ed . y. our color 15 authonzed to give back your money if it fails. 1- all? Poultri] regulator _»._.___. .._V _.- ~wfl- AUCTION SALE REGISTER SA'I'I'RHAY. MAY Iii 'AllClllHl \‘Ilt‘lll l human and 10!, I'lenilnu- Mon, 1 mopmly of Hum Slirphrnl. HXl'om ;‘ l 31., ‘2nd house on Illlllll >inlv.’ I Richmond Hill. Fflh- .11 ‘J p. In, l.'l‘. Snigmm, AucL. ISA'I'URDAY, MAY 16 »â€" llI-lh‘l hold I l Men's Fur Felt Hats in :1 fine quality and all the best shades $3.50. . . , _ , ' tin-mime, IInpluInPnN I-lc., \nngv V , ‘ ‘ _ . Y -7. ‘ ..,, '. | St ., stop 21, the prawn-Ir of Eduard Men 3, Laps, great \arIet), from $1.1.) .0 $22.) ’I\‘It.ylo_ Halo, at. mu Houdini Ii....-.‘ wmum mm noox. PR\T’r FOOD Jenna: (Josh. _l . H. l’IPnlit'v. Ann-t. ‘ A 60' OF CANADA- LTD-v TORONTO l Men's Oxfords in brown and black, from l Stallion Register $4.50 to $6.50 I IL-uxmnms 'l‘l-m BelginnDraftï¬lullion. ,1‘ 9 i' . . , 1.34165, and M15565 Pumps/ and OXfUldS' 112469-1133â€, Ihe property of l. (L. ‘ ._ . I _ m . .\,_ i, Cinhodt‘n. lilglimon R. ll. 1'. will bhlllS, T195, SLSPendCrS, Gall-~19, Alm bdnkm IraVol through \‘nllivnn's (illl‘nplï¬'l and etc' ll'vllnl'. 'l‘i‘s on, Maple. lflllm’lvy. liliu L( 9L0. 'l‘Pr-m Sun. I _ _ _ Kmxo'm l’nn-Jn-l in- we have a few Ram-coats, a bargain, fiom ’p‘orted Godwin», nu- prowl-1y It l.A Bofl‘I'QN A. Boulti‘ck, ('unt'nnl, .v' ’1 $0 to 37.00 will ll'rlk‘!‘l llnnugli Emst Yolk. Uninnvillv' King, Harlot-11‘. Tums $17 0". -:- NORMAN J. GLASS -:- mm iUMgiâ€"gg’ï¬o: I PHONE 27 ; EDT-AFN PUBMO “ BUILDERS SUPPLIES . .uԠ' HE parts cannot be put together wrong. The discs go together in . any order. The enamel bowl casmg_ hinges open and may be wiped out wrth a cloth. The bowl empties Real Estate, Loans Government ‘and Municipal; Uomm‘ssimwr, (ionveynncer, ELI: / ' n lll‘iilH‘t} and “Pill listuli‘ Ill ll, h am ‘(3 r. I I .. . _ Bonds and Insurance RICHMOND HILL a llauisi'olzil iiiii'ioinuém“ i béfsztx- All discs Washed at . W ' l’ine lmh Doors Melotte fory it Trina: tig‘zleSSlfllabhe (Life, Fire; Automobile, " PhLHAM LUAFFEY A Cedar Shinglcs‘ SN] I 36"ng feature. Ask us to demonstra‘: Accident and Sickness Etc.) . TENO“ llfé‘ff‘ljfls YGl‘procir a “a! l TEACHER OF SINGING '†F‘dléelld, “ï¬llbou‘ll Now :Iceeptieng pupils. m mg impel ‘ V l 7 - « . I .0» .~ . . - J-R-“ERRWWN': ;..‘..:';:::::if3...:‘.‘:.:‘:::::;*::;:. . .. OFFICE - YONG}: STREET ‘{ IPIncgiixHI‘EJnIAiV CIII'Iu'iI I (46mm Slleel I Mir-Vii Hos. phone ll M . , 1 {i153 €19 Olfice phone 87. â€" --__.___â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"' W. a l O . RICHMOND HILL ‘ ¢I~ Ii. 1) PellLice PIAU'UEI-Nl'i liN Pl‘hliSON l J- ' __.__â€"-â€"â€"-â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€""_‘_ 415 Bulliol St... Toronto. 1 liq-F z] 9 A: S E R. MACDONALD, B. V. Sc. I Phqu Hudson 1347 w no GENERAL REPAle : . LICENSED AUGTIONEER THORNHILL, ONT. 3 (Veterinary Surgeon) Recent :II-aduuteof ()ntm-io Voter-in ‘ mm (“In-TY 0F YORK AND ONTARK ,â€" xI-y College. All close: of animals - v â€". ..- .,,,,*7* noun-d. [Myzuul night culls prornpt.l Special attention given to sales of; eveiy dewI-aplmn. bur-ms and farm 1y nttenduil. ‘ . .‘ . Ofï¬ck‘ “m1 “xideucp Chmâ€) Sh. stm'lt wulm‘ spatially: l‘uI-ms bought Pichmond Hill 'l‘elenhone 13-2 "ma 5â€â€ ““ C“"“m‘“lâ€â€œâ€˜. AH‘V‘H‘IS "I L ‘ ' loudul It; on slim-twat nz-liu', and con ; I W l [Ilium] by H“. HMS] “ppluyyd [In-[hm].- Pilll'Clltlgl' h'Ililfl‘d'll. Dr. L. n. BELL ; i ' . IIICNTYST 1‘ ' ' mm“ MW ‘ “I. _ l m 1 t 1 I f: NAUGHTOl‘I a JthNS l Z 'V ‘ Inf. " t It . - . . I ()‘l‘IIPTIrnzllunrlrud 1322:1015 nm In Barns‘ers Sohumr Nomnes ‘ I I ' Telephone Adelaide 2103 ‘ llCuIslann. to 5.30 p.m. 'l'fIVPh‘m“ 32 83 Richmond 51., \le, IOI’flces ’l'monto. '“i‘â€' l Nunghtun Block, Aurqu . l Aurora and Richmond liill. Adelmo llléleco and l?! o . ’ The Townships of King. \YllilClllll’Cl] M T. C. M. ilelilli‘iiighll‘liikins J. Harry Nunghton Res. Elgin Mills l Solicrtor tor : â€"‘â€"-â€"_ Res. Phone From the Toronto Conservatory of, Hill. 5043 R03. phUne 44'; Music. will aver-pt. :1 number of pupils in Piano. Vocal and l“““‘ """" ‘c. M. Pnrnrnnsonsé i. 'rtilthmonil Hill, Friday and Saturday For inl‘ornnution Phon 110. I _ DEALERS FUR 1‘ MRS. MYIAIS. V l _________________._._...._.. l " v . Dodge Bros. Motor Cars ‘ . . SIMEON JO‘CE'LC-A'M'. Willys-Overland Motor 1 The Star Car’s orlglni‘tl principle of low cost with highâ€"priced car PIANO and THEORY Cars f . â€_ . Willys â€"Knight Motor l. . P'lpll of josef Llievmno . I ' Cars. i dCSIgn and quallty, has long been Bl“; Frank S. \Velsman Studio: Over Mr. E. R. Furtner’s i ____________.__â€"â€"-â€"--â€"-â€" l '1‘““‘"s‘°"“' P95 {All Kinds of Boot and Sheet ‘ i Repairing Neatly Done :1 Good Workmanship i recognized by the public and'is endorsed today by manufacturers of other low-priced cars. NO other car In the same price-class can show as many quality features. C. H. BX’ALWI AGENT FOR THE MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE OF CANADA Prompt Service , Shop in Winterton’s Old! l 013‘“:l Pigt'i‘itivs Aosociéition of “:(rlnkgéiagm C: omImon nauianteei Stand, Yonge St. Y FIRE, AUTOMOBILE, PLATEGLASS ‘ " ‘ - - . , . ETC. 1 5113;“ timing Cham- L-head Red Seal Contmental engzne. Maple Ont. Phone 23 I Boot and Shoe Repairer "If!" bore long stroke motor. ligfz’t weigï¬t pistons. _ Smgle plate dry-disc clutch. Tubular backbone Long Springs. (Rear spring undcnlun‘) All main units separately removable. _â€"_â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"'â€" B00133 AND SHOESISAM. SHEPHERbi OF ‘ PAPER HANGER I ALL KINDS ‘ and PAINTER ‘~ NEATLY REPAIRED ‘ Oxford Street Phone 128 - r12 1 AT THE ' Dealer Richmond Hill, Ont. WStar c2»- “ To-morrow’s Car To-day†llllll ' .g lllllll 4 ROLFE SHOEREPAIR jw. HEWISON. GOOD WORKMANSHIP , HOUSE PAINTER. QUICK SERVICE I _ _ A Work done while you wait. Glamer. Gramer and Paper- : Hanger. ; Store next to Village Clerk. ____________â€"â€"â€"â€" AUTO WEE SERVICE'JOIIN H. DUNLOP & son I Motor truck_ for general FLORISTS work and long distance I v hauling. RICHMONDâ€":HILL. ONT. Phone 11 “' We solicit orders for cutl C. M_ PALMER & SONS Iloxyers .for all occasions.’ which Will be promptly andi Corner Arnold md Yongc Street;Hf carefully ï¬ned. 32 l l l l l