Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 28 May 1925, p. 1

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Former student of. Dr, A. S. Vogc Toronto. tho ht. Emu! Nixon. Kitch: on". and the lat. Cyril Rnlphrul Hogg \Vinnipog. Ind of Percy, Grain‘cr' New York. ' Yonge St. Richmond Hill Teacher ot'Pi ano BARRISTERS. SOLICITORS. E'rc. Torontn Office. 816 Fedurnl Building, at 35 Richmond Street. \Vest Richmond Hill Office ‘ mneral Office), every Thursday fox-911mm. Maple, Thursday ut‘ternnon. \Voodhridqe, Saturday forennon. Money to [mm at Current Rum WILLIAM COOK WilliamfigokxqokszDelan‘y l tlt Pays to Attend the Best! MLLIOTTA ",7... ......uu.c can terms“; $4,800.00 three acres land. fine kHildâ€" ings, this price incl'udes a ., .-se. buggy. wagnns. phws and some fowl. Only mm half mile off Yonge Street. ' » $5.00!).00gond buildings with five acres land, at ThurnhilL Two beautiful hl'it'k hnuses nn Rnsevl‘mv Ave. our on Church St.. in my convenience. Sx-lid lrrick house of Mr. Earl Newton‘s on Yungu Street. 811.500.00 buys house. chopping mill and six acres land. beautiful lumen.“ Every graduate of the last fifteenkmonths has secured employment Open all year. 52.7 .00 good flu-Imp house on Roseview $50 00 cash, lmluuce easy terms. $3.000 0 good hnuse on Cvntre Street West” $1,000.00 cash. balance eusy tertn_s.“: $3.500.!)()"\fr:1nm hungnln, garage and beautiful yuld $2600.00 down, $3.600.00 good brick house on Roseview 31.000130 dutvn. balance arranged. $3,600.00 n‘ew frame house on Wright SL, $1200.00 cash. balance Pnsv Mrs. Steuart Williams \V. J. ELLIOTT - Pmscuul RICHMOND HlLL BRANCH )urnor Yonge & Alt-x VETERINARY SURGEON ’l‘llornhill. VOL. XLVII. --\.\.ll\ll l‘lLI md pzlyingrliusim-ss. Complete list, on application Enquiries Soliciced. The Bank was established in 1875, and in the course of fifty years Branches have been established from time to time at carefully chosen points. The service at all Branches is local and personal, but it is also world wide in scope. A moderate sized Bankâ€"not too mach- ine-like,â€"â€"with a friendly interest in its clients. Enter nbw. Catalogue free $1.50 per annum, ih advance .. --uu .- |\ w bush, lmlunce easy terms. good huuse on Cvntre Street $1,000.00 cash. balance eusy JOOK F. Gonuux COOK THOMAS DELANY Toronto. )llg‘ilg‘fi-e Ff Mr. I house, chopping mill l:m_d. beautiful lmzatlun, SALE under SL5 Our Service , n,” balance easy OF CANADA Tonux‘ro OFFICE â€"-St:mdard Bdildihg zassi‘onge Street, E3 anch). Phone Hudsonâ€"- RICHMOND HILL OFFICE-~0VEI‘ I Dry Guods Storeâ€"Every Sam I Money to [man at Current R Phone Kicluuond Hillâ€"119. Henry S. Muflowney, M. A. Yonée St. RICHMOND HILL Modal-n ' house Ln furnished fur the summer months A six roamed bungalow on Centre StrEQt \Veat, garage eta. A six roamed [nick house on Yangt- Stflrt. Several first-c1139 residenqu 0n Rnseview. all conveniences. A murdorn, bl ick. 8 moms-d house. with finisth attic. I have smuelhing to please the richch or pom-est. A very Comfortable House and acreage nn May Avenue. $2300 buys a gnud house and lot on Arnnld Street. . 12 Acres, gnod nuse. orchard etc.. on second concession of Markham. $1300 will buy It house and lot on Benson Avmxue, $200 dnwn. New Brick house nu Hunt Avenun every convenienCe. A five momed bungalow 0n Centre Street. West. ' Minister â€" Rev. 3. M. Kerr. Subjcct after Death â€" \Vhat “.7 Three deaf ladies will nnde‘ slgns “Nearer My God to Thee.” Your protection is against injury. fntnl m‘ utherwisa, to any of the‘ puhiic. or damage to the propprty of others, an to your own car. whether through collision. fire or theft. Fur infnrnmtiun regn-ding rntvs elc‘. call 01- write All cordially inviLt-d Sunday School â€" 10 am Chm-ch Service â€" 11:15.3.11). Richmond Hill ‘ Continuing Presbyterian Church RICHMOND HII The Real Estate Man BARRIBTER. Soucn'on. NOTARY PUBLIC. FOR SALE R. Herrington Richmond Hill 48-19 Phone Hudsonâ€"f 218 . Nicholls A. MIWIS, Mnnager‘ -St:mda1~d Bnnk “In Essentials, Unity: ~0ver Davies '5' Saturday. {under by Eglinton ltes rent, Mr. Ernest Brock. of Toronto. usin- ed the choir of the Mt-thodilt Church or Sunday night and sang I beautiful Iolo The Ladies' Auxiliary of St. Staph en‘s held its monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. H. D. 0001:. » v‘l‘ag-dny was observed here on Satur- day by member: of the Salvation Army. ' ' Mr. C. Robuon‘l ice-cram parlour wns re-opened last Snturday evening Patrons this season will be treated to pigno afld violig selections. A social evening was held by the Chonlb‘lasalnt \Vcdnesday. In con eluding their-meetings for the season the class voted a handsome sum of money to the lodge of A.F. & A.M for the use of their ball through the season. The Choral Class gave a very Ilcceu- {ul concert recently. A play “The Spinscers’Conv/ention." was prescnted by the Indie! from Thistluown. and WI‘E gregtly enjoyed, In the ball game between Maple and Newtonhrook the home team Won by I score of 6-5‘ Tm‘vnship -_. .-. ~--.\I~IM\' J. Inlhnlc Wilsun, Supt. of Fairs nnd Exhibi- tion. \V.'Sniitb, Past President of the Fair and Exhibition Anmcocintiou. Reeve and Ouuncil nf Mulkham Town- ship. Reeve and Council nf‘Vanghun Tlllllnbl‘:n patronized and greatly enjoyed. Al- together the Diiectors me congratulat- ing themselves on having u must. sucâ€" cessful day. and me already planning for .‘l greater Fair in 1926. The prize list will be given in our new: issue. A new feature! in the hull and one of the mosL pleasing was It fluiul dis- play exhibited by the Richmond' Hill Florists. This exhibition Cllllt‘d for”) grant, praise and innumerable quvs- lions. The Directors wish to take mlvnntnge of [his opponunity to thunk these Eentlenmn for their beautiful mmrtibutiun (u the Fair. Among the prominent. men attend- inglbe Fair were: W. F. McLean, M.P., Hon. George 3. Emmy. Wm. Keith. M.L.A., J. D. Patterson, of \Voudstuck, AJ. H. itkmdl, ]. Lockie I‘Y:| i ., 'r) at Ml] excellent lunchenn pre- p.u-ed for the occasion by Vim.k President. W. H. Legge, Mr.’ Burnaby assumed the role of mmstniuster. and called upon the Reeve. the President of the Board Of Trade. Luckie \Vil- son, Supt. ut' Fairs and Exhibitions. A. J. 11. Eckurdt, J. H. [)unlnp J. D. Patterson, tf Woodstock. and Direcâ€" Ems, Nicholls, Pugsley, McLean and 01 Deacon, who each and everyone spoke in glowing terms of the alfa- bility, eurdiality, and democratic manner of our esteemed Lieut.~Govci-- nur. llis Honor replied in n. ni-ut speech. congratulating the Society for their past efforts and hespeuking for them a still more glorious future. As heis both farmer, manufacturer and bunker, he was well able to give advice. to the young humus to re- main on the farm which at, the pr?- seut. time was both healthful, profit- able, pleasurable and honorable. Al'tm; luncheon, headed by the Band, the Directors escorted his Hanoi- to the Band Stand, where he was in- troduced to the large ciowd guthenâ€"d. by Vice-Piesident Burnaby, and his Honor :lddiessed the crowd urging them as before to uphold their nuhle calling. He spoke of the excellvut surrmindiiigs,tlie hvst putt 0f the Prov- ince in which they lived, none better in the Dmuinimi. After which the» Fairwas duly opened by his HOHUI', u'ho immediately rcturnwl to the City to fill another engagement. lirtka'n four and five thousand attended despite the cool weather, and although the exhibits in heavy horses was not up to the uveragP, the show in light hurses nnd ponies was the best the Suciety ever had und would do credit to the O. N. E. The exhibits in cattle woie excellent. Slim-thorns and Holsteius predominating, Sheep. Swine and Poultry were Well 'up to average. In the arena the sbmv of ludies' wmk and dairy produce was very (:uuunenduble. Th3 220 tint. Farmei’s Trot and Pony Rat-e drew Hit-attention of the crowd and wellâ€" inerited races were run off under the cme of Mr. Wesley Palmer. The day’s pmgriunuie ended with n conceit in the Arena, which was well patrnnizml and greatly enjoyed. Al- I Victoria Daynt Richmond Hill was duly celebrated by the Richmond Hill lAgiicnltural Society holding their 76th Annual Fair. It Was truly nnother Red Letter Day for the Society, for us was :mnouncsd. the Fair was opened by his Honor Uol. Henry Onckshutt. Lieut, Governor of Ontario, About nuon he Was met at Yonge Street by the Richmond Hill Band who escorted him to the entrance 0f the Arena in lhe Fuir Grounds, where he was re- ceived by 1118 Directors; and welcomed in :1 short' address by Vice-President Burnaby. and was then conducted to the hanqne-t hall where an informal reception and luncheon was held, the tables being beautifully denomi- ed with rose: arranged 'hy Mr. J. [-1. Dunlop. After partaking of MI] excellent luncheon pre- p.u-ed for the occasion by Viccw l).--:.1 "A n, .y - . ONT.. THURSDAY. MAY 28. 1925 Richmond Hill Fair lddxessed the croWd urgiixifirg before L0 uphold their nuhle He _sp()ke of the excellvut , . to the nveragP. the show 393 n In] ponies was the besc y ever had and would do e O. N. E. The exhibits in excellent. Shorthurns and predominating, Sheep. Poultry were \vell 'up to in Non-Essentials. Li MAPLE an infurmnl‘ was lu-ld, ly denomi- nged .Vlvy If you want a real hand-made tailored suit of English Fabrics of Blue, Black, Gray fancy worsted, with all color guaranteed, of Australian wool, leave your order with me. Fit and workmanship Guaranteed The low prices will surprise you when you see the Quality of the Goods. Repair Work, Cleaning and Pressing Satisfactorly Done We do Repairing, Cleaning and Pressing at Reasonable Prices Phone 5j or Residence 49 xv Ladies and Gents Tailor and Clothier' Quality Garments iberty; in all things, Charity.” RICHMOND T 1 MLORS The best; of workmanship is being; put; into every garmen‘t \Ve have special Llue Serge Suit Lengths, hennlil'ul samples of the best Wuullen Manufacturers on exhibit, in our sample and filling nmms, showing The Pxide of England, Monarch Dependable \Voollens in the very ne“ est. lines. exclusive fancy stripe \vmsteds, also a full range (pf fancy. self at: ipe and plain blues. If you wish unn'sunl value in n. cuflum L make an appointment m -ley. for We am We“ equipped also for making Golf suits and knickers Suits and Overcoats from $25 and over Situated One Door South of Rustic Inn . Solicit your Patronage the latest creations in custom tailored garments OF ‘ RICHMOND HILL BRANCHâ€"«W. G. Bedford, Manager THORNHILL BRANCHâ€"S. B. Elson, Manager D_,, u RICHMOND TAILORS J. A. GREENE STAN BAKE BANK BANKING sultation and Diagnosis Free ST E FIFTY YEARS ERLING BANK BLDG Dr. J.. R. ALLISON . Former J .iLVG BANK BLDG. TELEPHONE G THORNHILL, ONTARIO Branches also .I- to any paint, in Canada at; in minimum of expense by using a Stand- ard Bank Money 01dqu This method is the simplest, safest and must convenient way to send remittances by mail in the Dominion; if the mail goes astray no loss is sustained. Should you desire to send money m :l point outside the country, a Standard Bank Draft will serve your purpose for forwarding money to foreign nluces. Sending Money to Distant Points YOU can send any amount of mom-y - t0 anv nnim ;.~. mummy“ ,A DENTIST OPEN EvExIsz THE 3;! Aurora. Lansing 'nilorud suit or overcoat, foreign places [Single copies ins "o7- Extraction Phone 95 No 48 1 3 CtS.

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