Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 21 May 1925, p. 5

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You can save money by buyin Field Seed Com at the Elevator. \The daily papers. :1 few mornings a 0, contained lhe names of a number of Brominenl gentlemen on whom the Toronto l7niversity had conferred the degre3e of l..L.D. The name of Thomas ()arcgdfien. M.A., of Galt. was in the honored list. Mr, (‘urscadden was Principal of Richmond Hill High School and left to take position of Principal of Gait Collegiate Institute. County plowing Entries for the Fair may be m the Secretary's olfice on the Grounds on '|‘hnrsday and Friday ings and Saturday afternoon and ing. We have the main varieties of heed Corn for ensilage. Guaranteed Germina- tion 85 to 952. Our price will interest the grower. At the Elevator. A. meeting of the Ratepayers will be held in the Masonic Hall, Thursday. June 5th at S p.rn. standard time. to discuss the vote to be taken re eieclric light It is in the interests of all rate- payers to attend this meeting, as it is of vital interest to our village. :1. A‘ Greene, chairman light com. Afine programme has been printed for the 44th Annual 8.8. Convention of Vaughan Township, and sent out to all Superintendents. Practical subjects will [in disi-USSed by prac1ical workers and all persons interested in Sunday School work will be amply repaid by going to 'l‘eston on Wednesday. May 27 Opening session at 10 am. (standard time) in the Methodist church. After- noon session at 2, evening at 7. All are welcome. Tuesday 1h" High Tlu- C(Hlllnl hoteH limt $1.89 The regular monthly meeting of the WM S. Auxiliary of the Presbyterian Church. will be. held in the School room lhisl'l‘hureday) evening at 8 o'clock. There WI“ be A paper on the life of Dr. Jonathan Goforth and Mrsv McIntolh will give a report of the Provincial Con- vention recently held in London. All the women of the congregation are cor- dially invited and are asked to bring their fricndu. Mr. E. \V. Moyie has rented his home to Mr. S. S. Durrant of Toronto, for 3 years. who takes possession this wuk. Mr. 340er is making his home in the city with his son and is to visit his brothvr and nephew in Didsbury. Alberta, in July for a few moth stay. Mr. Durrant is treasurer for the National Farm Agency Co. who have n Dominion wide interest in properties all through Canada. lm Thus say :Ilmve sales m R. Hen-inglon On Sunday, May Bist, morning 10.30 and evening 7 o‘clock. Special ser- vices will be held in Headford Metho- dist church in the interests of the cemetery fund. in Monday evening at8 p.m. a trpveloguc-lecmre entitled, “From Halifax to the Rockies vie the Panama Canal" will be given by the Pastor. Also special music. Proceeds in aid of the fund. Ilis Hum Lieutenant (h gracioufly cuu Annual Fair, u Ricbmund Hill iti Em pi! e Day 9. m. MI \Y 11 Ti Pk In nin \Vx-d \V pas an in] 1t [muss a is again advancing in price orthcln at Wumipq-g closed a Presbyterian bervices [ht Come Early md McLean visiu Ln (-.\‘=un \he‘ Ml l’l 1m a match in mIl MEMORIAM Thm Mi; ll) w h ll‘u- practice mail mun lll‘( Ul Ill TIM gallide 111.0". 1 3115. [(1 Mr, \Vm \Vuet, ha md‘n {invill kshutt, even own mp ntl fill» the M 1'. The our the swexin Inutiw {he pulling'place nu hehulf of ~lhe penwns interested in and dvsiruus uf answering the said qnesLiun in the m-gatixe. 5. The 16L!) day ofjum‘, 1923, :It, the Clerk's Office. is lwrehy appointvd fur the summing up hy the Clexk nf the numbvr of \Ulk‘S given in the nflirma- Live and in the negathe x-espectlvdy. HHI ' Read :1 first and 20th day of April, 1% (If the Vill Take notice that. the above is a true copy of a by‘luw passed by the Muni- CipAlUflunCll nf the Vllage of Rich- mond H!“ on the 18le duy ut May, 1925. Mu: Reudanlhhd Lhnn and 18.!) day of May. 1925. THUS. H. TREI And further take notice that at the hour, day. and place therein fixed fur taking the votes of the eleclurs the polls will he held. FilSL day 1925. . Tn tuke the vote of the residean nf Richmond Hill who are euLitled Lu vote at, Municipal Elections on a ques- liun L0 be submitted. whether the said residents ure- in favm‘ of the Vil- lugo adopting the swcnlled Daylight saving lime to Coincidc with the, Lime adopted by the City of Toronto. \th‘uns the Municipal Council of the Cnrpnmlinn uf the Village of Rich- mond Hill deems iL advisable to submit it uestinn to the aforesaid residents us tn lhe zldoptiun of the so-called Dayâ€" light saving lime in the said Village. Therefore the Onuncil of the Our- pumli.mof the Village of Richumud Hill enacts us follawsw 1. That the fulluwing question he submitted to the residuum of Rich- mond Hill who eue entitled to vote at Municile Elcclinne, vi : "Are you by [ht be June Tl uts Ill ufJu That lh llll vou By Law No. 352 Led to the res iill who zue en pal Elecliuns', 1- of Richmond d Daylight sun with the By-Law No. 351 (he said 1nd (me in»; pla‘ interest rug Lhe Clerk’s Notice thL no vote of (he ratepayers :euf Richmond Hill entit‘ un Inuuey Ivy-laws, on a )e :uhmillod whether the us an: in favor nf a supply th th nf publicatian M ay ne 1h l) I” IS H: In InVUI' U! a from the Hydx lllll [ht Iii A. j. HUME, Clerk. lll TRENCH, Reeve .J.HU.\1E. Ulcxk Hill second time the Hi ng question he idenks of Rich- Litled to vote an viz: “Are you Hilladoptinglhe ing time to co- lime adupted In from the Isl win of ()ntm ll Council passed this )ll lh 215! \k( [H cnpy of Munivipul Rir'hnmnd 1926. Village ur I‘m-mum'ui um. " 4. 0n them!) day of june a! 11:0 Clvrk's 141160. the Halve. at ten u’rl-nuk in the [(Henmrn, will, in \vx'iLing s gn- ed by himsvlf', :uplent Lwn pmsuns to attend at [he filml summing up at" [he vuu-shy [he \‘Ilhuge L‘lmk. and vne pm-smx [U attend at, the polling [' on behalf of [he [crsulL-i lntrrc‘ah d In and (lvsirnus of uniwming [he mil quesliun in the affirmative, and (Lli' person In attend M the polling place un behalf of (he permns Illltjl't'rlrd in and desilous of unswu-iug the said question in the m-zutivo, 5. The Mill) day of June 1925. is hereby appointed for the summing up by the Clerk of [he nnmlwl' of \'|:t.“$ givenin the affirmative and in [11? negative respecLinIy. Read u “w, Second and thin! time and [Hssul this 18m day of May 1927). THUS‘ H. TRENCH. Rr-vve. A. J. HUME, (‘lclk‘ Hill this by Luv 511,111 the must puhli Village nf Rich“ hum lukix Take nulice the uhose is a true Cupy Ofu by-Inv p asst-d by [he Municipll Unuucil of lheVlH xgt- uf Richmond Hill on the 15m tiny nf May 1025. And fuuher take noxico that at the lmur, day. and place therein lixed fun tukingthe vutes of the electors. [he pulls will beheld. First day at Vpublicution, May 2lst. 1925. HOLIDAY T I M E TABLE \Vl Take notice that th ’ave Toronto for Sutton at, 6.4‘ and every hour-3.45 p. in. last mve Toronto for Newmaukeb n. m. then 7.45 a. m. and m minuteq until 10.15 p.11). th car 12 15 midnight. save Tm-outo fur Richmond Uurpm‘nti‘ hmond Hi1 wit, [u the 10.15 11' 15 a Victoria Dag [)AYLIGHT SAVING T1 311‘} p. m. then I 215 midnight (1 Hill flichmnni Hi In. and ever: uidnight. (ewmurket f0 3.00 and 9.00 1 es until 11 p lh Clerk’s N orice Clerk’s Notice m. Itton f m. the vot hv 1n aw N0. 353 lll’ Id ll) A. J. HUME, U the )lll] lll 11.1 Richmond Hill y 30 minutes m 1.15 p.11). and] Itice Ll hunin he el‘ \hnvf the lh d for Tm unto at Jmimucs until 1 m a t O a n L?,"f32$°£ifi°36 IN POTS “I (h t (3.45 a. m l!‘ lh the Uh Lhu 11 1:15 ill )ll at gag};§g1v11LLINER‘; -:- DRY GOODS \t 6.45 can ery 30 n la'st trnt Llu until ry 30 t car lll |l( 1h 1nd igLy'Hâ€"EWOOD 1 GARDENS Silk Hosiery that We‘ mend, at- $1.25 per pair lines from 50c. upwards. Broadcloths in stripe colo§§,‘_fr0m 75c. to $1.2. In our Millinery D every day has been 09¢ and we still have on dis suitable for all occasions. Voiles priced at 39c. to $1.25; also ready to Wear striped broad- cloth dresses, special ai $4.95. A good line of House dresses large si‘ize and also summer undet- wear for Ladies and Children. Asters, lunsc and c colorsâ€"Heart of Ms red.) 'Eower land VegetaEfl PUBLIC Notice is hereby given that a Court of Revision of [he Assms- meut Roll for the. Township of Vaughan gill be held in the township Hall, 11. 1,)A‘VIPS MillStrcct - Phone Richmond Hill Court of Revision meut Rollf: will be h: Vellore, on It 11 o’cluck p m. Lo/hear and adjudicate upon all com- plaints against the Assessment. Roll of the MunicipaiiLy 0f the Township of Vaughan for the said yam-1925. All parties interested are requested to take notice and govern themselves accordingly. ’ Mupl Brown for 10 years Nicotianzl Marigold Amirrhinium 3:1 I via Llnnia Sweet. Alyssum Rimnus {Castor Oil Plant) Verbenas Scabiosa Stocks Balsam Cubue Scandans (Blue) Cosmos (Double) l’etunias (Giants of (‘alifofnizg Tomatoes. Cabbage, Cauliflower. ‘emk TOWRSHIP 0F VAUGHAN Trench B MONDA Y, JUNE m, 1925 Asters, B1 Zinmas, Perenlal S Clelk of the Said Municipality May 19. 1925. 47-4 MUNICIPALITY 01“ THE COUNTY OF YO from our _ Mill_inery Department Mrs. Norman Batty Also J. B. MCLEAN, )zn} nc: ) Drag ..; Seed P‘ awe Fla: ilendula 3et Peas SaIVIa r 1925. i All md to take themselves sep'u'nte ‘orsot 5 per pair, 01' other nts ‘5 W EBEMMER been ogefiing Court of Revision pL‘BLu; N ment Rnll hsun wil'. Uniunvxllv MONDAY. JL'NE Xst,1923 at 2.3” u‘clnck p. m. to hear um] udjudic tLe up Hi all com- plaints ugtimb me Aswrs-neut R010! tiw Muniripalily of the Township of Man-khan. lur llu- said year 1925. All par ties inlex-eat‘ (I :11 u l’PqHE‘St9d to Lake noticp and gown: themselves ac: 0 dingly. SA'l'l‘uDAY. MAY and furnitung bridge, the [nu Jeffery. Hale a mtle J. '1‘. Sui; \yEDXESIMY. .effects. ()1! ()dl G. A. M. [)AVISON, Clark of ll.e said Municipality. I'ninln i110, May 7. 1935. 47-48 DI'UDUITY (-f S. '1‘. Wuudhead. Sale at, 2 u'cl-wk, ’l‘m-ms cash. J. '1‘. Suigeon. Auct. THURSDAY, MAY 28-H0rsv, cows. and vehicles. Kleinburg, the property of The Late Chas. jones. Terms cash. Sale at, 2 u’clnck. J.T.Saigenn. Auct. FRIDAY, MAY 29*House, outbuildings and 12 acres of land; also the furniture. at Custlcumre, the property of the labe'l‘honmsWebster. Terms cash, Sale {LC 2 u’cluck. J. T. Saigeou, Aunt. - SATURDAY. MAY 30AVnInahle resi- denta] pmperty at Brampton. the pl-uperty of the Estate of Janwe Hall. A seven l'Ouult‘d sulid, brick house. Terms 10 per cent, at time of ale, balance in 80 davs. Sale at, 2 o'clock. J. T. Saigeon, Auct. SPRENG at W63 can I'GCOIII- Busines TOWNSHIP OF MARKHAM Uum t MONTH’S SPENT IN SHAW’S DEER PARK AUCTION SALE mllv, nn JIUN DAY. at 2.3!) (1" COL'NTY 01“ YORK LADIES’ WEAR [L'lejl I’ALITY OF THE 953:3 and plain lsplav tt: is h Revi ii the 'J held and n‘ 255â€"Hnnse and lot , nu 8th Ave... Wood- npmty hf Miss Susan at, '2 o‘clock. Terms nigrnn, Aunt. entlv 5L, . T. Wundbe ’l‘m-ms ca )1 why given that a. m nf the Assess- nwnship of Mark- ” Victm-ia Hall, REGISTER Household \Vest, the m1. Sale .511. J. 1‘. ats )Ol

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