PRICES WITHIN EASY REACH For $35.00 upward we can supply you house Set. Ask us to demonstrate this home or at our Showroom and to show 1 houseâ€"Brandes Loud Speaker, Brandt Phonograph Attachment. ~ . 1' WESTINGHOUSE Westinghouse 53 La’nedo. The Radiola III. is the ideal set for farm use and the ideal Christmas Gift. It brings in all the good rograms, and is so simple to operate that anyone on get good results with scarcely any instruction. )n thousands of Canadian farms Radiolas are a source of enjoyment every night. Lakeside 5-280 NOT BQASWMW‘ BUT THANKWLH Richmond Hi“ Motors If you will have laundxy r9 giving good selvi'ge. If yu ('d“ up as early as convenie We enjoy the wonderful satisfaction of hav- ing achieved a famin ianndry service that is. unique in rice history of Toronto and disirict. Our years of patient research work have made it possible for any house- wife-$1 413% the “feririiyeeesh†done in five different ways---and at a price which is within easy reach of Eire arose modest house- keeping budget. , WE CALL 1N RECHMOND HrLL DISTRICT Wednesday and Saturday STANDARD BANK IIIIIIIHIIH||||l1|||lll||l|llllllllllllllllm ' A Savings Accohnt is a Splendid Investment Ipward we can supply you with a Westing~ Ask us to demonstrate this set at your own our Showroom and to ghoul you the Westing~ lhm‘e laundry randy when m iwr culls, ynu will assist I]? in nd SElVi1;L“. If ynu only hme d: ivm' cull “he-n phoned for, early as convenient, to hum e m man :utentiun‘ OF CANADA TWO HUNDRED AND THIRTYâ€"ONE BRANCHES THROUGHOUT CANADA a momeint’s notice, with/ out sacriï¬ce! w N absolutely safe '° ‘° investment rarely returns more than four or ï¬ve per cent. And should it become necessary to realize cash promptly, a sacriï¬ce of two or three Per cent of the Principal will probably be entailed. To depositors in the Standard Bank of Canada is offered abso lute safety with interest at three Per cent. And deposits may be withdrawn at Westinghouse Radiola . vvxlll 1'“ ““' ' 5" Speaker. Brandes Head Sets or \IIIIIIIIlIIIIIII|lIIIIN“I|IIIIIIIIII||||l|lllllll|IlII|Il||||||I llllllillllilï¬mlllIIIIllllIllIIllllllllIllllIllllllllllllllllIIIIIIIIIIIIlllllllllllllllllmllllllllmlll TELEPHONE 109 THE 12);“: e In unan attention We'll be glad to demonstrate right in your own home What FOR RADIOLA 175 Ossington Ave., Toronto GIVE A BANKING FIFTY umih 500 feature? At the regular January ï¬nes-ting Mrs. A. Penny will give'a report of the. Qen‘ujul InsLiLutes’Co’nvémion'recemly ,holdiiï¬ To‘roum, which Was an' out: standing-even with many interesting CA- Ah-.. L;' Mrs Phipns' team produced an ex- ceedingly life-like Sunday Scimoi (Jon- cert with ull the boys and girls in short clnthes and herself as a. quite max-Venous superintendent. This act was the gié lteSL fun raiser nf Ihe ewn' ing. Mrs, 0. \Vnght’s team put on a Pickwick Christmas paity with ten Dickens characters in costume. The last team and its act was adjudged the best of the three performances and was awarded the min: best of the three performances and was awarded the prize. Business transacted included a reso- lution tn go on with the h'bmry aSSistance as ft‘l‘lnt‘l'lv nlnnnafl A Public Baum feyjfgluxgnlzy w hen C-hief Medical Health 091 Latin, will speak on Rural j hlems. and “What Eve Should Know.†The dape< ima- will b. announced later The ï¬rst [65ml] lll'r)vd(_3;‘flM'['S. lawman put on u. clever Charade Including as uné act. at style show with picturesun costumes old and new. The December meeting of the W0- men’s Institute was held at the home of Mrsi H. Innes. Thursday evening last. Ina competitive Christmas pro- gramme thlee teams tOnk part led re- spectiwly by Mrs. A. Plewmnn. Mrs. A. Phipps. Mrs. 0. Wright. The judges were Mls. Hall, Miss Munday, and Mrs. Thompsnnfmm Thm'nhill. In I n Mls. Ed. Lenny. of Gnrmlev. suffer- €d£1br0annllll and other injuries and an empluyHe “ho was driving her tn the station was also hunt, when their team run away Tuesday. Dr. Lang- staff and Dr. \Vilson also gave prompt allentidn and Mus. Lenny was remov- etLLu [he (it-Hem] Hnspital, Tux-onto. Clever Charades Are Presented nce. Space limitations alsdï¬r’naliie it impossibie to publish this Week‘s ‘Way Back In The Liberal Files.’ By reason of the volume of news and advertising in the pxesenb isillv ithns been found necesamy tu lmld until next week the concluding portion of 311'.Jallllâ€"S McLean’s intex esting sur- veyofplrm'inz activtties in (he pruv- Tn-sttm Old Boys are giving a. dnnre Uhlislmas night. eclmm: 7W»: {ml}; juice in the Lord hy Hum g5 . sung. Musiralscleciinns will lm: [n- termazzo, Mascagni, violin. pia: and organ. Tenm- Sula : “U UOIIIE- In My Heart. Lm'd szUs,†Mr. Lauder Glass. Violin 50].): Miss Aileen A? kinsun. Anlhvm Snln: ()hemlvim Song, Bellmansky. The subjO't of lhe sermon will be "1 he Angels' Sung†nur. n. r. mob. amzm. of Weston. \V'Illnonduct the anniversary selviue uf Lnskay United Church. Sunday, December 20 A cnnc’ex-t. and Christ- mas ’l‘lev will be hrld the following evening in Institute Hall. "New Bum joys SpPPi-‘dl Christmas Ms Wain}: SPI'ViC Avery delightful wedding was per- formed at the Methodist parsonage. Richmond Hill, December 12, by Rev. A. A. Wall. when Miss Florence Ruse. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Rose of Newmarket becamn the bride of Mr. Bertram Tait of Stouï¬â€˜ville. The young couple left for points south with the best wishes of a host of friends. After the trip thvy will reside in Stouffviile where Mr. ’l'nib has a successful busi- ness. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. James, of 107 Atexandra Boulevard, Turnntu, are spending Chlistmus with Mr. jumes' hrother,Mr. Frank H. James, nf Car- qtuins. Alberta. and New Yem’s with his brother, Mr. C. 8. James. at, Van- couver B. 0. They rpo-t to return to'l‘montn the second Week in jun- uary. New Yeais Eve the Capitol lentre North Toronto. will I)» hHVing a. mid- night show. with eight llig special Vaudeville ntLrHctl-nw, comedies. etc. l‘avol-s will be given In all. Tickets are now on sale. Miss Iremz MacDonald, nf Melville. Susk., is spending a. few days with Mrs. 1. IL Herr-ington, on her way to New York. where she expects to spend Christmas. ‘Christnms services will he held next Sundny in the Methodist United Sunduy School at Richmond Hill. An npprnpriale programme hnsd been arranged and parents and friends are invirvd to attend, A feature of the service will be lhe presxmtution of gifts ham the schnle for the Christ,- masdinuerat llw Olphunuge und lu assist some needy fun-lilies. Santa Claus is due tn attend the Ch'iistmas entertainment at the Meth- odist United Ohm-ch next Wednesday evening. The scholars are preparing the usunl ï¬ne programme of choruses. recitations. diulogues etc. All the grown-ups are invited to share in the occasion, An admission fee of twenty ï¬ve cents towards expenses. $2.65 ; boy‘s 5 Pyelet, light, gum. $2.25. (mlnshes â€" Women’s 2 buckle. 2 dome. $3.50; women's 4 buckle. $3.00 ; missPs 3 buckle. $2.65. N. J. Glass. 25-26 Heavy Ruhhers â€" Men's 4 eyelet, white sole, $3.25 ; men’s 4 eyelet red sole 33:00 :‘ n_wn’s_7 t-fckb light gum. The services at St. Paul's United Church next Sunday will be appro- priate to the Christmas season. There will be special music. Mr. F..Pclham Chaffey assisting at the morning ser- vice. The Sunday Schoo‘i Entertain- ment and Christmas Tree will be held on Tuesday. 22nd inst, at 7.45 p.m. At, the Methodist, United (‘hm-vh '. A; A. Wall win preach E. F. McL. Smith. of Westr regular Janï¬aiï¬ > meeting ' 11y wiljngg've a x'fport of the Health mee ing is pmnned 'when Dr. _. McCullough. ica] Health Officer of On- =peak on Rural Health LPa-r- “What Ever Paxent ow.†The due of the meet- IS formerly glanned. I Richmond Hill News Notes 2 [n- _ and Ir My umler "'1 el- E LOCU'I‘ION MISS Marguerite Boyle PROFESSIONAL GRADUATE A. SmLEY STUDIO. CONCERT‘ENTERI‘MM Tï¬AOHER ' 7 Addams: ,' JONES LUMBER C0 Telephones: 42 Willowdale Hudson 0235W. FRANK A. BOWDEN & SONS STORE OPEN TU? SDAYQ. THL‘RS DAY AND SATURE AY NIGHTS. low pr i:ty of Manda RADIO PQLES Just Two Weeks Clearï¬zg Sale cf Mid-winter Mgilï¬ncry a! Size MISS BARKER On Thursday, December 10, the Woman’s Auxiliary of St. John's Church, Oak Ridges, met at the home of Mrs. J. Chatterly, Aurora, when Mrs. Soanes, on behalf of the mem- bers, presented her with a life mem- bership as a token of their great es- teem and appreciation of her long and faithful service in the Auxiliary. Among the pretty Christmas dis- plays in Richmond Hill stores is that; of Mrs. Norman Batty, of the Quality Shoppe. The Wide range of holiday specialties attractively shown is a con- vincing argument as to the advant- ages of “buying at home.†Mr. and Mrs. W. Hewison are spending the Christmas holidays at Fergus. What could be a more acceptable Christmas gift for an old friend than a year's subscription to The Liberal? It is a gift that brings the news of the old home surroundings and will be appreciated every week. onsistinqn The Ford- Motor Company presents in this issue a handsomely-designed advertisement conveying a Christ as suggestion which may interest mg .y readers. PHONE 27 BUILDERS SUPPLIES Colored lights twinkle round the throne of Santa Claus in the attrac- tive Toyland in Davies’ Dry Goods Store. Multi-coloured streamers and other decorations heighten the effect of a most creditable Christmas dis- play. 30.37.18 Studio Rough and Dressed Lumber Hardwood Flooring Pine Lath Doors Cedar Shingles Sash Rooï¬ngs G yprock [‘ar paper Wallboard Cente Street East J. J. Deane Government, Municipal and Corporation Bonds V Bought, Sold and Exchanged 30 to 50 feet. Teléphonc 28. All business strictly conï¬dential IHGRNHILL Building paper '2'“! ï¬mmEéâ€"E â€" 1 Emery S’mre LANSING TEQRNHHL Privute Phone: 78 Woodbridge éphsmé“ Doors Sash G yprock Wallboard Mst AND it ()F OWEN THOR NHILL POULTR Y FARM THORNEjILL E‘OU‘LTRY FARM 100 per cent. comfort, easily regulated to sudden changes of temperature with minimum amount of coal. Intense heat, easily control- Will hold fire nearly as led because of its sensitive long as anthracite or coke response to draft and with but little more at- check. tention. ECONOMICAL No 5007 LITTLE ASH; NO CLINKERS FREE BURNING Fruits ngsstic C03} Art Brassware, such as jardinieres Cigar Holders, Vases, Etc. Cut Glass Water Sets. Sugar and Cream M-Bom. Flower Baskets, etc. A Prices ; .__ n-.. , - WV.-. quuxx‘-kx‘,r_\ak:b-’fï¬ 1 lï¬iCDw( A! ï¬fthâ€; Home-made Scotch ‘Shortbz’zsad PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW. We solicit orders for cut flowers for all occasions, which will be promptly and carefully ï¬lled. 32 JOHN H. DUNLOP & SON FLOR ISTS Royal Albert Crown China Cups and Saucers from 50 cents. This is a special line and cannot be replaced at this price. Jardinieres. Vases. Bread Plates, Butter Tubs, Sugar and Creams, Tobacco Jars, Salt and Peppers, Cheese Dishes, 'l‘eapoLs-â€"plain azd fancy, Condiment Sets, Etc. Hand Painted Children’s Cup and Saucers 15c â€"Lusne 25c. RICHMOND HILL, ONT YONGE AND CENTRE STREETS IQUAmY é §§§§§§€§§§§§§ §~§§€§ CHINA AND CUT GLASS Scratch Feed. Full-O-Pep and Blutchfm'd's Luying Mush fur Pnultry. Bran. Shorts, Middliugs Glutteu Feed for Stock. \Ve haven good supply of genu- ine Pocahontas Coal. Anthracite Briquetts, nnd huge Pea Coal, Man Nut and Furnace size Duke and a. car of small an0 at. $7.00 deliver- ed, Out, Slabs and Cu; [hud- Wnï¬d . 'o sell at $12.00 a ton, delivered. Ignites quickly after which it burns with light brown smoke. An exceptionally high grade bituminous coal of extremely hard structure and possessing characteristics which makes it particularly suitable for domestic use. COME IN AND SEE OUR SELECTION OF Suitable For Chrisfmas Gifts At the Elevator Black We areinear you, why not deal at home ? . RAMER STEIN’S We pay the highest prices for aid hens and young cockerels, Eive. - COURTESY SERVICE - STOP 15, Y“ DEVICE AT THE ELEVATOR. Ornamental and Useful -â€" SOLD BY -â€"- Meets in Masonic Hall SUNDAY SCHOOL l0.00 A.M‘ SERVICE - - “.15 AM House Shoes, Co'o;hea. Boots and Shoes. OUR SUGGESTIONS ‘FOR CHRIS TMAS GIFTS For Men Sweaters and Sweater Coats. Shirts. Ties, Neck Scarfs, Cloves, Garters. Arm Bands. Handkerchiefs. Etc. Ties in boxes from . . . . . . . . . . 75c to $1.35 Sweatcls from . . . . . . , . . . . . $2.50 to $5.50 Hockey Boots; Boys. $3.50; Men's $4.50 Norman J. Glass PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH The Richmond Hill Furnishing Store For Women and Misses L’Uz'sï¬â€™t'ng you 5‘? Merry Cï¬rislmas. reams, S nces to Ii;in §§§§§§§Q§ ALL WELCOME Ash ’l‘ra vs RICHMOND HILL mm exbe Canï¬ies