Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 10 Dec 1925, p. 5

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NOT BOASTFULLY' . BUT THANKFULLYâ€" PROFESSIONAL GRADUATE 0F OWEN A . SMILEY STUDIO. ' E L() CU’I‘ION MISS Marguerite Boyle Lakeside 5280 CONCERT ENTERTAINER AND “ACHER Address J. A. Greene Repairing,- Cleaning and Pressing at Reasonable All the latest styles and fabrics at reasonable prices We are especially well equipped at this seagon to take care of orders for quick delivery. TUXEDO and DRESS SUITS We handle the very best lines of Overcoats and Suitings and are ready at all times to quote prices certain to be attractive to you. LADIES! This is a year of Economy. What better Christmas gift for your husband than a new Suit or Overcoat .7 Boyle Studio Suggestions for Christmas If you will have laundry ready when driver Calls. yuu will assist us in giving good service. If you only have (1: iver cull \VhH) phoned for, Call up as early as cunVenienL to insult: pl (Impt attention. We enjoy the wonderful satisfaction of hav- ing achieved a family laundry service that is unique in the history of Toronto and distriCt. Our years of patient research work have made it possible for any house- wife to have the “fainily wash” done in five different ways---and at a price which is within easy reach of the most modest house- keeping budget. THORNHILL WE CALL IN RICHMOND HILL DISTRICT Wednesday and Saturday RICHMOND TAILORS Tilephonna â€"2 Telephone SJ or Residence 49W HALL’S SERVICE STATION Richmond Hill ROEâ€"At the Cornwall General Hos- pital, on Sunday, December 6, 1925 to Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Roe. e Order Early. 3 cents per copy. You'll want [some additional copies to send to your fdends Haridsome 4-page Cover in Colors on Calendered Paper. 175 Ossington Ave., Toronto 30 x 3 1-2 Rebuilt Tires $4.25 each while they iast Every Tire Guaranteed Christmas Number OF The [firm] BIRTHS Prices Thieves~ made virtually a clean sweep in the henhouse of John Nicholl, 2; miles east of Lansing. Of a happy family of sixty chickens only two were lefc by the mamuders. In addition to which. an equally "clean sweep'” was madein strippinga car belonging to an employee. “Give Santa Claus a holiday," ii the heading of a circular issued by the Postmaster General, Hon. Charles Muiphy, and distributed through the localpostoffice. The circular points out that the postal workprs in acting as '~Your Santa Claus," instead of spending the "day of days” with their families have had to work harder than usuzil in caning for the lush of IRS. minutemuil. “Mail early, the circuâ€" lar conciudes,” and give tiw pustul woxkers n CHRISTMAS AT HOME.” At the Methodist United Sunday next, Rev. A. A. preach in the morning on ' Methuds of Religion." In ing his subject will be ""r Truth. Duty and Gondnesa” The grocery stores of Richmond Hillwill remain open every Wednes- day afternoon until Christmas. They will also be open Wednesday night of Uhiisunus week. The Sucadn Dance Orchestra of Richmond Hill is giving an informal dance in Masonic Hall, Friday evening, December 18. ed The annual Sunday School enter- tainment cf the anle United Church will he held in the Community Hall. Tuesday. December 22. Following a t AL, » -~ ' nrnnrunu...\ ,. programme of chorusesft‘igillis: lngues, eta, a humorr-us plaj Perplexing Situation" will he pn Messrs. jack Stalliln'as, Jack Rumble and Wiilinm Harris have been at Huntsville engaged in the construc- tion of the large summer home being built by Mr. Mofl'att of Weston. The Sunday School Anniversary 0 Lnekny United Church will he hPlli Sunday; December 20. Rev. E. F. NIL-L. Smith. uf Weston. will preach :lt 2.30 at, 7.30 p.m. A cement, and Christmas tree will he held Munduy. December 21 in Institute Hull. l The W'umen's Missionary Suck-[y ‘uf the PI-eshytrrinn Church held Iheir Iannunl meeting and election of I-fliurrs at, the home of the Presidsnl. Mrs. Beresford, Friday. Decemhei 4. As this day was being observed as u Pio- vince-wide day of prayer h_v llw Wu- men’l Missionary Society uf lhv P. as. byterinn chumn, the-local society fol- lowed the program which had hem. arranged. practically all the mum bet-s taking an active part in il. ()l‘li- cern were elected as follows: Hon- orary Presidentsâ€"Miss M. C-mltor and M13. 0. Uoopvr: Presidentâ€"Mrs. Beresford ; lst, Vice Presidentâ€"Mrs. M. Savage : 2nd. Vice-Presidentâ€"â€".\‘l rm 0. Topper: Secretary â€"Mrs. \Vm. Snedden :Tteaaurer~Miss B. lreland : Supply Secretaryâ€"Miss U. L. Heise . Home Hr-lpei‘i Secretaryâ€"Mn. C-mp- ei' ; Magazine Secretaryâ€"Miss Mnndir; Strunger‘g Secretaliesâ€"Mrs. Yerex, (nnnh of village). Mrs. Reid. (:ouih nf village); Miss B. Ireland and Mrs. G. Kidd. (village); Pianistâ€"Mrs. Yet-ex. Rev. l. W. McIntosh will pl‘mu‘h nl bnlh services in St. Paul's Church next, Sunday on the fnllnwing subjecls: llu.m. The Buck nf Esther. 7 pm: Is S-Ilvxtinn PnSaiMe? Sunday School al 2.45 p.111. The proper precau'inn was not taken by Miss Ming-not Davidson of Union- Ville, when un nuunnuhile which shv was driving futuliy injuH'd Miss Bor- thu Denhy, aged 55, of Lansing, was the verdict retained by a jury before Coroner Dr. 1. H. McConnell in Toron- ln. Thcv nccidenl. happened at Finch'l Uorners, Ynnge Street, anmhpr 29. The evidence showed that. Miss Denhy was walking on the crntre line of thn highway when Miss Davidsvn'n cur hit her. Min Davidson said the glare frum the heudlight on a radial car wan ~o strong tht. it oinnurvd hPr vinw. “’hen the first caught sight of Miss Denby she was within u. few feet at the cur. Severn] witnksses staled that n southbound motorist, only it moment hrfore the accident swerved hls our tn get aI-uund the woman. The pavilion of Mr. Whitten of El- gin Mills was en fete Saturday even- ing, the occasion being a reception In honour of Col. T. H. Lennox, member- elect for North York. The pavilion was decorated in red, white and blue. The floral display was artistic, and the fairy electric red lights with red trim- ming harmonized beautifully with the guest's necktie. The ladies excelled themselves in providing a tempting menu. J. M. Bowman was chairman. Addresses were made by Hon. Joe Thompson, Hon. George Henry, R. L. Baker, M.P.-elect; A. E. Donovan, ex- M.P.P.; Col. Graham, M.P.; Col. Len- nox, and Messrs. Case and Trebilcock. The musical part of the programme was sustained by Mrs. (Dr.) Mac- Donald, Mr. Ward Price, Joe Wil- liams and accompanist, Mrs. Mollett, acting as accompanist for Mrs. Mac- Donald and Mr. Ward Price. Another case of scarlet fever is re- ported in the village. The annual meeting of the W.M.S. of St. Paul’s United Church will be held Thursdgy afternoon at 3 o'clock, December 17th,‘ in the choir room. Officers and superintendents are re- quested to bring reports of the year's work. On the icy surface of the Yonge Street highway Sunday afternoon sev- eral. motorists came to grief. Just south of Richmond Hill in the after- noon a sedan carrying four persons skidded and turned over on its side in the ditch. No one was hurt, and pas- sengers on a southbound car righted the machine. A similar mishap OC-‘ curred near Aurora. 1 Richmond Hill News Notes ed Church. Wall will ‘ "Scientific n the even. Triumphant presnmt- .Ly diu- M. and J. Pntton. plaintiff, vs. R. SabiitOn defcndaut note, adjourned one court. Mrs. Waugh. plaintiff vs. A. EdwardsJ clnim for rent. counterclaim for work etc. Judgment, reserved. Pol- lam Nursery 00.. vs E. Erwin, Erwin stated order for fruit trees had been cancelled. Judgment for plaintifi'. garn- ishee. Hooper, p. c. Bell, p. d. Gore Fire Insurahce 00., gamishee. Judg- ment for p. c. as against p. d. llainey. p. c. Stonehouse. p. d, moore garni>hee. (Jase adjourned. Hopper, p. c. Ramsay, p. d. J. Boyle garnishee. judgment for p, c. as against garnishee and several Judgment summons. Judge O‘Conmll pissed judgment on the following casu in the Third Divis- ion Uourt here : (Special to The Liberal) 'l‘he Newtonbruok Men's Club met Tueshay. December 8. Following a musical entertainment and boxing, the PresidentJlr. Harry Smith took the chair. There was a short discussion on last season’s softball games. It was announced that a meeting was being held in Richmond Hill the early part of next week to propose a league consis- ting nl' Schomberg, Aurora and Rich- mond Hill, 'l‘hornhill. Newtonbrook and Willowdale. Mr. Clifford Hicks and Mr. Oscar Smith were appointed to re- present Newtonbrook. A motion by Mr. Duggan was csrried providing that club sweaters be given to Messrs. A. Young. G. Jack, H. Caines snd H. Smith: The discussion then turned to- wsrd hockey, It was decided lhst the club would back the club financially to~ wsrds expenses of the rink. Mr. 135- 1 orton Young moved thst Oscar Smith‘ be appointed to look after the locsl bafjk'ey interest. The motion wss csr- rle . 'l‘wu charges of theft were read against Armstrong. The lirst was that he stoic 32mm frnm Sarah Mills of Newmarket. while the stand accused him jointly with Colfey of stealing $14.75 from the estate of Richard Unr- trr. On both charges he reserved plea and election as did Coffey on the joint charge. J A. M. Armstmny. Schumherg lnwyer, who for [Wu lernm representeu North York In the Home of (Jommons. was released \\ ednesdny mghL on tail of $51) mm, lolllmmg his appearance in County Police Gout t on uvu charges of theft. His nub tune partner, Harry ll. Uofi‘ey, formvr manager of the Im- perial Bank at rchmnberg, who also faces men. charges. had not been suc- Cessl'ul up to last night in oln:.imng the $5U.UUO bonds required fur bail. Both man will appear In [ullce court Satur- d .y. N ewtonbrook Hockey Club armstrong was tut en into cu~*tody Monday night flnm his hume in lloyd- town by Uullntv Uomtahie George Thompson of Richmond Hill. A similar resolution was ununi- mouslyrarvied by the cnnventinn of Sunday School wurkrra of the Town- Ihip M King held at Armitage on Doâ€" cembel 3rd. Bail Granted To Armstrong At a large cum-union of Sunday Sci. vol \VOl‘kl-‘I‘S of Lhu Township of Whltchurcb, Gnunty of York. hold on December 2, [he fullowing resolution was moved by Rev. Thomas R. White of Aurora, and seconded by Mr. R. Pike. and unanimously carried. "That. this convention request the Premiernud Legislatum of the Pro- vince of Ontario to repeal the section; of tho Ontario Telnpvmnce Act. that. pvrluils the sale of 4.4 per cent. beer." CHOIR VISITS ZION (Special to The Liberal) Zion, Dec. 10.â€"The music was eatly strengthened in church here at Sunday by some of the choir from ewtonbrook. Miss E. Tate‘ and Miss Wiltshire sand a duet. Division Court 0n the Yonge street hill 3: the south entrance of the villlge a new Stude- baker car ran into a Beechwood dairy truck which had skidded acrou the car uan Thursday morning. No one wu hurt Bright with Ihe colon of Yuletide. tho artisticplly-decoratod windows a! J. a: M. Stéih”; {t3};KEY-ni'égfiBE-n; attention of many paucrlby to the fin. display of Christmas goods within. Dr. L. R. Bell is again able to be out following his nllneu with pneumonia. Request Repeal Of 4.4 Beer Law Witnesses have hevn lubpuenged to- day (Thursduy) It the Court of Gene]. ulSelsinns in the City Hall. Toronto. fm-theupuning of the trial of James Hunt, of Richmond Hill. in connec- tion with the motor accident just south of the village in whiuh two men \\ ere killed. Home and Schoul 611.1!» Viki-is Lab-u; to have the mom Nady bv the time the Christmas concert is heId. hunk-case to? the! iéac’fiéufifirfivit [he pubhc school. Chuiu. desks and flurtnms ul'o beipgrpyovided by the The Board n! Education ntn meeting this wuk agrepd to buy A couch and It. has been decided by the Board of Education, following a. conference with [he councxl, to Duke no action until next lprmg in the matter of in- stalling luvatoriu in the public schoul. Santa Claus remembers in paying his first visit to Richmond Hill last year he was late arriving, but assures us he will be at our store this year sharp on time at‘ 3 o’clock, on Saturday afternoon, December 12th, with a very much larger variety of Toys, and will receive all small children until 5.30. He will be here on the following Saturday, December 19th at the same iime, 3 to 5.30, but will not fl appear on Wednesday, Eecember 23rd as announced in The. Liberal last week. In the event of extreme weather parents with small children will be accommodated before arrival. Don’t Ferget The Date, See Our Window ing Contest Davies" Dry floods Star; JONES LUMBER CO PHONE 27 BUILDERS SI YPPLIES WE have been been appointed dealers for the new Rogers Batteryless Radio. This set operates wiihout aerial or batteriesâ€" just plug into your lamp socket. Come to our show room and hear this set. We offer a selection of Radio Sets not to be found elsewhere in this locality. WE ARE DEALERS FOR Atwater Kent - Deforest Crossley AND Rogers Batteryless Radio Receiving Sets PHONE 53 Silk Hosiery, Scarves, Ribbon, Novelties. Fanc Brass and China Ware, Toys, Silk Handkerchiefs and TieSg UnderLthe-Arm Bags, Children’s Purses, and many other things suitable for gifts. ASK US ABOUT WINTER UNDERWEAR {Quality Shoppe Rough and Dressed Lumber Hardwood Flouring‘ Fine Lalh Doors Cedar Shinglee Sash koofings Gyprock [‘ur paper Wallboard Cente Street East -â€" Do Your Chrictmas Shopp/ing Here -â€"â€" From now until after Christmas the store will be Open every week day and evening, including Wed- nesday . MRS. NORMAN BATTY SPECIAL LINES FOR CHRISTMAS TRADE Building paper Bichmond Hill and Lansing Dry Goods, Millinery, Ladies’ Wear, Fancy Goods and Novelties. . Baldock, Ltd. Doors Sash G yprock Wa l I board v for Coin G for Prize Doll December 1%, 3 QUALITY At 1‘1e‘Ccal am! Grain Elevator ll'J Rir'hmund Hill and Distllct with 1h" best Alltbrfluiti Coal and SJ] Penml before deliwry. Also a. go rd sup] 1y nf Sulvay Coke. Slabs, Hndwm‘d, Cvment, Liuw, Paris- tone. Olav and Glaized Tile. Fleur and Freds of all kind: C.N.Ry. !. D. Ram; In? in a pnsiliou to suppy ~ COURTESY SERVECE’ - "" TRENCH BLOCK 'eeds of all kinds I‘ll

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