[D is expected that the village will go on Daylight Saving Time at midnight. Sunday, June 2lst. Ml's.J.R. Heninglon is in Kinem- diue attending the wedding of hex niece. her seenmd ye and succcvdw Mr. and Mrs. Fred Koolex- and daugh- tors of Tornntn, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Gx-uinger. MI‘S. Hmry Endmn left, on Monday last/tn uccmnpuny Mr. and Mrs. F. Liltloï¬eld Ln lhe Rntmy Cunvvntiun, which is being hold in (,‘lt-u-land, Ohio. The Indira “'th at York disuict Immch \Vonwn‘s Institute to 1-1-53nt meeting on 11th. MI“ E} pluycd i has gnn Union '1 Dr. \Vlu. MacDonald. Thorn-hill. announces lo llw public lh-IL lw is [He- pared lu carry on in the office l'em'nllY nccupied by Dr. Allison, uml is pre- pared to pmrtise dentistry in all its branches. ‘ Mrs. A. E Plewumn entvll number of ladit-s Lu ten, WW last, in honnr nf Mus. Edgar Pl who has hee‘n luum- all wi furlough, and who will slum-Hy to China In resume “or duliw, Remmnlu-r 1 titinu in llw M at, e1gm o‘cl': part m u Viclm \Vondhridge, I cmnprt‘ing is nernsa lh-e hrs! The Riclmumd Hill Lawanvling Club will ltold u mixed tnnrnanwnr Monday owning. June 22nd. at T n'cluck daylight saving linw. All players are lequvslrll to he tlwrp(n time {13 the games will stmt “L731! sharp. The three hy-‘aws nu \' zeus voted Inst Munduy following being the vote FUR AGAIN Hle-n 117 33 The campethion fur the J.A. Greene cup will cmnmenr‘e the heginningnf July, and those wishing to Cï¬lllp0L9 in this competition will plncr‘ thpir entry with the games committev hefow Julv ISL N. ]‘ ‘illlsï¬. J. R, Hr‘ningtcm. .W. H. Murphy. P‘ G. Hill. "Games H ydrn Fix-0 Tm: 1);. night, Saving ‘W. H. “[{ll'phy Gommn (ye. " Mr. Rnhmt Huppt U.S.A. is making n hl'olhor, Mr. 'l‘hns‘ place. MI’. Hrlppvr ahsentsnnw thirty y changvs in his nld hm Dr. M. B. \Vellwmad le‘ft hst induy fut-Grmenhurst to take the posith-n that hn‘pme-n held hy his brother, Dr. G. R. \ .llwnod, on the medical stuff of the .‘nitnrilnn. Dr. (1}. R. W911- wnod, a‘f or u hxief visn, with his father and sis] _'l'. left yestendny tn (3146* a positinn :m the medical stat? of The onpk': Hospital at Akron. Ohio. Tickets, adults 500. children ‘25 Special sermons will he proachvd ( Sunday, June 28th. by How, F. 1 Dunlap, of Queensvillp, at eleven 1.: and _seven p.111. (fwd music at boi servmes. Miss Curl nll [ungratqu 9 mm. stunl ing time, “- and conlin Annual Do will be hold day and FM the oxumil High Schm W. W. A‘ 1 here Mar} Scho vices mee will tlie Sn 1mm 2L Klinck in the ‘ ontprt: hoinhm nut Nell ll] in n ‘11 E warm 5 3! will [I ()n Jum [arkbnu immersun. who has hem: em- in the Slnndmd Bunk how, to to Detroit, 10 work in [he l‘msL 00. His place hole. is ,nklln bv Mr. i Duke‘frnm un iclm-i u by M1 hv-‘aws «m which (he oili- I‘ren hich l 33 u- at Tmontu I I in £41kng lmn EH H Thus, Unmet- Of this anppr Whu has been thirty yem-s. 5005 many 3 old home tmvn, up; Monday, June 2‘2nd, (It u‘d time or daylight sav- ich over may be in force. ing until July 7th. the nrtmenml Examinations On Wednesday. Thurs~ M'.June 24. 25. and 26, H“ 2 Rural Play Compe- mio Hull.ll1is evening The vlubs taking Squnrv. Elleanm-e and .-h of the communities mkng hard to put ne nut play. ewurt. p ll] tended the meeting (: ‘pm'l. n \er) Thursdny, HS \IL-Lh entvI-tnined :1 n. Wvdnesduy lgnr Plvwmun, HH winter on 1‘0" Hf Montana, visit with his cm ried. The lltl MAJORITY s p: :sod nivox‘sity 1‘an will he The Men- of u play. ‘ he given {ing City in :mcc- Insp 1 utn m 61m suc- Junc mng mm. both Nmnâ€"At the lwme Mrs. Curt-is. Gum junk 12, 1925. P widow nf the late 1 84th year. L‘L‘uszâ€"In fnnd and of my dear husband who was killed by Bnl’ The A vmy suvcwsful Sunday Schoul picnic was hold on Saturday, june 13. The young people weie ynkim by mrvlms to- Riverdale park, and “fler enjuying'he sight-seeing, Hwy \n-n- bl'nught tn the spacious lawn at the home 0f the superintemh 11‘, Mr. Ahm- ham Pike. Gumys of hull and the swings were thoroughly enjnyed. after which a generous luncheon with i09- creum cones galore. was servvd. M usic and a sing, accompanied by piano. cm-netand viulim. was enjoyed wiLh a short programme of speechi-s and reci- tations. Altogether u most Pnjuynhie time was sppnt- and Mr. and Mrs: Pike were healtly thanked fur their gener- osity and courtesy ' » - I‘h And A ï¬ne new fence is being put, around (he Zion Church. and ere are when evidencestre of aggressive commun- ity life. The United Church of Canada was inuugu-nled here with appx'x-priate services. In the morning [hele was aCnmmuninn Selvice carried out Ivy ofï¬cials of the uniting churches. In the evening tho ynnng people had com- plete charge of the service. Mr. Git: turd Summers presided. and in NH- service was hde by Mr. Rmherfuld, Miss Dons (ioulding, Mr. Gurdon Gul- brnith and the pwstor, Rev. E. R. Young. The addrosses were given by Miss Minn Hulf and Mr. F. J. MacRao. Tum ynung ladies, Miss Evelyn Gra- ham and Miss June-l. Ridden acted as ushers. 0n Thmsdny. june 11th, at very Pr.- jnyahle dinner party was given by Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Smith hr the Sunday Emd Mrs. J. R. Smith Ln-the Sunday School teachers. A little Sunday School business Was also done and SuturdavJuly 4th. has been chosen as the date fur the Auuual S, S. picnic. On Sunday evening, June 28th, the members of the Orange Order will parade to the. United Church, Newton- brook. Sunday School at 2.45 p. m Everybody cordinly invited ARTMANâ€"At Unis, 12m. LL. Hartman lwlovvd hushqu « strung. lex‘rel'nl flom the hum? 01‘ h sistmu Mrs. Elma Smith, Mushy St Aurora. on Wednesday, Jnnv 171‘ lNKEH’rONâ€"At ‘78 Sunday, jum: ll) Pinkertun, in his 82 of Sebmuberg. Out. Something N e w I specialize n [nukes of CH umdm‘n skilfully Clucks called up in your harm> All Work gun gladly given. frel The Minister will brunch at 11 and lllh, 1923 u-re is someone. who misses you Sadly And finds the years long since ym :went, There- is smnvone who thinks of ym daily. If, txivs 10 be brave and mmlent. Sn we shed a tear that is silent. nd breathe a sigh of l'I-‘gl'Pl', Fm‘ ynn wm-e ours and we I (’IIH nth laugh a“ (he wm-ld "my forgvt. JONES LUMBER C0) PHONI BUILDERS f 30 p‘ m The Presbyterian Church United Church of Canada G. L. Mitchell LANGSTAFF P. 0. rep 1 IN MEMORIAM NE‘J'TON BROOK Pl] At OTds, Alt DEATHS E’I‘e trn \Vife and Lillie 0 Zion in (‘10 lhi" 6l â€"1 es if Requ )NF. )l' mteed. of chm Street ud yt ancy “’4 Elias Nizh Millwnr L‘ 14th, of h in his With yezu 1‘ Hattie Arm tired. 7 delivered and SM ice E 27 SUPPLIES ud Wing menml'j mmmrl Um-ti Rppail'. All gatique and 0H \Vno (langht Jnnv the d Rand. William funnel 1y YPT 1L ast Phor tin idnv. ‘ mm V011 HIIE yuu ll). The memhem of Bluud t-f- Mulmgt Presbyterian Chum-IL home (.f M]: and M: on Friduy pvt-Hing, 1 Rev. A. NIm’uh. M. A nwmb and evm Hill has maltm-é the (‘hm and Mr with n s with nsulid other nmml appreciation qualities as extended dainty : hostess. Denim, Macdon Ln resume [hf Mimi-tn. Mr IIH smed him that, quality mm k. If lumber this is th Sl'lhm' A. Mu Phone 133 lmhvz' this Is In.) pmcu U) gm Ir. sDo NOT LET YOUR MONEV '5umsm» MAKE SURE mm W BUYS 6009 LUNBER (12“ Barristpré. Snlicr‘ MANNING Am 3 ST. \VES’I minisu supp ELEPHOXE able Add! pmfrclly Slft' In C lhh plnuv fur lnmbp his vast (‘xpenienm vmcvd *Itainu A Parting Gift uildm rcllv uh' :dmmld ank Denim) Luuru Dunlnn hi ll) itho( int B( of the S umgI-nwnt M< joi 1' knows that he is Slfe in coming to :v fur lnmbm- lleP'th‘e expeniencu has us- we always me the you want dependable 'pluce to get it. Ml' MENHU A , wlm ix Iva nf thv minis!) NM!) 11 u: hep MAIN )R().\"I‘( Ill Richmond Street. )inlvn'st the well -nmnnity (15. Mr. I :- Scssinn and enL ut‘ 1hr: :«Lhm-ed at the Geuuze Cowie. t, in bunner m _c>§ple i'I. ’1 MI r 311 DPdU: )I ish Ki CANADA U! Denton 11h irai innnd in all PPS MILLINERY ~:- DRY GOODS -: BARGAINS IN MILLINERY fl V answer: Whether they buy another of the same make When they come to buy a new one. More than 75 ‘70 of_ the McLaughlin-Buicks built each year are purchased by former McLaughlin-Buick owners. Trench Block For the balance of the season all Hats in stock at greatly reduced prices. Just received a good line of childrens play suits. Ladies’ 0. 8. House Dresses. Broad Cloths, 80c. to $125 per yard Hosiefy for Women and Chit 25c. to $3.00. 25c. to $3.00. Frill line of Summer Underwear. Cap shape Hair-Nets, 3 for 25c get a Pearl Necklace free. QUALITY SHOPPE Mrs. Norman. Batty David Hill, Dealer Richmond Hill SUNDA £00 "aestï¬ma: WM t in- 9 dicates best what people think of their motor cars ? IASON IC r the auspice Double Mesh or buy 12 and hildren {ALL Hill LADIES’ WEAR I‘HE LB JUNE 21 Phone 53 1 r0 m DJOIO