Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 11 Jun 1925, p. 4

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Engineering & Machine Works 0\ “As indispensable as the Telephone” Richmond Hill “As indispensable as the Telephone” is now a favourite slogan used by many large manu- facturers in their advertising, when de- scribing their goods. A frank recognition that speed of communi- cation is the most vital factor in expanding business and social life. Indeed, a firm’s position in the business world may be fairly judged by the extent to which it uses the tele- Eshoneâ€"and especially Long istanee. We now handle of over 41,000 tance calls a day The use of hens is to lay eggs, and hens will positively lay more eggsâ€" GUARANTEEDâ€"if you put a dose of Pratt's Poultry Regulator in the feed ‘every day. Your dealer is; authorized to give back your money if it fails. MGRE EGGS from Each Hen Fizz; Pouitm Regith Write for FREE BOOK. PRATT FOOILCO,A0F CANADA. LTD. Distributor - ' Unionville, Ont ALSO OILMPIC GASOLINE AND KEROSENE 1181' THE DISTILLED OIL Yonge Street DING 8: CUTTING :19 GE usmgapwaml (epaire End an average Long Dis- filark 1‘1 aynard iflill of“! A special Inaugural Service with administration of the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper will take place in the Newtonbroo'k church next Sunday morning. June 14th. In the evening there will be representative young people of the uniting churches take part in the service. All are cordially invited to attend these services. Rev. A. Phillip Brace. 8.9., 1111' ex: pastor'oécupied the pulpit last Sunday morning and Rev John R. Wilkinson of Unionville, in $119 evening. 'l‘he picnic of the Zion Union Sunday School. takes place on Saturday. There will be a motor ride to Riverdale park and afterward a lawn social on the home grounds of Mr. Abram Pilkey,'the Sunday School Superintendent. JOHN H. DUNLOP & SON FLORISTS ; Work done while you wait SHOP NEXT T0 VILLAGE CLERK Open~at 8 a. m. Closed Wednesday Afternoons RICHMOND HILL, ONT. We solicit orders for cut flowers for all occasions, which will be promptly and carefully filled. 32 Boots and Shoes CHATTEL MORTGAGE SALE Neatly Repaired at the L. WADE Shoe Repair GOOD WORKMANSHIP QUICK SERVICE ’e W ed in ace r and by vlrtue oft NE‘VTON BROOK OF ALL KINDS TORONTO attelm agee. I‘CE a 2 WCI' ,w.., ........ , W, would he no participation in profits. The speaker also spoke about operating a steam plant in Toronto to increase the supply. If the contract is not signed. which would probably be the result if the question is defeated, then we would be at the mercy of the Hydro. and if there happened to he a shortage of power, such Municipality would be the first to suffer and might not be supported by them at all. which means our own plant entirely‘outfit the question ’apthis‘tfifiâ€"e‘iu’t'debe‘hture .dehfif‘tff-‘ré’vert to the old time coal-oil lamps which would be. to say the least a retrograde step and very disagreeable. Questions Were asked by Mrs. Perry, Messrs Nicholls. Trench. Pugsley, Endean. Cowie and others and all very satisfactorily answered. Mr. Stocking. also of the Hydro, spoke very briefly and answered some intricate questions. We think it would he a. serious mistake and very regrettable should" this question be defeated and all the Rate- payers should endeavor to cast their ballot for the Bv-Law. The question to provide more ade- quate fire protection by providingu Motor Truck. to cost in the neighborâ€" hond of $2700 which would mean about § mill additioned tax on our present assessment for ten years was discussed. Mr. Lewis. Provincial Fire Marshal. spoke very effectively for better pro- tection. Whilst we had a. good water supply, an auxiliary such as a motor truck which would carry seven hundred feet of hose. atriple pump. ladders and chemical tanks could be at a fire in the remotest part of the Village In a very few minutes and HI. though our Brigade is of the best. the men would arrive fresh for action which could not be after running and hauling the hose reels and other fire apparatus.“and the moments saved in nearly every case would extinguish the fire before it had got fairly going. The pump carried could be attached to the mains and thus relieve the pressure, and not endanger the burst- ing of the mains as in casc- of a large cnnflngration might be the result. Some mcmbeis of the Council ad- vocated dehy until such time as it could he paid for without issuing further deheulurts. Mr. Lewis eX» Llll': \lb\lCl llllfil‘v vs, .,, current would be supplied at cost anfl a strict account would be kept of amount, used under each heading, and thus the rate to subscribers would be arriwd at. He estimated the charge would be at the rate of $40.00 per H.P. per year, and if this was found too much a refund would be made, and if too little, what. is termed a thin-tee: th bill would he presented for paylne t. The rates are all regulated by the Government, through Legislation passed by thrm. and operated through the Power Commission, consisting of 3 men, two of Whmu belong to the Government. The speaker estimated the cost, piactically the same as paid now. The contract if signed. would last for thirty years, at end of which it. is estimated that every Municipality would own its plant, and of course power from that» time would heat a very low cost. If on the other hand. power might be supplied to the Municipalityona yeaily b.1513, but in such case there would he no participation in profits. The speaker also spoke about operating it steam plant in Toronto to increase the supply. If the contract is not _|,,_LI... kn Hm. â€" Thev meeting called 1) for Thumduy nigbb‘last. questions m‘be voted on. was not as Well attendet expected. when sucl subjects as Electric I Power and Fire Protect matters under discussion III'IKI’VAU Reeve Trench in the chair. opened the meeting. explaining the reason fnl' calling the Ratepayers together. and suggested the discussion of the Electric question, and introduced Mr. Jeffrey of the Hydro-Electric. Mr. Jelfrey explained (hut the contract for supplying electricity had expired seven years ago. and 5!. new contract had not been entered into at that time, and for the past three years the supply had come through the Hydro Electric Commission. The speaker explained Electricity was supplied for three purpnses, Domestic, Power, and Street Lighting, and whilst. one or two (If these might. he decreased. perhaps the other [night be increased. Th current would be supplied_ at cost an Mr. Mil men have ill ‘leal 1y iI‘E the exte ‘e Chiei ; axe m In “hen th all our light Se Public Meeting Vote for the By-Laws Notice OU( md i by the Council 1517. to discuss Ilu on. on June 15th, nded us might. be such impurtnnt c Lighting and lection, were th‘e Mi. H very f fun-t1: 'IH curry fll‘f Mil hl}1 On Saturday evening, June 6'11. 3 very pleasing event. took plate at the Brumwell home, it being the occasinn of the farewell extended by the church. the chuir the J. S. and weigh- burs of the community. The t‘vmling and surrmludings were ideal. The soft light of lhe mellow .lune moon mingled with the lights {ruin the luflg win lx-ws lit up a corner of the hug" “MVP, and the cool breeze made the night pleas- antafter the heat of the day. Rev, Mr. Wamen pl'Esided m’er the short program and those seated or Stan iing around enjoyed the same. Mr. Wur- Ien spoke of the changes that. nccur from time tu time. and uf the worth of good homes. H130 of the esteem in which Mis. Brumwell, Mrs. Bian and Miss Marguerite are held by the cum~ munity. "We can do without our relatives but: canhot do without our fiiends” said he. Short speeches \\ ere made by E J. Hitchcock, Ross. Klinck and Louis Nichols, concurring in what Mr. \Vdrren had said about our friends. Miss Laura Gee contributed piunn solos. and Miss M. McCague 8 mg. At the cluse'of the program Russrll Bnyn- ton read a very suitable address and Misses Mae Meek and Evklyn Gee TRIS-sentod the family with u l) -autiful electric reading lamp. as a tuken of friendship, respect and remhnhrance. Miss Marguerite Brown responded in well chosen wmds, thanking their friends for their kindness and good Will. Then lunch was-served and a. social hour spent. The best offivishes is extended by this vicinity to our friends in the new home in Richmond this #1237611}; iri Detroit uuu um, uuu WillFx‘eeland is ready for business with his Ford Truck. The next, big event is the picnic. The Sunday School classes of Mr, Lyon and Miss Ella. Nichols matured to Bethesda. 0n Sunday afternoon, in acceptance of an invitation received some time ago. electric reading lamp. friendship, respect and Miss Marguerite Brown Well chosen wmds. [11 friends for their kind! Hill CURTIS Ever remembered by sisters. Gone but not Woman." ‘ These plays are all (mp Acl Besides the plays each r-or also contributing musical talent lmtween the acts. w with the Theatrical Pm} should go to make up a VP] ing and amusing evening's ment. 1923. I often look at your photo dear Leonard, as it hangs on the wall; For it hrings back happy days t. ) me, and the the tears gently fall. . Yet when I look at you sometimes, It seems you smile and say, Do no’t weep for me, dear mo her, We shall meet again :ome day. Ever remembered by his mother and «Ms-rs. (lune but not forgotten. .We have good values In Ix‘eus, [or you, Mr. Buyer. Flour, Monarch, purity and Aurora Belle, at right prices. Stock and Poultry feeds, grins and shells. Baled bay .and straw. Cali ot' oats just unloaded, (40 lbs. per bushel). The Mill PHONE 82W J. F. BURR Gh W u-.- Funnel-5’ t'rngranuuu nu . idea being to take. adx'nntuge « competition spilit existing be! the diffurent cmnmunities, 1.: them a chance lo display their t: all-Mg the line of Amateur Thea!) and also to canv on Edm-atiunnl be put on in York in the Masonic H June 18m. Thu-e diffel Pnb Miss Ethel Mg-tsonnis visiting with musâ€"In loving memory of Leonard Curtis who left this woxldjnue )1, The fll'Sb um] Play Cpmpgtition I At 'I‘he E levator this branch of theil The clubs (akin Malia Snu:lreâ€"" Inel( Su‘r‘ dhl'il Rural Play Competition VICTORIA SQUARE D. RAMER; IN MEMORIAL! fieanb communitips will ‘1 this competition which is the ank County ‘Juninr ’rogrammc fur 1925, the to lake advnptuge nfthe valu -k Uuunty \Juninr no for 1925, the advantage of the exisLing belwnen munities, giving splay their talents ateur Thealricals. Edut'atiunnl Wurk 'unt-y Mn he in 1d . Richmond HI“, 1‘ h ity Cluh Act C< w hi Vitie m) ich uh rnmm )ll III fthe Hde Illn. our (2111‘ Th lPHO'NE Thm'nllill, commonly known as the Jumps Ertati’. lot is nicely wooded. derling may he inspwld nu the after- mmn und evenings of Sallnday’s, June 6th, 3lh and 20th. Fm- terms of sale apply tn, SATURDAY, JUNE 13 â€"- Househdd effects. implements etc. the property of Mrs.- M. J. Brumwell. Victoria Square. Sale at 1.30 standard time. Terms cash. M. L. Brown, Clerk. T. G. Lyon. Auct. HOUSE AND LOT V ANTEDâ€"Gardiner fur mowing lawn, one who can use a scythe. Apply Mus. JOHN H. DUNLOP. .58 Leslie. cl Presbyte: chair will the servk tended to TENDERS FOR FENCING { 0R SALEâ€"Horse, plough, wagon, set of hurmws. harness and scuffle-l, cultivator for sale or trade for cow or chicken Apply BELGRADE, 25 Rumble AVP , Richmond Hill. 50 OR. SALEâ€"2 Jersvv heifer calves, 150 hens: al 0 chickens all ages including lmby chicks. sesernl fresh cows. Also 1 Sideboard and :\ solid oak oil'ice table apply. ED. IRISH. Stup 19. Langstafi. 50-51 “O RENTâ€"6 nqu h'mse /ou Elimbeth Street. 2 minutes walk from sLation. L. B. FINCH, Elizabeth Streec, Richmond Hill. 46-th the church h day. ()ne 0‘ preachers. h‘ pastor of 1 church, will RETIRED old gentleman desires A a gund home fur the summer, in Richmond Hill or ne‘ghbnrhond. Hl'use must. have modern conveniences. Apply hux M. Richmund Hill P.0. mm; from ‘ FIXCH. Richu W. J. SCREVENER A special service is to be hell in the United Church. formerly the Methodist church, 'Jhornhiil. next Sunday at 3 p m (daylight saving time.) The pur- pose of the gathering will be to mark the consummation ‘of the great Church Lnion Movement in (‘unada and also the amaigalqation of the Methodist con- gregation and the Presbyterian Union- ists of 'l hornhillv All other services of Kesmence 20th of June. 8 the required Type ohtainvd from tl Secretaxy. Thé lowest ur a necessarily zlccepte cei \'( Tenders f( High Sch Real E 18 Toronto Street, thcitm-s for the Executors. 50-51 J.J.De Government, Municipal and Corporatng Bqnds AUCTION SALE REGISTER H. Duncan, Chairman. Cooper, Secretary 1re, Richmond Hill Board of Education ickness and Accident VVant Ads. PARSONS 8: ADDY 0H All business strictly confidential ought, Sold and Exchanged state 1V5. TIIURNHILL nvate Lentre (’th t'ark e prq en canceil Automobil 1| 88.118 Insurance FOR SALE will be re- lnding the imltirms of x ce can be xirman or mler “21‘ 110 thP New ud and minutes part of 116, Junp iii able thirds 47-tf. liian 30â€"51 the lh(

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