Kichmonc Pl MORE EGGS from Each lien The use- of hens is to lay eggs, and hens will positively lay more eggsâ€" GUARANTEEDâ€"if you put a dose of Pratt's Poultry Regulator in the feed every day. Your dealer is authozized to give back your money if it fails. CANADA’S STAN DARE) CAR No. Frail; Pouitru Rezfulator one Write for FREE BOOK. PRA'I'I‘ FOOD C0. OF CANADA. LTD., TORONTO adopted 4-wheel brakes as standard equipment to insure safer driving. McLaughlin-Buick select~ ed the mechanical 4-wheel braking principle after exhaustive tests which proved the absolute reliability of this type in every extreme of Weather. Two summers, two hard winters, and thousands of lVchaughlin-Buick owners have demonstrated the trustworthiness of NIcLaugh- [in-Buick North Distributor - Unionville, Ont ALSO OLIMPIO GASOLINE AND KEROSENE IS ‘ ,z-f-E ISTEELEH “â€" Yonge T' w "m ""b tgï¬gréï¬cg rep ï¬ï¬Ã©Ã©sé- bgcaaï¬sg ï¬larli Riaynnrd QVIG answer lCflmOï¬i V uestï¬on: Why Does P McLaughlin-Buick Use Mechanical 4-Wheel Brakes ? akes. UHCllS Stop McLaughlin-Buick 9, Yonge St 161‘ age 21: Dessu: want..." Jennie McMinn, that‘one of the gi transom. 7 x 14 “be _ , aged 16. It appears rls crawled through 3 inches in her (vell. Reaching the corridor she pried the lock of another inmates door which opened. The third imprisoned girl then called aloud to the matron to open her from the taps cell, saying the water pening the was escaping. The matron 0 door was grabbed, choked, and tied to water pipes. lhey then took the matron‘s keys and made their escape. A girL in the fourth cell. heard them deliberately plan the work, but was too frightened to give an aiarm. The trio then walked to 'I‘hornhi-ll. Shortly afterwards they hailed three young men in an auto, and asked them to drive them to the city. The latter did so, and took them to different places where their jail garb was changed to other clothing. The young men then motored them to Oshawa and Bowmanville. Coming back to ()shaWa- two of the girls got out of the car. saying they would meet them afterwards. Failing to do so the Me- Minn girl was driven to a brother-in- law’s in Toronto. where she was aft- erwards arrested. The two other A in Oshawa the fol- A shocking tragedy occurred at the Women’s Jail Farm. West of Langstaff, after†l0 o'clock Sunday night when the night matron. Mrs. Mick, was strangled by three girls in making their escape. The girl inmates are Isabel Prouse. age 21: Bessie Carroll. age 16; and Jennie McMinn, aged 16. it appears that‘one of the girls crawled through a transom. 7 x 14 inches in her (ell. Reaching the corridor she pried the lock of another inmates door which opened. The third imprisoned girl then called aloud to the matron to open her --.. "mam. tho water from the taps and Bowmanville. Coming bacx to ()shaWa- two of the girls got out of lhe car. saying they would meet them afterwards. Failing to do so the Me- Minn girl was driven to a brotherâ€"in- law’s in Toronto. where she was aft- erwards arrested. The two other girls were arrested in Oshawa the fol- lowing day. The three young men who are out on bail of $10,000 each are Leonard Swales. William Norton, and James Norton. all of Toronto “Empire Day" {vas duly celebrated in the Methodist Church last Sunday. A schial sermon'ivas preached in the morning on "What makes an Empir? great†and the huge place that Umde is (listined to lake in the British Empire. It was pointed out that the greatness nf '(his place de- pended npun the young peupleuftn. day; the cum-ago, vision and unselfish. ness (If their set-\ice not only to Hanadu lint, also to the Empire. \Ve need people who will think ‘ Impm inllv," and who will live to put their Ideals intu pruclicv. Sp9cial anthems wme rv-nderod hy the Choir. In the evening Rev. Mr. Young gave an study nf the lifv of \V, E Gladslcne, one of the greatest Slatesmvn that England has ever prnducrd and 0m- whus‘e moral glmrlnvss was evvr more influentnl thun his pnliticn] ucunwn. vit Sunday m‘nrning there will he a Flnwvr and ChrisH-ning Service, and in the cvvning :r Spvcl‘ll Musical Sul'Vlt‘t‘. A umliul “'t’ll'OlllP is ex- tendml tn $tl'illlg0l'5 cunning into £th m-ighlnmh-H d. “Belter Than Ever" is the byword for Aurora Horse Show fur 1925, and from the plize list, sure it is, Hunter and Jumper (‘lusws are†numerous and complete and will [Dali-ll: a fine exhibition in ilself, Clyde and Percherona team owners should rejoice at the uttentinn given them. $30.00 for filst, $20.00 fnr second, and $10.00 for third. is th hast mnney we know of, and will attract all real team owners. Gent’s turnouts and Ladies’ driving and pony classes are all well to the front with good rewmds for exhibits 1mg performance. n cum“- "ml qulna Stuckrâ€"Fnt Beef. Slmvp,und§w1ne axe thexe, and good munuy offered. The day ends up with a first class concert. followed by u dam-r» We have prize lists and entry sheets here. or write G. \V. Baldwin, Secretary. Aumru, fur pxize list. Spend the King’s Birthday in Aurora. 0n Flitl Visit Lunsi On Mo Methodist Kpon was Tm M ill: Mbï¬m 012d 1597/ pair; 9'4 Aurora Horse Show Manon Choked to Death luni "11.19! Iiduv e Monday marl-it n by the } NE\\'TON BROOK vvr" Bali tvnm wan to York Fliduy :nud dvfeuled the F“ #5? ' mar/me « ‘ moms m s Pure May lh't- juni Mr. Wil June 3rd Ell), ung us “'1†ll) the buying flour, as in other comodities you only receive the value which you pay for. ' a _ VV take a‘Chzmce en Clnap Infu‘icr Floui's, when you can get ‘ Nice sturdy Tomato Plants 1 rown in three inch pots. ‘ Eightdifferent varieties 3â€"; l â€"l (i Price per plant 5 cents SI Price in lots of 50 or over 4c. 11 a. 1n.â€"Rev. W. G. Aldliilgl'0,' ot' Silvertborne Methodist Church 7 p. m.â€"Rev. T. W. Neal,i Secretary of the Methodist Uniulli Toronto. 7.30 this (Thursday) evorxing, Congregational Meeting to which all members and adherents are cordially ' invited. , 1 Presbyteri Bedford Park Fldral Co. are rule-d as strong teams. The Gil-is sol; ball team will practice at the High School diamond. Tupsduy night “L 7 o’clutk standard lluw. All girls wishing to try for the tram are requested to attend this practice- as there wlll be u meeting aftex practice for the. purpose of organizing :rleague with, the fuilmving teams: Newâ€" mmket, Aurcra, Maple, Victoria §quaro. Willmvdule and Richmond w On Sunday. May 31, at 2.2.1) pm, our Minister, liev. S. M. Kerr, will preach. Subject after Deathâ€" \th1? 'l‘hxee deaf Indies \viH lendex by 5m}; “Nearer My ma [0 'I‘hru." Lansingâ€"\Villowdale Pl't-‘SlWLPI‘iHhS \Q’ill huld their service as usual at 7 p.111. The above mentioned Indies wiIl also render by signs 2!. hymn. All 2| re - welcome. will clash in u league game (In nigh!) Thursday, at the Richmond Hill pni-k. at 7 o’clqck standald time. 'Flwse are the tgvn new entries in the lmgue and are rule-d as strong teams. " Hill. For Sale elephone [MW Richmond Hill‘ Kingh‘Ql-l} um} Richmond Hill 'l‘ngI-s Lh‘ Which l Strike .mi Expir L- aggreement, Aug 1dvise customers u [h sum Soft Ball Notes zan Methodist Services SACK FRO \1 YOI [Jinn i t ed SNOWFLAKE FLOU ly wh Church Service Thornhill Markham Flou 1' Mills ED your Uuarar "FOR BETTER PA STR indicnt MAR KHAM, ONT. Irantce of‘Quality, and cc slightly mores ' ‘ 632133} I PLYMOUTH ROCK L Hatching “mi-k. ,‘ (gas, (bred Lu lay slrnin,)50 cent: RO( sevgn mom brick house, gaxnge and fluwing well. Also frame hnuse. garage and stable. Write bnx 62 Maple, our phomI anle 339. ' 45 48 OILSALEâ€"Twu (5 "mm houses, 99 ft. frontage (m Elizabeth St.‘ fluit. trees, lzuge garden, hald and 50ft, water. concrete cellar. 2 minute's \vulk frum Radial Station. L, B. FINCH. Richmond Hill. T-tf. {‘0R SALE~(ir-mniums, and a full variety of plums for window huxesund hunginglh‘lskets. H. DAVIS. ‘ 48-49 OR SA LE cheap, 3 sideboard. nemly new. Apply Mus. ARTHUR BUWES, I‘llvzwbrlh St. 48-49 M sne‘et 5 BAGS euily Irish Cohhlersced potntves. J. UHAPPLE. R. 1%.: Maple, 1} miles west of stop 30 Yonge St. Will deliver to Richmond Hill. 75 cents hag. 47-48 At (his sun “:9 scum “iii he I'r‘liPh‘ed into (ln- fellowship of Ihv thunh hy the lib! nf Cnnfi‘flnnï¬on. qudml im'l- Luf‘nn is rxlondvd tn all. 1" eggs, (bred t0 lay siruin,)50 cent: a suiting, Rme1 duck eggs, black cmrunl. bushes. 2 years nld. Senator Slrawlveny plums. G. YER/EX, Elgiu Millq. phone 219 Male _39-Lf. 0R RENTâ€"House on {onge St. nm-th nf Post Office. Apply MRS; C. HARRISON, Richmond SL, Rich'- mond. Hill. 37 lf~ T“ OR RENTâ€"Cuttngv on Rich‘ndnd F St, fm’nuco, fire place- nnk flours. Apply 0. L. WRIGHT 4648 Elizabeth Street. 2 minnt s walk from station. L. B. FINCII, Elizabeth Streei, Richmond Hill. ,’ 46-†’1‘0 RENTâ€"(i mom huge on “‘ ARAGE FOR RENTâ€"App‘y MRS. V) WM, G RAIIAM. Church Street. Richmond Hill. 46-18 “OR SALE-Fresh milk Holstein (leV, young. Apply [11.]. MILLS.Ge_I'1tI>e Im-nt M all" uttl Zion’s Lulheran Church, Sherwood 0R SALEoymRENT‘AL Maplg Mp {0 Ill) 1| ‘V‘V' :1 n t Ads. {\l, Hivh}m1nd Hll 23rd, 1925. Emn \vifv of jnhn P. (i :ifv of jnhn P. Glass rul. Tuesday, Mn} m‘ (alnmlmd Lime Richumnd Hill Cum AI Hi] state CONVINCE Y( DEATHS Ill n-i Notice )1 til TI uul HVI xutomo m M Insurance When un Satan] :1 Lauder. llllt iuett, and ruch. W. Pastor nu at Sapitury Hzghe§t p u cald JOSEPH 48-49 31h lulu 47.45