For referencesâ€"Ilead Ofï¬ce, Toronto. Bank of "Monueal. or your local bunker. Esmblished for over thirty years. contain no Butter Fat must be free We supply cans and pay express charges. We pay daily by express money orders, which can be cashed anywhere without any charge. Chlnese Expert In Jade. The Chinese, as a result of Illany generations of experience, are the most expert jade carvers in the world. of you, my angel!" "I fear We cannot suit your angel,†said the saleswoman ï¬nally. “We have nothing in xhe way of a halo.†The patient saleswoman brought out the seventeenth hat- The customer seemed im‘pu‘essed, but her doting hus- band spoke up with decision. “That hat does not become you, my angel.†The saleswoman showed another. "Ari that, certainly, is not worthy Her Chumâ€"“Quite impossible, my dear!†Sheâ€"“So you think it would be un- wise for me to marry a man with less brain than myself?" The Japanase way of bidding adieu is to flourish a slipper in the air. In certain South Sea. Islands the lover‘s method of expressing a farewell con- sists of clasping his sweethearts ankles; while in Otaheite a man tak- ing leave of a womaï¬ twists her skirt till it becomes like a piece of rope: With the Fijians saying “good-bye is quite a ceremony. Men and women carry red feathers, which they pro- duce before parting and place in the form of a cross. The signiï¬cance of this 18 that, although they must now tear themselves away fvrom éach other’s presence, their paths hrving once crossed, their hearts will for ever be in unison. WE WANT CHURNING The Turks cmss their hands on their breasts and bow. . T0 grasp and shake vigorously one mother's necklaces before parting is etiquette! in the South Sea Islands, where the men as well as the women wear these ornaments. The lack of sufï¬cient red, health- fiving blood does not end merely in pale faces and lustrelees eyes. It is much more serious. Bloodless people Ire the tired, languid, run-down folk who have no enjoyment in life. They have heut pairpitation, headaches and backachee, no appetite, sometimes {aiming opens, and always nervousâ€" ness. Just a little more rich, red blood and these troubles vanish. To get this new, rich, red blood Dr. Williame’ Pink Pills are just the thing you need. That is why these pille have a world-wide reputation as a. blood and nerve tonic. Among those who have proved the truth of these statements Lil Miss Annie M. Blonski, Woodbridxe, Man. who says:â€"â€"â€""l became very weak and nervous, had pains in my side and back and suirered from frequent nick headaches. I was hardly able to do anything about the house and would awake with a start at night, with my heart pounding violently. It I walked upstairs I would be breathless and my heart would flutter rapidly. I used doctor's medicine but it did not do me any permanent good. Then I wad ad‘ vised to take Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills and decided to try them, and I can only say that they did wonders for .mio. I am now well and strong again and able to do all my work, and this is all due to Dr. ‘Willlams’ Pink Pills. I have recommended the pills to others who have taken'them with equally good results." You can get the pills from your druggiet, or by mail ag 50 cents a box from The Du“. Willlm’ Medicine 00., Brockvme, Ont. To obtain the (op price, Cream Bowes C1 PURE RICH BLOOD MEANS GOOD HEALTH Other People’s Good-Eyes. ves Company Toronto it Means Bright Eyes, Red Lips and Rosy Cheeks. She Was the Limit. No from ba than Halo 30 Per cent imited, DVOI'S an Singing has long been advocated as an aid to healthfulness of body. The physical reactions of an exercise which energis‘ics alike the brain, the heart, and the lungs. would certainly seem to be beneï¬cial. Gvretry, the eighteenth century French Composer, once said: “I placed three ï¬ngers of my right hand on an artery and sang an air to the tempo of my pulse. Then I sang with great ardor an air in a dixerent tempo, and I distinctly felt my pulse kuickening or slackening its action to accommodate itself by de- grees to the new tempo." The physi- cal condition of most Of the famous singers. too, is impressive testimony to the value of singing in this regard of its healthfulness. Even the some- timas too exuberant physique cf the prime donna may fairly be quoted in support of the claim. A public meeting, strictly speaking, is a meeting called by a citizen or a number of citizens to discuss a matter of public interest. And a Fine Fellcw to Boot. Mabelleâ€"“Father, don't you think Jack a handsome man?†Dad (STimIY)-â€Oh. yewâ€"and a ï¬ne fellow to boot." But as family names developed the spellings of “Taylzer†and “Tassler†became confused with the many varia- ‘tions of Taylor, of which “'l‘alyer,†'Taylieuur" and “Taillour†were ex- amples. ' The “Parmentier†was simply an- other name, of Norman origin, for the man who made clothes out of cloth, old spellings of which were “parinlnter,†"parmentetr" and “parmitar.†There Lia branch of the Clan Cameron of Scotland which uses the name of Taylor, but in the form “Mac- Man-taillear" (descendants of the "milor") from “Tail-lear-dubh-na- tuaighe†(The\Black Taylor of the Axeâ€"17th bentury‘. This, of course, Pimplea come from blood (Hat's not just right. Ifyou want to get rid of facial blemishe; try Seigci'a Syrup. Any drug store. . or that of the_“tase1ér," the latter word being new extinct, though strangely enough the industry, or rather, process in the textile industry which it represents, is carried on to- day by means of the same sort of thistle or burr from which the occu- pation took its name. The “tzil,†“tasel,†"teasel" or “tassel†was used to scratch the surface of cloth in or- der to produce a nap. It is still used to-day. though machinery is used in the opplicatian. Here are two family names which are the sole surviving forms generally met with in this country of a group which at one time embraced a great number of variations. There are two sources for the name of Taylor, and one for that of Parmen- tier. Originally the name of Taylor was dscriptive of the occupation of the person to whom it was applied, the calling being either that of the tailor Varlatlonâ€"Parmcntler. Raclal Orlglnâ€"English. SOUFCHAD Occupation. It is understood that more orders are to be placed by Mr. Wilson and other Canadian importers in the near 'Dhese horses are noted for their stamina, speed and beauty. Long slim bodies, wiry tapering Lego, there is in them the heart of the hunter who never gives up. Thomas Lawton, o"? Cork, has shipped tour specially selected Irish horses recently, by the Canadian Paciï¬c liner Metagama, the second shipment to Canada within the last few months. These horses were purchased by Hugh Wilson. of Oakville, Ontario, one of the largest importers in Canada~ Hunting seem to be exactly the thing, and in Canada this sport is becoming more popular each succeeding year. Strong, powerful horses, known as Irish hunters, are being brought here for that. purpose. 7 When the trees are bare, days begin to get shorter and cooler, the ground is covered profusely with brown and mason-ed. leaves, and an atmosphere of content- ment seems to settle down. The hurried frenzy for summer sports is allowed to subside. There is a uni- versal desire for “something diflerent." But there is another thing which is due to bring the little island to the attention of every country in the world where the thrill of the chase and the Clarion call of the horn on still, 0001 countrysides in autumn have a place in the heart of t_he people. _ Singing and Health. TAYLOR. Surnames and Their Grigin Fine Hunters From the Emerald Isle “If there be a pleasure on earth which angels cannot enjoyâ€"it is the power of relieving distress."â€"Co1ton. It is gone, this butterfly As I turned the 111]] f0] Tell me, inmds, I cry, “You have lost,’ ’th “Youth.†What came up the t When I reached the Still about me eerie Like a rainbow was Tinkling as it came a In its heart the song In its eyes the dawn Merry, menry all the What came up the hill with me Utterly and gladly gay? Laughing joyous all the wayâ€" Was it then some mystic fey? ' The clan is an offshoot, an ancient one, of the O’Neills, of Tyrone, found- ed by a Chieftain named “Cathan†(meaning “warriorâ€) in the twelfth century. But the tendency of the English- trained tongue and throat is to slur, and since It is the second syllable of "Cathaln" that is accented,‘ most of the Anglicized versions simply slur out the ï¬rst vowel sound and the aspirate, and make one syllable of it. Whether ‘spelled with a “C†or a “K,†or an "a" or an "al," the usual pronunciation 15 “cane†_in English, though that of “keen†is not unusual; in which case, the spelling “ea†in used. As a matter of fact, however, this change of ‘cnne" to “keen†la a development in English of Comparativer modern times, and it was probably ï¬rst pronounced in Eng- ljsh as “cane.†It 103]“; like an index to a whole encyclopedia of family names; but it's just one surname, in its many variations. There are few Irish clan names which have given rise to so many variations of spelling, and even pronunciation, when transrlater into English, as that_of “O’CathainJ' Of all the Angliclmad forms, prob- ably the one that strikes the closest to the Gaelic pronunciation of "O’Caâ€" thaJn†is O’Cahaine or O’Ca‘hane. O'KANE Variationsâ€"Kane, Kean, Keane, Keen, Kyan, O'Caln, O'Calne, O'Cane, O'Canane, O'Cahalne, O'Cahan, O'Caen, O’Chane, O’Kean, Cane, Cain, Calne. Cahane, Cahalne, Ga- han, Gethan. Racial Origlnâ€"lrlsh. . Sourceâ€"Given Name. merely traces back to the English word. Write we; 75; #1555 5w}; Eéiahteo 7 thegz flar a week ahead paw-SHIP US YOU/2M BUITERAND FEATHERS Llsuyuauru vyurw4 Qrgqotan: Market 39 "WE Bur/nu. YEAR ROUNB P. PQU'LIN («x CO~ilï¬ï¬Ã©D mh'uhorl a...» tn vm Turn of the Hill. me along song of M‘ awn of day the way. hlll'with 3 top it at 1e meyed 3 arrayed forsooth â€"Geocrge Elliston z, "the truth": the; whisper tuture. (1) Shows hunters out for an airing before beâ€" ing led to the sheds. (2) Horses» being loaded on board the. anaxl‘lan Paciï¬c liner Metagama in special box crates Manned! 11 me? stayed 3? It is an excellent su‘lver cleaner. Stand the silver in hot water with two or three teaspooniuls of borax for two hours, then Nose and wipe dry. It will, it added to boot polish or black- lead, improve the lustre greatly, and, of course, a teaspoonful added to the starch on washing days prevents» the iron sticking and puts a beautiful gloss on oollam and cuffs, etc. Borax has many useful purposes. A teaspoonful put in the rinsing ‘water when washing the hair makes it silky and bright, and also gets rifot dand- rufl It is also a good moth powderâ€" an antiseptic, too, for sinks, etc. It cleans glasswork, and especially‘those horrible narrow-necked carafes, also softens warteq'. Baby‘s Own Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by man at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams’ Mgdlcine; Co., Brockville, Ont. " Concerning Baby‘s Own Tablets, Mrs. John A. Patterson, Scotch Vil- lage, N.S., ways:â€"â€""I have six children, and all the medicine they ever get is Baby‘s Own Tablets. I would use nothing else for them and can strong- ly recommend the Tablets to all other mothers." No other medicine is of such aid to mothers of young children as is Baby's Own Tablets. The Tablets are the very best medicine a. mother can give her little ones during the dreaded teething time because they regulate the stomach and bowels and thus drive out constipation and indiges- tion; prevent oolic and diarrhoea and break up acids and simple fevers. To All Mothers Having Young Children in the Home. BABY’S mum} ARE 0F GREAT VALUE] Keep Some Borax Hancly. Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for Colds Headache Neuralgia Lumbago Pain Toothache Neuritis Rheumatism As irin is tne trnde mnrk (resist rod in Canal) of Bayer Manufacture of ac demo: or Salicylicacid (Aceul allayuc Add. “A. S. A.â€). Whiio it is that Aspirin mans Bayer manuacture, to aniat the public aglinst imitations. of Bayer Company wil: be stamped with their tenors! trade mark, tin "h. DOES NOT AFFECT THE HEART Handy “Bayer†boxes of 12 tablets Also bottles of 24 and lOOâ€"Druggists. whï¬icï¬ï¬coï¬tiai‘ns pwroven directions Accegt on]! “Bayer†Egg; }The tree that never had to ï¬ght 7For sun and sky and air and light. l'l‘hat stood but in the open plain, [And always got its share of ram. Never became a forest king. But lived and died a scrubby thin. The man who never had to 0011, Who never had to win his share 01’ sun and sky and light and air, Never became a manly man, But lived and died as he began. Good timber does not grow in ease: The stronger wind, the tough-er trees. The farther sky, the greater length, The more the mac-m. the more the strength; ,By sun and cold, by rain and snows, In tree or man good timber grows. ‘ Where thickegvt stands the lorest l unas- md Ill 1155'. 782 El: m T U D E 1‘ k 110mm. 8:100]. 40 m1! uoune, Qunll wcakl mantle! equivalent m probaunnnry cl unu'onns AM And Sevtembc Nursing. Nun m A teach oedved th mother of “Dear Si any more hnw Inn: Heels ;we_re ï¬rst put on shoes to prevent a horseman’s foot from slip- ping in the stirrup. “Hang it all!" said the practical! Tommy. “I got a. lecture for not tell-l mg the truth yesterday, and I ain't goâ€" I lug to run any risks to-day.†1' “Don’t you like me, dear?" came the second query. ‘fNo,’ ’ answered the boy quickly; “you’re uglyâ€"very ugi‘y." "Thomas!" moaned the boy's moth- er. "Aren't you Mhamed?†‘ “No, I don’t.†said Tommy, stepping back. Truth and Tommy. The youthful Thomas had been sub- jectedto a. strong lecture on the evils of telling untruths, and, strangely enough, he had for once taken lt to heart. But unfortunately it had rather a drastic result: - Thomas, with mi mother, had been paying a visit to a neighbou', and M the conclusion of the evening the lady of the house had held out her arms to the little boy and cooed: growth We ï¬nd the patriarch of both, And they hold cameras with the stats Whose brok-en branches show the scars 01' many winds and much of strifeâ€"- This in the common law of Hie. Keep Mlnard‘a Linimcnt handy. Coughs and Colds Mean ,Restless Nights m m “Don't you want to kiss me, Tom The Common Law. The same good tea for 30 years. Try it! If you’d like a little better tea than you are using, please try “Red Rose†Mononcctlc the Tumets 00° as gwd ma†'e the [ oe‘lved the ton-0mg letter mm the mother of one of his punks: aws. "Dear Simâ€"Please don’t give Charlie WS- any more homework. That sum about forest Lhow long would it take a man to walk forty times round‘ Trafalgar Square caused his father to lose a whole day’s I Sta-r! work. Then 'Whe'n he’d, walked it you V 318 ! marked the sum wrong." Spring Valley, Sask.-â€"“I took th; Vegetable Compound before my last‘ conï¬nement, when 1 got to feeling so badly that I could not sleep nights, m back ached so across my hips, and could hardly do my work during the day. Inever ha such an easy conï¬nement and this is my sixth baby. I read about Lydia E. Pinkham’s Ve etable Com- pound in the ‘Farmer’s elegram ' and wrote you for one of your books. we have no druggist in our town, but I saw our medicine in T. Eaton’s catalogued am a farmer’s wife, so have all kinds of work to do inside and outside the house. My baby is a nice healthy girl ‘ who weighed Lnine pounds at birth. i am feeling ï¬ne after putting in a largef garden since baby came. gShe is as‘ good as she can be.) Yours Is the best medicine for women, ‘and I have told about it and even written to my friends about it.†â€" Mrs. ANNIE E; AYARS, Sprin Valle , Sask. ! Ly a E. inkham’s Vegetable Com- Sprin Valle , Seek. 9 Ly a E. inkham’s Vegetable Com- pound ia an excellent medicine for ex« pectant mothers, and should be taken durin the entire period. It has agen~ eral e ect to strengthen and tone up the entire system so that it may work in every respect as nature intends. All g‘ruggiste sell this dependable medicine. _ L___‘-‘ Letter from Mrs. Ayars Telli How Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compoung' ’ Helped Her Giv‘é‘it a trial. T0 EXPEBTANTf- MGTHERS think.â€"â€"Byron T U D E N '1’ NURSES WANTED. NASSAU k 110mm, munch. Long Island. Mata-e4 8:100]. (0 minute. from Now York. 2 years 4 month! course. Qualiï¬ed Inmate“. loam director. Thus mam manna nnnunlh. One you ï¬ll equivalent mun-ed. A15 18 m 35 l probationary tam, anownnce cl $26.00 a uniform: And bookn. Clumsy entering And September 14m. Adan-en: Priming Nurnnu. Nunu Hospital. Mhuola. Lona A teacher in London East-mad A drop of ink may make a million “I head about Cuticura Soap and Ointment and sent {or a free sample. After using it a few times I got relief so purchased more, and nher using about {our cakes of Cuticura Soap and three boxes of Cuticura Ointment I was healed." (Signed) Miss Dorothy Welsch, Dare, No. Bah, July 16, 1924. Use Cuticura Soap. intment and Talcum for daily toilet purpose» Bmplo Bach Fm b mu. Addrfrpcunudian Depot: “Bumbagâ€. museums. :lu, Soap 25;. {Human Zn and 506. Talch 250. " My (rouble started by little plm» plea coming out on my face and me back of my head. After a few weeks the pimples scaled over and the itchln and burning were some- thing tanglexausing me to snatch. I rest rem a: night because of the irrkation. 26c: Oinbmnt 25 and We. Tannin 2570‘ W Culicum Shevhfl 511d: 25:. Itching and Burning Ter- rible. Cuticura Heals. Classiï¬ed Advertisements wï¬ um OVENS. WRITE FOR CATALOGUI And III: of um ovum Hubbud 0m Cour 782 King Wat. Tom PIMPLES UN FACE AND HEAD ARGLE Your throat every morn- ing with Minard'a in water and prevent colds. Doing Homework. NunsEs‘ \uu'rtn. 7. One you Hm: School or Age 18 to 85 yam Arte! tunes 0! 825.00 a mm. 3130 (‘llssus emeran MW 1‘ a, Bohdol or 30