Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 24 Dec 1925, p. 1

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Mr. A. Brillinger and his son had a narrow escape Monday morning when th ir truck was struck by an engine _ he crossing near the station. The ruck was smashed but the occupants had to jump to save themselves. (Special to The Liberal) Maple, Dec. 24.â€"On Monday, the 14th inst., Sidney Nicholls passed away at the home of Mr. Frank Line, :after a twelve hours’ illness. The funeral took place on Tuesday to Aurora cemetery. The deceased was a grandson of the late Peter Rupert of Sherwood. The annual entertainment of Maple nited Church was held in the Com- unity Hall, Tuesday. A humorous lay, “A‘ Perplexing Situation,” was Engine Strikes HTruck At Maple ‘he annual entertainment and ‘h ‘stmas tree of St. Andrew’s Sab- ath School was held on Friday even- ng. The vestry was crowded and fter an excellent supper a program was given by members of the school. At the close of the program Miss M. Johnston, on behalf of the congrega- 1‘e§énted. TOWNSHIP BOOKS FOUND “IRREG, 5 TUBE K I N G RADIO Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday December 28, 29, 30 OLSJR ARTHUR CONAN DOYLE? Matinee Christmas Day at 2.30 ' BOXES OF CANDY FOR ALL. Usual Matinee Saturday. an“ 1â€"1“! nun VVI‘HI‘ UV! I’LJ TE Thursday WON Friday COMEDY: “ THE Covering Canada’s Best Suburban District Vol. XLVIII. NORTH TORONTO V THEATRE YONGE AT CASTLEFIELD $855 apitol 24 3 \DECEMBER 25 26 , ,7" ".w. --~uu..“v;, no follows: “All persons who fail to pay their taxes before the 31st day of Decem- ber next, preceding the annual elec- tions, shall be excluded from the Voters’ List . . . . in accordance with the statute in such case made and provided.” ~ In view of the approach of an elec- tion of unusual interest to select the members of next year’s council, atten- tion is called to the notice which ap- pears upon the tax bills‘issued by Mr. A. J. Hume, clerk and treasurer, as A, n u”, , 1tion, presented the pastor, Rev. Mr. Bowman, with a well-filled puse, and an address was read by Mr. R. Mc- Naughton. Little Miss Audrey Mc- Naughton then presented Mrs. Bow- man with a bouquet of roses. Rev.‘ Mr. Bowman responded in a few well} chosen words, thanking the friends for the gift. Santa Claus then ap- peared and distributed the gifts ofl" the tree. No Vote Unless Taxes Are Paid Mr. and Mrs. Stanley McDonald of Kindersley, Sask., are visiting the former’s. flarents, Mr. and Mrs. S. A.“ McDonald SEA SQUAWK” Comedy : “PLEASURE BOUND” Call and see these popular home. on approvai. Ct t 5% t ’7‘“ gzézzcezfis of adventure ever § screened; )LI W/IUU/i/fl «g9 Saturday HALL’S SE “In Essentials; Unity; In Nonâ€"assent ialx. Liberty; in All Things, Charity” RICHMOND HILL, ONT., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1923 In Markham Township 'it is report- ed that George Padget. former reeve, and possibly John Smith, former councillor, may oppose the present reeve, Wesley .’ ohn. In King township Mr. E. M: Legge, first deputy reeve, will be a candi- date for reeve. The intentions of “Sandy” McMurchy, present reeve, are not known. Whether any opposition will be of- fered ‘to Morgan Baker, the popular reeve of Whitchurch and son of the late Warden Seneca Baker, is not known, though George Leary has been mentioned as a possible candidate. As candidates for councillor the certainties appear to be Mr. Greene and Mr. Baldock. A considerable number of others are mentioned as probabilities, including Harold Mur- phy and Robert Endean. Nominations take place Monday. In Vaughan township, indications are that Reeve Berwick Weldrick, and possibly the whole council, will be re- turned without opposition. Present indications are that four candidates will be in the field in Rich- mond Hill for the Reeveship as fol- lows: J. Lunau, David Hill, James McLean and W. H. Pugsley. Thornhill, Dec. 24.â€"Christmas ser- vices were held in the churches last Sunday and were all well attended. In the United Church the Rev. Mr. Strangways preached two eloquent sermons on the symbolism of Christ- mas. At the evening service the an- thems “Hark, Hark, My Soul” and “Glory to God in the Highest," also the quartette “Silent Night” were par- ticularly well rendered. Happy faces beamed with expecta- tion-on the arrival of Santa Claus on the occasion of the closing of Miss Bird’s and Miss Morris' rooms at the Public School. Parents and friends thoroughly enjoyed the entertainment given by the pupils through the un- tiring efforts of their teachers. Much merriment was aro, sed when Santa Claus presented the avors and candy to his host of friends. The teachers were the recipients of many beautiful presgnts. Principal McCormack pre- side . Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Brillinger and family of Bala, are spending a few weeks with Mr. and Mrs. O. Brillinger The Young Men’s Club of the Unifieg'ChuIch will give an entertainâ€" will~ be' presented PUPILS DISPLAY SKILL IN TESTS In the Anglican Church several beautiful carols were sung by the choir. ment New Year’s ev‘énifigfliJgr-{Iiz’alv‘grui A play “An Economic Boomerang” ,,,:n I Speed Trials In Arithmetic Is Feature of School Closing Exercises. Mr. Philpot of Richmond Hill, has moved into the Uplands Golf Club- house. Many In Field .' For Reeveship Santa Early At Thornhill It was a day of real smiles ‘n chuckles at the Richmond Hill Public School, Tuesday, when the Christmas closing exercises were held, with the co-operation of the Home and School Club. The occasion was marked by the formal opening of the Teachers’ Room. Half-hour programmes wege given by each of the classes, beginning with the Primary, at 1.30 o’clock. Vocal solos, instrumental selections and dia- logues Were given, as well as five- minute talks by some of the pupils on subjects selected by themselves. Each room chose its own chairman. The High School closed, Mbndéy, be- ing dismissed on completion of the examinations. Santa Claus arrived opportunely, presenting to each child a gift. The Home and School Club provided a feast of cake, and other generous do- nations were made of maple cream and candy. Afternoon tea was served by the Club. A collection of $11 was made for the fund to provide hot cocoa daily for children remaining at noon. Miss Martin’s class in the Old High School! hadritrs oxvnfiparity. r A feature of the afternoon was fur- nished by the pupils of Mr. Scott, who displayed amazing skill in a series of spged test; in arithmetic. r sets-“have one ins‘tafled in your 10mplete line of Radio Supplies. {WC} A Christmas entértainment and Christmas tree will be given by the Victoria Square United Church Christmas eve. , The entertainments tat Miss Sinc- lair’s School on the 3rd line, and that of Mr. Nicholls on the 4th, were postâ€" poned by reason of the funeral of Mr. Leary. (Special to The Liberal) Victoria Square, Dec. 24.â€"â€"-Miss Mortley’s school on the 4th line be- tween Victoria Square and Button- ville was the scene of a jolly Christ- mas entertainment Tuesday afternoon. The program of drills, readings, etc., was enjoyed. A resolution, moved by Mr. Klinck and seconded by Mr. Nicholls commended the teacher for her excellent work and tl-ie pupils for the _fine program. The Public School held an entertain- ment Thursday, December 17. The concert was put on solely by the chil- dren and was very good. Santa Claus distributed the gifts. The teachers, Misses Tate, Russell, Jackson and Mel- burn received appropriate presents from their pupils. .The stores of North York are splendidly decorated with fruit ,and candy, toys and sporting goods. In every store we find something we need. Why not buy at home this Christmas and partonize our local stores? bn the slietch, “Myr fornia," following which Santa; Claus appeared. ‘ Parisi Bros. have recently opened a fruit“ store at Stop 9A. They pro- mise to carry a full line of fruits and they are also in the Service grocery chain. H.-. .._, .0.“ r-...~, y. vvuu VAAthu uJ JULV. y E. R. Young pastor. Recitations were then given' by Misses Scott, Banks and Shaw. Master Gordon Cornell gave a reading “Mother and Our Auto.” Pantomimes were given by the junior and intermediate girls and two drills, one by boys and girls and the other a Holly Drill by the girls. Master Howard Moore and Miss Eileen Moore played a piano duet. A humorous dialogue was acted by the junior boys. ‘The Pollyanna ClassAput (Special to The Liberal) Newtonbrook, Dec. 24.â€"Watchnight service will be held at Newtonbrook on New Year’s eve. Rev. E. R. Young will lead the meeting. The Willowdale Lodge L.0.B.A. 580 will hold a dance on December 31 at the Township Hall. An enjoyable entertainment was held here Friday. The church was artistically decorated and also had two Christmas trees. The Sunday School members occupied the platform and the church was filled. The con- cert was opened with a Christmas c_horus apid prayer was offered by Rev. HOLIDAY SPIRIT IN NEWTONBROOK Entertainments Given B y Children of Church and Public Schools Victoria Square The information brought out by the Provincial Government‘s audit of the accounts of North Gw’ilfim- bury Township coming at this late date, the present Council will have no opportunity of acting upon it. The duty of dealing with the find- ings and the determination with regard to further procedure will devolve upon the Coumil elected for 1926. As it was pointed out by Mr. Ellis, the Keswick inquiry was not a judicial investigation. Such an inquiry was beyond his power. It would of course be held before a iuige. _ TOO LATE FOR ACTION BY THIS YEAR’S COUNCIL The Liberal, pursuing its policy of printing York County news for York County readers. is the first and only paper to publish a report acquainting the public with the facts “ of the North Gwillirnbury inquiry. A representative of The Liberal made inquiries of some of the township officials but found them disinclined to express an opinion as to further procedure. The mat- ter, it was said, would pass into the hands of next year's Council for consideration. 51A! DIRECTOR RIMS; INQUIRY INTO N. GUIILIIMBURY ACCOUNTS; PAYMENTS UNDER SEARCIILIGHT “It would not be more than three years." Hirst could not remember taking it out at all and did not know whether he had had it from December or April! The township was paying six per cent. on money borrowed from the bank. Asked if he had paid any interest back on the two amounts he had out he said: “Not that I know of." Hirst also said he owed $99.03 to the township by reason of an error dis- “Do you remember how long you had the $500 7" ..-..J -u, AUHU’ vu xx!“ u nu, LUA‘X. Asked why he had paid over to the township a cheque for‘,.>$500, he re- plied: “I have nothing to say other than it must have been due them.” “How could it be due them?” “In error.” I “Was it through the auditor’s state- ment thag you found it out?” “I would' not sayrrofieVQ-Iaiy or the other.” “From the time you it until you transferred it you had the use of that money '2” A‘Yes‘n > He explained that he had written out a personal cheque, following an audit. for the nmmmt stated bv the auditors as required to make the books balance. Hirst said he had been-’in complete charge of the Treasurer’s books from May _18,‘19_23, _to Apin 26, 1924. Not 3 Judicial Inquiry Mr. Peters and his assistant, Mr. Brock, the Provincial Government ap- pointees, wree examined in respect to a number of questions submitted in writing by Mr. Naughton. The inquiry, it was explained by Mr. Ellis, was not a judicial inquiry and the whole matter is now before the township council for their further consideration. “On February 7, 1923, $200 of townâ€" ship funds were deposited in your ac- count by your brother?” asked Mr. Naughton. “Yes.” “March 26, 1923, the sum of $349.50 of the township funds deposited in your account by your brother?” “Yes, both by my brother.” Of this, Hirst declared $78.16 was his own money. He had found later that the balance of $471.34 should have been in the townshi}; account. Methods of Accounting Come In For Condmation At Hearing In Keswick---Gheques Found la Bed Of Treasurer} Brother, Auditor Reports. “I think there have been irregulari- ties in this municipality; that is to say: the books of account have not been dealt with as they should have been. And. perhaps, the monies have not been as carefully looked after as the} ghoqld have b_een_." Mr. Hirst was ques‘tionrediwiitilifig- gard to payments, he made into town- ship funds. Former Reeve C. E. Willoughby and former Treasurer W. A. Hirst, whose accounts were under examina- tion, were questioned during the in- quiry, though the explanations given were i the main those of the special auditor , Messrs. Peters and Brock. Such is one of the conclusions reached by J. A. Ellis, Director of the Bureau of Municipal Affairs of the Province of Ontario, following an audit of and inquiry into the ac- counts of the township of North Gvgillimbury, York County. That “the treasurer should hIWe kept; his own money and the money of the municipality separate" was, an- other of Mr. Ellis’ findings at the con- clusion of an inquiry hold in the Town Hall, Keswick, beginning Noâ€" vember 25, the official record of which has been made public, and is now re- pogted exclugively in The Liberal. EUTRODYNE 5 TUBE ‘ “What I understand now, Mr. Hirst, is that on the 14th June, you author- ized by some order of some'kind the bank to pay Mr. Willoughby $600?” Kl$600.7’ “He told you that was approxi- mately the amount that was owing." “Absolutely.” “On what road?" “Road 16.” - “Then Mr. Willoughby on the 14th June went to the bank on the order you had given him and got $600 in cash on the 14th?" “Sure he did.” Later in the examination Hirst was questioned regarding the items he said corresponded with the $600 VVil- Ioughby cheque. Referring to his cash book and vouchers, he answered: “I do_not see one there marked road 16.” The matter ofrpayments for maid oil was also the subject of consider- ablgguestioning. *- “Was there anything shown as owâ€" ing by the County of York for oil in 1923, Mr. Brock?” inquired Mr. Naughton. “No, we have nothing for 1923.” “So that when you balanced your books in 1923 there was no outstandâ€" ing account by the County of York Single mm” 3 cents. Cash Book Scrutinized Further questioning brought out the information that the items in the cash book were virtually in consecutive order up to October 2. Then they went back to the entries of items said by Hirst to have been the items cor- responding to the $600.00 check, which were entered in the cash book under date of June 14th. Questioning then turned to Mr. Hirst, as follows: “I notice in the cash book,” con- tinued Mr. Naughton, “that the items previous to this June 14th, are items dated October 2nd.” “Yes.” “You did not deposit all monies you received in the bank. You used to. keep some cash?” “Always had cash.” “On account of this $t30 goin through by mistake you kept $93.9 of the township funds?" 1 “That is what must have happened.“ Cheques Found in Bed Mr. Brock was questioned relative to vouchers obtained from Mr. Hint covering payments. He had gone over those handed over and Hirst had said he “was positively sure he had no more.” Brock continued: “When he came down again I told him it was important to get them.” Some time later Hirst, he said, had brought in others. ‘ ‘ “Did he say where he got them?” “Yes, he said he had been on his holidays and that it was usual for him to take his books over to his brother's house and he just thought possibly be left some cheques there, and he went upstairs and between the mattress and_the_springs were thesecheques." The other cheques in this bundle were largely drawn to “Cash.” “Did you find items in the cash book which would correspond with thesecheques ?” Mr. Brock was asked. “In some cases, not always." “Here is one to C. E. Willoug‘hby for $600, June 16th, 1924; did you find items to cqrrespond with that?” “Were there any payments credited to the treasurer amounting to $600 on June 16th.” “Not exactly $600.” Later in the examination, Mr. Brock was asked if certain items in the cash book -dated June 14th were paid by cheque dated June 16th. “Yes, sir.” “That is what you were told?” “Yes.” “And they were entered there On the 14th of June, before the date of theycheque to Mr. Willoughby?" H es.” “No, nothing’ exactly corresponding with that.” The cheques, Brock explained, were largely payable to cash and Hirst had said they were disbursements. They could not draw the exact amount and there would be cash on hand. Cheque to Former Reeve One of the cheques said by Auditor Brock to have been recovered by Hirst from his brother’s bed was drawn in favor of former Reeve Willoughby, the amount being $600. This cheque was the subject of considerable ques- tioning of Mr. Hirst and Mr. Brock by_Mr. Naughton. $ 115% per year i'n: aa'imce. No. 26 1255

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