Miss Holmes, of Oshawa. spent the holiday with Mrs. A. J. Campbell. ' Mrs. Good: 352...}; Wrish., i'.s.A. i ond'Mrs. Hamilton, of Toronto. are‘ spending the summer with Mrs.‘ Hewison. Mr. Roy'~’i‘hornton. better known as Ontario’s best half brick motored l'rrm Uriliia to visit his sister. Mrs James Ley. for the 'l‘weiityfourih, on his way ‘ to Toronto. ‘ Owing to the unfavorable weather. the opening of the Bowling Club has been postponed until \chnosday, ‘ June 3rd. at 23o pm. All members: and their friends are .invited. l\lr, and Mrs, Edward '1‘. lr'.‘.'ll_\‘. iii“ (iioriuloy, On! ,I riiirioiiiii'v ilii- i'iitzngo- “will of llll'il' widest iiiiiighli i-, (il.id_\'~: Jenn. lo Mr. Albeit l9 Albin. son of’ the late John Allan and Mix. N,‘ Ci'osslt-y. i-i' l'iiionvdlil. (lot , lho marriage in iuku plilci' i-ziily iii Jilllt’. A date of unusual lllli‘lf‘Sl to Holsli‘iii liH'l'ill’I‘S “ill be ,liim- lilh, when they will meet :it l'laton llnlli Fin-in, livid-slay, for their :iiiiiii;il . picnic. A good progroiiimv of Sllt‘rllil‘l5; has been :iiiuii'geil for 3 p_m. si:iiiil.iiil l lime, in lhH [)PISUHS of Prof. _l. ('. Sleckley. Guelph. (‘1)iis. l"lilill“l{. Llournv For-iris. t'hippriwn and Prof. Bob \Vridiloi the liiu- Stock Brunch. l The. Coiiiuiitlei' requests .‘Ili for invis lo? bring: ilH‘ll‘ lunch basket iiiid iviijoy the picnic iil 5 p_m. Major :iiiil Mrs. ii. _I. Blniii'v. Rich- iirond llill, announce the engaginer (if their only daughter. lililivi-n Mirr- guerite Bl:llll')'.i01\ll. juiiivs Alexanâ€" di‘l'LiUldll'. Mil] of L‘ll’<. Violin Goldie, (lulgui-y, AIL-if. formerly of (liiv-lpli. (l‘hemuri-iiige lo [ilkt‘ plzii-i- i-riily in] June. ' In giving a report of the welcome which was extended to Rev. Dr. 1.. ll. '\. Gibson, the newly inducted pastor of \(Jook’s Church. Toronto, and Mrs. l (Mum. a'l‘oronto paper says : “Dur- ing the eveninga beautiful bouquet of flow .rs was presented by Mrs. Gibson on behalf of the Women's Association, to Mrs). Law. who \mssthe ï¬rst child baptiséd in the church. 74 years ago: (Mrs. Law was formerly Margaret )oulter; daughter of the late John Coulter and sister of Mrs. A. 1. Camp- bell and ‘Miss Uoulter of this village. The Matron and Board of Directors of the L ’1‘. B and Orange ilome wish to thank the kind friends of the child ten for the splendid lot of magazines received, also for dbnations of fruit, many being sent with no names. also Miss Betty Campbell, of Elgin Mills, .for the lovely flowers gathered for the sick. if Miss Betty could have heard all the nice thanks expressed to her, she‘would have felt repaid for the trouble she had taken in gathering those lovely Golden Cups. Miss Moyle, also we wish to thank for rhubarb roots etc. Donations of rhubarb would be very much appreciated. Up to the time of writing there has only been one case of Scarlet Fever in the Home. With a family of nearly 150 this is considered very good. Death of Win. J. P. Glass .â€"-â€"- On Snturday. Miiy 23m. after a lenglhy 'illness the death occurred of Emma L-iudei, wife- of Mr. J. P. Glass of this village. The deceased was horn in Prince Edward County and at, the Ergo of eleven more to Rich- mnnd Hill. to reside with lit'l' Aunt, Mrs. C. Morison. with whom she lived until 11m time of ill’l‘ marriage 27 years ago. Mrs. (ll iss “‘ils‘ of :i kind and gentle disposition \i'liii-li endeared her to :ill with whom she came in contact. A faithful member iii~ the Methodist Church, WALSH and .‘V. C. T. l'., iind in former yours an esteemed member of the choir. She was deeply interested in Ihe “'illk of these Societies iiiitil llt‘l' hi-iilih foiled. A (lUYUU'tl \\'lf\‘ :intl Illiiillt‘l'. 5hrI leaves to mourn llPl' loss. lwr hll>llilllkl and four children, L‘rllltlt‘l', lurk, Phyllis and Lenoreâ€"rill nl home. The funeral took plucv from the residence, Tuesdiiy. May 26th. Rev. H. 8. \\'.ii i< n being in (-li-ii-gv of [he Si’l'Vii‘e, assisted by Rev. N. \\'i-'.l\\'ooil, ‘lllll liev. iliiiold l 'l‘oyu, :iiid iris-ri-i-v hirgvly :itti-iidi'd. The many bi-iiiitil'iil llornl tributes from relnlives, iiienils uiiii societies were indicative of [he usii-ieiii iii \\lli('l1 the di-ceiised wus held. â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" ‘c-7~â€"â€"vâ€" ‘ VICTUlilA SHARE H...â€" old residents of the Square were in town over die holiday. MiSS 1’e1irl Mortley, of Durham. spent the weekâ€"rend math her sister. Miss Lavina. at llusholiiie Place ‘ The Young People's League held their annual reception service on Sun- dnyeveningiMiiy Llli The number of new members received was very gi'sti-' fyinp; to the ollicei's in charge. The attendance was lzirge. rind everyone on- joyed the rare trczit of liming .\l;~ \Vm‘ren nilh us for the Sunday even- ing Session Many ’l‘wo landmarks have. disnppi'n‘ed from \"ictorinSiiziznu: this spring liit‘ old carriage. ship was l‘i’llii' :1 weeks ago, \\'llll:! on 'l'li:i:*sd..jc ()ldlii; burn. k,“ the 1'. iii of . ., Bennett wzis token ii ’.':i to i; placed by e. ni-dqi‘n steel stint" The building was lll‘1'e liizin (in-z 2.: » dred yeirso'd, being built izi l‘__‘ \\"e C‘rt:.iilv would like to 5:: .. glimpse of the old il‘ll;.’< . loaned a hand to build it. ___â€"«..â€". __ Fresbyizrian teri'ices â€"-â€"-i ill.‘ .\lilll~'.:1' “iii pii I'll 1‘ '7 oh i.i"l: 11 .l. iii.-â€" 'Aii 'lZlillillt‘L‘liltitl l;1t\\- iiig.“ ' iii,â€"v‘i'li~ Scariit oi >«v' ‘_ i ‘l clearly. " ‘snid Illit'il‘ilyl'ls or t' in favor of :i supply ‘llltl‘iil lliillll‘i‘lll\ ii -'lll\l>i'llli(' Io sub- li'll‘i'lllC Ili.‘ l’oui-i (‘oiiiiiiiss‘on iii' ()iilrii io, .iii thi- nlloi noon, in tho Masonic Hull iii-i. ‘in; i To tuke thi- vole of the. ratepayers of the Villageot' Richmond Hill entitâ€" led to \'()ll' on money hy-l:i\\'2~. on up question to be siibiiiiiit-d \\'ll>‘lll(‘l' the ‘. iil' i'iiwliii' |lli\\'l‘l‘ iioiii llll‘ HSHiIo-i'lli-r- ll'l.‘ l’l'\\t’r ('oziiiiiissn ii iii ()iilniio. ‘Vlli'ltwls llio Municipal Council of llii- (V'i lliiillllli'll i i. llii- \'i11ii_'o oi Hit-li- mil to ill(’ 1‘:‘.i(‘[).‘l}'t'l\‘ i-f illl‘ snid Vil- l'lgl' t'llilllr‘li to \‘i t»- on morn-y llV-lu‘Vfi :i q‘ioslioii lo “lltilll‘l' [he snid l'ilil‘ll I)‘t‘l s ï¬ll“ in innir of :1 supply of pii\\‘i'l' l'iolil lhe ll‘)‘lllil‘l'.l"l'~ HS 'l‘iieiil'oiiu the (‘oiiiii-il l'f Ihe Cor- pointioii of tho Villageol Ril'llilli'llll Hill rinii'is us i'illoiis # 1. 'l‘livit the iillowiiit: lill(‘\iiiill lii- siibriiiiied lo iliv 1:llt'||‘l)'l'l"< ii illt‘ Aliiiiii-ipilCoipvirnlioii i-i' llll‘ Village of iiii‘llllliillll llill, \\lio (lll' (*llilllt‘ll to Vole on money li_\'â€"l.l\\'<. "Are )‘i'u lll‘ fiviii- of obtaining from lhe ilvdio- l‘ili’clriit ('oiniiiisooii ii supply of tl|'l'll'irf power, 3. 'l‘liul llll‘ 'Viiil’S (if;illt‘ >lliilk Pillo- pziyeis ~|i ill be taken on llll\' question on the 1311i d iy «'1' lune 1112.3, from ll o'i-lork iii ilil‘ morning, unlil fr o'i-Ioi-K ()iiinliii. .i, in the \‘lllilgt’ of lil(‘llllli'llll Hill. 3:. 1\illl.‘i'iip\'0i thisby-luivsholibei published in ihr‘ llii-limoiid Hill‘i "Libeiril" on illl‘ following iinys. \ izâ€"l on 'l‘huisdiiy, .\l:iy 21, 'l'liuisduv, May! 25'. mod 'l‘hiiisilziy Juno 4, and :i iopy oi' lliis liy-lau’ sli ill be posloil llll four (\flili’ most public l)lll(‘t‘$ iii the Silltl \'i:1_igc of Richmond Hill. ‘ 4.011 llll‘ Glli tiny of lune :il llie (Tleik’s ofï¬ce. Illl‘ Roi-Yo, 'l‘tinl o’ilofk iii the l‘iii'i-iiiiiiii.,\\'ill iii \viiliug‘ sigiii-d by hiliis‘rh, uppoiiit I\\‘i~ llk‘l- sons to £liit‘ll(l ill the iiiirii summing up oi‘thv Votes by the (11k of ih~- soil Villiiuo, and one pi-isoii to :i'ie-nd :it illl‘ lll‘iiillg place (ill iii-half oi the per- sons interesli‘d in :iiid desirou< of :in- snoring the siiid question in the allir- iiiiitive lllld one poison’ to intend :it the polling DlrlCL’ on behulf of the persons interested in and desirous of answering the said question in the iiigniire. 5, The lGih day of June 192.3. M the Clerk's (illice, is hereby appointed for thirsuiniiiingup by lho'Ul-eik oi' the numberof Votes given in the :iï¬ii-mn- tive iiiid in the negative r-espertiwly. liond :i ï¬rst and second time the 20th (lily of April, 1925. Read :1 third time rind passed this 18th day of May. 192.3. THUS. H. TRENCH. lleeve. A. J. HUME. l‘litil-i. Clerk’s Notice Toke notice tliiit the above is .1 true copy of it hy-liiw passed by the Muniâ€" cipnl Council of the Vilrige of Rich- riiond Hill on the 18th (biy oi May, 1925. - And further take notice that at the hour, day. and place therein ï¬xed for taking the votes of lhe elector-s the polls will be held. First. day of publication May lel,l 1925. ii! A. j. HUME, Clerk. To tzike the vote of the residents of Richmond Hill who are entitled to vote at Municipal Elections on :i ques- tion to be submitted, whether the said residents are in favor of the Vil- logo adopting the so-culled Daylight saving time to coincide With the time adopted by the City of Toronto. Whereas the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Village. of Rich- mond Hill deems it advisable to submit a question ill-illt‘ aforesaid residents us to the adoption of the so-calli-d Dziyâ€" light suing lime in illL‘ suid Village. 'l'herel‘oie the Council of the (‘or- piiiritiouol' the Villiigi- of Richmond Hill ‘anicts as {muons-- 1.T1iiit the following question he submitted to the ii-siileiiis of Rich-, iiionil [lill who die entitled to Voto at? Municipal Elm-lions, viz: "Are you in i'.i\‘or of liichiiioiiii l1ili;.doptiiig the ran-(nillrd lliiyliglil suing llllil‘ to coâ€" illl'illt' with iill‘ llllii‘ :ltlilllit‘tl by llioi‘il)‘ oi 'l‘oioiilo i‘iiiiii ill" 1~1 d i_\‘ IiiJLlllt‘ to lllk‘ l~i d i_\' ii St‘pl‘ iii- i '_’_ ’l‘lllli ill" \llll') ol llli‘ ‘lil\l lt‘:l" (li‘lll‘i">1{li.lllll\llll1lllll‘llllll llt' [ll\i ii .iiiilii~ipiosiioii oii llw iriill tidy Uri .lllllk‘ 1333, iii-iii El o‘clock in tho lili‘lll- lo 5 o' 1-i.l; in tin- iii ll‘m .\l i~oi.i' ii iii \ illugr i 1‘ lili'iiiiiohd lliil. 1i..-\11ui-i'op_\‘ it this ii_\‘~l.i\\' ~li Ill‘ be pillilisllcd iii 'lin liliï¬illllilliil llili‘, Hi..l‘1‘1.ii‘ in tho ii iii "ring tl/‘in, vir :‘ 'i'..ui:iii'.'. .\l1.\‘:l,yi\iilli\li.1_\'. .‘d i_\' ‘1»,1 fill-1 11: Hill lli lilt’ -il|‘l lliii.~.l i. .:.d :i copy (if llil‘lly’iivf i- ; .ii iii i‘Jltl il_ ilicino-Ipiili'il wintii 3 :~l \‘il-i lugr- o1 ll tjltlliil. ii ii L. r l_ '. i' iiiu ('li ' ;:i ii illt' ('orpoi.iiion of ill" Village .1. Kii-limoiid liill llt‘t'lll\ 1i Ji(l'\i\/1iill‘ iii ‘\'I"lllll lo the i.ili-p.i3i-is oi the >~lltl i ‘i~ the l'iiivsl lllllll‘l‘l' illili «\‘iii llltlt’Cll Clerk's Notice 'l'ziki- nulii'e ‘ll it llii- :iliiii'i- is ;i copy i-l’ :i iiy-lnw passed by Alllllll‘ll'iii ()oiiiii-il iii~ llll‘ Villioi‘ ol‘ Richmond Hill on [he i‘lli d.i\' othav' 1923 i - And i'uiilii-i hiki' iioiiv ‘lllvll :ii ism liiilii,il.I\'.iiiil iiiili'i' il.«ii'iii liv-il loi lltlilli}; lilo Hui-N l‘l lili' ll‘lL4'1>, llll‘ p ills \\ .11 iii- 1.. 1.1, l‘hist il:i_\' i 1' liizlilii'.iliii:i .‘.l |\' L’i. l5'..‘.~i. A. .1. ill MIC, ('liii'n illlt‘ ; Lllt‘ l 2‘ ‘ By-iai‘i N0. 353 To l:il‘.i' the \‘olo of tho Illll'lllvi‘l" oi- illi' \‘Ill igo oi illi'linii iiil iiili l lliiil‘ 1 rd in Voti‘ oii lllllli(‘.\' l~\ ions. on .i iiii"sliiiii to lii' siiliiiiitii zl r\\'lll‘l llt‘l’ lin- ~vll(l lilit‘lilyl'lS Jllt’ iii iiH‘i‘l oi' illi‘ p ii-. ('l|.l\t' ol .‘lllillliLlllirl l‘iiilllllllll‘lll i'iii i“iii‘ i’ioIi-i-liriii. \\'iii'ri-.i~ ill" Municipal C(‘lllli‘li (ll Villago i-iiliili ii In Volo on inoiii')‘ liv- li\\~ ;i (Ilii'f‘lll ii ;i~' lo \\ il"iill‘l' liii- >I|lll 1';lli‘-[l;i}('l>:|lt' iii i';i\oiii ii' llil’ pui-i (‘l|i~(‘ (1i :i l"oid lr'iii-k (lillllllll‘ll \\liil ('lic-iiiii'ni 1.11.19, triph- piiiiipt:l l.‘1(l(li"l\ . and how. Till iel'oie llii- (‘oiiiii-il l i' puniiiiii Ii lht' \vllllg" of Hill I'liiil'l\ il‘ iiiilii\\\: 1. That lllt‘ i'illoniiig illlt'\illill Iio >lllllllliii'll lo llii- i;ilepi_\i-is Iii.- M-iiiii-ipal (it‘ll)! i:ilioii oi lllv‘ \'illi;_:v: of ilii llllllilill Hill. who :iie l‘lliiili'ii liI illl‘ ('il l§ll'llllli iid I i \oii-iiii iiiiiiiiiy il_\'-l21\\':4, \i/Z "Airi- _\'oii in tumor oi lhi- I‘llll'lli\'" of .‘I 1"oiil illl"l\. iiiiiippi-il \‘iilil lll"llii('xll 1 looks. iiipli' puiiip-, illllli'l‘\ :iiid tlil‘l’, siiil riiuipiiii-iit to be for illt‘ [\ll‘pllï¬i' iil' [Hillllllvllnl [ll'llit't'lli‘ll :igriiilsl ions by [no :i! :i i-ori of not moii- I linii $‘_’Tilil UH. 2. 'l‘hnl llli’ Votes oi illl' sziid lvllC-‘ payers sinili be t iken on this 1|l1('>iiilll on the 1.311) iliy of June 1:125, l'iiiiii ll o'clock in ‘lin- iiioi-iiiiig Hold 5 (Vi lock in [he :il‘toi’iiooii iii illt' hlrlï¬illlll' Hull, iii the Village of liirliiiioiid Hill. 3. A tiiii-i-opy of ihi~~ byliw shall be publish-id in lllt‘ iiii-limoiid ilill “Liberal†on llii- fiilliin'liig days. viz: oii'l‘hursdiiy, May 121. Thursday Mn“ ‘25, and Thursday intro -l and o copy (ii lliis by l.i\\' shall be posted in l‘oiii' iii the most public plows in illL’ bdltl Village ol' l’iii'hmoiid ilill. 4. 0n th tilh day of june [ll [be Cli'l k's oï¬iuv. the Reeve. :it ii-ii ii'i lock in the lint-noon, will, in writing s gri- od by himself, appoint two persons to iitloiid at [he iiiinl summing up of 1hr- \'oli’sbylhc Village Lllflk. and one prison to iltit‘lid at the polling plia- on helnili'ofilii- persons iiitireslid in and disii'ous of HIISH'I‘llllg lliu siiiil question in the ril'iiiiiiiilii'e, and. one persmr lo :iiioiid zit. lire polling plane on helizili'oi' lilt' persons iiileri-sted iii and desirous of :iiiswi-iing lhe said question in the lll‘ullii\(‘. 5. The lb‘ih day of .llllli’ lll‘J'. is hereby appointed for llll‘ summing up by the Clerk of the llllliliit‘l' of Votes givenin the :iii‘iiin'itii‘e and in the negative respectively. Read :i iirsr, second and [bird time and passed this 18ili.diiy of May 1103 THUS. ll. 'l‘RldNCii. lti-i-ve. A. J. lll'.\11€, t‘leik, Clerk's Notice Trikt‘ litllillt' lilo :ili0\ l‘ is :1 (ill) Flip-Y of“ by-l-iw p-ssod by illl‘ iiluiiinipil Council of ilieVill igi‘i i' liH'liiiioiiti Hill on the lb'ih tiny of May 1512-. And further tuke iioiici- [but at illi- hiiiir, duly, illltl [)l‘dl't' llii-i'i-in il.\'('ll in! tokingllie votes of the t'lL‘t'ltil'S, the polls will be he] 1. First day of publication, May 131st. 1925. A. J. HUME, Cic:k. THE BEST or LiiiiBER N THE LAND-- is HERE AWAITlNG OUKOMMND ‘ ‘39 l" you are getting ready to build. illi‘ lumber you need is awaiting you llell‘ ii is nwuiliog your >l\\' and li.iuiii.vi-.. ()li_ you won't kiwi-Iii. Y )11 “Ill \'l\' ii} lllilll 1o livi- i-oiiil'ort-il l_\'. llitiilli'ill l Slicer ‘. overnment, Municipal and Corporation Bonds Bought, Sold and Exchanged \flr' Private Pi...ie: 78 \“i'ocdbridge All business strici; confidential ‘ (or 10 ycziis. MILLINERY LADIES WEAR BARGAINS IN MELLENERY lior the balance of the season all llzits in stock at greatly reduced prices. Just i'eccii'cd a good line of Clliltll'CllS])la}.' suns. Ladies’ 0. S. Broad Cloths, «lie. to $125 per yard. Children House Dresses. lIOsiei‘y for Women" and 2:3C. to $73.00. from Full line of Summer Underwear, Double Mesh. Cup shape Hairâ€"Nets, 3 for 2.3i:.. or buy 12 and get a Pearl Necklace free. M Norman Betty ii Block 'i‘risiic .i. Phone 53 HVVOOD’ DENS BL {r}: mi 2â€]: (\Qi‘n 1’4: .. ._ , K- ‘(‘~;x€4‘liï¬Ã©s19 Court of it evision .‘ll'Xll'il’AlJ'l MW. . :__wm flower and vegetable i’iaiiis TOWNSH l E’ OF MARK HAM Clil‘N'l‘Y Oi“ YORK A~ier<, loo-EU illlli i: snipicl, ~i'li':l';li0; UlilUl'sâ€"‘ilt‘illi. ol' i-‘mrc: ;‘..\"t‘l", dcrp. ml.) . pi‘RiJi' .\:..i: .- s horny u‘ivz-ii om ‘. A\1c(;Litin:i (innit iii li'wii~i iii oi lho Asses». MurigUM iiii'iit Roll 13o l|i<-'i‘o\\'ii\liipianiK- Antiri'hiiiiiini iSii:i1ilii';ieâ€".ini i“.""“ WW I†"“M l†\V'C'W'l'l lull. SHIV“ 5 ’ llllUll\lllt" ('11 V V H .1. MONDAY. ll NE ist.1923 /.lnnizr .it 2.35†o‘clock p, in 1 Sweet ;\i_\5‘slllll liieinus Hfiisttir Uil Hunt} to ilt‘al' :iiid :idjii lillvll!‘ up in all ltfllllv phoiiIs :igiimt in†r\~.\t"\llll'lii llivll oi" ill:' Miiiiii-ipzilily (if thi- 'l'oivnsliipof \‘eibenus lMurkharn 1-:i' llll' siliii ymi- 1:)35. A†beilblk'Sil- lpilltlt‘a‘ llllQli“i"il iri- It'lllb «toil U, ink“ Stocks ‘ notng nod goii i ii llli‘lll»i'th‘$~ Balsam i 3K"7"1‘*'i'>gl.¥’- (l, A M. DAVISON, (ohiic éi‘anderis (lllur) ('1._-.',.; Ui‘ in» suit! .\i1!lili‘ipiiliiY. (‘OSlnos illollblc) - ' l‘iiioln il.i-, Mny 7, 193.3. 1748* l'ctunizis ((i‘iants ef ('Jili'Jl‘lliZI/ l l Tolll'diZOCS, Cilblï¬lgl}, Cauliflower. :9 ' il-I. ] )AVI 95 Mill Street Phone 108 W; '1‘iii'irsu.\v, MAY 2" Horse, cows; and vehicles, Kleiiibiiig, llH' plupt'l'lV of The Lute Chris. join-s. Term; i-iisli. Solo at ‘2 o'clock, .l,'l‘.5:llgl‘l|l|, Aiict. FRIDAY, l\l.\\'2‘Jâ€"â€"-liou<i-,outbuildings :iiid 1‘2 rir-ii-s of hind: ulso ili» furniture. at Ci~ll~lii-)H-, lll v properly of [he i ite'l'hiiiii ~5‘Vt’ii‘ll‘l. Richmond Hill 'i‘ci'ms cosh, Sale At 3 o'clock. l. 'l'. Saigeon, [)1IL'L. SATURDAY. Mir :lOâ€"thahle resi- dentiil p:op.-riy ;it Biiiiiptoii. the property of llio li‘ialo ol' .lillllt's Hall. A seven I'D-Illlt’tl solid brick house. .Tt‘llllS 1†[MT cent, or ill|lt' of soleF balance ili Jill divs. S Ilt- Ht 'J‘ii'i lock. J. T. Sziigi-on, Ailirl. Vaughan Council The IlI‘Xl. rum-lint: oi the t'ouiicii oi the Miiiiicip.ilil\' of Vlillulliil) will be llt‘id in thi- 'l‘oivii.~.hip Hall, Vt-lliiii‘, MONDAY, JUNE 1, l o'clock p. l. l}..\li'l.i‘.\.\'. 1925 l iii In. A. C. lltiNDiiix‘s‘Url PLUMBING AND 'i‘ixsiii'i‘iiixo nor \VA'l‘ER HEATING AND GENERAL REPAIRS THORNIIILL. ONT. Toma antsis P R1 N G [N PQTS x 5»in P81\1>lliilly iioni and ‘ Also Asters, Blue Salvia U M M E Zinnias, Calendula 3 MONTHS SPENT IN Perenial Sweet Peas iiiowu i F. E. FRGUD - i ‘ 1 U; i - - i ’1 151110245 Q‘s“ i0 .. Member oi\egelahle GrowersAssouahon , J‘s. ’ . V'V . 1-, i, ii ,. Richmond liiil _, \,__ ‘ X, i. 1 llil . l i ii li.:. l ’i'lI-li ~ \‘7 <<£ .95] "\l il..“~ll‘.\‘ 3i i i" ' is ii .‘ii‘.l\‘.‘-. m.ch i ._ l, ‘. ‘ "l'llG'n_»}H1,l.L :i >ii‘A.\'-.‘ l'l“'~'4:v i; '~.;,.~r~.ii_LE - _ - ‘ i 1' “ Rizchiziii-g,‘ -' :i 3x; 2" \l‘ipi'JCii “r ‘ Z’urrTsiers. Solicitors. Etc. "r" “M†"‘ " " N ’ , ii, ,i 1'\’~ :. up}; » 7- ~OL 1.: i. . " »-. in». (V g . i i 'i‘ 1 .‘il. 7‘ '. .‘i, '3 i. i , m At ii'i‘i ‘- Z '7 l .i' i“. ii Y ‘ k l‘ l ‘1 l M ‘il.i'"l . l 1‘-' i " A it. v d Ill 'i’i‘ i l‘ _ I p ,