CREAM It should be here noted that the work in this District is under the supervision of District Commissioner G. R. de P. Vontom. He has been very largely responsible for the forward move, and is. admirably supported by various leaders, to whom credit is also due. ' The Troop at Sturgeon Falls has its W11 club rooms. These have been ï¬t- aï¬md completed by the boys entire- ly. t has involved weeks and hours of him! work, but is now one of the finestkiin existence. IL is (o be oflicialiy dedicated and opened for Scout opera- tions On May 22nd. We supply cans and pay express charges. We pay daily by express money orders. which can be cashed anywhere Without any charge. At qoniston a ï¬ne group of (Tubs and Scouts. gathered for a meeting. Un- fortunately the Scoutmaster, Rev. J. D. Bowes Company Limited. Toronto For referencesâ€"Head Ofllce. Toronto, Bank’ot Montreal, or your local banker‘ Established for over thirty years. To obtain the top price, Cream must be free lrom bad flavors and contain not less than 30 per cent. Butter Fat The Field Secretary for Ontario has recently concluded an interesting tour hiking in most of the places of import- ance from North Bay to Sault Ste. Marie. He speaks» very enthusiastical- ly of the splendid advances Scouting Ls making there and the following brlet remarks indicate that he has good reasons for his optimism. WE WANT CHURNING “Prince Edward" Brand English Fox Wireâ€"recognized by the above label on every rowâ€"has given morethan fourteen years of perfect service on pioneer ranches and is being used for most ot_ the new ranches. "There's a reason.†Write or wire for free sample and prices. HOLMAN’S ALLISTON Opportunities in the If you desire a profession you should conslder what the ï¬eld of Veterinary Science has to otter. Graduates have splendid opportunities for a successful career. The live stock industry ls the comerâ€"stone of agricultural development and the veterinary profession is its greatest safeguard Write for bulletin and calen‘flar to C. D. McGilvrgy, D.V.Sc., Principal Afï¬liated with University of Toronto. Under the Ontario Department of Agriculture. go TEA’ Is 300:} tea? See That This Label is on Your Fox Wire Sometime! Why not this time? The ORANGE PEKOE is extra Veterinary Profession Ontario Sales Agent N. H. C. RUTHVEN Ontario Veterinary Gallege Session Begins Guelph With The Summerside P. E. Island ONT HON. JOHN S. MARTIN. Ministe October 1, 1925 New. waS'too ill to be is doubtful lf he can co ex‘slllp for this reason. will see, to it that the suffer. ’ Esrpanola once again demonstrated itself as a real live centre of Scouting activities. An afternoon was spent outdoors in Scout games, while other groups 1,000 yards apart did good work in morse signalling. The Cubs, intent on not being left out. arranged an evening meeting indoors. One has yet to meet a more lively Pack with their two eyes very much openi The ï¬nal gathering in connection wit-h the tour was at. North Bay, when the respective Troops, with Cubs, met together. Anyone can imagine the electrical disturbance likely to be created when 120 boys join in fun, games, and instruction. It was great! And the "disturbance" only terminated after singing the National Anthem as only Scouts and Cubs can. the ï¬rst A splendid meeting was called in Creighton Mine, embracing boys and adults who. under the chairmanship of the mine superintendent. listened in- tentively to an explanation of Scout- ing. It Was an audience that very bad- ly needed to know that the only flght‘ ing we teach the boys is that which has to do with their own evil desires and impulses. Good seed was sown. and the young Troop will undoubtedly make ï¬ne headway under the direc- tion of Scoutm-asler Pascoe. The new Troop in Sudbury, in the care of Scoutmaster Fred Cressey. is making astounding progress. Both Troops are well otï¬cered and making things hum. Space will not permit references to each place visited. but even at risk of transgressing we must mention the Sea and North Bay. At the S00 Scout- masters Wagner and Noble have done wonders. As a result of their work Scouting has now a great opportunity to develop, and there are sounds in the air of important events in the mak- mg. Ontario good. Try it 1 present. and it uti‘nue his lead- The Nickelites work does not Although the bamboo is a very soft wood. the old priest did his work so well that the organ is still in good condition after a century of use, and is used every week in his services by the Belgian priest in charge, Father Victor Declereq. Every part of the instrument is made of bamboo and some very ingeni- ous devices were included by its bulld- er. “'hile making the organ, the priest built a tiny model, a perfect copy of the big instrument. This he sent to the Queen of Spain. who, in gappreciation of the present, sent a number of valuable gifts to the church. Some of them still remain, and are al- The most a rheumatic suflerer can hope for in rubbing something on the tender, aching joint is a little relief. No lotion or liniment ever did or ever can do more than this. tic poison is rooted in the blood. To get rid of it you must treat it through the blood. Any doctor will tell you that (his is true. If you want some- thing that will go right, to the root of the trouble in the blood. take Dr. “711- liams‘ Pink Pills. The whole mission of this medicine is to purify and en- rich the blood. and when they do this all blood troubles, including rheuma- tism, disappear. Among those who have proved the value of Dr. Wilâ€" liams’ Pink Pills is Mrs. Annie Wright, Wooichester, Alta, who says: “I was a sufferer from rheumatism for six years, and during most of that time my life was one of misery. I tried several doctors. and many reme- dies recommended, but never got more than temporary relief. The trouble seemed to affect my whole system and I was badly rundown and suffered from headaches as well. Finally I was advised to try Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills, and through these I found complete relief and to-day I feel like a new per- son. I can therefore strongly recom- mend Dr. Williams' Pink Pills to any- one suffering as I did from this trou- ble.†‘ ‘ The rheuma- . Every one may not know that each day of the week is observed as a holy day by some nations. The story of the nations and their respective Sabbaths Is prettily put into rhyme In these lines: Christians: worship God on Sundays, Grecian zealots hallow Monday; Tuesday Persians spend in prayer, Assyrians Wednesday revere; Egyptians Thursday; Friday Turks; On Saturday no Hebrew works. £6009 NEWS FOR 5 RHEUMATIC PEOPLE You can get these pills from any medicine dealer, or by mail. at 50 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine 00‘, Brockville, Ont. The water shares, originally worth a pound, enhanced in value to Where they were worth millions, and ~even the richest of others like the Rothchilds were forced to be content later with a ODE The longer I convinced that 1 cessities for In most itself‘ Now Known That This Trouble Must be Treated Through the Blood. Ménard’s LlnIment for Cold; three lines as a prayer with the re- maining lines in a more vigorous way. The impressions made on one as a result of meeting these various live groups is that Scouting in doing the job it set out to doâ€"creating and building up sensible, manly, Canadian Christians. iVE A Queen’s Investment. Canal Century Old esent year marks Holy Days. a thirty-second o umar eat marks the 100th Strong Nerves the more I 'eatest of ali happiness i resent. sent a s to the church. Jin, and are al- d as the organ perfect This he who. in sis to Ancient Account. A butcher's bill more than four thou- sand years old was found in the ruins of Ur of the Chaldeee. It is in the form of a small block or tablet of baked clay, on one face of which the account, for three lambs delivered to the temple, is out. \Vhether it has yet been paid has not been determined; but if modern bills were rendered in the same form. some men could pave their driveways and floor their garages with incised tiles. whichcontains proven directions Handy “Bayer†boxes of 12 tablets Also bottles of 24 and lOOâ€"Druggista Aspirin is the trade mark (registered in Canada) of Bayer Manufacture of Mono- aceucacldester or Salicylicacld. Life. therefore, exists on Mars; Plants take the oxygen of the air and use it as food. But even if piants do exist on Mars, nothing enables us to claim that animals or even human be- ings inhabit the planet. In case people lived on Mars it must have been a. long time ago, and that race must have per- ished under the hard conditions of life v‘rhich now exist on Mars. most druggists as Bitro-Pnospl what nerve-exhausted, tiredâ€"out must have to regain nerv'e for energy. That’s why it’s guar Price $1 per pkge. Arrow Cl Co.. 25 Front St. East, Torontc The big blots of dark color on Mars are therefore not oceans. The long lines of the same color are therefore not canals. The former can only be lowlalnd plains, and the latter long, more 01‘ less furrowed valleys. Recent observation showed that both 113:) n different coloring according to 11m season; a greenish blue dominated during spring, became yellow at suvm< mer time, and ï¬nally had the shade of autumn leaves. We cannot doubt that liars has a sycle of plant life quite as we have on earth. Accept only a «We 81' 2‘7" qer ackagf Mars is surrounded by a. layer of air where the spectroscope discovered the presence of oxygen and hydrogen. Snow accumulates at the poles of Mars just as on earth. We can get an idea even of the density of the atmosphere on Mars. The estimates which I took up this year, unfortunately give rather low results. The air seems much thin- ner on the surface of Mars than on our earth. in fact, it is as thin as it is sixteen kilometers above our earth surface. At that altlitude the oxygen is very lightly distributed and the average temperature is never mohe that 50 degrees below zero. Yet Mars may have a temperature of some 30 degree-s above zero during the hottest summer. This ta mperature re- sults from val-tolls causes, the chief of which is the water vapor which satur- ates the air of Mars, mi account of the feeble atmospheric density. All the water which exists on Mars is trans- formed into vapor during the summer and in snow during winter. Mars is rapidly moving away from the earth and appears no larger than a. star of medium size. Even the most powerful telesropes {an mi new at tempts are made to study the planet. writes Dr. Thomas Moreux in “Le Petit Journal" (Paris). This. therefore, is the pr to make known the knowledg during the'recent observati upon Mars. I hear my re: mediaaely put the eternal "Yes or no, is Mars inhabit Say “Bayer†- Insist! FOr Colds Headache Neuralgia Rheumatism Lumbago Pain MINARD’S Relieved His Rheumatism Here is one of many letters testify- ing to the relief Mi'nard'e gives in cases of rheumatism: “I have been relieved of rheumatism by your liniment. I thought I would never be free from this malady and I tried many remedies, but Mlnard‘s was the only one which gave me relief." ALPHONSE RICHARD, St. Samuel, P. Q. Minard's is also splendid for stiff- ness of the joints, sprains, bruises, etc Is Mars Inhabited? MINARD'S LINIMENT ions made' aders im- question: Led?" r lime quired Mitchell, Ontario.â€"â€"“I have taken 3 your medicine for a number of years. do not take it steady all the time but I am never without it. I always keep : it in the house. I took it ï¬rst for pains . in the abdomen and bearing-down pains headaches and pains across the back. I have my home to look after and many a day I could not get u at all. I saw the advertisement in t e pa er about Lydia E. Pinkham’s Ve eta le Com- pound, and Mrs. John iller told me about it, too. Every time I take it, it makes me feel better and I always rec- ’ ommend it to my friends. I am Willing to answer letters from women asking about this medicine and you may use this letter as atestimonial. ’â€"Mrs. F.J. } WASSMANN, Mitchell, Ontario. Relieved by Lydia E. Pink- ham’s Vegetable Compound French holders of the bonds of the Suez Canal Co. are disappointed at having to accept the interest on those bonds in paper francs instead of gold. But they are not in such hard lu'ck as those Germans who invested in the Berlin to Bagdad railway. The merit of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is told by women to each other. Many women knowby ’experience what this medicine will do and they are anxious for others to know. Further evidence that the Antarctic contineth was discovered in 1820 by ansfleld has been published. thus proving that Sir J. C. Ross, who sighted South Victoria Land i'n 1841, was not ï¬rst in the region. Such testimony should cause any woman suffering from the troubles so common to her sex to give this well- known medicine a fair trial. ceivéd. To the quesiion, "Have you 5e; - , ceived beneï¬t by taking this medlcme. 98 26! cent. replied 4‘: Yes.†. Do you know that in arecent canvass among women users of the Vegetable Cqmppufld qver 220,900 regljes were re- This means that 98 out of every 100 women are in better health because. they have given thia medicine a fair trial. . C for Summer Course in the largest and most unto-date School in Canada. KENNEDY H'AIRDRESSING PARLORS AND ACADEMY PAINS ABHOSS ‘ THE AGK 718 Yonge, 231 Yonge. 617 Danforth Ave For Sore Throat Use Mlnard'lLlnlmon! ' ' \ But you can Promnta I clean. Healthy Common Use Murine Eye Remedy "Night and Momma." [up your Eyes Clean, Clear and Healthy. Write for Free Eye Care Book. Marine Bu Remedy (20.!) ï¬nal uninsume ummméfw @ But you can Promnta I M ' ed oun YESuefmmd'ixzmw clean . Healthy Common No depoult or payme‘nt of any kind. Just send your name, address and free trlal request, to. or call on. J. A. Anderson & Go. The new radio-built ACOUSTI- CON Is a marvel of lightness. com fort, lnconsplouousnes's. A Joy to wear and use. We are so sure it will delight you, regardless of what other device you are now using, that. we invite you to try It 10 days without a penny of risk. No red tape to go through. Enroll New Swill. inch Free b m7 Address Can-dim Depot: “Bauhaus. at, Montreal." Pncc. Soup 25c, Olntmmt 3 Ind 60c, Talcum 28c, w Cudcurn Shnvina Stick 25c. “ I flied everything I could think pf but nothing helped her. I read an advertisement for Cuticura Soap and Ointment and sent for a free sample. I purchased more, and af- ter using one cake of Cnticura Soap and one box of Cuticura Ointment she was healed." (Signed) Mrs. R. B. Cross. 81 Seneca Parkway, Rochester. N. Y, " My daughter's neck and chest were very badly broken out with red pimples that festered and'iiched badly. She scratched the affected parts and caused the trouble to spread. At night she could not sleep and the breaking out caused disï¬gurement. Neck and Chest Breken Out. Cutlcura Heaied. Use Cuticura to clear your skin. 357 St. Catherine St. West Montreal, Qua. RED PEMPLES WEE? No Deposit Discoverer of Antarctlc. ISSUE Toronto, Ont. No. 22â€"'25 No Expense.