When a man prepares to build, L Tax him;_ When a man has quit the farm, Tax hhn; When he lays another roof, When he grows another hoof, Iiusfle Wound and getthe proofl Then tax hhn. â€"Geo. Robins, in Markhamkconomist and Sun. Possibly that explains why the in- cidents making up Chapter Two of a recent story of city police court were enacted before the eyes of the 4 piece-work squadâ€"with- being printed in justice to an unfortunate victim of circum- stances, Whose character had been blackened in the eyes of the public. Here is Chapter Two: Numbered among the motley crowd of unfortunates occupying seats in the wagon that lumbers up to the Jail Farm at Langstaï¬â€˜ with the loads of newcomers, was “an elderly man.†A glance sufï¬ced to show that he was not only “elderly,†but ill. A few questions brought out the fact that when he was “picked up drunk in a downtown street†the cause of his distress was not drink, but the physical weariness of a sick man. Further light was thrown on his case when he explained that his bank book, showing a credit of $2,500 in a Canas dian bank, had been stolen from him at .a down-town roomi_ng house. ‘ A jury has declared Pepall not guilty of charges arising out of tranâ€" sactions for which Peter Smith was sent to the penitentiary and Aemilus Jarvis was ï¬ned a stupendous sum and compelled to serve a term in the com- mon jail. In view of the latest decis- ion, it would seem as if the proper thing would be to release Smith from the penitentiary, refund the Jarvis ï¬ne, and send Pepall back to his Cali- fornia glass works in a Pullman and accompanied by an apology for the inconvenience to which he has been subjected. Finally, in order that none may lack due recognition, let the white flower, emblematic of a blameless life,‘ be sent to each and every member of, the last Board of Directors of the Home Bankâ€"Farmers Sun. , an elderly man, waér’pickieidv up drunk on a downtown street. He was given a term at the Jail Farm.†Meaqwhile, so far as the comedian- journahsts of the Toronto pohce court are away? or concerned, V“Mr. Authorities at the Farm, on hearâ€" ing his statement instituted inquiries. A lawyer took a hand in the case, and, on visiting the bank ofï¬cials, ascer- tained that a cheque for $2,500 bear- ing the prisoner’s signature had been cashed. As it was clear that the cheque had been forged, the bank made complete restitution of the amount. A visit followed to the rooming house, where it was learned that a lodger had departed suddenly. His description tallied with that of the man who had cashed the cheque. Detailswere given to the police, with the result that the suspect was quickly arrested in Vancouver. Hence it is, that the public is served with a mess of journalistic half-truths which no plea of haste can excuse. He accepts his lot or seizes his al- ternative-which is to become a “pub- licity expert†for one or another of the Overlords of Big Business who thrive in Toronto under the “Get Something for Nothing†order that is the natural outgrowth of the Protec- tive Tarifl‘ system. The journalistic machine-hand of the city press can have little or no re- gard for ï¬nished craftsmanship. His concern centres in his immediate bit of “piece-work,†ordinarin a small and mean routine task. Tax When he When he Hustle ’1‘ a presentation of current events with decent regard for their co-relations and background. One paper, in putting through its daily batch of court news, operates much after the fashion of a sausage machine. It is responsible for the “comic†police court columnâ€"a long- standing abomination, and a disgrace to Canadian journalism. Never has the vilest Hearst paper produced a feature so ghastly as the daily column detailing the distress of a city's un- fortunates in terms of coarse flip- pancy. But beyond the question of the brutality of the machine technique looms a larger consideration: The product is not and never can be NEWS! -By which we mean, it is not Toronto is not wanting in examples of the factory system as applied to journalism. That some of our cor- pulent and complacent contemporaries; of the city daily press are largely preoccupied with going through rou- tine motions, is sufï¬ciently shown by the quality of their output. Factory Journalism A veteran newspaperman, writing recently in The American Mercury, said: “Of the technique of newspaper work the present generation of news- paper workers has complete mastery. But so has the factory hand over his machine.†RICHMOND HILL, DEC. 3. 1925 Subscriptions: $1 50 a year in advance Single Copies 3 cents. The End of the Chapter The Liberal Printing Company, Limited. EDITOR AND MANAGER @112 Eihtral R. F. CHOATE When Mr. Ransom gave up the job of ringing the town bell, the duty fell on Mr. Geo. Smith, who has looked after it with as much precision as possible. I checked him up to-day and found that his smallest error was two- seconds slow, and his greatest error was ï¬ve seconds slow. Mr. Ransom was our ï¬rst real crank on bell ringing. He would compare his time with our regulator daily, and it was quite a common thing to ï¬nd “Mose†counting seconds and holding the bell rope in his hand and try to give the ï¬rst tap of the bell right on the second. Sometimes he would hit the “bull’s eye†exactly, but more frequently he would be a few seconds out owing to it being hard to control the big bell to the scecond. The Waltham Regulator run from July the 9th to July the 24th without varying half a second. From the above clocks the time is sent to the despatchers at Bond Lake, every day at 12 o’clock, by counting the seconds over the ’phone. I keep a book record of the per- formance of both clocks and found that the greatest variation the Wal- tham clock made since the New Year was six and one-half seconds. The greatest variation of the hand-made clock since the New Year was 3% seconds. This clock ran from July 20th to August 6th without varying half a second. I had another regulator clock under construction, which took me nearly twelve years to complete in my spare time. In 1916 it was ï¬nished. I then had two high grade clocks, but where was the exact time to check them with. Mr. Stirling, who is the father of wireless telegraphy in Richmond Hill, suggested to take down the line which reached to the C.N.R. depot, and get the time from Arlington, Va., by wireless. This was done; and by comâ€" paring our two clocks with it ever since, we found that Arlington’s time signals are almost perfect. E For awhile I used to go to Toronto and get the time from one of the ï¬re hallslat 11.55. Later on I received the time by ’phone from Maple sta- tion. In 1904 I bought a Waltham Regulator, fully jeweled (the price of such a clock to-day is $815.00; and I was told- that I had more money than brains when I bought it) and found it difï¬cult to check up such a clock without being certain of the correct ‘time to the second. In order to do this, Mr. Dunlop, Mr. Stirling and myself put up ï¬fty dollars for a copper circuit between my workshop and the C.N.O. depot. The line was tapped at Mr. Dunlop’s ofï¬ce and Mr. Stirling’s house so that they, too, could get the correct time daily. The line proved to be a failure because my regulator clock kept better time than that which came over our new line. We were very much disappointed with our investment, but» not discouraged. To the Editor of The Liberal: After reading your remarks in your issue of the 26th, under the head line “Post Ofï¬ce Clocks,†I am persuaded that some of our citizens are not aware of the efforts which have been made to give our town the Stand- ard Time. When I came to Richmond Hill twenty-ï¬ve years ago, the‘town bell was not depended upon for the cor- rect time. One of my ambitions was to have the standard time on my regulator clock. Now, Mr. Editor, if your dollar Ing- The Liberal’s Letter Box Tho Liberal welcomes the expression by In "Ian oi Choir animal“ on quutlonl oi public lntonst. Communications shuuld be as brief II possible, and rum. ol und-r ahwld be attached though not nocuurlly for publication. The Liberal anumu no editorial ruponllbflily for the views oxprnnd by Its corrupondonu. The Bell Telephone Long Distance Telephone Service ln calling a distant telephone it is often the case that “Anyone†who may be within reach of the tele- phone will serve your purpose. That is, it is not always necessary to speak to some particular person. In that event, Station-to-Station service will serve you best; it is quicker and cheaper. Where you must speak to a “particular person", the higher rate, as quoted above, applies.M We suggest that in all your Long Distance calls you use Station~to-Station service wherever possible. The rates for calls from Richmond Hill to Agin- court andifromlThornhill to Agincourt are as follows: Station-to-Stati0flï¬essages 1067073 Emsâ€"Ta“ Person-to-Person Messages 15c for 3 minutes Under its budget system, the exe- cutive of the Victoria. Square United Church have assumed the total obiiga- [ion $760, in connection with Lhe Maintenance and Extension Fund Drive. (Special to The Liberal) Victoria Square. Dec. 3. 1925. The Young People’s Society of the Victoria Square United Church.- journ- 9d to Stuuffville Tuesday night, where they piesentvd an interesting pro- gram, half sacred and half of an en- tertainment, characrer. The Stanï¬â€" ville Young People entertained the visitors who numbered about; 40, at a special luncheun' Editor’s Noteâ€"The Liberal’s major thesis was that postofï¬ce clocks, in the main, are but frail and wayward ser- vants of the public. We are glad. in- deed, that our chance remarks have brought forth a letter so interesting and informative as Mr. Smith’s. Un- fortunately few public clocks are cared for with any such insistence upon scientiï¬c exactitude as Mr. Smith has bestow 2d upon the town bell. ' W. H. Pugsley, T. Ludford, J. dall and J. Dean return after a days’ rabbit hunt on shores of ersoll or Big Ben alarm clock can beat our town bell for correct time, I want to be the ï¬rst one to congratulate you. Jerry Smith. Richmond Hill, Nov. 28: 1935 Ofl'lcials of the Toronto Street Rail- way go over the Metropolitan “and it is understood that an oï¬er has been made which will be accepted by the Metropplï¬an.’f P. G. Savage elected president, at annual meeting of the Curling Club. The treasurer’s report, showing a cash bglgmceï¬ of $3.93, was _adopted. >_ of Canada While Mr. Hill and Mr. Robinson of Richmond Hill were putting in the acetylene gas plant; in Mr. Bailey’s store at Maple an explosion occurred. As a result, says the report, “Mr. Robinson is minus his eyebrows and moustache." Aéhford Wrighi returm‘fr’éih Toâ€" ronto after serving as a juryman for seven weeks. Miss Ida Mellish of Carrville mar- ried to James Pearson of Thornhill, by Rev. A. Bedford. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO From thqisgggpf December 6. 1900. From the issue of December 5, 1895. An “anxious†audience ï¬lled the schoolroom for the 'entertainment given by the Junior League. Master Harold Proctor took the chair and managed the whole affair “like an old head.†The boys distinguished themselves as “gobblers†in the “Turkey Song.†Master Murray Sheppard and Master Douglas Derry recited, Miss Violet Storey sang “The Child’s Prayer," and Master Albert Glass favored the audience with an excellent cornet solo. Miss Mabel Smith recited “Killed at the Plough.†Mr. Hume closed the programme with a few appropriate words. At the village council meeting it was moved by Mr. Savage, seconded by Mr. Mortson, that the services of the village band be secured for the rink,_o_n theubesï¬ possible terms. v- v».. -..-V v-l Aunt,» avxccb, Luluuuv- Verdict acquitting the Hyams 'Lwins of the murder of William Wells in Toronto not received with favor by the Caqadiagpress. ‘ Florists' wagon strikeé pied. by Mr. and Mrs. William Wright ofpargjville on, Yonge street, Toronto. Compâ€"Hmeï¬tary bandï¬Ã©t tendered to ngep >J.. C. Stokes gt Clyde Hotel. Victoria Square Way Back in “The Liberal†Files THIRTY YEARS AGO Tyn- four- Lake 'DATEDVut Tux-onto. in thé Province of Ontario, this l7lh day of November 1925. CAMPBELL & COMPANY, 21-25 NOTICE is hereby given that HAZEL PEARLE CLARK PEARUY, of {he City of Townto. in the County of York in [he Province of Ontaxin_ Married Woman, will apply tn the Parliament of Canada. at the next session thereof, for a BILL OF DIV- ORCE from her husband, GORDON MONTGOMERY PEARO'Y. of the ééid City of 'l‘umnto, Insm-ahce Brok- er, unjhg gmflnd of Adullgry._ HALL’S SERVICE STATION Vaughan Council decides to submit local option question to the ratepayâ€" ers. At the High School Commencement exercises, the following took part: Mr. E. Mason, comet solo and song; Miss Norma Morgan, recitation; Miss Homing, recitation; Mr. Douglas Derry, song; Mr. Walter Frisby, re- citation; Rev. J. A. Grant presented the certiï¬cates, and Mr. Shaw, the principal, made his report. Miss Georgie Brown, Alex. McConaghy and Clarence Kinnee were commended for their diligence. J. H. Sanderson preâ€" sided. Box social in aid of St. Stephen’s Church to be held in Wilson’s Hall, Teston. Hockey Club reorganizes with G. Sime as captain and R. Goode, A. Glass and J. Naughton as committee of management. Simcoe. They bagged 50 rabbits and several brace of portridgesvaccord- ing to the most authentic reports extant. Anyone desiring an ofï¬cial check-up is respectfully referred to Mr. Ppgsley. Railwaymen engaged on the James Bay Railway construction, took down their tents near the village, moving on to another ploce. A large gang was working in the Don Valley, near Taylor's Mill. John Startup, inspector, made the rounds of the village, ï¬nding that some citizens had not obeyed the order to remove the “black knot" in orc_hard_s apd gardens. At the horï¬e 6? Mrs. M. Wilson, Toronto, Miss Mary E. Johnston, her niece, was married to Oliver D. Bales 0f_L2_1_nsing. With the hockeyists using the rink two nights a week and the curlers two, the village Council proposed to rese'rve one remaining night for re- pairs and Bpen it for skating only on Sa_tnrday night. TWENTY YEARS AGO Issue of December 7, 1905. Sshool at Vellore closed by reason of an outbreak of smallpox on Sixth Coycgssign of Vaughan. Miss 'Mangie Wells of King City married to Archibald Simpson, of Kleinburg. 30 x 3 1-2 Rebuilt Tires $4.25 each while they last Every Tire Guaranteed APPLICATION FOR DIVORCE 509 Excelsior Life Bldg; Toronto, Canada. Solicitors for the Applicant. Richmond Hill Oxford Street: Phoï¬Ã© 18-r 3 J. T. SAIGEON MAPLE Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York Sales attended to on shortest notice and at reasonable rates. ‘ Patronage solicited , We are prepared to condu description. Farms and far specialty. Farms bought and sion. All sales attended to o: and conducted by the most m 12 noon. F. W. SilAersides. Auction- eer. Thursday. December 10th â€" Credit sale of farm stock and implements, the property of Hector McGee, lot 11, con, 8 Vaughan Township. 2; miles north of Woodbridge and gmile west of gravel road. His Holstein Dairy Herd is one of the best in the township. No reserve as the farm is sold. Terms : ll months. J. T. Saigeon. Auctioneer. Saturday. December 12th â€"-Credit sale of 28 head of fresh milk. fall and springers. Holstein: and Jerseys, at lot 9. con. 5, Vaughan, 1i mile north of Edgelev. The property of Robert Topper. Sale at 1 o'clock. Terms :3 months. J. T. Saigeon. Auctioneer. Friday. December llâ€"Uredit sale of 15 head of fresh milch cows with calves by side, twenty near springers. five stock bulls and ï¬fteen head of good breedy feeding steers. 6 months credit. Sale at] .m. sharp. 1he operty of Bert ivian on the old‘ ell farm on the Kennedy Higway at Searhoro Junction. bus stops at gate. Prentice 8: Prentice. Auctioneers. Friday. December 4â€"Crédit sale of blacksmith tools and equipment, farm implements etc.. on lot 34, con. 4. Searboro. (Lamoroux.) The pro- i party of Lewis Zimmers. 3 months' credit. Sale at one. 'Prentice & Prentice, Auctioneers. Saturday. December 5â€"Credit sale of acarload of fresh milch cows and springers. at the Queen's Hotel, Unionville. The property of J. H. Brlllinger. 6months' credit. Sale atone. Prentice & Prentice, Auc- tionoere. Saturday. December 12â€"Credit sale of six acres of standing timber mostly beach and Maple on lot 2. con. 9. Markham. Terms : 10 months credit. Purchasers given two years to re- move timber. Property of David Hare. Prentice & Prentice. Auc. tioneers. Friday. Decembe} l8â€"Credit sale of form stock. implements, hay. grain etc. on lot 35. con- 5, Markham. Pro- perty of Murray Duncan. Sale at 12.30. Prentice a: Prentice, Auc- tioneers. WRIGHT BROS. Undertakers RICHMOND HILL - UNIONVILLE and THORNHILL Saturday, Dec. 12â€"Farm stock and implements. belonging to Irwin Ham- ilton. 5: mile north of Gormley. No reserve. 10 monthscredit. Sale It \AI/ UULD the person who was sen taking the milk can from J. Atkinson’s gate on Sunday return same and save further trouble ? A. Oruick- shank. Richmond Hiil. 23-24 FOR RENTâ€"6 roomod house with electic lights, cellar. hard and soft water. small guden with fruit trees. Apply to R. Casely. Colbonne Street. Thornhill. ’I‘EN 0AM 0F MIKK W DAILY. Phone A. Cruickshank. 138 1. Richmond Hill. 23 24 PPLES FOR SALEâ€"No. 2 Spies _ $2.75 per barrel; No. I Greenings $2.50 pel barrel; No. 2 Baldwins $2.50 per barrel. and sevexal nthér varieties ranging from $2.00 to 82.60 par barrel in the cellar. Delivery extra. Apply 1. Espey, fauth farm nm-Lh fmm El- gin Iide road on west side of 2nd con- cession. Vaughan. 23-24 F OR RENTâ€"House next. doér inorth to Eden'l Bakery. Modern rental. Apply Eden's Bakery. Yonge Street. 24 OR SALEâ€"Blick hnuse in North Toronto 6 runms and heated sun roam; hot water heating: hmdwnod floors. brick garage; lut40x I25 feet: garden; fruit, trees: chickvn house Good terms. Apply Liberal Office or Telephone Hudson 0757 w. 0R SALEâ€"Oxford Laurel Cook Heater, self-feeder, nickle him- med in good condition. No reasonable offer refused. Phone Maple 2349, or apply tn Mr. Millon Savage, 2nd con- cession. Vaughan. OUNUâ€"-â€"Un Sutmday, Nnvemher 29, in from of Grant's Hotel, pair shell rimmed glnsees. Owner can haw. same by culling at Lihernl Ofï¬ce and paying for this advertisement. 2! Smith. OR SALEâ€"A rubber-tired in good running shape. Apply to H. D. McCAGUE, Gormley R. R. 2. 22 A. C. HENDERSON I‘UIMBING AND TINSMITHING Hot Water Heating and General Repairs THORNHILL, ONT. PRENTICE & PRENTICE AUCTIONEERS J. H. Prentice, 415 Balliol St‘, Toronto. Hud. 1347. K. G. Pr_entice, Milliken. AUCTION SALE REGISTER JOHN R. CAMPBELL Veterinary Surgeon THORN HIL L OR SALEâ€"1900 Gravity Washing Machine. Price 33.50. Jerry Classified A dvertising SAM. SHEPHERD PAPER HANGER AND PAINTER BUSINESS red to conduct sales of every |rms and farm stock sales a s bought and sold on commis- mttended to on shortest notice. y the most approved methods. WILLIAM CQOK, COOK & DELANY A. CAMERON MacNAUGHTON BARRISTER 511 McKinnon Building, Corner Jordan & Melinda Streets (William Cook F. Gordon Cook Thomas Delany) Ban-Mora, solicitors, Etc. Toronto Ofï¬ce: 816 Federal Building. 85 Richmond St. West Richmond Hill Ofl‘ice (Liberal OflEce) ovary hursday afternoon. Maple, Thursday nit-râ€" noon. Woodbridge, Saturdny afternoon. Money to loan at Current Rue HEleRY s. MVULLOWNEY, M.AL Barristers, Solicitors. Noun" Telephone Adelnide 2108 Ofï¬ces: 85 Richmond St. West. Toronto Naughton Block, Aurora Solicitors for: Aurora and Richmond Hill; the Townships of King. \Vhitchurch and Markham, North Gwillimbury. Walter S‘ Jenkins. Res. Phone Bill. 50(8. J. Harry Naughton. Res. Elgin Mills. Res. Phone 127.2 Elgin 5301 MULHOLLAND & SMYTIT Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Toronto Ofï¬ce: 2498 Yonge St. Phone Hudson 3408 J. EDWARD FRANCIS NOTARY PUBLIC Real Estate and Insurance Commissioner, Conveyancer, Etc. Barrister, Solicitor. Notary Palm: Toronto Ofï¬ce: Standard Bank Building, 2453 Yonge St. (Eglinton Branch). Phone Hudson 3218 Richmond Hill Ofï¬ce: Over Davies Dry Goods Storeâ€"Every Saturday Money to Loan at Current Bate: Phone Richmond Hill 119 Barristers, Solicitors, (David Henderson W. ADELMO MELECCI AND MISS BOSALIND BUSH, L.T.C.M. From the Toronto Conserv’atory Slide. will accept a number of pupils in Pizno. Vocal and Theory. Richmond H111 - Friday and Saturdav Pupil of J. E. Newton and B. H. Caâ€"rman Pupils successfully prepared {lu- Conser‘ vatory Examinations. Studio: Centre St. West. Phone 88, Richmond Hill 1m. J.‘A. C. Mae-DONALD DENTIST Sterling Bank Building Thornhill - - Ont. Consultation and Diagnosis Free < Telephone 61. Open Evenings Dentist Ofï¬ce: Trench Block, tw0 doors north of Standard Bank. ‘ Hours: 9 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. Telephone 32 DR. J. P. WILSON Ofï¬ce hours: 9 to 11 11.111. 6 to 8 p.m., and by appointment. Ofï¬ce: Centre and Church 8158., Richmond Hill. Phone 24 North Yonge St. - ‘Richmonifl DR‘ ROLPH L. LANGSTAFIâ€" Ofï¬ce hours: 8:10 mm. 3nd 6:8 p.11. DR. LILLIAN C. LANGSTAFFâ€" (Disease: of women And children) Omco hours: 1: 3 pm. DR. W. T. McINTOSH Dentist RICHMOND HILL, ONT. Oï¬ice: Over Davies' Dry Goods Store Denton, Macdo‘nald & Benton Barristers, Solicitors, &c. Manning A'rcade, King St. West, Toronto, Canada. Telephone Main 0311 Cable Address: “Dedo†Toronto. Phone: Arthur A. Maédouald. FEE Laura. Danton, B.A MISS VERDELLA DONER Teacher of Piano Playing iflrehvrirk 153. ï¬ullett ï¬iauizt-thhtr STUDIO :- Care of Mrs. Joseph Graham, Arno Id St Richmond Hill Phone 48-1" 5 HENDERSON & MCGUIRE H. A. NICHOLLS Notary Public Commissioner, Conveyancer, Etc Insurance and Real Estate CLERK THIRD DIVISION COURT RICHMOND HILL NAUGHTON & JENKINS James A. Boles)†Ofï¬ces: 93-95 Sun Life Building. VArdelside and Victoria Sta. PELHAM CHAFFEY TENOR Teacher of Singing Now accepting pupils Phone 94J for information Choir Leader and Organist Presbyterian Church DENTIST Work Done Quickly For Information Phone 58) MRS, MYLKS DR. MACLAREN DRS. LAN GSTAFF DR. L. R. BELL Opposite EATONSI Bank of Commerce THORNHILL MUSICAL DENTAL LEGAL ' TORONTO Phone 100 Friday and Satuxdzya'r Elgin 4879 W.» H. McGuire mm 5302 Den