Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 3 Dec 1925, p. 5

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First Show ............ 9.25 “55234 9.38 Second Show* ...... 11.10 11.19 11.23 *Another car leaves daily at 12.00 o’clock. First Show .‘ Second Show w .. -v-v..uv VALMLQ- 1' U]. a 50011 night’s fun you can't beat a ran down to the Capitol, North Toronto’s pala- tial playhouse, on the Hydro Railway’s “Theatre Special,” and a Yonge car to the doors. Like this: for your ready reference. It shows you how you trip with plenty of time to enjoy the best pictures ’1 Don’t Forget The Date, December 12th, 3 o’clock. Santa Claus remembers in paying his first visit to Richmond Hill last year he was late arriving, but assures us he will be at our store this year sharp on time at 3 o’clock, on Saturday afternoon, December 12th, With a very-much larger variety of Toys, and will receive all small children until 5.30. He will be here on the following Saturday, December 19th at the same time, 3 to 5.30,; and again on Wednesday, December 23rd~â€"time to be announced. In the event of extreme weather parents with small children will be accommodated before arrival. - Qavies’ Dry Gaods Store Charles Lane, brilliant English player, has an important role in “The Dark Angel,” which is being shown next Monday, Tuesday and Wednesâ€" day at the Capitol Theatre, North Toronto, the popular playhouse with 1alichmond Hill’s movieâ€"goers. quheatre Special” Tide Table ‘Lane and Ronald Colman, who has the leading male role, are close friends. Both are of English birth, education‘and training, and in “The Dark Angel,” which is an intense drama of the afterâ€"the-war period, both portray aristocratic British army officers. Wyndham Standing, another J. A. Greene Repairing, Cleaning and Pressing at Reasohable Prices If you'are thinking of a Suit, it will pay you to see our custom-tailored or ready-to-wear garments before you buy. Select from the most popular gods and latest styles. Workmanship and a perfect fit guaranteed. All the finest and most fashionable materials to choose from in our custom - tailored department, in- eluding: At The Capitol 332%, Blue Chinchillas,L§Blue: Witneys,'? Mel- tons, Scotch and Irish Tweeds,fi Plaid Backs of all Descriptions, Irish Friezes, SUITS WINTER OVERCOATS RICHMOND TAILORS Leave Toronto Terminal Leave Riclunond Hm q smfiD 6.10 6.20 8.00 8.10 to enjoy the best pictures Toronto offers AArive Kin gs- dale heave Lang- stnfi 6.20 6.20 6.22 8.10 8.12 RETURNING GOING Telephone SJ or Residence 49W Arrive Newton brook Leave Thorn hill of the screen.” All Hollywood’s notables turned out to welcome the screen newcomer, and these were some of their expressions: Joseph M. Schenckâ€"“Marvelous.” Elinor Glynâ€"“Ravishing‘.” Marion Daxviesâ€"Jâ€"“Tremendous.” Charlie Chaplinâ€"“An actress of rare beauty and magnetism and an unusual technique, which should es- tablish her as_one (if the great stars‘ To Vilma-Banky, the, sensational European beauty recently discovered by Samuel Goldwyn, is entrusted the leading feminine role. this feature production marking her Canadian mo- tion picture debut. talented Britisher, has the hole of Gerald Shannon. SANTA a CLAUS w ’AGAlN A X [N THE VILLAGE Leave Newton- bmok 6.30 can make an easy round Arrive Lang- staff 9.50 11.35 King dale 6.35 8.25 For a good Richfiio'fld Hill 10.00 11.45 Arrive Toronto Terminal 6.45 8.35 Arrive Attention is called to the det statement published 0113):: are 3 of issue. ._'.'J_, - ‘9"? - --, Lu.“ VVI/IUJ. LULIU Profits ........ $1,107,889.99 $1,162,148.73 D e p o s i t s bearing in- terest ...;....70,227,079.87 76,406,747.38 D e p o s i t s " 1 not bear-v ing inter- \ _ est; ............ 17,896,017.03 19,527,420.91 Quickly re- alizable assets ...... 58,951,119.69 ($6,875,829.76 Dominion . and Prov. securities 13,487,070.89 15,317,561.11 »C u 1' r e n t Loans ........ 49,356,226.78 50,839,845.66 Note Circu- lation ........ 9,526,554,00 10,678,152.00 The president and general manager in addressing the shareholders struck optimistic notes, while recommending the necessity of caution in private and public financing. ueposxts have increased by nearly $8,000,000 and current loans are slightly larger. The principal items of interest are: Year ending Year ending Oct. 31, 1924 Oct. 31, 1925 Profits ..._ ..... $1,107,889.99 $1,162,148.73 The gradual improvement in busi- ness is reflected in the Slst Annual Report of the Imperial Bank of Can- ada presented to the shareholders at the Annual Meeting held at the Head Office in Toronto on Wednesday last. While as yet betterment in business is not very marked yet in many de- partments of the ban‘kfs activities improvements indicate a better out- look. Profits show an increase of some $55,000‘over the previous year. Deposits have increased by nearly Imperial Bank Has Good Year R. Simpson, of Thornhill ;and Mr. T. B. Mundey, of Toronto. Interment took place last Monday, at the Methodist Cemetery at Woodstock. At Collingwood, Ont, on Novem- ber 17, Miss Christina Campbell died in her 88th year. Miss Campbell was an old and highly esteemed citizen of Richmond Hill, where she kept a ladies" school,_and_t§ught music, and w . . u . u u bun IIIHGIL’ auu was the Blighâ€"{list of St. Mary’s Angli- can Church for 20 years. Robert, Bruce Hendry. aged 8 years lmonth and 13 days. son of Robert and Annie Hendry of Pine Grove. died on December 1. The funeral was held December 8._to Woodbridge Cemetery. l The Richmond Hill Lawn Bowling Club Limited hold their annual meet- ing ‘Vednesday evvning, Decemlwr 2nd, in the Onnncil Ullathr 'l‘lw following offizez's were PleC'Pd for 1926 Jas. McLeln, President : A. E. Glass, lsL Viae-Presidenh; J. R ng i-ington, 2nd Vice-Presidenl: G Maudie, Treasurer; W. H. Mmphy, Secretary. l‘he December meeting of the W0- men’s Institute will be held at the home of Mrs. Harry Innes, Richmond Street on Thursday, December N, at 7.1wo'clnck. The members will give Competitive Christmas Programmes every member taking part Notice the hango in the hour of meat g . The minister will conduct both ser- vices in St Paul‘s church next Sunday. Evening Theme: “Salvation, in it worth having ?" Sunday School meet- at 2.45 p.m. Expnctntinm aw that the nbjectivo 0f$L7500f the Hirbmond Hill Me-Ih- odislz United Chumh in (he Mainten- unco und Extrusiun Fund Campaign will he reached this Week. On Wvd- nPsdny unnlrilmliuns “are within $160 uf lheulnmmtmmgh Miss Butt nf Toronto Univelsity, sung four solos at the first. uf the seriesufthe “Musical Eveningn," held last Sundayut tho Methvdict United Church. Mr. leacci pflayod two special organ numbers. Miss Bull, sung also at, the regular service. Everybody is made welcome at. the "Musical Evenings" whirh“ will he held oncea nmnlh during the winter. Armblic alth "199“than to th9 public is being arranged by the “In- man's Institute to be held in January. At, the Methodist, Unith Church next Sunday morning, Rev. A. A. Wall will speak on "'l‘hp Contribution Which the Chmch '9 Making." In the evening llu» subject will be "The Power of u \Vord.” A letter received from Mr. Living- ston of the Hydro-Electric Railways leceived by the city council indicates that so far he has not, met with a large measure of success in his efforts to arrange for city hockey "pluy offs" on the local rink. Messrs. Duncan, Cooper, Jones and Gee. representing the Board of Educa- tion. preleiited to the Village Council Tuesday evening, facts relative to tho proposal to insml lavatories in the pulilic School. Some discussion took placs with regard to questions of cost and of the feasibility of carrying Out the work at the present, season. No definite action wax, taken. Prolenlution 0f lbrec competitive programs will be a feature of an open meeting (Ifthe Woman's Institute at the home of Mrs. Innes. The leaders of the three grnups will be Mrs. Wright, Mrs. Piewman and Mrs. Phipps. Obituary Richmond Hill News Notes the detailed this Thornhill Curling Club will meet Friday night at the rink. The Thnrnhill brunch hf the W0- man’s Institute will mvet on Thurs- day. December 10. at the home of Mrs. G. Gnulding of Newtnnhx-nnk. Mrs. E. A. James will give an address entitled: “\VhaL We May D0 to Make Christmas Happier for Others." An inteiosling guessing contest will he held, as PHCh member has been re- quested to hling the tvldest; photo of herself. Do not forget this interest- A reorganization mpeting of Thomhill Hockey (Huh will he to-mm-rnw night (Friday) in J lay's Hall at 8 o'clock. ing meeting. “Pessimist” as the nmmpnler was named was Mr. Neil McDunHld who wrote :1 splendid I-dilm'iul (In th- "Chicago Diversion," lherP “He fnur suh~editors who depicted to the audi- encp. amid rnurs r-f laughter. the wondelful hPa(l“vuy"l'hornhill will h.u'e made in the coming ten veurs. [he Inlmg hople's IP‘L’IE" led last Mnnrlav men'ng III the I‘niled Sunday Sr‘hun] '1-unw4< \n H allend- e! The pru-g'nm “asgivu. Ly the Men‘s Bible (11:15:. Air. limrge Stokes and Mr. Bruce M:[)n. 1! fav- .ned wiLh u vinlin mm. AH!" M. J. Jnhmnn guvv the rendng “A I'ep at the Switch" whivh was mnrh -n_:uyed. The "103‘? intenesling femur»: n!‘ th- prnglamme was a paper sn, p. (-dly edited when lhii vi” cge is a 1»!ng and notewprthy city. The edit r o the The Young }'«()|llt"a' 10*}; last Mnnrldv Hen-ng In Um Sunday Hr‘htm] mun w»I< u. H e! The prx-gmm uasgivu. Men's Bible 01:15:. Air. Stokes and Mr. Bruce M:[)r:. ,,, ..... tflfl, v1” All).‘ which WES organized last yea: When is the next meeting of the Thgrnhill Ratepayglls’ Aszociation, The old time Victoria A meeung place of the village years, has been purchuwd ocal A.F. & A.M. Lodge. time the village had a mod munity Hall? J. J. Deane The electric motor which was taken from the school pump-house a few weeks ago, has been recovered, and is now in the hands of the police. The United Church Christmas tree entertainment will be held on Wed- nesday, December 23rd, and the Pres- byterians will hold theirs on the fol- lowing evening, the 24th. Government, Municipal and Corporation Bonds £3 Bought, Sold and Exchanged (Special to The Liberal) Thornhill, Dec. 3.â€"The vocal and organ recital held last Thursday even- ing in Trinity Church, was the most delightful entertainment given in the village for some time. The original Odeste Fidelis, played by Captain Stewart, was perhaps the best organ selection of the evening. Miss Edna Wiltshire, who is assistant organist of the church, gave a splendid inter- pretation of Handel’s “Largo.” Miss Wiltshire also sang an obligato with the choir in “The Vesper Hymn.” The other vocal and organ selections were very well received. This is the first of a series of recitals to be held in the Trinity Church, notice of which will be given later. An attraction in Richmond Hill, Saturday agternoon and evening, De- cember 5, will be an exhibition and sale of hand-painted china and other craft work, by Miss Edna McNair, at the residence of Mrs. Phipps, Rich- mond Street. This artist has at- tained a very high standard of ex- cellence, and the exhibition offers a rare treat, also an opportunity to secure Christmas gifts. Work on the stone piggei‘y at the Jail Farm is nearing completion. Major Morrison expects to remove the 315 porkers on the farm to their new quarters this week. VICTORIA HALL SOLD T0 LODGE Thefts of milk are reported at vari- ous points in the district. giving rise to the suspicion that bootleggers have 'seized upon the receptacle with a view to employing them in their business. One of the victims of the thieves is Mr. A. Cruickshank, of Richmond Hill, one of whose cans was removed from Mr. J. Atkinson's gate, Sunday. Two cans belonging to the Grimsby Dairy were taken, it is said, from the Langstaff corner. All business strictly confidential Private Phone: 78 Woodbridge nckey Club will' he.held night). (Friday) in Find- Tall, >r man by th thp At the Coal and Grain Elevate QUALITY Meets in Masonii; Hall ‘ WND‘AY’S‘C‘HOOL""“,‘ l0.00 A.M SERVICE . . 1le AM C.N.Ry.?«;ll I. D. Rainer A pretty wedding took place in St Mark’s Church, Parkdale, Toront‘o. when Dorothy Francis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George A. Henderson, Toronto, was united in marriage to Mr. Lloyd Allan Hill, son of Mr. and â€"» MrsnDavid Hill, Richmond Hill, Ont. The Rev. Walter H. White officiated and Miss Fidler presided at the organ The bride, who was given away by her father, looked charming in a smoke bluff chiffon frock trimmed with silver, black and silver shoes and black hat, and carried a bouquet of Ophelia roses and lily of the val- ley. Her only attendant was her sister, Lillian, who wore a smart French frock of pale pink georget, black velvet hat, and carried butterfly roses and mignonette. Mr. Albert Hill, brother of the bridegroom, was best man. After a reception held at the home of the bride‘s parents, Spen- cer avenue, the happy couple left for New York and Bermuda, the bride traveling in a sand kasha cloth dress, shoes and hat to match and myrtle green coat trimmed with chinchilla. Mr. and Mrs. Hill will reside in Richmond Hill upon the completion of CLASS II Fred Tuddenham, Aileen Grant Leonard Harris, Leo Sheppard Queenie Urben, Grace Brillinger Mary Clinkard, Joe Mills, Lloyd Hawks, Harry Corner, Eleanor Cor- ner. We are in a position to snppy Richmond Hill and District with the best Anthraciti Coal and Screengd before delivery. Also a. good sfipply of Sulvay Coke, Slabs, Hardwond, Cement, Lime, Paris- tone. Clay and Gluized Tile. Flour and Feeds of all kinds. ROOM 3 JUNIOR III Lola Jones, Olive Wilson, Edward Arnold, Sheila Beresford, Nora Batty, Margaret Trench, Elsie Paris, Mar- guerite Manley, Laurence Smith, Her- bie Mason, Ronald Finch, Blanche Dewsbury, Jack Shepherd, Fred Ken- dall, Doris Malloy, Jas. Glinkard, Marguerite Glass, Mary ’Gillings, Bobby Davis, Muriel Clarke, Hugh Carter, Norma Harris, Alex. Fortick, Albert Mortson, Victor Morris, Albert Bales, Marjorie Sanderson, Madge Sayers, 'Laurence Beeton, Gordon Mollett. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Wilhlnthe last, few days women in different parts of the village report that, they hm'P been accosted and annoyefl by a man. REV. Mr. Cox will preach v D "' "" ""'l!"‘ At the instance of the UHan Attor- ney apsychiatic examination was con- ducted by a physician It the jail, this morning: indicating n. distressing men- tal condition. for which the patient will receive care and kindly attention. Fears occasioned among women resi- dents of Richmond Hill, will be allayed following the apprehension and removal to Toronto Jail. Tuesday night. of a young man residing in the village. PHONE 53 Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Findlay and family wish to thank their many kind friends and nvighhm-s for their kindness and beautiful finral tributes in the loss of a dear won and brother, Benn, November 11, 1925. Fears of Women Now Allayed [Quality Shoppe Siik Hosiery, Scarves, Ribbon, Novelties, Fan: Brass and China Ware, Toys, Silk Handkerchiefs and Ties, Under-the~Arm Bags, Children’s Purses, and many other things suitable for gifts. ASK US ABOUT WINTER UNDERWEAR --â€"â€" Do Your Christmas Shopping Here From now until after Christmas the store will be open every week day and evening, including Wed- nesday. HILL-HENDERSON School Report ALL WELCOME MRS. NORMAN BATTY CARD 0F THANKS SPECIAL LINES FOR CHRISTMAS TRADE - COURTESY SERVICE - Dry Goods, Millinery, Ladies’ Wear, Fancy Goods and Novelties. EEIT'CTBALMCK, mm a : R1CHMOND;HILL ):‘ . 9qu A E31: JONES LUMBER C0 CIqu mm was lll'SD posted up in my ulfice at the Vill-ige 01' Richmond Hill, «In the 25th day of Nmembel‘ 1925, and renmins there fur inspection. Eic-ctms are calls-d upm. to examine the said List. and if any (imissions or any other enurs are flint d therein ta take immediate prom-«dings to have the said errm-s corrected : wording to law. A. J. HUME. Clerk of the said Municipality. Dated this 27th day of Nov. 1925. 22-23 NOTICE is hereby giVPn that l have transmitted or delivered to the persons mentioned in Svctions Eighl and Nine of the Ontario "Vuters’ Lisl Act." the Copies quuii-ed by said sec: lions to lo transmitted or delivered 01 the List, [nude pursuant In said Act: of all persunsappenl-ing by the last Rev vised AsseSsmenn Rull of the said Municipality at Elections for_ mem- bers nf the Lugislalive Aisembly and uh Municipal Elections; and thnt the said List was first posted up in my PHONE 27 BUILDERS SUPPLIES {ough andr ‘ ‘ Hardwood Flooring Pine Lalrh Dc Cedar Shingles S iiccfings Gypn Far paper Wallbo Bui ding paper] because she appreciates valuesâ€"because she‘} like the simplicity, the faithfulness,theall-ronnd performance of C ente Street East VOTERS’ IST, 1925 Municipality of the Village of RICHMOND HiLL Model COUNTY OF YORK ;._., TREN CH BLOCK Doors Sash Gyprock Wall board

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