a GREAT Gypsies in the Central States of the IU.S.A. are abandoning their caravans lfor highâ€"powered motor cars, althg‘ilgh ,the occupants stii‘l dress much in \the [traditional gypsy fashions. '08 will break; and it takes a milea- mlnute g-ade to snap the trunks of big trees. The majority of people, too, are un- able to determine the wmd’s'velocity. ‘When the smoke from a. chimney moves in a straight, veu'tioal column, it means 11:34 a one to twomlles~an- hour breeze Is blowing. A three-mile! anAhour wind will Just stir the leaves on the trees. Twen'ty-flve miles an hour will sway the trunks; at forty, the small branch- The Son of E Fisherman. "Are We saw to keep him?" asked Bobby_ looking at his new baby brother. Origin of Toasts. The cuemom of drinking "teams" is derived from the ancient religious ceremony of pouring llbwtlons to the hearthen gods» ‘ 1W6 supply cans and pay express .oharges. We my daily by express money orders, which can he cashed gnywhere without any charge. When all parts of their body are dis- tingulshable, they are 100 yards away; when the outlines of thelr faces are just visible, the distance ls 200 yards; and when a face appears as a separ- ate dot, you should be 400 yards away. Six hundred yards away a group of people can be distinguished singly; .but at a further distance than this no idetall or the human form can be deter- ;mimed. Yet at 1,200 yards you should be able to tell a man on horseback from a man on foot: at 2,000 yards he to simply a dot on the landscape. RHEUMATC PEOPLE NOW FIND RELIEF It you devote your SaturdayF~to golï¬ng, shooting, or taking photo- graphs, you have, in all probability, met the problem of judging dis-anew; Bear in mind these few-simple rules, and your difï¬culty will be lessened. 'Wlth the naked eye, it you have aver- age sight, you can see the whites of peoples eyes at thirty yards; at eighty yards you can just see their eyes. “Of course. Why mother. "Well, he's so small I thought my- be We’d have to put him back." see me. asked it I had tried Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills. I had taken so much medicine without heneflt that I was Skeptical and said so. My friend, howevef‘, had so much faith in the pills that he got me a supply and to please him I began taking them. I had not been taking them long when _I began to feel a. change for the bet, ‘ter, and I gladly got a. further supply. Boon lwae able to set out of bed and walk around on crutches. Still tak- Iing the pills I used in all seventeen |boxes, by which time I was a well man and at work every day. Now I, Iiways keep a box of Dr. William" Pink Pills in the house and if I feel an ache-or pain I take them, and al- ways with good results. I believe I would still be a bed-ridden cripple but for these pills, and I shall always praise and recommend them." To obtain the top price. Cream man be free {mm bad flavors and contain not less than 30 per cent. Butter Fat. Bowen Company Limited, Toronto For referencesâ€"Head omce, Toronto, Bank of Montreal, or your local banker. By Driving the Poisonous Acid From the System. Rheumath attacks people when the blood is thin and watery or charged up with impurities. thus set» ting up inflammation of the muscles and joints. Cold. wet weather or Sharp winds may start the pains. but the cause is rooted in the blood, and to get relief it 'must be treated through the blood. As a. blood builder Ind nerve tonic Dr. Williama' Pink Pills are unsurpassed and for that reason do not fail to give relief to rheumatic suflerora when given a fair trial. Among the rheumatic sufferers who have proved the great value of this medicine is Mr. N. M. Foley, Windsor, N.S., who eayezâ€"“My tron- blo started with a. bad cold, the result of working in asheavy rain storm. hem that it developed into rheu- matism which badly crippled me and kept me conï¬ned to bed for upward: of six months. The doctor who treatâ€" ed me did not help me, and every friend who called to see me had some- thing different to advise. Some or these remedies I tried. but with no bet-‘ ter results. My legs 'were atifl from the hips down. and every move I made caused intense pain, and con; atently I was growing weaker. Then a. friend from Falmouth, who came to You can get these pills from any medicine dealer or by mail at 50 cents a box from The Dr. Wi!llams' Medl- clne Cor; Brockvllle, Ont. WE WANT CHURNING Can You Judge Distances? Established for over thirty years not?†asfled the She remembered suddenly, with a shade of annoyance, that it was only through herself that Millie had known John. He was the brother of someone she had known in the old daysl John was an orphan, too. It had been that partly, pexihape, which had drawn him to Millie. With his broth- eu‘ Jim, he had always lived with an aunt and uncle. Jim had been killed at the age of twentyâ€"three during the himself. He was due to sail at the end of Millie was lovable, normal, very ro- mantic, and beautiful. She was es» 'Sen‘tially the marrying type. Besides, she had afways been looked aï¬ter, and new John 'wanted to look after her in- B-tead of Katharine. "I shall consent to nothing until af- ter Millie is twentyone," she said. Millie was tearful. “But he’s got to go to India for ï¬ve years, and we wanted to marry before he left!" This group of tamin names, repre- sentative of development in three d11- Ieren‘t languages, belongs to that clas- siï¬cation of surnames which at ï¬rst were indicative of the place of reel- dence of the individual, or the locality with which he was connected in the minds of those with whom he came in contact, and who naturally distinguish- ed him from other individuals or the name given name by reference to this. Katharine was adamant. She said, to, In a. moment of anger, that she did not know how Millie could so easily contemplate leaving her after all she'd done for her. Poor Millie! Poor Katharine! It was a. stormy scene. But Katharine stood to her guns. In England there was the word "hall," the same that we now use in the s_ense of “public 1131-1," or "great hall." In French there was the word "mile," with approximately the same meaning. but which since has come to be equivalent to “room†with them. and which was introduced into English by the Normans to come down to‘ us as "saloon." In German the word was “sahi,†and still is. At thirty Katharine looked what she waaâ€"â€"the ï¬nished product of machine- made modernism! She had an excel- lent Job. In the business world she was a success. but she had hardened in the process. Katharine was the sole guardian of her young sister Millieâ€"a brown-hair- ed, dreamy-eyed creature, and w‘it‘naJ theonly crack in Katherine’s hard, bright armor. The child returned the older woman's love naturally enough, but, naturally enough, not in full mear sure. It had not been Millie's choice that certainvaacriflces had been made for her. They Must Walt. But when John broached the subiect of marriage, Katharine would not hear of it HALL. Variationsâ€"Hales. Sale, Sales, Sahl, LaSallo, Lasalle. Racial Originâ€"English, French and German. Sourceâ€"A locallty. Her Own Dead Youth Rose to Plead for Those Others Were Still Young. ~ Thus the otriginal surnames, with proper preï¬xes, meant the same thing in the various languages. Hall. of course, betrays the origin in AngloSaxon speech. Hales is some- times, but not always, a. development of this. Lasalle is French, with one of the preï¬xes incorporated. Sahl is German. Sale and 89.1% represent an English development of the family name from a French or Anglo-Norman beginning. Varlatlonsâ€"Pollock, Poole, Pool. Raclal Grimmâ€"Scottish and English sourceâ€"A locality. Two forms of this family name while Scottish and traceable in the last analysis to a Gaelic source, are not necessarily to be numbered in the list of the highland clan names. London in Its drive to tone up fog-smothered kiddies is adopting the rum-5n mr such success here. The photograph shows a group at Barham House. 81.. Leonard’s Pollack and Pollock, Like the Eng-I Minard's Llnlment for Chllbialna And now John was twenty-three POLLOCK Surnames and Their Origin THE LETTER It was a short note, 'but gomeflhlng â€"a.nother letterâ€"tell from the envel- ope as she read: "Dear Katharine,â€"I was turning out last nig-lm. sud came across hhe enâ€" closed.. It was amongst- tho East of Jim's things which came home from France. Auntie gave th’ém to me 00 look over. Somehow I had not cared to do this before, but it is necessary that everything should be cleared up before I go away. I send this he I think you may qare’ to keep i-Lâ€"John." It was written in' the round, girlish writing which had been hem long ago. The sight of it made her heart grow eol¢ She opened it with tentative ï¬ngers. and read. i The Wisdom of Youth. It would be cruel to give that letter here in its entiretyâ€"let it sufï¬ce to say that there were many crosses at the end ot-i-t and it was signed “Kitty.†Yet one sentence jumped out at her: "Yes; I’ve thought hard Jimmy, as I promised you, and we will be married during your next leave. I know we are young, but let us take what the gods give while we mayâ€"" Katharine sat for a long time think- ing. She had forgotten that she had ever been foolish enough to scribble kisses at the end of a letter. Out of the Past. Katharine was no¢ surprised to see a letter from John on her plate on the morning .of November 11th. He had already made many appeals to her. She turyéd'fd look at. (the letter. It must have been nearly ten years old. And she had omen wondered whether he had recein her letter. It had not been returned unopened with some of the others. She saw now from the postmark that he must have received It the day before he died. Ah, well, for thém it had been too late! The gods hadn’t given them their chance of being young and tool- iahiâ€"or was it just being divinely wise? Burt these other two? She turned to the telephone and asked for John’s» number. lish forms, Poole and Pool, are purely place names, with the same meaning, except that in the case or the Scottish farms the origin lies mosz in an ac- tual place name, while in the English forms it represents merely the descrip- tion of a. locality. November. Well. he would leave a heavy heart. There is a. parish 1n Rentrews‘hlre, Scotland, named Pollock, and this name is supposed to come from the Gaelic won-d “pollog,†with the mean- ing of a. “little pool" or "pond." It 1! a safe assumption that the earliest bearers of thls'family name for the most part came from that parish. In England any man living near a pool or pond would be likely to have the reference 01 it attached to his name. Thus, a man named John, who everybody knew lived near such a place, would be distinguished from other Johns by the name "John atte Pool," the “atte†being simply a con- traction of “at the." At a later period this “atte†was contracted t?) “3’.†Thus the name wuold become “a.’Pool." and ï¬nally just "Pool." This is a story of a diver who saw two ghosts. He had gone down to the wreck of a. large steamer and was crossing the main saloon. when two gray shapes of enormous size came ambling towards! him. He did not wait to make notes, but gave the danger signal and was pulled up. Told in the cheerful light of day, it seemed rather a lame story, so another diver went down to see what he could make of it. Toward him also came the ghostly gray shapes. He stood irresolute tor a. moment and then. going boldly tor- ward, struck his hatchet throughâ€"a mirror! The ghosts were only a dim reflection of his own legs, much en- larged, of coume, as everything is that a diver sees through the great frontal eye of his helmet Ghdsts ! Among the whimsical titles which appear on the pages of nacional his> tory, few are more apparently trlv01~ one than the Duke of Marmalade, the Count of Lemonade, and: ï¬le Earl of Brandy. They are, or were, however, real tltlesu bestowed by a. genuine mon- arch on three favorites during the last century. _ One of the strongest points in favor of any medicine for children is that it is so agreeable that the mother does not have to force it down the little one’s throat Baby's Own Tablets have no drug taste, may be crushed to a powder It desired. and babies like them. They are perfectly safe for they-contain no opiate or narcotic: They sweeten the stOmach and-uremove the cause of frettulneae. Mrs.'Arthur Charlebois, Pawtucket. R.I., says: "I have found Baby's Own Tablets to be a gentle laxative and-.3 safe remedy for stomach disorders in children. Our little boy had been given harsh cathartic: but these tab- let. worked more effectively without the severe grlplng. I can‘ recommend them to all mothers of little chlldren." Baby's Own Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. William’ Medicine 00., Brockville, Ont. Grounds of Divorce. "On what grounds did she get her divorce?" “Chicago, I believe.†CHILDREN LIKE BABY’S OWN TABLETS Because They Are Tasteless and Are Easy to Take. In 1811 a revolution occurred in Haytl, and Christophe, a Negro, de- clared himself emperor. Through con- spiracy and plot he retained power until 1820, preserving to the last the appearance - of a Royal Court, and creating numerous nobility. Among them were the three men» tloned; and far from belng ln'siancee of the frivollty of the Afrlcan chm-ac, tar, they were names of places, the ï¬rst two being originally plantationsu. but latterly towns of some lmportâ€" ance. Upset stomach sluggish‘ liver, and acid condi- tion cause bad Breath. Selgel's Syrup gets at the cause. Try it and have a wholesome breath. Any drug store. God With Us. quso determined even his defeats That they became his greatest vlct tomesâ€. God made his enemies as‘ a wind to ï¬ll His homewamda-ushing sails. Wher- \ ever he Wyent ' The Lord was'wjth him, and the Lord upheld him. and it Stopped Her Ceggh _-‘I A and Duke of Marmalade. Mr movement, instigated ‘ Brough; Peace. Comfort '6 Restful Night â€"â€"A1Ired Noyes with In order to maintain fts high Hand- ard ot'eï¬iciency and also to widen the scope of its service through clinics conducted all over Ontario, the Hos- pital is compelled to borrow heavil? during the year. On the occasion of its ï¬ftieth Christmas an appeal is made to the public for the funds which will allow the Hospital for Sick Child- ren to enter upon its second half-cen- tury of service with its courage re- newed by a credit balance in the bank. It is indeed a noble éause which I feelclsure you will cordially commend to your readers. This is the ï¬ftieth yearâ€"the semi- oontonnial of the Hospital for Sick Children. It is the Golden Anniver- Iary of an institution which started out in 1875 with a. six-bed equipment to cure children medically of their 111- names and to rid them surgically of their disabilities. Fifty years have passed and the tiny hospital has grown into one of the greatmt insti- tutions of its kind in the whole world. The people of this province demand- ed this serviceâ€"41nd they have made it possible by their Christmas Time gifts. They are rewarded by the knowledge that thousands of Ontario children will grow up into manhood or womanhood blessing the “little blue cots†wherein they were restored and strengthened to play a full part in the battle of life. To win back health for six thousand boys and girls was the measure of the Hospital's ward-service alone this year. Besides that there were over half a hundred thousand attendances in‘the Out-Patient Department. where the less serious cases are treated. All this costa great deal of money, even though the doctors give freely of their skill and the nurses of their care. There is board and lodging and laundry to be prbvided, besides the best that can be procured in the way oi! all the medical and surgical supplies re- quired to treat the myriad ailments and accidents to which children 'are subject Faithfully yours, IRVING E. ROBERTSON, Chairman Appeal Committee. Noteâ€"This Hospital does not re- ceive an appropriation from the Federation for Com'munity Service Drive. Irt is curious that English mothers are alone in having no superstitious bél‘lefs regarding methods of preser- ving their babies from natural or supernatural harm. Dear Mr. Editor:â€" Welsh mothers put a. pair of tongs in the cradle; Iris-h mothers pin their 29.1th to the emcacy of a belt made of women's hair and placed round a Child. I o Roumanian mothers tie red ribbons] round the ankles of their children to presarve them from harm. Swedish mothers always place a. book under the head of a. new-born infant so that it may be quick alt learning to tread. Money ls placed in its ï¬rs-t bath to~ guarantee Its wealth in the future. Keep Mlnard’s Llnlment handy. In Spain every intan-t'e race 1! brushed with a pinMree bough to bring good luck. Uuless‘you See the "Buyer Cross" on package or on tablets you are not. getting the genuine Bayer Tablets 0! Aspirin proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians over twenty- flvo years for \ Colds Headache Neurltis Lumbngo Toothache Rheumatism Neuralgia Pain, Pain Each unbroken "Bayer" package con- tains proven directions. Handy boxes or twelve tablets cost few cents. Drus- gists also sell bottles of 24 and 100. Hospital for Sick Children. Books for New-Born Babes. GENUINE ASPIRIN A PROVED SAFE Take without Fear as Told in “Bayer†Package 57 College St, Torcnto, 2. Ont. Christmas. 1925. The ORANGE PEKOE is extra good. Try it! ‘ The name “Red Rose†has been a guarantee of quality for 30 years The meaning of mmwï¬â€˜â€œ; breaker of im’a'gï¬Ã©'Lâ€"that is, one op- posed to idol worship. Eel That’s Not An Eel. 'Th-e' eleotnic eel, the most powerful ot'elecufk: flwhes, is not an eel but a close relative of the sucker or carp. Stamp Trade Highly Organized. Paris has long' been a cosmopolitan gathering place of stamp collectors from evemywhére in‘ the world. 'Dhe stampitralde in Paris is so thoroughly organized {hat it even a curb mir- ket'. " We go about behind our masks 0! modern thoughts and modem tasks; And ï¬nally, when all are done, We wear a very ancient one. A "youngest grandmother†record was set up years ago by a. Lady Obi-1d of England, who was only 27 when she nutsed‘ 1191‘ ï¬rst grandchild. 8110 her- self Was. a mother at thirteen. Sithcr Kind Stops Cauqhs !J~M-$HIP us YOU/2 ‘----â€"â€"-1 .A--â€" _. W -W: BL/I‘YALL YEA/2 Rowva- 7 to to or rims-m7 maniac : 7 013:1 [2»? a week ahgzd POULTRY. GAME.EGGS. BUTTE R AND FEATHERS rIr UIâ€"I'V U w LII‘IIIILII lrlblllhcd a)» r63 Buckley’s Mixtur-o “Strong†or “Modiï¬ed†will stop your cough or cold. Buckley’s"Strong" is the same efï¬cient remedy you have used before. Buckley’s iï¬ed" differs in taste only. Made for those who ï¬nd medicines dis- tasteful, particularly the children. When a warm bath with Cuticura Soap and applica- don of Cuticura Ointment will afford immediate relief and point to permanent skin health in most cases when all else fails. Sample Each Free 1: Mail. Adan-3' midi-n Depot: “3mm “.mtrul' Preo,Boup 25c, Ointment 25 and 50:. Tch 250. M- Cuticura Shaving Slick 25c. Both Mixtures act like a flash on coughs, bron- chitis or any affection of throat, chest and lungs. P. Pgfluu 5C9, mum) Iva-n - v.‘- "STRONG" on ‘Moomto" Why Suffer With Itching Rashes HILBLAINS! Young Grandmothers. W. K. Buckley, Limited, 142 Mutual St.. Toronto 2 207 Wash the tool. with wum water and r I: b with Mlnard'l. Quickly atop- Lho pain. Tssus No. 49â€"'25. 75câ€"40 doses Masks. â€"Preoott Hoard.