Motor truck for general ; frompt berwce work. and long distance !Sh0p. in Winterton's ‘ hauling. ; Stand, Yonge St. Phone 1 1 xv c. M. PALMER & SONS h § SAM. SHEPHERD [ PAPER HANGER H. PATERSONE ana PAINTER HOUSE PAINTING AND 1 Oxt‘brd Street Phone 128- r12 ; AUTO LIVERY SERVICE Maple Ont. The Protective Association of Canada, and The Dmnininn Guurantee and Accident, Co. AG CUT l-‘OR THE MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE OF CANADA FIRE. AUTOMOIBIPLE, PLATE GLASS ‘7' C. Manic Ont. Phone 23 SIMEON JOYCE, L.C.A.M. Adelmo Melecm and Miss Rosalind Bush 1.. T. C. E Emm the Tun-out" Conservatory of Music. will anaept. :l number (1’ pupils ir. Pinnn, Vucal and -: Theory -:- Hinhmond Hill‘, Flitluy and Saturday For infornmtion Phone HO. Mus. Mvms. 0 5‘1 Ofï¬ce and rosidenae Church St. Richmond Hill. 'l‘elenhuuu 13-2. Res. phone 11M. Olfice phune 87. (Veterinary Surgeon) Recent graduate or Ontario nry College. All class: nf Lrenu'd. Day and night culls J.R.HERRINGTON Comer Arnold and Yonge Street: Pupil of josnf Lhevinno an; Frank S. \Velsmnn Studio: Over Mr. E. R. Farmer's 'l‘uilm Store. PHONE 95 Real Estate, Loans Sovernment and Municipal Bonds and insurance (Life, Fire, Automobile,i Mcident and Sickn€ss Etc.) [ R. MACDONALD, B. V. SC. C. 1-1. BX'JLDI PAPER HANGING I’llonn TheRIBHMflND HM. FURNISHENG STflREp; Dr. L. R. BELL AUTO PAINTING Phone 68 utendud OFFICE; YONG E STRE Sluluiuld Bunk Hours 9 mm. In 5.30 'l'elvphmw 35; NORMAN J. GLASS PIANO and THEORY nch Block. two doors nanh of ‘radunte of Ontario Venn-in ge. All class: of animals Day and night culls prompt- RICHMOND HILL \\'e have a Men’s Oxfords in brown and black, from $4.50 to $6.50 Ladies‘ and Misses Pumps and Oxfords. Shirts, Ties, Suspenders, Garters, A1~m~bandg and etc. NICIfS Caps: great Men's DENT‘S'I‘ Fur Felt Hats in a ï¬ne quality and all the best shades $3.50. 5.3') p.11) few Rain-coats, a bargain, from $5 00 to $7.50 EE'l‘ Hut variety, from $15510 $2\25 Glazier. Grainer and Paper- Hanger. W. HEWISON HOUSE PAINTER, Boot and Shoe Repairer Cedar pasts and telephone poles for sale. '1‘. LOUSINS. All Kinds of Boot and Shoe Repairing Neatly Done Good Workmanship Prompt Service Shop, in Winterton's Old Stand, Yonge St. The Maple Sand. Gravel and Brick Company. Lt'd, have on lumd ha NL Cement dmin tile. 3, 4. 5. U and 8 in. Culvert, tile 12. 15. 18 and 20 inch (30 inQes in length) Also Cement Brick Sand or vael suld by the load or in car lots. Sand, Gravel, Tile and Brick C. M. PALMER & SGNS 37373-41 (7*isle Avv,. \VPSf Toronto. Phone Junction 0072. Leave Oxdors at, Glenn’s Drug Store Richmond Hill. 0330: hours 9 to 11 mm. 6 to 8 p.11)..:mt} by appointment. Ofï¬ce. Cenhe‘ and Church Slreets Richmond Hill, Phnnf’. Oï¬â€˜ico hmus S:1()a.ln. and I} : S p.m. DR. LILLIAN C. LANGSTAFF' Now accepï¬ng pupil NORTH YONHE ST.. Rxcmmxn Hm DR. ROLPH L. LANGSTAFP. Dodge Bros. Motor Cars Willy's-Overland Motor (jars Willys -Knight Motor Cars. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS’ PELHAM CI] AFFEY (diseases of wow?†and childwn.) Office hours 1 :3 p. m. Phone 100 DR. M. B. WELLWOOD CHOIR-LEADER AND.()RGANIST PRESHYTERIAN (‘11 “KPH mail orders will re attention. TEACHER OF SINGING Oï¬ice:â€"-Centre St. West RICHMOND HILL Phone 83 Ofï¬ce Huurs: 10-12; 6â€"8. Phone 94] for informal ion DR. J. P. WILSON DRS. LAN GSTAFF N T. ANDERSON PIANO TUNER DEALERS FOR TENOR rwive prompt EXPERIENCE Manager JONES LUMBER C0 BA \‘.\lll)[ESâ€"Th(‘ Brlginn D afLSLallion, 246911331), the pupa-{y of j. G. l'liuhudcn. Eglintnn R. R. 1. will travel through Sullivnnts Corners, Dollar. Tesla", Mapl-B. Educ-19y. Elia etc. Terms 320. GENERAL KEYNO‘I‘Hâ€"Pine-bred im- ported Clydesdale, Llh- property of T.A, anvs k A. Bnuccuk. Concord, .will lmwl through East. York. Uninnvill". King, Mllpl: etc. Tums $1700. RED TAPEâ€"The Clmmplnn Impmtvd Clyesdnle Stallion Rm] 'l‘ap'}, will stand at. his own stilhle‘, 1440, Yongv Seret, fur the snusun. Sm» lhln horse before breeding yunr «unrest. Tenns $20. If. '1‘. S'mmmxs, slop 4T. Yungc SI. . 48 If. BUILDERS Centre Street East Rough and Dress‘ad Lumber Hardwood Flooring 'l’ine Lath' Doors Cedar Shingles Sash Roofings Gvorock ‘al‘ l‘ paper Building paper PHONE 27 Stallion Regis‘er At lastâ€"Closed car comfort and protection in a smart one seater of original design and low price. One-piece windshield; transparent, flexible, door windows on extra wide doorsâ€"Sniartly proportioned body with large rear compartment The Coupster is the greatest closed can value ever offered in the lmv-priced automobile market. Genuine 4.95HEMI Baliaonï¬res and 20 Wheels SUPPLIES -MORROW’$ CAR TO-DAY†Doors Sash G yprock Wa ll be :1 rd “SEE IT AT OUR SHOWROOMS DAVID HILL, Dealer fRichmond Hill, Ont. I. A. ROSE MAPLE, ONT. C’reMLfepamz‘or