Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 21 May 1925, p. 1

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\ FOR SALE ,7,__. v ...... n... (as: terms. 84.800 0!) three ncres hind. fine huild- ings, this price includes a horse. buggy. wagons. blows and some fowl. Only one half mile off Yonge Street. ". $6.000.00gnnd buildings with five acres luud, at 'l‘llmnliill. Two beautiful hrirk houses on Rnsevicw Ava. one on Church St., every convenience. Solid brick lmuse of Mr, Earl Newton's on Yonge Street. 811.500.00 buys house. chopping mill and six acres land. beautiful lncutmn, good paying business. Complete list, on application. Enquiries Snlicited. Formot'uudont of Dr. A. S. Vogt, Toronto. t 0 Int. Erna" Nixon. Kitch- ener, und the In. Cyril Ralphrul Hogg, \Vinnipog, 1nd of Percy, Gninpr, New York. JOHN R. CAMPBELL _ . vauuuln uUUh THOMAS DELANY BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, E'rc. Toronto Office, 816 Fedm-al Building, at 85 Richmond Street. \Vesr Richmond Hill Office ‘ mineral Office). every Thursday forenoon. Maple, Thursday afternoon. \Vnodhridqe. Saturday forenoon. Money [01mm at (Jul-rent Rats 33 .000 00 good hvuso on Centr‘ ‘_ est. $1000.00 cash. bulun tellrms. ' $3.500. 00 frame lmngaln, gar“ lwqutiful ym-d $2500.00 duwn $3600.00 good brick house on R 51.00000 down, balance mran $3,600.00 new frame house on St. $1200.00 r‘:I-:h Inn...“ WilliaInl‘Cook, Cook & Delany 'Feaohe r of [’iano Yonge St. Richmond Hill WILLIAM COOK I It Pays to Attend the Best! ELLIOTT V WWW 2,750.00 gum] frnmta huu $500 00 Cash, balance 0 Every graduate of the last fifteen;months has secured employment Open all year. Enter new. Catalogue free. VOL. XLVII. RICHMOND HILL BRANCH Corner Yunge& A] VETERINARY SURGEON ’l‘horuhill. \V‘ Mrs. Steuart Williams IMPERIAL» BANK $1200.00 "£531; .Herr Ington . ELLIOTT - anxcxml ELLIOTT .50 per annum, in advance.] rn. balance mranged. frame house on Wright H) cash. balance easy Toronto. house on Rosm'iew L". GORDON COOK “minder Sts Are you going abroad this year? If so, we suggest you carry a Letter of Credit. It is the most satisfactory method of providing your needs in foreign currencies. It acts as an in- troduction to bankers in all parts of the world, and then, your funds are drawn from your own Bank only as you draw on the Letter of Credit. 3., asy terms. w Centre SLrePt bulunce easy on Rusev iew garage and OF CANADA Earl D u .< -:\I\nv\ uuu nut. uu Arnold Str'eela. 12 Acres, gnod house. orchard etc. on second concession of Markham. $1300 will buy a house and lot on Benson Avenue, $200 dmvn. New Brick house on Hunt Avenue every convenience. A five rnmned bungalow on Centre Street ’West. ' A six roumed bungalow on Centre Street West, garage etc. A six roomed brick house on Yonge Street. Several first-class residences on Rnseview. all conveniences. A murdern, bxick. 8 momed house. with finished attic. I have something to please the richest, or ponrest. A Very Comfortable House and acreage nu May Avenue. $2300 buys a. Quad lumen and Int ,m Minister â€" Rev. Walter Amos merly of Aurora. Modem brick house Ln rent, furnished for the summer month: Henry S. Mullowney, M. A. MULHOLLAND & SMYTH Yonge St.. RICHMOND HILL BARIHSTER. SOLICITUR. - :- NOTARY Pcnuu - :- Tounx'm OFFICE â€"St:mdm-d Bank Building 2458 Yonge Street, Eglinton Branch). Phone Hudsonâ€"3218. RICHMOND HILL Ox«‘F1(‘E~â€"0ver Davies Dr y Goods Storeâ€"Every Snurduy. Money to Loan at Current Rates. Phnne Richmond Hillâ€"119. Cedar posts and telephone poles for sale. '1‘. LOUSINS. The Maple Sand. Gravel and Brick Company, LL'd. have on hand to; mic. Cement drain tile. 3, 4. 5. 6 and 8 in. Culvert tile 2. 15. 18 and 20 inch (30 inches in length) Also Cement Brick Sandor Gravel sold by the load or in our lots. Sand, Gravel, Tile and Brick All cordially invited Church Service â€" 11:15 a.m. Sunday School â€" 10 a.m Richmond Hill! Continuing Presbyterian Church Bmmsrsns. SOLICITORS, ETC Toronto Office : 2498 Yonge St RICHMOND HII The Real Estate Man FOR SALE Phone Hudson 3498 . Nichoils A. T. MINNIS. M “ In Essentials. Unity,- Manager anauer. 2643a) for- Major Blaney. Mr. J. R. Herrington and Dr. R. Lungstnt‘f were elected as additional managers. The memng was largely atLeuded and I fine spirit of uptimism and enlhusialu) prevailed throughout. Owing Lu (has pxevnlr-nce nfflcarlet Fiver. tho meeting uf the Home and School Club in uncalled for this_mouth. For several weeks post, the members of the Presbytexiam Church have been considering the. situation created by the recent vote on Church Union. The Congregation-met on Monday night to leCt‘lVe the x-epult of a large Committee appointed to study the diffeient phases of the question In the opinion of this committee only one course seemed satisfactory, and after careful deliber- ation it _ was unanimously and enthusiastically decided to accept their recommendation and curry on :m a sepaiate charge after J nne 10th. Pledges of suppoit given by those pleasent, indicated clearly that the congregation as it whole can meet, all the financial xesponsihilitn-s this step will involve. In the course of Hm evening, the Minister. Rev. J. \V. McIntosh, was given 1|. special Vote of confidence and esteem. The Young people of St. Stephen's Chluch uttended n cnnvenLi-m in TornnLo. on Saturday afternoon. The dance given by the Ludips' Baseball team on Friday night, was well attended. Home Ind School Meeting Cancelled The monthly meeting of the Women's Institute was held last \Vcdnesdny at lhe home of Mrs. C. H. Bynm. A pmgramme was given by the members, after which refresh- ments were sewed. After 21 long illness Mr; J. Kinnee pasxed away at his home on Tuesday of last week. The funeral which was very huge. was held on 'l‘hmsdny afternoon. The sympathy of all is extended to the SUI-rowing family. Mr. A. L. Campbell made his official visit to the Public School last Week. It will be seen by ndv. elsewhere in this paper that on the [5!“ of June the residents and ratepayers who are entitled to vote will he called upon to vote on three lay-laws. Fiist, are you in favor of adopting the so-Callod Day- light Saving Time? Heeond. are you in favor of obtaining from the Hydro- Elecl.ric Commission a. supply of electiic pawer? Third, are you in favor of the purchase.- of a Ford tiuck equipped with chemical tunko, triple pumps, ladders and hose for additional fire protection. at a cost not to exceed King George. and Queen Mary on june the 29m. in Trafalgar Squmv. London, England, will nprn Canada's new building. They' will open it; with keys made (if gold, silver, and nickel from Northern Ontai-in mines. The keys for the opening will he presented to their Majestivs by Hun. Peter Lalkin. Canadian High Olmnniseinm-r. With the keys will be pre-sented messages from the youth of Canada Lu their Mujesties, one to the King frnm the boys of Canada, and one to the Queen from the gills of Canada. Miss Jean Mulluy. of Aurora, spent from Friday till filonday u'iLh Miss Mona Cousins. Important Meeting of the Presbyterian Congregation .2. 70b ? HILLâ€"At Privpte Patient.“ Pavilion. Toronto Central Hmpitul, on May 15, l9‘25, to Dr. and Mrs. (Jul E. Hill (nee France: Hatiues), Lansing, a|~4on David George). TBUXASâ€"AL hisflute renidencv, Ouk Ridges, on Monday, May 13m. 1935. Jayme Alfred Thom“. ‘vVitn favorable weather everything points to another successful Fair next Monday The track is in splendid con- dition. and the good purses for the 2 '20 trot or pace. and the Farmers' race should bring lome fast horses. Hood prizes in all departments Richmond Hill Band will furnish music. To end with a concert in the evening. Funclal ‘V'earxesany, May 20th, at 2.30 p. ll). (standard timm. l'nlor- zueut‘u Aurora. Cemetery. NT.. THURSDAY. MAY 21, 1925 Canada's New Building Ready for the Fair in Non-Essentials. Liberty ; DEATHS BIRTHS MAPLE Notice We do Repairing, Cleaning and Pressing at Reasonable Prices I)hone 5j 01' Residence 49\v If you want a real hand-made tailored suit of English Fabrics of Blue, Black, Gray fancy worsted, with all color guaranteed, of Australian wool, leave your order with me. Fit and workmanship Guaranteed The low prices will surprise you when you see the Quality of the Goods. Repair Work, Cleaning and Pressing Satisfactorly Done Ladies and Gents Tailor and Clothier RICHMOND TAILORS E. R. Former If you wish unusth vulth in : make an appointment t« day. Situated One Door South of Rustic Inn Solicit your Patronage for the latest creations in custom tailored garments. The best of workmanship is being put into every garment. \Ve have speitiul Line Song» Suit Lengths, beautiful sample; nf the best Wnullen Manufacturers on exhibit in our sample and filling mums, showing The Pxide of England, Munu ~h Dependable \Vnollens in the very newest lines. ..unln..' . 1â€" . W. , L I u n n - - , Inn Ci._,i.. rxclnsive fancy stripe 'wurstvds, also fI'zll’l‘ELB-fi; (IE-fancy, self stripe. and plain blues, We ale well equipped also for busultalion and Diagnosis Free an‘ RICHMOND HILE'ERANCH ‘ THORNHILL BRANCH- in all things, Charity STAN DART.) BANK Suits and Overcoats from $25 and over RICHMOND TAILORS J. A. GREENE“ BANKING FIFTY YEARS STERLING BANK BLDG. TELEPHONE 61 Dr. J. R. ALLISON THORNHILL, ONTARIO Branches also at access to your box F YOU desire to place any of your valuable papers. jewellery. rr nthpr precious belongings in one of our Safety Deposit Boxes. you will find our staff ready to render prompt and courteous service at all times duning banking hours. The cost to you is only nominal and We are glad to be of any p Issillle assistance when you wish Standard Bank Safety Deposit Vaults 91: CANADA DENTIST OPEN EVE. THE making Golf suits and knickers custom tailored suit {â€"W. G. Bedford, Manager â€"5. B. Elson, Manager I Aurora, Lansing [Single copies, 3 cts 108 for Each-action you wish or overcoat. Phone 95 No. 47

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