have always thought nf Olhï¬atmaa an a gnnh time; a hint], fnrgining, genernaa pleaaant Iimr; a time when mm anh mantra 522111 by an» tangent In 11an their hearts freely anh an 31 say-(Eu?! T161255 mhï¬ï¬tmaE.â€"~Dickens. Swiftly onward time cloth fly Here is Christmas coming nigh. Little children laugh and sing, Saying,J“What will Santa bring?" Joy and gladness ï¬ll the air, Bid adieu to carping Care, Sing the song of Peace on earth, Celebrate our Saviour's birth. Euletihe @rnï¬ngs Give with loving hearts so true. 'Tis what Christ would have us do. He has the example set The poor are here, do not forget. Ring the joy bells. mortals sing Praises to our Heavenly King. Scatter presents far and wide. Ever in God's love abide. CHRISTMAS SPECIALTIES Table Raisins, Figs, Mixed Nuts, Candies, Fruits and Chocolate; %&€€%§%§%M Yonge and Centre Streets Richmond Hill J. & Ni. STEIN s§ses§s@%@@%% Â£Ã©Â©Â©Â§Â§Â©Â§Â§ï¬ +90§+§+§~r§~r§w~§m~§+§ a-§+§w§+§ REAL ESTATE INSURANCE Hargraveu and Wilson, motor ex- perts, have removed to 3421 Yonge Street, just at the top of the hill. Telephone Hudson 6960). On the way to town run your car in if all is not right with it. It makes no dif- ference whether it is a simple, little rattle or a general ovarhaul, it will be attended to by experienced mee- hanics and at a surprisingly low ï¬gure. Their years of experience is at your service and it costs no more than the ordinary kind. the Season ’3 Greetings, ‘¢§+WH§+§W§+§+§+§+M§+Q* Nun Evar'a (ï¬rtetinga Wwï¬ ON YOUR WAY TO TOWN WILLIAM BROTHERTON thank their customers f DAVID HILL & C0. Happy apd Prosperous wish their man cus- tomers in Ric mond Hill and vicinity a Very Merry Christ- mas and a Happy New Year. Houses for Rent and Sale. Investment Securities Richmond Hill, Ont. OFFICE Plums 87 RESIDENCE PHUXE ll RICHMOND HILL a Merry Christmas the patronage of the past year and extend A FEW OF OUR Wishing you all Finch‘s and Yonge Willowdale 63 J Real Estate Loans and Insurance . Herrington New Year. @lyriatmaa Emmier and a anh to all LOANS 4 HM