L5. TUBE 1 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, December 7, 8 WITH g.-_L â€" COMINGâ€" THURSDA Y, FRIDA Y, Comedyâ€" ‘ ‘CORNFED †(SUI-‘11“) KOO Tb COMbD- CHARLIE CHAPL IN NORTH TORONTO M) Sensational Continental Beauty TODAY---(THURSDAY)---last showing of RONALD COLMAN ; Covering Canada’s * Best Suburban District VILMA BANKY Vol. XLVIII. in AND THE Friday and Saturday YONGE AT CASTLEFIE ', SATURDAY, DECEMBER 10, 11, 12 TOPICS. “In Essentials, Unity; In Non-essentials, Liberty; In L411 Things, Charity.†RICHMOND HILL, ONT., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1925 FAB/.1542 ---h&V3 011 3 Rumors are buzzing plentifnllv with regard tn the municbal pollr'cll situation. and it hns her-ome :t virtual certainty that there will be u contest for the Reeveship, Mr. '1‘. ll. Trench has unnouncs-d his purpose to retire at, the end of the «1nd v5 the lL‘l'lll. It is understood that Ununcillms J. Lunau and James Mchan are deï¬nitply in the ï¬eld, and Ihat Mr. DaVid Hill has had the mat- ter under advisement but has not; yet reached a decision. Sevmnl names :lrl:l1]e-ntl0ne(lim prnhuble candidates fox-council. with the pruapect of an lqu'ly annuuncmnent. l Reeve To Retire; Contest Probable Vocal Duetâ€"Misses iCds-{fvéi'd and Wood, Aurora. The Ladies _ Proposed “by Mr. Sandy Latimer, Sutton West, reSponded to by Miss L. Carroll, Woodbz'idge. Speaker of the Evening Mr. Bert Roadhouse, Deputy Min- ister of Agriculture of Ontario. Vocal Solo~Miss Margaret Mc- Cague. Class 3â€"â€"lst prize, won by Gordon Weldrick, Maple. Presented by Mr. A. J. H.» Eckhardt, Toronto. Class 2~lst prize and best plowed ï¬eld, won by Clark Torrance, Weston. Trophy presented by J. P. McGregor, Tordnto: ' Claés 4~ls't prizéfï¬on' by Harry Ratclifl‘e, Stoufl'ville. Presented by MILL‘A. J; H.‘ Eckhardt, Toronto. The King Our Guests Proposed by Mr. Charles Rogers, responded to.by Mr. Will Gardhouse. - ‘ Presentation of Plowmen’s Trophies Class 5â€"â€"1st prize, won by Garnet Cowie, Markham. Presented by J. F. Fleul‘y’s Son's', Aurora. Mr. Russell Boy‘ï¬toHVQ'ill be toast- master at the banquet. The program will be as fOIIOWS: Floyd Steckley, of Gormley, and other winners in the Junior Farmers Plowing Competitions, also will re- ceive merited‘ recognition. 1922 teamâ€"Tom Mark- ham; Dick Baycl‘oft, Aurora; and John KepnedykAgincourt. __-_.__.,~.‘, , --b.uvuu; u. 7 719725 t'eamâ€"Clarence Graham, Richâ€" mond Hill; Fraser Gee, Gormley; and Dogald iPeï¬tch, Newmarket. i921 teamâ€"Elton Armstrong, New- market; Allen Baldson, Markham; and RLls§ell Boyhntonkgormley. Dinner In Richmond Hill To Junior Farmers Who W01) In CompetitiOn. PLAN BANQUET IN HONOR OF COUNTY BOYS Left tofright: H. K. McCharles, Assistant Agricultural Representative, Newmarket; Donald Petch, New- market, who was high man in the Junior Farmers Inter- County Judging Competition at Guelph Winter Fair, with a score of 857 out of a possible 1,000; Clarence G raham, of Richmond Hill; Fraser Gee, of Victoria Square, and R. J. Rogers, District Agricultural Representative for York County. Donald Petch is holding the Doherty Cup, which the York County team won for the third time. mm. Junior Farmers Bring New Honors to York County But it is clear that Hydro administration as it exists now, is satisâ€" factory to nobody. On the day that adequate transportation is provided, Suburban Yonge’s property values will jump, and the volume of retail busi- ness will increase with the inflow of permanent residents. __-. re- v..- V‘s"... nun†That aldermanic trickery cannot prevent the radial issue being pushed to the forefront of discussion at the civic: elections, is made evident by the attitude of Toronto electors. At a meeting Saturday night of the North Toronto ratepayers, a vigorous policy was determined upon. Among those present on invitation were Ex-Mayor Hiltz, Ald. Dr. Risk, Ex-Ald. Beamish, Ald. Carrick and Ald. Ramsden, all of whom gave the movement for radial improvements their approval and support. It is evident that even if a popu- lar vote has been forestalled for the present, candidates all over the city will be asked to declare themselves on the issue. In the meantime the interests of Suburban Yonge demand something more than “watchful waiting.†If a policy giving a larger promise than is to be found in T.T.C. control, is in sight it should be brought forward and vigorously pushed. suburban ronge cmzens are not primarily interested in Toronto’s de‘ ï¬cits. They are interested in the establishment of a transportation system which will give them a greatly improved service at a cost much below that 'which they are now compelled to pay. That Hydro administration has failed dismally is everywhere conceded. No argument has been advanced to show that it can suceeed, with its burden of waste and duplication. ' North Toronto ratepayers, who are not accustomed to receiving from the Seats of the Mighty any services for which they do not ï¬ght, have re- cently investigated the question of radial operationsm report presented by a. special committee says: “The overhead of the two commissions was cemâ€" pared. The T.T.C., doing 16 times the business, was only about $30,000.00. The overhead of these city-owned radials, operated by the O.H.E.C., was over $50,000.00. The city cost of operating was 30c. per car track mile. The radial cost of operating was 440. per car track mile.†AIM' "In 5 notWithstgnHM- .i.â€"r~;u~l\ - Monda manipulations of th.- im‘ ~ l\ dug the Lenins Toronto City Hall. Throue' “,ucation of .the eleven the City Council wa> :m -nced from considering and v0 of Ald Dr. Risk calling for the submission to a vote forthcoming civic elections, of the following question: of the Toronto Ti‘ansportation 90minission being given “4,__L -___I , While it is patent that a large number of persons are more concerned with TALKING than with ACTING in relation to the question, it is a matter for congratulation that our more progressive and forward-looking citizens of Richmond Hill, almost to a man. have marked and returned to The Liberal the ballot published last week. In many instances an accompany- ing note re-inforced their “votes,†giving a heartening assurance of their resolve to work for the improved conditions upon which the future develop- ment of the village so largely depends. ._ The ballots returned show the following results: . For Hydro Electric Management .................................. . I For Toronto Transportation Commission Mnagerfient.:.:|05 The sole vote for the continuance of Hydro managemerrt‘Was resident of Victoria Square ’l“ Marked ballots were received from many points alo from Jefferson to York Mills. While it is regrettable so persons who read The Liberal, a large numbe‘ selves, the explanation lies mnrn :a :-â€"--" if desire that imprl . ~ - , e did not express them‘ .massness than in the lack From every side within the last week, The Liberal has been commended for its timely presentation of the facts relating to the movement to obtain cheaper and better transportation in the Suburban Yonge Street district. V“, __ v ......~- an...†Let me wish 3'2) éféat success in your “The Liberal,†so w 11 conducted under the for the advanced step that you have taken of the paper. un v Lu guuL Lulu. _ lP.S.â€"Inr1proved transportation is the solution of the building up 0 Rlchmond Hill and other towns along the route.â€"â€"D.M. Toronto, Nov. 30, 1925. . BETTER CAR SERVICE DEMANDED; JUNANIMITY [S SHOWN IN POLL My second reason is as a tax payer in the city the yearly deï¬cits which I am convinced would be T.T.C. management, and this I say with all due re miration for our splendid hydro undertaking. T A4. “AA m- In enclosing the ballot on the transportation question, let me con- gratulate you on your idea on thus ï¬nding the opinion of the public. For two reasons I gladly sign the enclosed, ï¬rst as a summer resident for four or ï¬ve months at Stop 21, and daily using the Metro- politan, I realize the necessity of an improved service, which I am convinced the T.T.C. would give, with its facilities for handling that serv1ce. 'I‘o tile Editor of The Liberal: 3. Build Up SuburbariflYonge 5 TUBE. Yours very sincerely, tax pa_yer_in th§_city I see no reason for Single copy,_3 cents. $1.50 per year in advance. new venture in taking over late Editor, but now ready in the general improvement uld be overcome under the due respect, and great ad- DAVID MOYLE .23