Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 17 Dec 1925, p. 8

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Through the Protective Tariff Sys- tem and other modes of unscientific taxation, industry in Canada has been driven into vile and unhealthy concen- trations, with little regard for either the social equation or: the economic use of our natural resources. Is it necessary that Richmond Hill should becomereither an Eden for Idlers or an Unwholesome Industrial Hive? Cannot we catch something of the vision of' Prince Kropatkin' in his “Factories, Fields and Workshops”: “Have the factory-and the work- shop at the gates of‘yourfields and \. gardens and work in them. Not The future of Richmond Hill will be determined by economic pressure. That the village will become a purely garden suburb. inhabited by tired million- aires is extremely doubtful. We agree with our correspondent that much might be done to improve the appearance of the village, although our present mode of taxation puts a premium upon the maintenance of unsightly buildings. Forest Hill and Fort Erie, with similar problems, have been more giseerning. The experiences of the Danforth, of North Toronto, of St. Clair and of Parkdale show that fearsome predic- tions regarding a business future for Suburban Yonge are clearly yvide of the mark. Indeed, the amazing devel- opment of these brisk, busy local shopâ€" ping districts ‘has been one of the sigâ€" nificant signs of the times. As an evi- dence of the deâ€"centralizing forces at work compare these districts any Saturday night with the Downtown area. By keen, modern methods of merchandising, moreover, they are exerting a tremendous influence in educating the public in the advantages of :‘shopping at home.” . r v “7 on” precarlously are toI-day 1mportant ‘tradlpg centrgs, sgrvmg large and gro_\_vmg constltuenmes. The generalities advanced by our correspondent with regard to in- creases in taxation in North Toronto are of no value in the discussion of what is after all merely an element- ary problem in economics. While the methods of the Toronto Assessment Department are anything but modern and scientific, there is no reason to suppose that, by and large, the “jump” in taxation in North Toronto follow'ng the traction improvements was isproportionate to the “jump” in real property valuations. Local im- pnovement taxation, of course, was heavy in many districts. But it should not be forgotten that if in isolated cases, owners found it difficult to “carry” their properties, in hun- dreds of other instances large incre- ments were taken. Further, a little inquiry Will show that many of the established North Toronto business houses which in the old days “carried If anyone who passed through the days when crowds jostled and pushed and cursed in the mud at the old Farnâ€" ham avenue terminal of the Metro- politan line has any regrets over the passing of such conditions he has not yet been heard from. uiSCUSSiOH of details such as heating, equipment, time schedules, etc., is cle‘aArly premature. If a.bettér alternative plan than the transfer of the line to the Tor- ronto Transportation Commission is brought forward, The Liberal will give it full support, but up to now we have not seen one advanced. We beâ€" lieve that both the Hydro and the T.T.C. officials have given the public faithful and earnest service. Rela- tively few persons will a me with our correspondent’s stricture upon the T.T.C. Certainly not men like Peter Witt, of Cleveland, one of America’s most eminent traction experts, who the other day expressed his amaze-t mentat the success which has been attained in the operation of the city lines. T.T.C. cars are at least clean and well ventilated. But inasmuch as it is improbable that cars of the city type would be_ operated on the As to Hydro Radial service, there need be no argument. It is doomed. It cannot, or at all events will not, be continued, with its quarter million yearly deficits. Maintenance of un- necessary terminals, repair shops and offices has piled up an intolerable bur- den of operating costs, with conse- quent inadequate service and high fares. For years and years Richmond Hill indubitably has been blessed with its full share of “wonderful sunsets” â€" but it cannot be said to have waxed fat upon them. Within the last year four persons have been added to the resident popglation. V3. Relatively low taxes, with inac- tivg realty. 2. The inestimable advantages oâ€"f Hydrg Radial Service. 1. Wondefful sunsets. MFViifienold trees. r _ Otherwise conditibinrsV are pretty chh as thex should be. We have: Our correspondent’s sole suggestion looking to “an ever better Richmond Hill” is that our citizens should tax themselves with a View to creating here a Rest Cure Garden for Toron- to’s Tired Business Menâ€"or at least for a “class” of persons of wealth and spacious leisure, whose eyes are now offended by the lack of architecture charm in our outhouses. We concede to our correspondent the right to his own opinion. But we do not concede that those who differ with him utterly, but approach the matter in better temper and possibly with wider vision, are either “Anani- ases" or purveyors of “falsehoods.” In another column we publish a com- munication from a correspondent with regard to the radial question. RICHMOND HILL, DEC. 17, 1925 Subscriptions: $1 50 a year in advance Single Copies 3 cents. The Liberal Printigg Company, Limited. R. F. CHOATE EDITOR AND MANAGER Ehe ifiiheral LOOKING FORWARD BATTLE SONG FROM BAGOT As The Telegram with character- istic elegance of diction has it: “Be jingo, we were at Batoche “And fit at Fish Creek too, beâ€" gosh,” quoth “The Khan"â€"R. K. Kernighan, The Wigwam, Rockton, 0nt., in the spgeiops days 9f 18857. those large establishments, of course, in which huge masses of metals have to be dealt with and which are better placed at certain spots indicated by Nature. but the countless variety of workshops and factories which are required to sat- isfy the infinite diversity of tastes among civilized men. Not those factories in which children lose all the appearance of children in the atmosphere of an industrial hell, but those airy and hygienic, and consequently economical, factories in which human life is of more ac- count than machinery and the mak- ing of extra profits. * * *’ ; factor- ies and worshops into which men, women and children will not be driven by hunger, but will be at- tracted by the desire of finding an activity suited to their tastes and where aided by the motor and the machine they will choose the branch of industry which best suits their inclinations." Suburban Yonge citizens still have the moulding of the district’s future largely in their own hands. Within a short time the initiative may pass to outsiders. With proper transportaâ€" tion, development will come rapidly. Why not shape the future into a happy combination of brisk business, wholesome industry and intensive agriculture? Little dia Canada’s greatest poet ‘. G, BALDOCK, LIMITED Luuucs mug ana 072 memes high! C01? We are always glad to demonstrate Atwater Kent Radio. â€"-every other Atwater Kent product. The Atwater Kth Model 20 Com_ acids only 19 “74 inches long and 35 inches high! Come in. C94 RADIO for‘an endâ€"table! . . . Let us show you a radio as neat as any other fine electrical instrument, as unobtrusive as a wellâ€"trained servant,‘ as small as a row of a dozen books, as dependable for all-round performance‘ as IT is impossible to enumerate our large and varied stock of articles and novelties suitable '-for Christmas and New Year’s presents, but'we inv'- our inspectian from which ' " O D ' “ madéfi‘firinéf‘ttfiifismxt feifi' days, we~ shall be glad as heretofore, to lay aside until needed. ‘W 3. to 5.30 See Our Window for Coin Guessâ€" ing Contest for Prize Doll, 23-27 Davies’ Dry Goods Store DATED at Toronto, in the Province of Ontario this 3lst day of July, 11.0, 1925. MORRIS & MORRIS. NOTICE is hereby given that Bertha Violet Lidkea, of the Town of Mount Dennis in the County of York and Province of Onterio, presently residing :zt l2(l2 Jane Street, in the said town. will apply to the Parliament of Canada at the next session thereof, for a Bill of Divorce from her husband, Clifford William Lidkea. of the City of North Bay. in the District of Nipissing in the said Province of Ontario. Labourer, on the grounds of adultery and deser- tion. wot that, forty years on from the battle of Batoclle, Rt. Hon. Arthur Meighen and his followers would come rejoicing, bringing in the sheaves of victory from a bye-election in Quebec, and singing their own paraphrase of the Khan’s words:â€" “Be jingo, we were at Bagot “And got our hides well filled APPLICATION FOR DIVORCE with shot.” 1025 Federal Bldg” 85 Richmond Street W‘egr. Toronto. Ontario. Solicitors tor the Applicant. PHONE 119. E wi~h our patrons and every- w lmdy else's patrnns the Mex-- rival, Christmas that evvr came into thvir lives. The brotherhood spirit SPPIRS to he growing and all that we can do to encourage it, will hfing mue happiness to our lives and busiâ€" nesa. ‘ Phone 133 L. INNES & SONS l a s t week will have an 0pp0r~ tunin to inter- view h i m next Saturday a ft e r - noon from SANTA CLAUS who were unable to see All small Children Richmond Street Try A ‘Liberal’ PRENTICE & PRENTICE AUCTIONEERS J. H. Prentice, 415 Balliol St, Toronto. Hud.1347. K. G. Prentice, Milliken. “'e are prepared to conduct sales of every description. Farms and farm stock sales a specialty. Farms bought and sold on commis- sion. All sales attended to on shortest notice, and conducted by the‘ most approved methods. SAM. SHEPHERD PAPER HANGER AND PAINTER Oxford Street. Phone 18-r 3 Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York Sales attended to on shortest notice and at reasonable rates. Patronage solicited said City of Ton-unto, Insurance Brok- er, on the ground of Adultery. DATED at Toronto. in the Province of Ontario, this 17Lh day of November 1925. Saturday, January 9â€"Auction sale of Faun Stack and Implements. the property of Mr. Jas. Fisher, at lot 15. con. 3, Vaughan. Sale at one o’clock shalp. See hills. Plentice & Pren- tice, Auctioneers. PEARLE CLARK PEAROY, of the City of Tor-unto, in the County of Yurk in the Province of Ont-41in, Murxiod Woman, will apply to the Parliament of Canada, at thb next session thereof, for a BILL OF DIV- ORCE from her husband, GORDON MONTGOMERY PEAROY, of the For pul'ticulars see James Curtis on the fun In. or Messrs. Andel-snn & Mc Master, Barristers, 2881 Duudus Street East, Toronto. Offelsln purchase will he :(Ic-eived fur the Curtis farm. being 67; acrvs of the West half of Lot 17. Concession 2, Malkhum, close to Richmond Hill and Thornhill; good wads, ten mom solid ln-ick hnusv, hank burn, diiving shed and nut' uilxlings all in good repair. Saturday, Decembm- ]9#~AllCIiUn sale ut'.dml1l 180185 of standing timber in 1-1 awe ION cumisling Hf maple, (wk. hitch um] sv'nw px-plur, at Int 25!, (zuluesdun 3. Vaughn], [he pm- pextyuf Mr. \V. '1‘. Unnk. Sula at one o'clmk. Teams: 11 months Credit on approved joint notes bear- : " "C ‘3‘ 'peroeuvperannum. mtioneorpr b‘IKSIZULAbS HARNESS MAKER â€"â€"-Ne\v harness made to order. All kinds of urpains while you wait P Hur- ness polishes and wagon m-euse. H. Gnld, {iuhmond Hill. umlh of \Ves. We lhunn's sturP. 25-36 lj‘OUNDâ€"On 31d con. Mmkhum Tuesday morning. 1 bag WI Owner may haw same by paying pensvs. Gem-are Allison, Jr. 1 ‘TRAYEDâ€"On to the property 0 George Magi m, west of Sherf wood. White EOW, about, December 1- Ownercnn recover some by pmving claim and paving for kwp and adver- tisement. Telephone Mup‘e 2857. 26-6 0R SALE~One second-hand Mas- Iey-Han-is Cream Separator. Ap ply W. J. Scrivener, Massey-Harris Agent. Richnmnd Hill. 24-25 F OR SALEâ€"A number of purebred White Wyandotre Cockerels. Ap- ply Mennu Smith. R. R. No. 1, Maple. 24-25-26 130R SALFâ€"One horse, democmt wagnn. McLaughlin, good as new- und a. good cutter, Phone 6112 Stouff- ville. L. B. lleiw, Victoria. Square. A. C. HENDERSON PLUMBING AND TINSMITHING Hot Water Heating and General Repairs THORNHILL, ONT. " 0K SALE â€" One Heater. R0an Oak and one box stove. Apply James Ctuickshank, Centre St. E‘st‘, Richmond Hill. 24-25 0R SALEâ€"Btick house in North Toronto 6 mums and heated sun loom: hot water heating; havdwood flnms, brick garage; lot. 40 x125feet: qardvn; fruit, trees: chicken house Good terms. Apply Liberal Office or Telephone Hudson 0757 w. OR. SALEâ€"Geese for Chriaunis in good condition. Apply John Donald, Box 16. Elgin Mills. 24-26 H. A. NICHOLLS Notary Public Commissioner, Conveyancer, Etc. Insurance and Real Estate CLERK THIRD DIVISION COURT NOTICE is hereby given that ‘W()AR_§AL§:â€"'I‘i1|hnophy Ha y Classified Ad. APPLICATION FOR DIVORCE AUCTION SAL/'3 REGISTER Cullen For Results CA_MIP‘BELL_& QQMEAN Y, FARM FOR SALE Classified A dvertising 509 Excelsior Life Bldg.', ' Toronto. Canada. Solicitors for the Applicant. J. T. SAIGEON RICHMOND HILL . Stop 29 A MAPLE Mmkhum, on 1 bag rwhedt. HAZ EL’ ’25-26 24-25 HENRY S. MULLOWNEY, M.A. Elgin 5301 A. CAMERON MacNAUGHTON ‘ BARRIST ER 511 McKinnon Building, Corner Jordan & Melinda Streets Undertakers RICPQIOND HILL - UNIONVILLE and THORNHILL WELLIAM COOK, COOK & DELANY King. “'hitchhx‘c Gwillimbury. Walter S. Jenkin Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Puifllc Toronto Office: Standard Bank Buildj\ng, 2453 Yonge St. (Eglintun Branch). ’ Phone Hudson 3218 Richmond Hill Office: Over Davies Dry Goods Storeâ€"Every Saturday Money to Loan at Current Rates Phone Richmond Hill 119 Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Toronto Oflice: 2498 Yonge' St. Phone Hudson 3408 (David‘. Henderson‘ ,7 _V ~me the Toronto Conservatory will accept a number of pupils Vocal and Theory. Richmond Hill - Friday and ADELMO MELECCI AND MISS BOSALJND BUSH, L.T.C.M. [10011 ‘NAUGHTON & JENKINS DR. J. A. c. MacDOhALb DENTIST Sterling Bank Building Thornhill - - 0n! DR. J. P. WILSON Office hours: 9 to 11 am. 6 to 8 p.m., and by appointment. Oflice: Centre and Church Sts., u-wu u‘aA‘uuAnA'A‘ fl North Yonge St. - Richmond Bil DR. ROLPH L, LANGSTAFF- Oflice hours: 8: 10 mm. and 6: 8 p.m. DR. EILLIAN C. LANGSTAFFâ€" (Diseases of women and children) Omen hours; 128 p.111. DR. L. R. BELL Dentist Office: Trench Block, two doors north of Standard Bank. Hours: 9 a.m. to 5.30 pm. Telephone 32 DR. W. T. McINTOSH Dentist RICHMOND HILL. ONT. Office: Over Da 05' Dry Goods Store Thomas Delany) Barrl§ters, Solicitors, Etc.' Toronto Office: 816 Federal Building; 85 Richmond St. West Richmond Hill Office (Liberal Oflice) ever; hnrsday afternoon. Miaple, Thursday after non. \Voodbridge, Saturday afternoon. Money to loan at Current Rate Toronto. Phone: Elgin 4879 Denton, Macdonald & Denton Barristers, Solicitors, &c. Manning Arcade, 5mg St. West, Toronto, Canada Telephone Main 0311 Cable Address: “Dedo” Arthur A. Macdonuld. Frank Demon. Laura Dentou, BA. Richmond Hill Phone 48-r 3 Office HENDERSON & MCGUIRE MULHOLLAND & SMYTH J. EDWARD FRANCIS NOTARY PUBLIC. Real Estate and Insurance Commissioner, Conveyancer, Etc. THORNHILL nornmll - - Ont... Consultation and Diagnosis Free Telephone 61. Open Evenings Eflrehprigk fl'd. iflnllptt fiianiat-Emrhrr STUDIO :~ Care of Mrs. Joseph Graham, Am c ( J. Harry Naugl: Richmond Hill. Phone 24 Iicit‘ (\Villiam JOHN R. PELHAM CHAFFEY TENOR Teacher of Singing Now accepting pupils Pho‘ne 94J for information Choir Leader and Organist Presbyterian Church .Bgvrrigters, Solicitors, Etc. DENTIST Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Telephone Adelaide 2108 >5: 85 Richmond St. West, Toront Naughton Block. Aurora ices Veterinary Suréedfi For Information Phone 53] MRS. MYLKS DRS. LANGSTAFF DR. MACLAREN James A. Boles) )5: 93-95 Sun Life Building. Adelaide and Victoris Sts, WRIGHT BROS. Ofk Done Quickly Bank of Commerce, Opposite EATON.) nkins, Res. Phone Hill. 5043 Naughton. Res. Elgin Mills, Res. Phone 127.2 ‘ BUSINESS THORNHILL MUSiCAL MEDICAL DENTAL 7n LLGAL TORONTO Phone 100 Markham Friday and Saturday F. Gordon Cook nservatory of Music. of pupils in Piano. \V.» H. McGuire Blgin 5302 Hill North

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