ï¬im‘t‘gage Investments THOR NHILL POULTR Y, FARM THORNHILL POULTRY FARM ET 1): ti“ your mdor for huildvrs L supplies. Prices right and a 53195 conduet that will make it a. plea- .mm for you to do business with this rerliable house. Suburban Yonge Real Estate Phone 133 Westinghousess PRICES WITHIN EASY REACH For $35.00 upward we can supply you with a Westing- house Set. Ask us to demonstrate this set at your owu home or at our Showroom and to show you the Westing- house-Brandes Loud Speaker, Brandes Head Sets or Phonograph Attachment. Westinghouse Radiola V. IUCHMOND HlLL BRANCH Investments The Imperial Bank wishes to be helpful in éhe furtherance of its clients’ interests. A Bond Department has been established for the pur- pose of'buying and selling the highest class of securities for our customers. T he Bond Department will be glad to advise you through the Manager of our nearest Branch. IMPEREAL BANK L. INNES & SONS The Radiola 111. is the ideal set for farm use and the ideal Christmas Gift. It brings in all the good programs, and is so simple to operate that anyone can get good results with scarcely any instruction. On thousands of Canadian farms Radiolas are a source of enjoyment every night. We can place your money at 7 per cent. on First-class Mortgages from $1,000 to $2,000. \Clients waiting and no commission. J.‘ J. DUGGAN We pay the highest prices for aid hens and young cachereis, live. KlCflmï¬ï¬ï¬‚ are near you, why not deal at home ? STOP 15, YONGE STREET Telephone Willowdale W- 16. Richmond Street OF CANADA ~ ‘ - A. T. MlNNli‘. Manager. JOHN H. DUNLOP & SON FLORISTS RICHMOND HILL, ONT We solicit orders for cut flowers for all occasions, which will be promptly and carefully ï¬lled. 32 FOR CHRISTMAS! RADEOLA We’ll be glad to demonstrate right in your own home w'lyfl -_._.~~m-- ‘A- . A . Graduatés are almost daily moving uuL into ï¬ne nl‘ï¬ct‘ [)nSlLiUnS at, way good suluries. Om' lepumï¬un fur thorough training and competent px'nducts brings many culls from employer-3‘ Business is gvtling hel- ter every day. Get ready, Write us. P. McIntosh. Manager Dept. N., 46 Bloor \Vest, Tm-umo. tffe ‘WESTINGHOUSE can do. SHAW SCHOQLS GIVE A Willowdale York County And District The old Temfierance Hall at Laskay will be reopened Tuesday, December 8. Under the auspices of the Laskay Women’s Institute the play “Nothing to D0†will be presented by the Am:~ ora Dramatic Club. Hon. E. G. Davis will preside. Among those who will take part are Archie McCallum, J. M. Walton, .Aubrey Davis, and J. M. O’Brien. 'On the following Thurs- day, December 10, the Women’s Instiâ€" tute will hold a bazaar in the Hall. Mr. Phili; formerly of em Hospita‘ Querrie, w_h cam tum Farmer .V 51m:â€" movement in On staunch supporter Wilmot of Noxth was no recent rec in the service, 11 living in Fronten the 01d Patron (1: Ymm'z‘er plavers war for the annual meeting market Hockey Club. San. Deleg vention, th: Dr. K. H. VanNorman, a former Keswick boy, has been appointed as superintendent of the three hospitals grouped around the campus of the Western Reserve University at Cleve- land. Dr. VanNorman is a graduate (if the University of Toronto and took Anv one interested in raising fowl may have some of the latest books on »Ihe subject from the Provincial Travel- ling Library,by coululting the librar- man. a postgraduate course at the Toronto General Hospital. He served during the war with theCanadian Army Med- ical Service. id Local brethren will be interested in the announcement that the corner- stone of ‘York Masonic Temple will be laid by the most wonhipful. the granl master, John A. Rowland‘ Elq., assist- ed by the grand lodge officers. at Eglin- ton Avenue on Saturday afternoon. December 5. at 3.30 p m. NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to Section 56. R. S. 0. 1914, Chapter 171. and Amending Acts, that all credith and others having claims or demands against the Estate of William ankey, who died on m- uliuut, the 5th day of Nuvvmhnr. 1925. are required on or hsâ€" forethe 26m day of December, 1925. to send by post, prepaid or deliver to (he undersigned, their Christian names and surname-s, addresses and descrip- tions, the full particulars in writing of their clwims. and H19 nature (if the se- curitv. ifany. held by them. In the matter of th» Estate of WILL- 1AM LACKEY, late of ihe Township of Vaughon‘ in the Ununty of York, La hm Pr, dereased. AND TAKE NOTICE that after such last mentioned date, the said Executor will procepd to distribute the assets among the parties ancitled thereto. having regard only to the claims of which he has then received notice. and that he will not be liable to any DEISHn of whuse claim notice has not, been reCeived at the time of sud) distribuL- inn. Dated at Toronto. this 24th day of November, 1925.7 ' 22â€"23-24 In thr- nmiter of the Estate of JOHN' HENRY GEORGE KINNEE, late of the Township of Vaughan, in the County of York, d‘eceased. _ NOTICE is hereby given that; all persons having anymlaims or demands against the late JOHN HENRY GEORGE KINNEE, who died on or about the llth day of May, 1925, at, the Township of Vaughan, in the County of York, are required to send by pust prepaid or de- livur m the undersigned, solicitors herein for Motley J. Kinneo, executor and truétve under the will of the said John Henry George Kinnee. their names and addresses and full particul- ars in writing of their claims and statewentanf their nccnunts and the nature of the securities, if any, held by them. AN D TAKE NOTICE that after the TWenchlfnm'Lh day of December, 1925, the said Morley J. Kinnee. will pm- ceed tn distribute the assets of the said deceased among the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have had notice. and that the mid Morley], Kin- nee. will not be liable for the said as- svts or any ptu-t thereof to any pegsun of whose claim he shall nut then have received notice: Library Notes NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS tuber of Aurora, d ital on Thu; who was 72 ill some mor tal for four but went ba )U DFOO’I M. {i ates to the'O. H. A. C‘ > two managers. ,4 'm' onto this .. 1925. ', DUNCAN TISDALL. J. H. NAUGHTON, Exvcutor. 1N 'Illd he J He 26th day >d farm lost a lemot eteran while 3X in The bazaar held in Masonic Hall, Richmond Hill, last Friday and Satur- day, under auspices of Richmond Hill, Thornhill and Lansing Catholic Church was, as usual, a huge sucâ€" cess. On Friday owning there was a grand euchre, the prize Winners being Mr. Henry Esby and Miss Ella Young. The splendid fowl supper served on Saturday evening drew a large attendance. The follqwing were Catholic Church Bazaar Success large atte the winne Mrs. Jc zer se1‘v1c M13 D. Bag of 51 Miss H :1‘ic iron. Mr. R. 1PM“; Majpr Morrison, Superintendent of the Jail Farm at Langstafl’, Has just returned from Winnipeg, where he attended the ‘yconvention at which further steps Were taken to consoli- date the various veterans’ organiza- tions into “The Canadian Legion 'of the British Empire bervice/League,â€| of which Earl Haig is the head. 1 Major Morrison. who is First Vice- President of the Canadian Pensioners’ Association, and Past Dominion President of the Grand Army of United Veterans, states that a keen str‘Jggle for control of the new or- ganization developed at the Confer- ence, athough a great deal of im- portan work was accomplished. The den». ates representing various orâ€" gar"'ations, such as the Imperial Veterans, the Army & Navy Veter- an .md the Amputation ~Associa- tior. will report back on progress m Q mIIajor MorriSOn believes that the new organizatiOn will enroll a large number of men now unattached. He EGERTON YOUNG AWARDED PRIZE tionalr executive Vlajor Morrison 18 On 'EXBCUUVG Winner In Provincial C0m~ petition Brings Honor To Newtonbrook (Special to The Liberal) / Newtonbrook, Dec. 3.â€"â€"The Ladies’ Aid of the United Church held a suc- cessful bazaar on Wednesday after- noon, November 25th, in the Sunday School room of the Church . The event was opened by Mrs. (Hon.) G. S. Henry, with a large crowd in attend- ance. Many hand-made articles were sold, among them being an autogra- phic quilt, containing over ï¬ve hun- dred names, which was sold by auc- tion to Mrs. O. D. Bales for $18.00. A bountiful supper and a good pro- gram were provided by the ladies. Miss Mary Smith, of Toronto, sang several solos, which Were very much appreciated. Miss Marjorie Lewis, violinist, and Mrs. Lew. Hicks, soloâ€" ist, also assisted with the program. It is\a pleasure to announce that Mr. Egerton Young has won the pro- vincial prize for his assay on “As a Citizen, What Attitude Should I take Towards the Drinking of Alcoholic Liquors?†His Newtonbrook friends extend to him their hearty congratuâ€" lations. Mr. George and Miss Edna Street, and also Mr. Stanley Cox, have re- turned from the West this Week. They enjoyed themselves thoroughly in the West. Rev. A. A. Wall, of Richmond Hill, occupied the pulpit here last Sunday morning. Hockey is not going very fast just yet, but an effort is being made to have a hockey cushion at Newtonâ€" brook this season. The Inter-church League will possibly be renewed this winter, and if so a strong team, it is hoped, will come from here. if Fowl Supper Held At Hope Maple, Dec. 3.â€"â€"The old-time fowl supper in the United Church at Hope, was a success in every way. After supper was served an excellent pro- gram was given, and upwards of $200 was realized. evening \ (Special to The Liberal) The Junior Auxiliary of St. Steph- en’s Church intend holding a bazaar in the Masonic Hall next Saturday Offers to pux'chuse will be received for the Curtis farm. being 675 acres of the west half of Lot 17. Concession 2, Markham, close to Richmond Hill and Thornhill; good wads, Len mom solid it was The Conservative ladies of Maple aï¬pdihted as a member of the naâ€" IcQuillen, Maple~Live turl‘ W. Riddell, Thornhillâ€"Set sugar Helen FARM FOR SALE '11 Rumble, Richmond Hill rdm of prizes Whelan, 1H )rrlson. who IS f the Canadxan 101' 2m m in char |f pl‘lZ€ in any fl‘ersonâ€"Barrel of ang Mépleâ€"Elec 5, the ‘ way air the d‘i-ivin u re II lnC AII’ 8h f0 T.H Messrs.‘ T. A. Cousins, J. B. Mcâ€" Lean, W. 0. McDonald, J. T. Saigeon, Carl Saigeon and T. H. Keys attended the \Varden’s Supper at the King Ed- ward Hotel last Week. PROFESSXONAL GRADYATE OF OWEN A_ SMILEY STUDIO. 1C 14(‘DCU'FI()N ' MISS Marguerite Boyle SALE OF WOOD LENN â€" At their home, Richmond Hill. Thursday, NnveI-ubm"19, to Mr and Mrs, (n‘r. H. Glenn, .1. son. Dun- Uplands Colf and Country Club Ltd. THORNHILL Friday, December 11, 1925 CONCERT ENTERTAINER AND TEACHER Address d Niel) ViCinit Boyle Studio ‘ LARGE QUANTITY OF Pine, Oak, Beech, Maple, Etc. in 12 feet lengths ALSO 300 Cord of Fire Wood D! nity are making preparations reception and banquet to Col. annox, on Friday evening next. OF CANADA RICHMOND HILL BRANCHaW. G. Bedford, Manager THORNHILL BRANCHâ€"S. B. Elson, Manager STAN DARD BAN K BANKING FIFTY YEARS lone THORNHILL Telephone This will be sold in convenient lots at BIRTHS PRENTICE CREDIT. AUCTION Bring War Maturing Loan Bonds To Us the v Branches also at Aurora, Lansing N behalf of the Dominion Govern- ment; We will redevm. free of charge. \Vnr‘me Bonds maturing on De- )er First. ' Ige your bonds now with this h. We will pay ynn cash or deposit wine nf your bonds to your credit, u prefer. AT 1.30 RM. THE PRENTFCE REAL ESTATE $3200 $3000 $6200 $600 FINGHS AND YONGE ST. FOR PARTICULARS ABOUT THESE AND OTHER PROPERTIES ‘Wm. Brotherton, The Richmond Hill Furnishing Store Ties at $1.00 The latest in Shirts with collar to match qt $2.50 Fancy Sweaters at $5.00 Men’s Fall Hats from $3.50 to $5.00 Agent for the House of, Hobberlin REAL ESTATE INSURANCE Norman J. Glass J. R. Herrington Phone Willowdale 63 J See our special linezof ouses For Rent Investment Securities Loans and Insurance OFFICE PHONE RESIDENCE PHONE an, nub ichmond Hill, Ont. Dandy Unttngp, Large Lot, “rater and Electrio. Gond Cellar. Brick mante}, Hard- wood Floors.I Nico Bugulmv é Acre Lot \Vntox- and Electric. Large Kitcheï¬ Cabinet. I'lax‘dwond Floors. ‘ ‘ (i Rnnme, Solid Brick, Hard- wnm] Upsmirs and Down. All conveniences. Come‘and see this if you want a. good hume, Acre Lots and Market Gur- den Lam]. _ Per Foot. 160 Deep. \Vuter and Electric. " OME AND EOHEEIS and Sale LOANS 11M