WWW|fl||||IHillI|lflmlllllllIIlllllllllfllllllflmllllillllllllllllflflfllmfll E18 USE \ J. ' b5mondf7i//Dairg_ Costs you less than 2% a year! Though it accomplishes in a. few minutes what would otherwise take you hours, the cost of the telephone is one of the smallest items in the family’s yearly outlay. A study of expenditures by hundreds of families shows that food costs 43%, miscellaneous 25%, rent 17%, clothes 13% and the telephone less than 2%. Each new subscriber adds to the ralue of YOUR telephone a pwerfulg- - smeEz-mmmg ï¬mamï¬egwfme @flgflï¬e 5mg: 50w DR. ROLPH L. LANGSTAFF. Ofï¬ce hours 8 : 10 a.m. and 6 : DR. LILLIAN C. LANGSTAFF‘ business principles are on the level you are quite :ipt to believe them. Well, vnu should because it is the Lluth. We will treat you fairly. \Vn will sell you the ï¬nest lumber upon lhe market, and chal‘gu you 21 pl ice for it that you will be glad bu pay. IF folks keep on saying that. our ’URTH YONGE ST., RICHMOND HILL Phone 133 Leave Orders at I Richmond Hill. TWENTY-FIVE ‘ mail orders AU E 37S'Berresfmd Ave†\Vest Toronto. Phone Iunction 0072. (diseases of women and childlen.) Office hours 1 :3 p. m. Phone 100 DR. M. B. WELLWOOD 'or COMPLIMENTS we GET ' oua SHARE-FOLKS SAY THAT {we ARE. ON 1316 SQUARE JOHN T. ANDERSON PIANO TUNER Oï¬ice Hours: 10-12; 6â€" DRS. LAN GSTAFF F LOW 1M PO Oï¬ice:â€"Centre St. West RICHMOND HILL Phone 83 L. INNES& SONS KER. 8: VEGETABLE )RTED NOVELTI ES conï¬dential will receive prompt )rticultuml Double Cns Hm Yonge Street EXPERIENCE Drug Store, 8 p.111. This sult to The teachers of 011m ed among the most or professson. SL1 McBrien does not; wi exception of Toronto According to announcement the 'l‘un- ker Brethren held their love-feast and communion services on Saturday and Sunday May l6. and 17. Services com- menced at 10 o‘clock on Saturday and continued untilo o'clock, At 1531) we engaged in the ordinance of feet Washing as taught in St. John, 13 chap. After that we obsenved the Breaking of Bread and Drinking the sup. There were a great many par- ticipants,-as we had Brethren and Sis- ters present from different parts of the states as well as from many points in Canada. During the day tears were in evidence throughout the congrega- tion as we listened to the experiences of the saints with the enemy of their souls. ‘ Our Ministerial staff was in- creased by Elders from Welland. Stayner and Kitehner. On Sunday morn the chureh was crowded to the doors. and the word was brought forth with power backed home by the Holy Ghost. Thoma if any man thirst let him come unto Me and drink. St. John 7. 37. On Sunday evening Eld. E. J. Swalm, of Stayer, Spoke to the young people on the adaptibility of the Word of. God and warned them to avoid trashy literature. There was also a good free will offering on tent work throughout the summer in dif- ferent parts of Canada. “In. Allkwu Mr. and. st. \Vm. Neil and Miss Evelyn, nf Richmond Hill, visited with Mr, and Mrs. John Mortson on Sunday. Mr. Milliard Blown has fmpouncgd \Ve are very pleustd indeed to haw with us again Mr. Althur and Miss Kathleen Dennis, who have been attending Nyack Missiunzuy Institute for the past two years. Miss Dennis has graduated, but her brother returns at the end of two weeks, U)NPWal'k, New Jelspy, whule he has a. position for the summer. ‘ nu LIIV on... . The \V .M .S. were very sl1c0985ful in choosing last Sunday tn hold their special services. The weather was ideal and the attendance was large, and as n remit nf the strong appeal made by the speaker. Mrs. Hawkey, the collections were very gratifying. Altogether Hu- ladirs bad u satisfactory Sunday in every sense of the wcrd. Mr. Wm, Klees is a happy mun these days. He has a new Chevrolet, truck and n new baby boy. Oullgtatulations Mr. Wu) days. He and a new Mr. Klees to his friends Lhat he If’els quue Competent to drive his new Chevrolet cut any distance that they see fit to suggest whim, providing they are occupants, He: has already learned to dlive it W?†with Lwn hands and is now studying the :u-Lnf driving with one, {hereby fiLtlng himself furany eluexgencv which may arise, due to suggest, Uimm, pl'lH‘luulE Lucy an: occupants. He has already learned to dlive it well with two hands and is now studying the ai-Lnf driving with one, thereby fitting himself fol-any mnexgency which may arise, due to congested traffic etc. ~ Mr. Gordon Murtson was motored to Toronto ()1) Tuesday evening by his fl'iOl‘I'd Mr. Althur Dennis. GUI-dun says he is u splendid chauffeur but when he :zu'riveza at a certain residence in Toronto, he forgels that Lime d()?Sll’L pass as quickly for the one left in the out as it seems to the Uento DR. JT P. WILSON m H looks very much like an in- the intelligence of teachers, achers of Ontario are consider- mg the most intelligent class 3fessson. Surely chairman an does not; wish to make an VICTORIA SQUARE illiard Brown has announced friends that he feels quite n: to drive his new Chevg-plet w h ( ‘Aacdonal 11‘ GORMLEY d not; hint that ance, but he took give the Toronto vnrning. Again ed publicly that xï¬uenced by any zaLions. am e: Danton seems rtunatl subject Ward 6 Tuesday , Chair- Toronto, set. | 38;? ‘ buying flour, as in other comodities, fig-{you only recelve the value which ‘ ’ you pay for. me VV take a chance on Cheap Inferior Flours, :mk when you can get IILO ‘ amt » SNOWFLAKE FLOUR ha t. The ladies will serve meals as m Victoria Day, Monday. May, 25. dinner flom 11.30 a m. to 2 p. m. per from 5 o’clock. standard time ets 500. Children 250. E. M President. A. Boyle. Secretary. Nice sturdy Tomato Plants grown in three inch pots. Eightdifferent varieties Price per plant 5 cents Price in lots .of 50 or over 4c. Bedford Park Florai C0. W'e wish to thank thus-(A \\'hn patronized our recent dance. held in the Masonic Hall. The dance was :1 success, and we feel sure that. evm'y- body enjoyed themselves. as much as we. Rev. \antvr Amos, fmmmh' (:1 Aurora, will preach at 2 30 n m. :md to Lansing, ‘Villowdale Prosbyterians at 7 p. m. We are now prepared to accvpt dance- engagements. The next meeting of the Council of the Municipality of Vuuxzhan will he held in the Township Hall. Veilm-e. MONDAY, JUNE 1, 1925 Sunday and Monday. under the an: of the Ladies‘ Aid‘ Sunday at 11 the service wil: be taken by Rev Dangels, and Rev J. U‘ Cochran, take the service at 7 p m, Hot C on Monday from H a.m Fupper o’clock. Adults 50c. children 25c Vaughan Council COAL Telephone 114W Richmond Hill For Sale ’resbyterian Church Service "I Anniwrsar I’RESBYTERIAN CHUIHIII METHODIST CHURCH VI) A CI CARD 0F THANKS at 1 o’clock p. m. J. B.MCLEAN. Clerk Sunday. May 24th \antvr Amos, fol Thanking you again SACADE. ORCHESTRA SACK FRO \1 YOU R Linlited nduy. under the ausr Aid‘ bunduy at 111 be taken by Rev av J. U. Cochrane, e at 7 D m, Hot di: Markham Fleur Mills MARKHAM, ONT. S 1011f FOR BETTER x1. he held s uusal on slightly more. amhill llot O( direct (u [be with good a} Expexience nu James Hnl‘l) K OMA'I‘O J leady LC thousand, Jnh DON FAnM’s 1: (Burners, Phone Jr» (1 seven mom brick house, gaxuge and flowing we-H. A130 frame house. garage and stable. \Vrite box 62 Maple, our phone Maple 339. 46 48 1’ Eggs, (bred to lay slrnin.)50 cents a setting. Rouen duck Pegs. black cm-nmt, bushes. '3. years old. Senator Strawberry plants. G. YEREX, Elgin Mills. phnne 249 Maple. 39-tf. 5 BAGS enlly Irish Cobbler seed putntues. J. UUAI'PLE. R. R{2 Maple, 11 miles west of stop 30 Yonge St. Will deliver tn Richmond Hill. 75 cents bug. 47-48 '4 Amen; FUR RENTâ€"Apply M35. ) \VM. GRAHAM. Church Streget. Richmond Hill. 45448 E‘OR RENT-â€"A cmnfurtahle ‘ six rumned house on Arnold Street, luau-d and soft; water, rent muderntr. Apply [0 W. H. I’l'usLEY. 434E OR RENTâ€"[louse on Yonge St. lwl‘lb nf Post Office. Apply MRS C. HARRISON, {ichumnd 5L, Rich- mond Hill. 37 [f- DSTâ€"Monday. Muy 1811]. girls pencil box (name inside). on Yunge Sf... hutween stopZt and 25, containing pens. pencils and rubber. Finder please lcave an. Liberal Ofï¬ce. Maple. 011 107 VRIANTEDâ€"Ladies or gentlvmen to handle our full line_of_ hosiery. y‘OR SALE m- to RFNTâ€"AE Mupltg ..,......_ . _..... L.‘:..l- I u. nu.- ..nvn and ,‘OH SALEâ€"Frvsh milk vow, young. NCH PASTRY†Quality, and costs only )LYMOIiTH‘ ‘ 13001; â€". Hatching U R MASle 0 R 001) H Apply H. J. MILLS. Gentle Street. 47-48 ()TICE Iiday 138 1'1 3V an t .Aclss. fnrrm \pply U '1‘ R ONVINCE YOl UUK for {\lnplo (chopping on MonduySIWV PLANTS-Strung and to transplant $3.130 per whn Bzu-eriety. GLEN 1.} Miles emt fxom Steele’s 1ppt-ax UL Dec {nil til arguerl nly, Lill 'flirlhe nnsumer 11m 1'00") 1n ther .ngc on Ri fire plu \VRIGHT uce need' {uppiy :sury. Apply Th (Fm, Lindsay. 4 ‘ite Bovle sale, good conâ€" ale IIH-s. A. an! Hill. phone 46-47/ When Duly people GLEN DON on. 2, Mark I11 us walk Elizabeth 46-“ 1m notice 46-4‘ h mond oak 46-48 46-4 \vil