Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 3 Dec 1925, p. 3

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L‘â€" ncims nnnmsrrn MERITS N0 DGLEFUL SYMPATHY , 1F Eritish Irresistible Optimists in Action, Mr. St. Loo Strachey Declaresâ€"Famous Editor Refutes “Blue Ruin” Talkâ€"â€" Dominions to Decide on F oreign Policy for Selves. Mr. Strachey said: “I am amazed, how to get rid of the burdens of the war by making our shillings and ourI sixpenccs do double the Work they; ‘ used to do. tion of England is very bad, that our! “As regards our prestige in EUR» national morale has been shaken and“ pea“ countries and indeed ,hroughout that we are in a bad and perilous way. the world I am sure I am not swag. I regret that such a mistaken View § gerating when i say that our prestige, thould have got hold of the people ofghns never stood higher. The British Canada and Should be Widely enter-i Empire was never more trusted and eflnEd because in my belief it if! en'llooked upon with less suspicion, leSS tirely contrary to the facts. accused of selfishness and arrogance "Jol'm Bull has always been {Milned l than it is now. Several of our critics (’0 balk differently from his thoughts.!may still say that we have been too Md M33. and from the real cii'cum-‘indulgent to our late enemies and our I f.” and, in a sense, perturbed, because peopleseem to think that the condi-, SIAHQQS. You remember the old story late allies, but at the same time most bf the Frenchman who said to the of them, I think, are willing to admit Englishman. ‘Splendldev magnifiqueâ€"lthat our refusal to look at matters or. what would you say, "prettr' from the point of view of self interest éood'? When the Englishman saysihas raised us in the estimation of things as as bad as possible, or that: the world. the condition ofthe country is terrible “As to our relations with the other ind that we are going to the dogs, if! free communities in the Common- ho spoke in accordance to hislwealth of Nations which make up the thoughts he would say the condition Empire it is happily not necessary! of-the country is at heart sound and for me to say anything in Canada, normal. you know, and we know and the world “Our high taxation. our unemploy- at large knows, that nothing will be ment, our perplexities, of many kinds, done or can be done by Britain to enter the grounds of the castle, was LAST BUiiiAi. RITESH AT WINDSOR CASTLE Twenty Men-iâ€"bâ€"ers of Royalty Pay Final Tribute to Queen Mother Alexandra. London, Nov. 29.â€"Twenty members of the royal families of England and European countries yesterday, hum- bly and privately, paid their final tri- butes to the late Queen Mother Alex- andra. With extreme simplicity the remains of Britain’s "Fairy Queen" were buried in the Albert Memorial Chapel at Windsor Castle. Escorted by only a small number of automobiles, the casket was taken at seven o'clock in the morning from Westminster Abbey, and conveyed in a motor hearse to Windsor Castle. The residents of Windsor, despite the fact that business had been suspended as a mark of the community’s respect, saw little of the last rites for the neon Mother. Windsor’s great park, t. rough which the cortege passed to closed to the public. The service, which began almost immediately on arrival of the remains, was brief and simple. Only one hymn, “Abide With Me,” was sung. At the burial were the British royal family and the Kings of Norway and Denmark, the Queen of Norway, Prince and Princess George of Greece, and Prince Olaf of Norway. At the conclusion of the hymn the OF CANADA CONDENSED BALANCE SHEET' LIABILITIES Notes of the Bank in circulation . . . . . . . Due to other Banks Dividend and Bonus Deposits . . . . . Unclaimed Dividends . . . . . . . , . Capital, Reserve and Undivided Profits . . . . . . #I east. The reaction from these un- _av0rable conditions is all the other Way. John Bull used to be accused of wanting to take things easy. He now sees that as an impossible attitude. “What he is determined to do now is not to take anything sitting down, but stand up and fight it out. “To anyone who knows the facts and looks closely you see. this resolve to make good running throughout'the country in every class and in every village and city, men are thinking of what is their duty on the economic side of citizenship, how to fight waste, gm not bending the nation in the very commit the other parts of the Empire :against their will. “Freedom and |union" are the two principles upon [which our Commonwealth of Nations ‘has been built up, that remains our {guiding star. It is in that sign that ‘we shall lead the world. Pitt said that l England had saved herself by her own exertions and would save the world by her example. It is my firm belief that the British Empire has saved itself by its efforts and will now help to save the world by the example which it is offering mankind, of how a Commonwealth of Nations can be [run and ought to be run.” .. " THE MARKETS TORONTO. Man. wheatâ€"No. 1 North, $1.57; gloESOZ North, $15284; No. 71 North, Man. oats, No. 2, CW, nominal; if; seaboard, in bulk, 86. o. 8, 50%c; No. 1 feed, 48%c; No. 2 feed, 4596c. Am. corn, track, Toronto-4‘10. 2 yellow, 92c. Millfeedâ€"Del., Montreal heights. bags included. Bran, per ton, $28; shorts, per ton, $30; iniddlings,.-per $n§0$l36; good feed flour, per bag, Ont. oatsâ€"~40 to 43¢, f.o.b. shipping paints. Ont. good milling wheatâ€"$1.23 to $1.26, fob. shipping points, according to freights. ' r’ Barleyâ€"Malting, 67 to 69¢. Buckwheatâ€"No. 8, nominal. Ryeâ€"No. 2, 80c. Man. flour, first pat, $8.20, Toronto; do, second pat, $7.70, Toronto. Pastry flour, bags, $6.30. Ont. flourâ€":Toronto, 90 per cent. pat._. per barrel,.in carlots, Toronto, $6; seaboard, in bulk, $6. Strawâ€"Carlots, per ton, $9 to $9.50. Screenings -â€" Standard, recleaned, f.o.b. bay ports, per ton, $20. Baled hayâ€"No.~ 1, $20. CheeSeâ€"‘New, large, 24 to 24%(1; twins, 24% to 255(2c; triplets, 26c; Stiltons, 27c. Old, large, 30c; twins, 30%c; triplets, 31c. Butter-~»Finest creainery prints, 47c; No. 1 creamery, 46c; No. 2, 44 to 45¢. Dairy prints, 40 to 42c. Eggsâ€"Fresh extras, in cartons, 78 to 80c; extra, loose, 75c; fresh firsts, 60 to 65c; storage extras, 46c; storage firsts, 43c; storage seconds,}their escape before the alarm was; raised. 884:0 37c. Dressed poultryâ€"Chickens, spring] 1b., 30c; do, 3 to 4 lbs., ‘24 to 28c; do,. 8 to 4 lbs., 22c; roosters, 18c; duck-i lings, 5 lbs. and up, 27-30c. Beans, Can. handpicked, 1b., 6c;? primes, 5 to 5%c. 5 Maple produceâ€"Syrup, per imp., 88.1., $2.40; per E-gal. tin, $2.30 per; gal; maple sugar, 1h., 25 to 26c. Honeyâ€"SO-lb. tins, 12% to 13c pcr‘ lb.;'10-lb. tins, 12 ' to 13c; 5-lb. tins, 13 to 13%c; 21/2- . tins, 14% to 15¢. I Smoked meatsâ€"Hams, med., 26 to‘ R30; cooked hams, 41 to 42c; smoked r0115, 22c; cottage, 23 to 25c; break- fast bacon, 32 to 36c; special brand breakfast bacon, 38 to 39¢; backs, boneless, 30 to 37¢. Cured meatsâ€"Long clear bacon, 50 to 70 lbs., 5522; 70 to 90 lbs., $20.50; 20 lbs. and up, $19.50; lightweight rolls, in barrels, $43.50; heavyweight rolls, $39.60 per barrel. Lardâ€"~Pure tierces, 18 to 181/2c; tubs, 18% to 19c; pails, 19 to 19¥éc;‘ prints, 20 to 20%c; shortening tierces, r ‘31/éc; tubs, 14c; pails, 141/2c; blocks,l 16 to 15%c. _ Heavy steers, choice, $7.75 to $8.75; do, good, $6.75 to 7.50; Hutcherl steers, choice. $6.75 to $7.50; do, gmdp $6 to $6.50; do, med., $4.75 to $5.25; do, cum.. $4 to $4.75: butcher liei rs, choice. $0.50 to $7.23; do, good. $3.75 to $6.25; do, med., $4.50 to $5: do, c'om., $3.50 to $4.50; butcher cows,‘ choice, $4.50 to $5.25: do. fair to good, at to $4.50; butcher bulls, good, $4.50. $5.50: bolognas, 33.25 to $3.50;, canners and cutters, $2.50 to $3.50” springers, choice. $90 to $100; do, fair, 40 to $50: feeders“ good. $5.75 to1 6.50; do, fair, $4.50 to $5: soockcrs,f 00d, $4.75 to $5.50; do,_faii'. $4 to‘ 4.50; calves. choice, $11 to 312: do,3 good, $9 to $10: do. grassérs, $5 to $0;: cod light sheep, $6.50 to 37.50;; eavies anti bucks, $4.50 to 3‘6; good lambs, $13.50 to $13.75; do, med. 312‘ to $12.50; do, bucks. $10.50 to “(1.75m do, culls, $11 to $12; hogs, thickl mooths, fed and watered, $12.10 to} 12.35; do, f.o.b., $11.50 to $11.75; dog} country points, 331:25 to $11.50; do,l off cars, $12.30 to $12.75; select prem-‘ lums, $2.27 to $3.32. ‘ between Sir James Craig, Premier of: that the British Privy Council lacks‘ MONTREAL. . Oats, No. 3 CW, 57c; extra No. 1 feed, 54%c; No. 2 local white, 5159c. Flour, Man. spring wheat pats, firsts, $8.50; seconds, $8; strong bakers’, 7.80; winter pats, choice, $7.20.l lied oats bag, 90 lbs., $3.35. Bran,' $29.25. Shorts, $31.25. Middlings, @3725. Hay, No. 2, per ton, car lots, ‘ 14. Cheese-Finest wests, 21 to 2114c. ‘Butterâ€"No. 1 pasteurized, 440; No. 1 creamery, 48 to 4330c; seconds, 42 [to 421,1»c. Eggsâ€"Storage extras, 46c} ldo, firsts, 41c; do. seconds, 36c; fresh specials, 75 to 80c; do, extras, 70c; do, firsts, 65c. Potatoes, per bag, cat lots, Quebec, $2.50 to $2.75. Canners, $2 to $2.15; cutters, $2.50 to $2.75; bulls, $3 to $3.50; calves, com. and med. suckers $9 to $10; ho 3, mixed lots, $12.25; selects, l$1 .75; sows, $10. 0 ’â€"-_ iNINETEEN FREE STATE PRISONERS ESCAPE Republicans Efiect Rescue in Daring Manner. A 'despatch from Dublin says:â€" 'Nineteen political prisoners escaped from Mountjoy Prison Friday night in a wholesale jail delivery, as the re- sult of a plot. They are still at liberty, although the police are combing the city for them. In accordance with a prearranged plan, three men dressedi mlicemen arrived at Mountjoy with' i: supposed prisoners. No sooner wfre they inside the prison than they 31 produced revolvers, gagged the wardens and released nineteen men held for political offenses. All made The civic barracks at Phillipstown and Tullamore, about 10 miles apart, in Kings County, were attacked ,rom, the streets at 2.30 o’clock Friday' morning. There was intermittent rifle firing for 20 minutes, but no one in either of the barracks was injuredl Before the attacks the assailants cut the telegraph wires. Thursday’s conferences at London Ulster, and President Cosgrave of the Free State Cabinet concerning the! boundary situation as between North-: em and Southern Ireland failed to help matters. . The influential weekly, Irish Truth, urged an appeal to the League of Na-, tions on the ground that the award of the Boundary Commission violates theE terms of the Anglo-Irish treaty and‘ jurisdiction to settle the dispute. â€"â€"~6 -â€"â€"â€"..._ Two Men Killed and Third Injured in Kenora District Kenoi‘a, Ont, Nov. 29.â€"â€"Two,nien‘ were killed and another was seriously wounded at Graham, Ont., yesterday, when two trappers ran amuck. Raoul St. Germain has been placed under arrest charged with murder. ,Canadian National Railways inch- tigation department officials say that St. Germain and William Leicbrc came into Graham from n trapping expedition, evidently under the influ- ence of liquor. The,men, police say, pulled guns and began to shoot. Mike Lacezko. section laborer, was shot dead, and C. eroid, section foreman was badly wounded. St. Germain then turned his gun on his partner, Lefcbre and killed him. ' ' .__~. .4 i “Shingled” hair was popular among' French ladies at Court fully 2230 years ago. Queen’s casket was placed on the floor of the chapel and covered with flowers. A few days hence it will be placed be- side that of King Edward, in the Crypt, where lies the dust also of their eldest son, the Duke of Clarence. There they will remain until the com- pletion of the Sarcophagus in St. George’s Chapel, now under construc- tion. Responding to the many expressions of condolence on the death of his mother, Dowager Queen Alexandra, King George to-day issued a message to the Empire, reading as follows: “To my people: “In my great sorrow I am helped by the flood of sincere and generous sympathy reaching me from every quarter of the British Empire, and indeed from all parts of the world. “While deeply grateful for these expressions of good will, I also re joke that my beloved mother enjoyed the constant and warm affection of my people. It is such proofs of alle- giance to my throne and family that have given me confidence and strength in the many anxious days I have had to face during the past fifteen years." (Signed) “GEORGE, R.I.” .___.â€"o._~.._ “KING OF THE F AIRIES” NOW WORLD CHAMPION Shorthom Bull from Prince of Wales’ Ranch Wins at Chicago Fair. Chicago, Nov. 30.â€"The “Wheat King of America” and the “King of the Fairies” divided interest toâ€"day at the International Live Stock Ex- position here. L. P. Yates, of Fishtail, Montana, ASSETS ' â€".. Bank ’Premises . . . PELEG ROWLAND, I. I and in our opinion the I Shorthorn bull owned by the Prince was crowned “Wheat King" when his of Wales, and sent here from the eXhiblt 0f hard red Spring Wheat 0f Prince’s ranch at High River, Alberta. the Marquis variety was adjudged the The animal was deciared the prue- best submitted. He dethroned S. S. winner among class one Shorthorns, Whe€1el'. Of Canada. Who had taken and then was adjudged grand chum- tbe honor five times- pion and senior champion bull, givi lg The “King Of the Fairies" is a,lllln the world championship. He re- LAST MOTHER This line photograph of four generations of the British Royal Family was the 111st resell photograph of the late Qiiccn mother. It shows Queen OFâ€" THE QUEEN PORTRAiT lAlexandi'a, the King, Princess Mary and one of her young sons. Letters of Credit outstanding . . . . . . . . . . Cash on hand and in Banks . . . . . . Notes and Cheques of other Banks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Deposit in Central Gold Reserves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Deposit With the Minister for purposes of Circulation Fund . . . . . . Dominion and Provincial Government, Municipal and other Securities . . . . . . . Call Loans in Canada and abroad . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 11,563,093.60 Other current Loans after making full provision for bad and doubtful debts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57,895,700.90 Real Estate, Mortgages and other assets. Non-current Loans, estimated loss provided for . . . . . . . Liabilities of customers under Letters of Credit as per contra . . . . President. AS ON 3lst OCTOBER, 1925 ’ ...... . . . . .$10,678,152.00 1,873,941.16 508,784.99 230,000.00 1,399.75 15,598,871.92 . . . . . . . . . ...-..... .......-.....n¢- Due November 2nd, 1925 . . . loco-convict... ...o->--.-u-nu-I' $28,988,149.82 95,934,16829 $124,870,318}; .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......$‘ 3,867,732.94 6,643,031.04 3,504,466.65 323,040.75 .o_... ...-..‘-ooc . . . . . . ... . 21,918,609.“ .-......-w..-....-..-...... 5,056,813.14. 1,392,089.56 201,955.00 503,784.99 ....-.-..---....o..'.- ....-.....--...---u.. _$124,870,313.11 m A. E. PH [PPS, ' General Manager. AUDITORS’ REPORT TO THE SHAREHOLDERS: We report to the Shareholders of the Imperial Bank of Canada:â€" That we have audited the above Balance Sheet as at October 31st, 1925, and compared it with the books and vouchers at Head Office and with the certified returns from the Branches. We have obtained all the information and explanations that we have required, transactions of the Bank which have come under our notice have been within the powers of the Bank. In our opinion the Balance Sheet discloses the true condition of the Bank, and is as shown by the books of the Bank. The above Balance Sheet does not include monies which have been set aside by the Shareholders from time to time for the purpose of a Pension Fund, a p‘rtion of which is invested in shares of the Bank. ‘ A. B. SHEPHERD, C.A., of Peat, Marwick, Mitchell &: Co. PERCY C. BAXTER. C.A. Toronto, November 20, 1925. l cently won similar honors in Canada. 191‘s. two Operators and three Persons! Last year “King of the Fairies" took “in every sense impartial." 1:0 be nam- Lmrth place " led by the Chief Justice of the Supreme The P1411qu cnhv caps a series cmCourt of the United States, the Chief prize Winning exhibitiOHS in which 17: . Justice of the Supreme Court of Pen- “.ok practically (wot-y first premium.jsyly'ania and the Premding Judge of Canada continued her prize win,‘the United States Circuit Court of Hing at the exposition today, making‘ Appeals for the First District. up in livestock prizes what was lost: To'days ileum} by the operator‘s in the hay and grain Show, fomeriyfleaves the Situation exactly where it Canada’s strong field. First place iniwas {’11 Frldéy, When Governor. Plu- the wheat division went to MontanaiChOt Issued 1118 call tor the parties to this year, the first time in 17 vears‘zmeet on Saturday, With this difi'erence that Canada has not won the place. lithe lines 0“ bOth S}des have been Robert McEwen, London, Ontarioyetifiened. Governor Pinchot probably 'is eliminated as an arbitrator and the won the carload sheep championship, . . _ ’ with a load of Southdowns that out- ‘ and 0f the Stnke Seems, 1“ the Own-0“ of experts, more remote. classed all other entries in this diâ€" vision. The winning of first place makes this the fourth consecutive year that McEwen has led all entrants in SHORTAGE OF SUPPLIES the carload sheep class. McEweni also took third place in the South- » â€"â€" d0wn competition with a pen of threelDelay in Freeze-up Causes ’ wother lambs. First place in this.1 Lack of Many Staple ' class went to University of Kentucky,_ . and second place to Robson and God-’ Alhdes 0f A despatch from Larder Lake dard of Denfield, Ontario. - ----- sayszâ€"A large number of teams are being held in readiness at the railhead iof the Nipissing Central Railway in preparation for rushing supplies to . . . athe Reuyii mining district just as soon “Fall to meet the Neceaslhes 'as the ice becomes strong enough to Of the Case,” is Answer to ;carry horses and sleighs. Pinchot Plan. . OWing to the frecze-upvhavmg set .111 some weeks ago, then followed by Philadelphia» Pa-- NO‘L- 30-â€"‘The moderate wearther, the dnte for com- ;8ntllraCl-30 (’Fel‘ators t0-day (“curled nicncement of winter transportation lDOinthEl? t0 z‘v-‘L‘Cl’t GOVC‘FDOI‘ Pm‘ has been delayed. This has resulted it'hO‘v'S suggEStionS for ending the an‘ in a great shortage of provisions and Ethracite strike, begun three months supplies throughout, the entire Rouyn Eng-‘0 to-mori'ow, on the ground that mining district, {Whey completely fail to meet the neâ€"< Many Staple articles of food have {chillies Of the 3159-" Eentirely disappeared cfi’ the dining i “It is." 53y the Operators in a lull” . tables in Rouyn. Supplies in the sent the Governor by special messcn- stores have been almost depleted, lgi’l' lo‘lllghtv “Gilly 0“ some b21815 that while prices for foodstuffs have risen II‘CCOgnizes facts as the Controlling in- to the highest point so far in Rouyn’a :fluence that this controversy can be history: )satisfactorily sctflcd. The substituu} “Vanni: Litthx‘ the vetgyan freight- itlon 0f CXPEdieni‘l’ l3 3 P‘Ollc‘y t0 Which handler who employed a large numâ€" iwe cannot subscribe. ber of teams in dealing with the i “It is impossible for us to find in freight for the mines of the Kirkland :your proposals the basis of a somdLake district in the pioneer days, is land lasting" settlement, and for§ the also to conduct a similar service to ’samc reason they cannot be consulcrâ€" Rom-h from Chkminis at the head of ed as the basis for conference and the Nipissing Central. , negotiations." ! l As a substitute for the Pinchot pro-1l My..- y 7 l ..._-.._.-\._._ _.__. . : posal the operators state a willingness lto rcsume negotiations in an effort 1;; Aigyssinig no one is allowed to ito reach an agreement. and in theme the telephone diremly. All mes- levent of failure to reach one \Vlthlnisages must be written out and given ,thirty days to refer all matters in disâ€",1 to the operator, who shouts thcni into {pute to an arbitration board. This the Lmnsmititr at the {up of his voice, ‘board would be made up of two min-150 hat eVery one about can hear. Publicity in Abyssinia.

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