Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 10 Dec 1925, p. 8

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~ Murtgage Investmentsj Westinghouse 53 PRICES WITHIN EASY REACH Suburban Yonge Real Estate For $35.00 upward we can supply you with a Westingâ€" house Set. Ask us to demonstrate this set at your own home or at our Showroom and to show you the Westing- house-Brandes Loud Speaker, Brandes Head Sets or Phonograph Attachment. ‘ Westinghouse Radiola Phone 133 I our doors, and windows you‘ll find [nothing but the but wood plul a clrponter'l cruttmanship thnt will please the discriminating builders. Let u “and to your buiiding neods. THORNHILL POULTR Y FARM THOR NHILL POULTRY FARM WE'LL SELLTHE WOOD T0 BUlLD ATOWN - ‘ OR CHICKEN COOP WITHOUT A MFRJJWN RICHMOND HILL BRANCH. r The best reserve one can have is money in 21 Savings Bank account. It not only increases by the interest it earns but it gives you assurance in meeting any problem which may present itself. A reserve is as necessary to you asit is to your Bank. Open a saving account with this Bank and start to establish your re- serve. » lMPERlAL BANK @fikichmand flifl Mators TELEPHONE L39 The Radiola III. is the ideal set for farm use and the ideal Christmas Gift. It brings in all the good rograms. and is so simple to operate that anyone ‘an get good results with scarcely any instruction. )n thousands of Canadian farms Radiolas are a source of enjoyment every night. L. INNES & SONS We can place your money at 7 per cent. on First-class Mortg’ages from $1,000 to $2,000. Clients waiting and no commission. We are:near you, why not deal at home ? MWA J . J. DUGGAN We pay the highest prices for old hens and young cockerels, live. Telephone Willowdale W- 16. STOF 15, YONGE STREET Richmond Street OF CANADA FOR CHRISTMAS! We'll be glad to demonstrate right in your owu home what th e WESTINGHOUSE can do. RADIOLA We solicit orders for cut flowers for all occasions, which will be promptly and carefully filled. 32 JOHN H. DUNLOP & SON FLORISTS RICHMOND HILL. ONT SHAW SCHOOLS Graduates are aimnst ninin moving out. into fine office pnsm‘nna at vm-y good sulnrirs. Our "pundit-n for thorough trnining and cmnpvtent products hrings nmnv Calls from employels. Business is getting bet- ter every day. Get ready. Write un. P. McIntosh. Manny-r Dept. N., 48 Bloor West, Toronto. GIVE A A. T. MINNIS. Manager. Willowdale Dated at Toronto. this 24th day of November, 1925._ 22-13-24 AND TAKE NOTICE that after such last mentioned date. the said Executor will proceed to distribute the assets among the parties pmilled thereto. having regard only to the claims of which he has then received notice. and that he will not, be liable to any person of Whose cluim notice has not, barn received at the time of such distribut- Inn. In the matter of the Estate of JOHN HENRY Gnoaan KINNEE. late of the Township of Vaughan, in the County of York, deceased. { NOTICE is hereby givén that a," persons having any claims or demands against the late JOHN Hannvfisoma KXNNEE, who died on or about, the limb day of May, 1925, at the Township 0! Vaughan. in the County of York, nre required to send by post prepaid or de- liver to the undei-slgnrd. loliclton herein for Morley J. Kinnen, executor and trustee under tha will of the uid John Henry George Kinnoe. their names and addreueu and full p>u ticul~ nrs in writing of their claims and atatementonf [heir accounts and the nature of the securities, if any. held by them. NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to Section 56, R. S. 0. 1914, Chapter 171, and Amending Acts, that all creditors and others having claims or demands against the Estate of William Lackey, who died on or about the 6th day of November. [925, are required on or be- fore the 26th day of December, 1925. to send by post, prepaid or deliver to the undersigned, their Christian namvs and surnames, addresses and descrip- tions, the full particulars in writing of their claims. and the nature of the se- cnritv. ifany, lleld by them_ AND TAKE NOTICE that after the Twentirfonrth day of December. 1925 the said Morley J. Kinuee. will pro- ceed tn distribute the pssets of the said deceased among the persons entitled there-t0, having l'egurd only tr) the claims of which he shall then have had notice, and that. the said Morley]. Kin- nee, will not, be liable for the said as- sets or any part thereof to :my person of whose claim he shall nuL then have receiVed notice: In the matter of the Estate of WILL- [AM LACKEY, late of the Township of Vaughon‘ in the County of York, thmer, deceasvd. Dated at Toronto this 26111 day of November, A.D., 1925. PROUDFOOT, DUNCAN, GILDAY a TISDALL. 85 Richmond SL W” Toronto, Solicitors for the suidg-Morley J. Kin- nee, Administrator. - Vern Lundy, son of First Deputy Reeve Fred A. Lundy of Newmarket, has recently been appointed to the position of teller in the Imperial Bank at Brantford. Mr. Lundy has been with the Imperial Bank at Aurora. He was a valued member of the New- market Band. ‘ The Stoufi'ville Tribune says: There is a rumor afloat from a very reliable source to the effect that the Sutton train is soon to be discontinued by the Canadian National Railway. This train makes one trip daily from Sut- ton to Toronto. No doubt the people of Ballantrae, Mount Albert and other places will protest strongly against the discontinuance of the service, and if the protest is strong enough the company may be persuaded to oper- ate a gasoline car from Stoufl'ville. James McCreight of the 9th conces- sion, Markham, within the space of ten days shot two large hawks, male and female, the largest of which had a wing spread of four feet. Mr. Mc- Creight shot both birds with a .22 rifle. One of the hawks had its crop stuffed with chicken and feathers, in- Mrs. Tobin is a niece of W. C. Wid- difield and J. E. Widdifield of New- market. She graduated from New- market High School and was one of Alberta’s first women lawyers. Stoufi'ville Curling Club has elected the following officers: Hon. President, W. H. Todd; President. W. Arm- strong; Vice-President, Harry Bril- linger; Representative to O.C.A. An- nual Meetingâ€"Wm. Armstrong and H. W. Sanders; Secy.-Treas.â€"H. W. Sanders. The Toronto Presbytery has con- firmed the calls of Rev. J. C. Davies of Fenelon Falls to Woodbridge, and that of Rev. J. C. Miller of Forester’s Falls to Eversley, Strange and King west. Stanley G. Tobin, the newly-elected member of the House of Commons for Wetaskiwin, Alta.. who recently wired Premier King offering to resign to provide a vacancy for the latter. has an able assistant in his life work in the person of his wife, Miss Greta Playterl r 7 Three daughters of Mr. Stephen- son, Hazelburn Farm, while return- ing from a practise at Oak Ridges school-house were run down by a mo- tor near the Aurora subway. The girls were badly bruised and shaken up. The driver stopped but did not give his name or offer to drive the children home. Geo. McKuem has sold his fine farm of 100 acres at Lemonville to a Miss Huffman of Toronto for $13,- 000. This is one of the choicest farms in Whitchurch. Mr. F. M. Reesor has sold his resi- dence on Main street, Markham, to Mrs. Storry of Tomhto for $5,000. Mr. Reesor is moving to Sunderland; NOTICE TO CREDITORS York County And District NOTICE TO CREDITORS J. H . NAUGHTON, - Executor. About, five hundred pvnplo were sen-Ved with supper wt the reception lo Unl. Lennux Friday evening. An entertainuwnt was nt‘terwards given in the Community Hall. Dmng the evening. Mrs. Chmles McNeil lend my address and Mr, George Baggs me. sented the new member with an mu- bcr cane. The chair was occupied by In, rn A Mr. '1‘. A. Cousins. The death occurred very suddenly of one of Newmarket’s most promin- ent residents in the person of J. E. B. Wilson in his 42nd year. At. the home of Joseph Farmer. Gormley. on Tuesday December 8th, Aaron Hunsperger, passed away at the age of 88 yams The funeral will take place from Gnrmley on Friday morning, December ll. Funeral ser- vlce at. 1.30 p.m. at the Blenheim Church, Next Friday evening Capt. W. S Watkins willgive n dramatic leciml illustrated.on the Rucky Mountains, Yukon and Alaska. The entertain‘ menu is under the auspices of the public school. The death occurred at the residence of her son in Toronto of Jane Webb, widow of Simeon Lemon of the Town- ship of King. Mrs. Lemon was a member of one of the pioneer families of King Township. After the death of her husband a few years ago, Mrs. Lemon resided with her daughter for a time and with her son. She is sur- vived by two daughters, Mrs. ~W. A. Robertson of Maple and Mrs. Frank H. Lemon of Toronto and one son, Mr. T. W. Lemon of Toronto. The funeral took place to Aurora ceme- tery. The bazaar held by the Juniur Aux- iliary of St. Stephen's Church on Sat- urdny vvening was Very successful. Many useful anicles were sold and a tempting lunch served. The lucky number for the quilt was drawn by Mrs. Hartley. (Special to The Liberal) Vicmrin Square. Dec. lOâ€"lundny Schnnl pupils of Victoria Square will give u Uhiismms entertainment, De- cember 24, runaisting of pnntrunimes. drills nnd chm-um): follmved by a Christmas play, "When [Jo-IL Schunl Enlvrtaius.” H.S. Wart-on of Stout?- vllle. will Ipeuk at. 2.15 p.m. and Edgar Wall,of Richmond Hill. at 7 [Mi]. at special Christmas services, Mondny. December 27. There passed away at the home of her neice, Miss Minnie Doyle, an old and highly respected resident of New- market, in the person of Miss Annie Haskett. The late Miss Haskett was born in Newmarket, the daughter of the late John and Mary Haskett, and she was the last member of a family of five children. Maud-y. Tuesday and Wednesday of lwxl. weak the attraction is "Guns. utulk."‘declnred to he lha gronlelt In” “my ever screened. The fulmms "Kingdom" of the George Burr Mc- Cu'whe-un novel beecmm a reality in lhv unrePninl of this pictuie. with a can Ito-add by Muvielnnd'l two groan-u love", Nunna Talmndge and Eugene O’Brien. MlplP, December 10. 1925 (Special to The Lib‘eral) “On Wednesday of last week, Eliza Pickering, heluved wife of Thomas Oliver, passed away at her home. The funeral took place on Friday, and was attended by many relatives and friends. The floral tributes were numerous and beautiful. The sorrow- ingfamily have the sympathy of all in their bereavement. Mrs. T. Oliver Dies In Maple "Unlifui-niu Straight Aheud," the r [licking comedy-drama, is the week- and feature providpd by Manager McClellan at Ihe Capitol Theatre. Nm Lh annnto, lhv favorite playhouse of all Sublnbnn Yonge's picfu'ré- goon, Rvginuld Denny provide: mil” nf laugh: in this widely-heralded p1 i»d-)¢}i()n._ 7 __. - ~ NORMA TALMADGE AT THE CAPITAL County Constable T. B. Kirk ad- vised poultry keepers to make sure their hen‘houses are secured against these gentlemen, who are so freely providing their Christmas dinners. Most every morning has found some hen house robbed in this district, so don’t take chances. Many chickens were stolen this week from the hen house of the Amelius Jarvis Farm, south of Au- rora. It is reported that thieves showed audacity to the extent of actually killing and plucking the birds in the Jarvis hen house. Chief James E. McMullen of the York Township Police having failed to tender his resignation as requested by a motion of the Township Cbuncil on Nov. 30, the Council enacted a second resolution discharging the Chief on Dec. 15. K. G. Tart has sold his farm at Mongolia to Russell Couperthwaite of Millikan, for $8,500. Mr. Tarr re- served five acres and a house at the corner of the place, now occupied by J. W. Reesor. Mr. Coupex'thwaite’s purchase consisted of 76 acres and the farm house 'and buildings. Victoria Square dicating that his chickens were fur- nishing the hawks’ main article of diet. MRS. JANE LEMON Obituary ANNIE HASKETT J. E. B. WILSON J. A. GREENE ’Phone 55 or Residence 49w Richmond Tailors SALE OF WOOD Uplands Colf and Country Club Ltd. THOR NHILL Friday, December 11, 1925 AT 1.30 P.M. , W. G. Baldock Ltd. READY TO WEAR 'Phone Thornhill 66 RADIO OWNERS Royal Albert Crown China Cups and Saucers from 50 cents. This is a special line and cannot be replaced at this price. Jardinieres, Vases, Bread Plates, Butter Tubs, Sugar and Creams, Tobacco Jars, Salt and Peppers, Cheese Dishes, Teapotsâ€"plain and fancy, Condiment Sets, Etc. Hand Painted Children’s Cup and Saucers 15c â€"Lustre 25c. Art Brassware, such as J ardinieres. Ash Trays, Cigar Holders, Vases, Etc. Cut Glass Water Sets, Sugar and Creams, Slierbets, Vases, Bon-Bons, Flower Baskets, etc. Prices to suit all purses. Fruits Home-made Scotch Shortbread PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW. YONGE AND CENTRE STREETS CHINA AND CUT GLASS Men and Boys We would just like to pass on to owners of Radio Sets A little friendly advice. The Radio In- lpeclor is liable to visit the vii- lage any time, and if you have not got a license we would ad- vise you to get one. We iuuo Radio licenses but whether you get one from us or notâ€" LARGE QUANTITY OF Pine, Oak, Beech, Maple, Etc. in 12 feet ‘lengths Suits ‘Overcoats Trousers GET A LICENSE. " 300 Cord of Fire Wood COME IN AND SEE OUR SELECTION OF Suitable For Christmas Gifts Richmond Hill This will be sold in convenient lots at STEIN’ PRENTICE & PRENTICE, Auctioneers. CREDIT AUCTION FOR Ornamental and Useful J. R. Herrington REAL ESTATE ' INSURANCE Ties at $1.00 The latest in Shirts with collar to match at $2.50 Fancy Sweaters at $5.00 Men’s Fall Hats from $3.50 to $5.00 Agent for the House of Hobberlin Norman J. Glass The Richmond Hill Furnishing Store WILLIAM BROTHERTON Investment Securities See gut sfiecigljne of Houses for Rent and Sale. OFFICE PHONE RESIDENCE PHONE Richmond Hill, Ont. D. L. PRITCHARD. Finch‘s and Yonge Willowdale 63 J Real Estate Loans - and Insurance RICHMOND HILL Candies ecretary. LOANS 11M

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