'or your ready reference. It shows you how you can make an easy round .rip with plenty of time to enjoy the best‘ pictures Toronto offers. For a good night's fun you can’t beat a run down to the Capitol, North Toronto’s pala- ;ial playhouse, on the Hydro Railway’s “Theatre Special," and a Yonge car 0 the doors. Like this: ï¬rst Show ........ ' 9.25' T3154 9.38 tecond Show‘ ...... 11.10 11.19 11.23 *Another car leaves daily at 12.00 o’clock ‘irst Show ....... Lécond Show 5 TUBE K IN G RADIO Coming: Thursday, Friday and Saturday, December 17, 18, 19 5‘!" “\ wwwï¬m “Wag; ‘ Graustark’ 10, 11, 12 “Theatre Special†Time Table Comedy: “A Winning Pair†“Sporting Life†Comedy: “Sundown Ltd.†and Saturday December Thursday Vol. XLVIII. Covering Canada’s Best Suburban District NORTH TORONTO Friday AND Eugene O’Brien Leave Toronto Terminal Richmond Lang- Thorn- Hill staff hill 6.10 6.20 6.22 8.00 8.10 8.12 RETURNING Leave V THEATRE YONGE AT CASTLEFIELD AAnve Kings- dale apitol Leave Lang staff GOING a 14, 15, 16 Arrive Newton brook Leave Thorn hill Monday Tuesday Wednesday December Call and see these popular sets-"have one insiaile§ in your home. on approval. COmplete line of Radio Supplies. Leave Newton bmok 6.30 8.20 Arrive Thorn~ hill 11:33 with Arrive Lang- staE Leave Kings dale 6.35 8.25 9.50 11.35 HALL’S SERVEE STATEGN Arriva Richmond Arrive 'I‘oromo Termmal “In Essentials, Unity; In Non-essentials, Liberty; In All Things, Charity.†Hm 10.00 11.45 6.45 RICHMOND HILL, ONT., THUREAY, DECEMBER 10, 1925 The Board of Education. Proposed y D. Resï¬p_on_se, D1} Eangstaï¬. The Press. Proposed by R. En- dea_r_1. IfesppnseLR. F. Choate. The Laaies. 'Propose’diwayâ€"V J. H. Naughton. Response, G. Moodie and Peter Savage. Mr. H. A. Nicholls, with a fund of apt anecdote and reminiscence, per- formed admirably the duties of toastmaster, and Mr. WilliamDavies at the piano led the choruses, which were interspersed “ivh the toasts. The toast list was as follows: The King. The Village Council. Proposed by W. W. Trench. Response, Council- lors Lunau. McLeaJl, Pugsley and Greene. VOur Village Clerk ’ariuir Proposed by Batty. Response, A J. Hume. Members of th Council made the dinner the occasion for the presenta- tion to Mr. Trench of a diamond stick pin and a smoking set. With a few apprbpriate words, Mr. W. H. Pugsley, the oldest member of the Council, and Mr. James McLean, handed to Mr. Trench the tokens of esteem. Marking the occasion of his retire- ment after twenty-eight years in municipal service, Reeve Thomas H. Trench on Friday evening last enter- tained his fellow-members of the Council and a number of other citi- zens at a dinner at his home. His sis- ter, Miss Trench, assisted by Mrs. Hume, as hostesses, took care of the guests with graciousness and charm- ing hospitality. About a score in all assembled at the dinner, which was followed by progressive euchre. Rev. A. A. Wall spoke briefly. A mixture of badinage and lauda- tory remarks in serious vein testiï¬ed to the esteem in which the junior farâ€" mers hold Mr. R. J. Rogers, District Agricultural Representative at New- market, and Mr. H. K. McCharles, assistant, both of whom made a. few remarks. The reception committee consisted of Miss Grace Duncan; Miss Mar- garet Watson; Mrs. James Richards; Mr. Robert Watson; Mr. Elton Arm- strong, and Mr. Clarence Graham. Mr. James McLean was among the occupants of the speaker’s table, and among the men prominent in munici- pal afl’airs present were Reeve Gohn, of Markham; Reeve Weldrick, and Peputy Beeve__Kellam_ o_f _Vaughan. A vocal 5010 was charming; 3:1]- dered by Miss Margaret McCague, of Richmond Hill, and a pleasing duet by Misses Cosford and Wood of Aurora. In presenting a beautiful silver set, won by Harry Ratcliï¬'e of Stoufl’ville, A. J. H. Eckhardt of Toronto re- counted interesting incidents of early days in Markham Township. A silver service was also presented to Gordon Weldrick of Maple. J. P. McGregor of Toronto presented the trophy won by Clark Torrance of Weston. To Garnet Cowie of Markham goes the prize presented by J. F. Fleury‘s Sons, Aurora. The Manning Doherty cup won for the permanent possession of York County this year by Donald Petch, Clarence Graham and Fraser Geo reâ€" poseq upon the head '_cabl_e. Tribute' 'ere paid in the addresses to the unprecedented victorie:. scozmi en’suCCessiveï¬ï¬Whï¬mananal Plowing Match in Brockville by thyd Steckley 9f Gprmley. Reeve Trench Host At Dinner Russell Boynton, of Victoria Square, proved an excellent toastmaster. Earl Toole, proposing the toast to “Our Guests,†gave a thoughtful talk oh the progress of the Junior Farmer Move- ment. William Gardhouse responded. Sandy Latimer, of Sutton West, in happy vein, proposed “The Ladies,†bringing an equally happy response from Miss L. Carroll, of Woodbridge. Bert Roadhouse, Deputy Minister of Agriculture, spoke in an easy, infor- mal manner, presenting some interest- ing reminiscences. It would fall to his duty, he pointed out, to remind the minister that another trophy was re- quired “for the York County boys to carry off. JUNIOR FARMERS ENJOY BANQUET Enthusiasm Marks Speeches At “Victory Dinner†In Richmond Hill Farmers’ Movement in York County added zest to the Victory Banquet held Tuesday evening in the school room 0 fthe Methodist United Church, Richmond Hill, in honor of the boys who have recently won trophies in stock judging and plowing competi- tions. Optimistic messages which augur well for the future of the Junior About 125 young men and women from all parts of York County assem- bled for the dinner, which was daint- ily served by the members of the Ladies’ Aid. The determination of wide-awake Toronto citizens to insist upon early action in the matter, was made evident at a meeting of the North Toronto Ratepayers Saturday night. At this meeting the result of the vote taken by The hiberal was cited by Mr. G. W. Ellis and other speakers in the course of aniinteresting discussion, as reported in the Toronto newspapers. In thus bringing before the Toronto electorate an expression of Suburban Yonge’s opinion, The Liberal believes a real service has been done. While Toronto is primarily interested in the Hydro Radial deï¬cits of $250,000 a year, Suburban Yonge’s requirement. ï¬rst, last and all the time, is “BETTER RADIA SERVICE WITH LOWER FARES"â€"~in pressing for which The Liberal - lieves no occasion should be lost. The’aétion of the Council signiï¬es nothingâ€"save a period of delay. The pretext that;,fg‘rther information is desired deceives nobody. Both the Hydro and the T.T.C. ha've' m’ade reports. 'Nothinrofdmportance will be added by any 31' the §upermen who drew their salariggat the City Hall. ' Even the. Telegram admits that a cbndifigh c‘hréasggdâ€"s-ts with regard to Hydro Radiab which the successors of Sir Adam Beck will be in- capaple of_ remedying. The Council at a sï¬'evcial meeizing heldr Mb’h’d’a; the Mayor, refused to submit to the electors at New Year’s. Dr. Risk's pro- posed plebiscite question as to whether or not they favor transferring the York-Radish from the Provincial Hydro to Toronto Transportation Commis- sion control. ' ' ‘ ’ Notwithstanding the obstructionist tactics of the Soviet chiefs who con- trol the Toronto City Hall, the issue of “Better Radial Service, with Lowe! Fares†will be parried agggessivelx into the gaming m'uhicipal oampqign: mI,, n (Special to The Liberal) York Milis, Dec. Illâ€"A delegation fromthe York Mills Ratepayers As- sociatinn asked the North Ymk Coun- cil at Monday’s meeting if it cmlld he made possible that they should have garbage collected more than twice a year. The following ofï¬cers of the Thorn- hill Curling Club were elected last Friday evening at the Qlub’s annual meeting: Honorary PreSIdent, Mr. D. Boyle; President, R. Simpson; Vice- President, S. B. Elson; Secretary- '."reasurer, W. Riddell. Messrs. Fuller, Echlin and Teeson were elected man- agers for ‘the coming season. To in- terest the younger generation in the old Scottish game it was decided that the fee for juniors (under 20 years of age) would be $3 instead of the cus- tomary $5,to join the Club. (Special to The Liberal) Thornhill, Dec. 10.â€"â€"Hockey is off to a good start in this village, as last Monday evening saw the reorganiza- tion of the local club. The following ofï¬cers were elected: Honorary Presi- dents: G. H. Hooper and W. A. Dean; Vice-President, R. Wesley; Treasurer, S. B. Elson; Secretary, Neil McDon- ald. The Management Committee is com osed of Messrs. Pearson, Echlin, A. . Pearson, Johnson and Price. This‘committee will meet the Curling Club;to arrange for playing nights in the ‘present rink. Niel McDonald, Ross-.Wesley, S. B. Elson and “Sam†Johnsbn were appointed delegates to the meeting toâ€"day in Richmond Hill for the purpose of forming a league along the radial line. The Men’s Bible Class will hold their annual entertainment in the United Church on New Year’s evening. A "'..i “up;- was been organ- iZeu m the Village under the direction of Miss Sti'angways. We wish Miss Strangways great success in this splendid work. The ofï¬cers of the troupe are: President, Isabel Farr; Vice-President, Nora Johns; Secre- tary, Ila Brillinger; Treasurer, Gladys Hooper; Pianist, Marguerite Echlin; Assistant Pianist, Florence Wells. Friends will be pleased to learn that Mr. Stuart Willcox is recovering from the injuries received when struck by a motor car a few weeks ago. Praise Is Givep Quality Printmg Forward Move In York Mills Thornhill Will Send Dele- gates To Meeting In Richmond Hill HOCKEY CLUB IS ORGANIZED A well-known Torontonian who was among the guests at the Junior Farmers’ banquet, Tues- day, carried home in his pocket three of the souvenir menu cards printed in two colors on The Liberal presses. “It is an ex- cellent piece of typography and a credit to Richmond Hill." he ob- served. “Indeed, in quality it is seldom equalled at any of the banquets in the big downtown hotels. I'm sending a couple to friends." Wi\‘\in the last few weeks The Libural has executed printing commissions from a num- ber of distant points with uni- form satisfaction to our patrons. In QUALITY PRINTING, The Libefal Job Department étands ï¬rst in York County. “Better Service---Lower Fares x1, 44“ d 84, one of the of Ur.» Municipal Farm, Ens? week. Interment Lornhzrl cemetepyrv (Special to The Liberal) Willowdale, Dec. 10,â€"Action taken at Monday’s meeting of North York Council indicates that the Township may in the near future be empowered to construct a sewer system and dis- posal plant. In consequence of the widespread demand for sewers, Coun- cil instructed the solicitor to advertise the intention of the municipality to secure the necessary legislation. The Women’s Institute will be held week at the home of Mrs. H. Smith. (Special to The Liberal) Nobleton, Dec. 10,â€"At the meeting of King Township Council here a num- ber of accounts were passed. Payment of $1270 to George Courtney for erecting a fence on the Lloydtown road was approved. Council willmeet next at Sutton‘s Hotel, Schomberg, December 15. A number from here attended the banquet last Friday evening at Maple for Mr. Herbert Lennox. Miss Merle Tushingham of Humber- side spent the week-end with her friend, Miss Ella Whitmore. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Baggs attended the ï¬fteenth wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. C. Baggs at Woodbrid‘ge last Monday evening. - Sewer System For North York North York is now getting many beneï¬cial improvements. The lighting system is something to be proud of. Is it not time for a big forward move- ment backed unitedly by Suburban Younge interests? The Ladies’ Aid will meet next week at the home of Mrs. George Poole. Do not forget to come out and boost the Young People’s Society. The mem- bers report a splendid meeting last _ngnesday 'evening; ’ One of the ï¬rst Canadians to broadcast from an American station is Madam Audrie Rubanni, soprr' who was heard on the air last 2 evening from Station \V J, I Aeolian Hall, New Yorlr Rubanni is the wife 0?†' Cotton of Toronto. Sh( Bondhead, and was v; in Newmarket. Her prog Jed: Il Bacio (Arditi). Danz ick). and the Pattison Wal . jinn). She was soloist in sevex he T0- ronto churchesâ€"Newma Era. Madam Rubanni, broadcasting from station C.K.C.L., Prince George H0- tel, Toronto, Tuesday evening of this week, sang delightfully the same numbers and added two others, “Kerry Dance,†by Molloy, and “Fid- dle and I,†with violin obligatto by Mr. Howell. So well received were her numbers at Aeolian Hall that the Radio Cor- poration of America has invited her to present another programme there in the near future. The Council was confronted with a deputation of about 20 ratepayers ask- ing for a donation to the Beck Mem- orial Fund.†On motion by Second Deputy Reeve Scrace, seconded by Third Deputy Reeve Anderson, $700 was granted. J. J. Duggan is secre- tary of the local committee. (Special to TherLiberal) Edgeley, Dec. 10.-â€"A v eryenjoyable meeting was held last Friday evening in the ball when Mr. McCharles of Newmarket gave a very interesting lecture on “Poultry,†illustrated with moving pictures. York County Singer Charms Lecture Given In Edgeley KING COUNCIL SERVICES LED BY YOUNG MEN A meeting for the discudfli‘iï¬ ul‘ ohms for tha Yonge Snth Hockey Leawue, is being held in Richmond Hill this (Thursday) afternoon. Re- presentatives have been in‘ited to attend from Aurora, Sc nmherg. Richmond Hill, Thmnhill and Willow- dnle. Messls. Uecil Hui-dim: and Bert. Grunt, :ue representing the vil- lagP. Mr. Livingston nf the Hydro- Railways, is undelstnnd to be taking the initiative in walling [hp prelimin- .n-y lllPPting. Th? Riylmmnd Hill Club is holding a meeting tonight. Willowdale L.O.L. No. 277 held a Christmas Euchre, Friday, in the Municipal Hall. The turkey was won by Mr. McKechnie; the goose by Mr. Perry; pair of ducks by Mr. Fagafl, while a consolation prize of a goose went to Mrs. Curtis. The Lodge will elect ofï¬cers at a meeting Thursday. Single copy, 3 cents. Inspiring Talk on “Prepared- ness†is Given At Newtonbrook Hockey Club To Organize (Special to The Liberal) Newtonbrook, Dec. 10,â€"The Sunday night service here was conducted by the young men of the community. Mr. Robertson of Victoria College, gave an inspiring talk on “Preparedness.†Mr. Allan Young oï¬ered the opening prayer" and Mr. Robert Jack read the scripture. Three anthems were sung by the choir, composed entirely of young men. There was a good attend- ance. (Special to The Liberal) Willowdale, Dec. 10.â€"A very beau- tiful and inspiring missionary sketch entitled, “With Christ in Canada," was put on by the young people of Lansing: and Willnwde‘e "*“M Churches on Friday, December ' w Willowdale Unite-i Phnrrh. {he pageant Was\~-.Iep€ate(l 4m Tuu day, December 8, at Lansing Cm; Church. Following.- 3 prologue 1’: which seven you"; LN: clad in white and silver presenwu n. punter-um: the hymn, “0 Zion, Haste," Canada called forth characters representing the var- ious resources and bless“ ‘n~ ada. This was â€â€™ _‘ The Newtonbrook Christmas enter- tainment will be held on Friday, De- cember 18. One of a series of group workers' conferences now being held under the auspices of the York Township Sunday School Association. met in Willowdale United Church on Wednesday, Decem- ber 2. The President, Rev. W. S. Ir- win, of Downsview, occupied the chair. The address of the evening was given by Mrs. J. J. Eaton of Toronto, Hon. President of the Toronto School Re- ligion Education and a prominent: children’s worker. Other speakers were: Rev. Mr. Eagle of Fairbank; Rev. T. Pickett of Lansing; Mr. A. W. Galbraith of Newtonbrook, and Rev. Geo. Waugh of Willowdale. Pageant Given At Wlllowdale The Pollyanna Club met on Tuesday, December 1, at the parsonage. The work for the coming winter Was dis« cussed and as there was little busi~ ness to attend to the meeting was given over for a practice for the Christmas entertainment. The Ladies’ Aid met on Thursday, December 3, at Mrs. (Rev.) E. R. Young’s residence. r u-“ called the representa- _ives of the different nations to tell why they have come and what they seek. One by one they make their plea for Christ in Canada. The na- tions then pledge their allegiance to the cross. Those who took prominent parts were: Canada, Miss Kathleen Rice; China, Miss Winnie Rice; Japan, Mrs. Harry Vigrass; Hungary, Miss Dorothy Herridge; Italy, Miss Doro- thy Brown; Jewish, Miss Edna Vig'rass; American Indian, Miss Ethel Burton; The Church, Rev. Geo. Waugh; Religion, Miss Irene Grose; Democracy, Mr. T. Armstrong; In- dustry, Edgar Bishop; Wealth, Miss Dorothy Herridge; Education, Terry Hart; Invention, Leslie Hart. The regular monthly meeting of the Home and School Club will be held Tuesday next, December 15th, 1;; 8 p.m. A Christmas sketch will be put on by some of the parents. Miss Marjorie Lewis will also play a violin solo. Mrs. J. J. Eaton, of Toronto, who is a well known leader in chil- dren's work, will address the meeting. $1.50 per year in advance. No. 24