Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 17 Dec 1925, p. 5

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Covering Canada’s Best Suburban District Vol. XLVIII. Call--- YONGE AT CASTLEFIELD NORTH TORONTO quet Given In Aurora By Solicitors reeves. deputyâ€"reeves, and clerksâ€"representa- tives, indeed, of every branch of municipal government in York Countyâ€"assembled Monday evening at the dinner given at the Queen's Hotel, Aurora, by Messrs. Naughton & Jenkins, who are solicitors for many of the townships. The ail‘air which, incidentally, marked the opening of Mr. Phillips’ enlarged dining room, was, as regards the post-prandial program, a happy combination of a feast of reason and a flow of merriment. Mayor Walton, of Aurora, admirably filled the posi- tion of toastmaster. Notable among the addresses were those of Mr. E. A. James, Engineer of the York Roads Commission, who, emphasized the need of a progressive policy in dealâ€" ing with York County’s transporta- tion problems; and Mayor Person, of Newmarket, who cited interesting figures relative to the increased ex» penditures which had been co-incident with the country’s development. Duncan P.>Cowan, of Toronto, was in charge of the entertainment features of the varied program. Sel- dom, if ever, has such singing been heard south of the Newmarket Canal, as that furnished by the Rich- mond Hill Male Quartette, consisting of Messr . Albert Glass, Armand Savage, homas H. Trench and Wil- liam H. Pugsley. They got away with it, tooâ€"after ten o’clock in the stillness of an Aurora nightâ€"but then, the Aurora police never were a vindictive lot. Charles Bilborough . Mayors, councillors 3» Thursday, Friday and Saturday December 17, 18, 19 _“Sporting Life” STARRING Bert Lytell Mariam Nixon Cyril Chadwick COMED Yâ€"â€"“HO T SHEIKS’ ’ Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday December 21, 22, 23 / Richard Barthelmess IN “ Shore Leave ” COMEDYâ€""THE SKY JUMPER” » - - - carried off the prize in the singing Specml Attraction, December 24 Christmas Day, competitiom with Percy WC] Hm a be close second. Mayor a ton, as saturday’ Decem r referee, showed great fortitude. Walter S. Jenkins replied happily to a toast proposed to the hosts. Members of the press, owing to the lateness of the hour, contented them- selves by passing a resolution “view- ing with alarm” the perversity of cer- tain of York County’s reeves and solicitors, and urging upon the es- sembled lawâ€"makers the need of a Matrimonial Bureau as part of any well-rounded system of municipal “(10 WEST” yvmi BUS TER KEA TON a a r . - Special Matinee Christmas and: New 1 ear 5 ai'ternoon. Mr. ' , celled himself "V provui . a ' " which would have done credit to th largest of the city hotels. The program was as follows: Toast Masterâ€"«Mayor J. M. \Val- ton, Aurora. BRANSTON HETROLA 1:ThenKiҤ- .01” m S 5 Tube Set, installed complete ~ $145.00 RezeveCTl Tieichl'RicliimSihedHiii Responses by Reeve T. H. Legge, Aurora; Reeve Wesley Gohn, Mark- ham; Reeve Morgan Baker, Whit- church; Reeve J. *A. Hopkins, North DE FOREST CROSSLEY Model 50, 1 Tube Set $28.00 K MOdEl 52, 3Tube Set - - Gwillimbury; E. A. James, Engineer - ~ - York Roads Commission, Toronto; Equipped With National Loud Speaker. Mayor P. \V. Pearson, Newmarket; and Reeve B. Weldrick, Vaughan. 3â€"Selection by Duncan P. Cowan. et , , . ‘ 4â€"Chorus: Charles Bilborough, 4 Tube Billy Ground, Percy C. Hill, and Vic- V. tor Hall. 5â€"Richmond Hill Male Quartette (looked afterâ€"as well as possibleâ€" by D. Cowan): Albert Glass, Armand Savage, Thomas H. Trench, William H. Pugsley. 6â€"Municipal Councils. Proposed by W. H. Clark, clerk and treasurer, Whitchurch. Responses by A. E. Hancock, Aurora; Ernest Morton, North Gwillimbury; Thomas Baker, Vaughan; J. R. Campbell, Markham; W. H. Pugsley, Richmond Hill. 7â€"Selection by Mr. Cowan. 8â€"Singing Contest: King, Whitâ€" church, Aurora, North Gwillimbury and Newmarket, led by W. J. Bassett; Aurora, Markham, Richmond Hill, Vaughan, York and Toronto, led by W. H. Legge, Vaughan. 9â€"Municipal Officials. Proposed by W. H. S. Cane, Newmarket. Re- sponses by J. G. McDonald, Aurora; J. B. McLean, Vaughan; J. L. Jenkins, King. 8â€"Educational Institutions. Pro- posed by M. L. Andrews, Aurora. Re- sponses “by J. T. Saigcon, Vaughan; Abner Baker, Whitchurch; R. L. Sti- ver, Markham; obert Davison, North Gwillimbury; A. Wells, King; James McLean, Richmond Hill; Dr. Wil- liams, Aurora; and George Kellam, Radio Supplies China, Winter Sporting Goods Toys _W .____.W_ Removal Sale Lease Expiring---St0ck To Go At Cost I Take advantage of the Great Values offered at W. L. Rainey’s Store, Elgin Mills v h . ‘ Tuesday to Saturday, December 22--26 ag‘is‘é‘femo. by Mr.‘ Owing to the expiration of lease, the entire stock poingga’iiilmalnShiigiii:' Milli: will be sold, including: Groceries, Dry Goods, Hardware, Boots and Shoes, Rubbers, Patent ll/TEGTCTIIQS, ETC. (llovci'. North Gwilliinliiury; J. A. \X’ATCl-I FOR POSTERS. Elliâ€"1i??? affilli‘éil‘.“ Hi”; 5' Responses by R. R. Brown, Aurora; A. M. Kirkwood, Aurora; Mr. Carr. fiiplg; J. R. Herring-ton, Richmond 1. . . 11â€"Sports and Recreation. Pro- posed by I". M. Thompson, Aurora. Responses by llert Knowles; Russcll " ’ Team As Well In Street League Richmond Hill TI‘IS been grouped WitliOakville and Vaisity II. in the 0. H. A. Intermediate series. Pros- pects now are that a. fast team will he placed on the ice, in combination with Markham. Among the players from the latter place said to he avail- able :ire . Max, Reesor, Cowie, Steph- enson iind Undeiwood. Richmond Hill will contribute from her speediest, including Sharpless, the two Ross boys and Blanchard. Gordon Sloan and Godfrey Willis are managers for the season and the fans are rejoicing over the prospect of ex- cellent spni ti. Anuthermectingis being held this (Thux'SdRylaltei-noon With a view to completing llie organization of a "Street" League to include Willow- dnle, Newtonlnimk, Thoi'nliill, Rich- mond Hill, Sclioinheig and Aurora. First. sleps were taken at it meeting a week ago and it is hoped that. delin- ite plans may be “'Ul‘kt’d out today. Messrs. Cecil Harding and Bert Grunt are representing Richmond Hill. The schedule is as follows : Jun. 8â€"Oakville at Richmond Hill. " 11 â€"-Richmond Hill at U. of T. " 15â€"1]. of T. at ()ukville. “ 18â€"U. of T. at Richmond Hill. " 21â€"0iikville at. U. of T, " 23~Richiiiond Hill at Oukville. " 26-Richmond Hill at U. of T. " 28-vâ€"U. of T. at Oakvill‘e.'â€"Oak\ille at Richmond Hill. " 34â€"U. of T. at Richmond Hill. bâ€"Richinond Hill at Oakville. 8â€"Oiikville at U. of T. Elder Heise Is Recovering (Special to The Liberal) Gormley, Dec. 17.â€"Mr. Hamilton, of Toronto, who bought Mr. Bert Johnston's farm, Lot 3, rear of 3rd Con., during the last year, has had Mr. Butcher and son working the pro- perty for him during the last year. He has now decided to rent the farm. At an auction sale, Saturday ARV/"w he disposed of , 4., . lizing about j‘floF'x-x» it ~ sold his market gart of land for $6,2 . . one greenhouse. He expec s connish his new house in Gorniley and to move in in March. Jesse Steekley of New Gormley, is moving to old Gormley during this week. Mr. John Empringham of Gormley, suffered a severe stroke of paralysis about a month ago, but is slowly re- covering. Elder H. R. Heise, who suffered a slight stroke of paralysis about six weeks ago, is recovering. Mr. John Leary, who is in his ninety-second year, is in failing health at present. Elder Aaron Hunsperger, of New Dundee, Ont.,who died December 8th at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Joseph Farmer, Gormley, following a stroke of paralysis, was buried in Blenheim cemetery near New Dundee. In the same plot reposes the body of his first wife, the mother of his family. The late Mr. Hunsperger united with the Tunker church of Canada in 1875 and was elected to the eldership in 1879, remaining in that capacity until his death. His third wife, Lovina Geiger, died February 7 of this year. He then went to reâ€" side with his son, William, at Alder- shot, Ont., remaining until October 11, when he went to Toronto for a visit with his daughter, Mrs. W. W. Moorby, going thence to the home of Mrs. Farmer, where he was stricken, dying the following day. Mr. Huns- perger was dearly beloved by all his family, eight of whom survive to mourn his loss, four sons and four daughters: Noah Hunsperger, Pal- ouse, Wash; Fannie Farmer, Gorni- ley; Lydia Hayes, Telford, Pa.; Isaac Hunsperger, Ketchikan, Alaska; Wil- lian Hunsperger, Aldershot; Jess Hunsperger, Philadelphia; Nancy Hunsperger, Toronto, and Mary Ann Hunsperger, Roslyn, l’a. A brother, Benjamin, lives in l)id.~:bury, Alta. There. are t‘w'entyâ€"two grandchildren and live grcat~grandc1iildi'en. Dent Law of Ringwwl. was murâ€" rietl December 0 to Miss Lizzie Hider ul' (itil‘nzley, by Rev. Mr. Yokes. of i'vllll'klllllll, at the Iattcr's li'niic. Fol- lowing a :hoi't li:,;iic-_\‘iiii10n the couple :ii’s. inking up residence at Ringwood. St'lliiill. CONCERT ‘ «09-3 . M] 3111' lBaking Contest “[2 Essentials, Unity; In N022~855mztials, Librrry; In All Things. Charity." RICHMOND HILL, ONT., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1925 MUNICIPAL lllEN RICHMilNl) lllll. ATTEND DINNER IN OllA. SERIES Notable Gathering at Ban- Village May Have Hockey Held In Maple (Special to The Liberal.) Maple, Dcc. lT.â€"Thc dramatic re- cital gvicii by Capt. \V. S. Martin, on Friday evening, was very interesting, and many beautiful views of the Rocky Mountains, Yukon. and Alaska, were shown. The monthly meeting of the \V0- men's Institute was held last week, at the home of Mrs. George Garrow, and was in the form of a baking con- test. The Iirst prize for tea biscuits was taken by Mrs. J. A. Rose, and second by Mrs. B. Jackson. First for pie, Mrs. Johnston; second, Mrs. T. O. Nixon. On Saturday morning Mr. and Mrs. \V. Rolling had a narrow escape from ‘ serious injury, when their sedan skidded and upset in a deep ditch. Mr. J. Watson. who was with them, had his shoulder and arm bady hurt. The annual entertainment of St. Andrew's Sunday School will be held - on Friday evening of this week. After :wise, but rather to be kind. supper is served a programme will be given by members of the school. The house and 101: owned by the late Miss Devlin have been sold to Mr. George Garrow. Victoria Square Enjoys ‘Shoot’ (Special to The Liberal.) Victoria Square, Dec. I7.â€"A very successful shooting match was held by Robert Agar, 5th line Markham, on Saturday afternoon, December 12. A fine lot of turkeys, geese, ducks and chickens were distributed to those who were skillful enough to drive the tack, or get the nearest to it. The arrangements were perfect, and the afternoon was quite favorable for shooting, until a fine snow be- gan to fly. A large number of sports were present both at the rifle range and at the one for the 22‘s, from To- ronto and the countryside. Space would not permit to name all, but among the crowd one noticed such shots as J. and C. Madill, W. A. Broâ€" die, Col. Elliot, and many others from Toronto; G. A. M. Davidson and W. Canning; lininnvilla- R, S Erisby, A. _Fr, .\.'i , ll W. Scott, J12, \ s 'w'. Spofiord, Elm.“ ‘ ' ;.m -. r ‘ spectators: Wm. L .va l Luna n. A. ‘ia-va' e, A. M1: I 1L: 1 ded' their genial hospitality if to everyone, Sunday school pupils of Victoria Square will give a Christmas enterter- tainmeiit Decemer 24-. consisting of pantomimes. drills and choruses fol- lowed bya “Christmas play, “When Dev“, School Entertains.” Rev. II. S. \v:ll‘l§'n,0f Stoufi'villo, will sin-.ik at 215 pm. and Edgar \Valloir Richmond Hill, at special Christmas services, Sunday, December 27. Pretty ‘Wedding At Thornhill (Special to The Liberal) 'l‘hornhill. Dec. 1'! A very pretty Wedding took place last Week when Jenny. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Hand of Button- villa, was united in marriage to Mr. Alfred Hood, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jos- eph Hood. The ceremony was perfor- med by the Rev. '1" W. Picket of Lan- sing. On Monday evening a reception and dance was held at the home of the groom’s parents. _ The Presbyterian Christmas Tree enâ€" tertainment will he held on December 2‘2 instead of the 24th as previously an- nounced. Dr. J. R. Campbi-Il visited his brot- her at Bracebridge last week. The closing exercises of the Public ° School will be held tomorrow afternoon at. 230 p.m. Parents and friends are cordially invited to attend. Miss Snider of Toronto spent a few days with her sister Mrs. J. Grice. Residents of Langstaif and vicinity will be pleased to know that W. J. Hopper has joined the Leader chain of stores and has also opened a first- class butcher shop. A well-attended meeting of the Field Day Association was held last Monday evening in the hotel. The treasurer, S. I5. Elson, gave an ex- cnlh-nt i‘Cpui‘f. shmfing a balance of $702.91 in the bank. tev. R. S. Fralick, who was the prcsidcnt of the Association, having moved away, {ichard Simpson was clotted to take hi»: place. A manage- ment conimiitco was appointed, Con- " "3‘â€" 7? z .4 ‘ « 5‘ E y ' Papa‘s.“ ;<,_.},,,,,1 (whom v.31}! bo sisling of F. ll. Ilchlin. W. lSl‘ltlL'll. _ ‘ L‘ liv (fin-(111.. y, ‘it'i‘l .11 in- «hour r. 1-“;- momngg .ilisu M. *llil1'8r'l‘1, l\. Smeihc. c‘. L. F,‘ The ,3: ,EEEL‘ i nefwmip- tho. “,3,” i‘w "irllmi' I\ m >4 u'cl wk, Sum-er i 4: l'lill V» llll'~.‘1l Ilium. L‘ 'J’ ‘» " 4'; ' L; ‘ in, :J' r~ ~_r_’; 3‘ \ ll ' i 5;. "r: it] li H ;- in, it I, xii-ll 13' .t Inc Association m â€"_â€"’_*â€"______~â€"_.-__~â€"__~_â€" ____ ____ - ‘-_______‘___" Whamma~r “use--- .1-.. . .. k I , u;~ 2. sud-J. ~.~. "A -r 71‘ «a 9.x ' "a I ,- .. -- w » - / . If; VF“; 5E; Q4 \j $11.51,; ._ . v 1 a; y , w, r _ q kg; 1. lenélLA “ 3 N U ' i g . K c.-. 1 l 5 r.â€" l ” ET“? “‘1 ' r: "w : o. : ‘ r r x - 9 , NH _ .5? _. a z c. -\ .1 .Ja ‘l K. St Nell , ’ Wm "\ ifs/i . ,5. -. I c 2. ,.,.__, . ‘5 ~ 5’, 772‘ y! ,1. >7“, 3‘ ‘4. A {r “i ll .. I r ‘1 kg: ' i .4 x.» , - -, . ; g i . .. ., v , r, 1 'v. 2 l L .V'I ‘ ‘ I w "L “liraâ€"“s s“ " ...â€",~ r?â€" v . . . . c Single copy, 3 cents. $1.50 per year in advance. No. 25 AULD LANG SYNE IN PHOTOGRAPHS _ Old-time Pictures Amuse Members of Women’s Institute At Meeting (Special to The Liberal) Newtonbrook. Dec. 17 Mr. Harold Summers, of Montreal, was home for the week end. A bee was held last Saturday after- noon to fix up the rink for the winter months. The ground was levelled and (boards put up for a hockey cushion. The December meeting of the W0â€" ‘men's Institute was held at the home ‘of Mrs. G. R. Goulding, with a goodly number in attendance. Mrs. E. A.’ James, of Toronto, gave a well pre- pared address on “Christmas in the Home," showing that the true spirit of Christmas is not so much to be It is of love rather than of wisdom, and the day is the best and richest day of the year. An amusing photograph guessing contest, was afterwards en- joyed. The old photographs caused merrimont. The prize for having the largest number correct. which war I handsome china cup and saucer. WII won by Mrs. O. Brillinger- A liberal donation WHS sent to the Santa Claul Fund and the Navy League. Miss J. Milburn also gave I number of piano solos. Tea was served and the meeting closed, every- one appreciating the kindness of Mrs. Goulding in giving her beautiful home for this meeting. The regular monthly meeting of the Home and School Club was held 'in the new Portable School, on Tues- .day evening ofthis week, the presi- dent in the chair. The service of wor- ship was conducted by the Rev. C. P. Muirhead, president of the Willow- dale Home and School Club, who also gave a short talk on the right Christ- mas spirit, or the Christmas spirit in the heart, illustrating his talk by the story of Scrouge’s Christmas. Miss Marjorie Lewis played two violin solos, after which Mrs. J. J. Eaton, of Toronto, gave a very interesting and inspiring address. She told the Christmas Story in a very beautiful way, and also the storv of “Bobby’s Dream,” illustrating tl. "If Hr- had not come,” conv: ; . her bearer-‘5 in _a very' .won 2 v ,w ‘ .i U , Icon for commg we' would but have our churches, schools, hospitals. orphan ages and Christian homes. She asked the parents to take time to tell the Christmas Story to their little ones. Mrs. Eaton has a faculty of story- telling that is possessed by very few people, and her address was very much appreciated. The room was filled, and many new members were added to the roll. A vote of thanks was moved by Mrs. White, and seconded by Mr. Galbraith, to those taking part in the program. Refresh- ments were served, and the meeting adjourned. _ The Rev. E. R. Young’s sister has Just arrived from England, and will spend Christmas at the Parsonage. Pupils To Give Entertainment On Tuesday, Dec. 22, the Home and School Club will serVe tea in the pub- lic school during the afternoon. Short entertainments will be provided in each room by the pupils. The pro- gram is as follows: Miss Martin’s room (old High School) .................... 1.15â€"1.45 Mrs. McConaghy’s and Miss Webb’s rooms .................... ISOâ€"2.00 Miss Welsh’s room .. ..2.00â€"2.30 Miss Brown’s room ..... ..2.30â€"3.00 Miss Richardson's room... ..3.00â€"3.30 Mr. Scott’s room ................ 3.30â€"4.00 Parents of pupils and other visitors are cordially invited. Silver collecâ€" tion in aid of Hot Drink Fund. Garage Burns; Loss Is $2,009 Mr. Louis Stoutenberg, of Victoria Square, lost his garage on Tuesday at noon by fire, all his tools and Mc‘ Laughlin cur, also oils and gasoline, coal and general equipment for the mechanical work so successfully car- ried on during a number of yours. The. loss amounted to well over $2000 and unfortunater he cariied no insur- ance. The men of the community gathered And were successful in savâ€" ing the resided e by a ieajz hard tight. The sympuihv of a. host of friends grii'SlillL to Mi. Sioiiienbuig in his loSs. ll. .' Cm i‘i' Lupin (if "-1 xx" ‘11 it ll'l“. an 1251i Fillllll ilic w l‘.’ Lo "ll‘x' ,. . will... .'.2‘ .‘-“‘_ l Mr M

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