Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 24 Dec 1925, p. 3

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, ,_, _..â€"...' vlvvll‘ Brien, Brlan. Racial Orlginâ€"Norman-French. sourceâ€"A glven name. Unfortunately for those who would like to determine accurately the na~ Uonality of their ancestors by means of their family names, a good bit of confusion exists between the sur- names Bryan and O'Brien. Similarity of sound and spelling has led t6 interchange of th‘e‘Se names in Variations â€" Bryant .......u no.“ we met that they sold As a Christian name, however, it (memes. But that would not account was Celtic rather than Teutonic. for the very many families which to-‘thougll names of the latter classdflca- day bear the name. It might also. and ? tion predominated among the Nor- undoubtedly was, in some instances,:man5. The Normans had picked it up conferred upon a. man as a nickname, ‘ in their previous occupation of Brit- and from this develop mm 9 famflyl’tany early in the Christian era. The name. Bretons are Cell-tic. belonging to me But [the explanation, in the mm mm! Cymric branch of that race. together ijority of cases, lies in a custom quite ,‘ With the W'elflh- 9'5 “SH-118111511“ from widespread 1n the middle ages, and ' the Irish and the Scots, who form the now all but forgotten, except whereI Gaelic bmcn- Th3 meaning 0? the the owner of 11 little inn, restaurant or , name was the same 39 that 01' “1° “"511 curio shop dail‘es to lend an air orlBria-n, however. being derived from quaintnese and antiquity to his bus-iv the Celtic word for “strength.” ‘ â€"â€"â€"â€"-o..~â€"â€", :fig d 61:11: 32:10:53 1:12:31]: 22%;? Badlp digested food. acidity of the stomach, and hue of some animal or uncle. Lev sluggish liver cause headaches. SelgelsSyryp “mi remove these causes. Any drug store. tered signs were little used because ~â€" R. the bulk or the population could not read. But the pictures was a dis- tinguishlng mark to the uneducated as : well as the educated eye. It was not| uncommon, on busy streets, to see ‘8! veritable menagerie on the signs off the shops and inns of a single square: It was much efiaief be refer to‘a man ' sdmply as "er'u‘rey Crane” than as} "Geoffrey at. the sign of the Crane."j Hence-the modern {mm of the name, though at‘EfiJe perimi ll .. ... rprf'fnflj-‘d b "d l u ( i [h "-TxkAReaar-d yd Wit}; Suspicion. Y e a o m. \A, 137 RONCESVALLES'AVE . p- uuo N611 onomo 3. E. Parker, 6 HERBROOKE w. w. Hmhomu SAINT JOHN G. Bruce BII a KENTVILLE George E GrZE: mun J. A. "chm, M. E. THORNTON. “mum Communion“. HONTREAL Blank application forms tallied (mm any C.P.l THE CANADIAN PACIFIC In order ta have the Milking help must flu help needed. fieip Packard Bullt 7 __ ~..u.n.u w nuswm Us] need: In securing competent tam: help. will continue In Farm Help Service Service, as last year, the supply of wc fl‘hroush experience in the put few vkh a number of farm laborers in Gre “Nev HOHNKI. Switzerland, Poi“ §l§"'3- Germany and “allrnculn .._J , iug'icai The mannecr in which such a family For name as Creme could have originated ably g is liloon to be puzzling to the casually I Bryan curious, for certainly the crane was glad u not a common enough bird in England um; m of the middle ages to have occurred to 1am: ‘ to a man's asaO-ciatee in that period land, when various descriptive phrases B'rys came into use to differentiate one 111- the N( dividual from others bearing the same it is tr given name. Brynn! There might have been exceptional ‘ as the cases hem and there of dealers in rare .’ origins animals who could have gotten the sur- "de Br name iron: the fact that they sold As a cranes. But that would not account was C for the very many families which to- though day beam the name. It might also, and 3 tion ; undoubtedly was, in some instances,:mans. conferred upon a man as a nickname, ; in thei‘ and from this develop into 9 family My 68 name. ““““ H‘O BE OF SERVICE to Eastern “MA. a- “h Nlrlatlonâ€"Craln. ‘Raolal Orlglnâ€"Engllah. Sourceâ€"A place, also a SERVI§E_ BAfiEfii" Eb. “BF” n..Aâ€"_.. 3338 Iâ€" w m is revealed. The flavor is pure, fresh and fragrant. Try it. Black. Mixed or Green Blends. ‘ne custom was that or placing his door a sign bearing the pic- some animal or article. Let- Department of (‘nlnni L J. bout-ll. General 9. y. ynq Manned Order Your Farm Help Now mriencc in the past few years. the er at farm lubol'er: in Great Britain. land. Switzerland, Poland. Gaucho any and Roununln and can nmmml were male used because the population could not BRYAN. J. figflL}?! . no 9. E. Parker, W. M. Bullion G. Bruce George E J. A. Me n hm.r Bu 0:. ml 4.3 I. Genet-1i Agen: ‘acosn Be. Sandal Co mint! btrlct Pun-um" In. General Bhutan, nan! Agent, Pusan; null Agnacitural Amt. “Wood. M Truffle. Axum. Sold by all good dealers lf - Your deale lou, write to us direct; Mall orders f1! nnmâ€"n_- A Surnames and Their Origin ENJOY THE BEST THE AJR HAS TO GIVE CRANE get their app . also a nlckname. Radio experts are agreed that Wet B. Batteries give more volume, better tone and greater range. Service 8upercell B.'s are' bullt to give long, lasting service at extremely low prices. Built In 3 popular sizes, finished in walnut: 60-Volt, 3.500 M.A. . . . . . . . $12.00 e7-Volt, 3,500 M. A. . . . . . . . $16.00 100-Volt, 3,500 M.A. . . . t . . . $22.00 Keep ‘your Batteries up to strength with a SERVICE Double Duty CHARGER. Charges A. and Automobile Batteries and B. Batteries from 24 volts to 120 volts In series. Rigldly constructors. silent In operatlon, easy to operale. 25 0:- f'» l , l Eifb°.f‘.’7".‘.’_°_‘.°e w'“ "°""°” $98110 , um unnnt. Help "SE-m; during 1926‘ Brlant, Breon hm SW of the oli: ACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY 'nlnnization and Development the full c Poland, (ramsâ€"Slahfia, E nd can promptly in! applied Cyndian Fax-mans women aomestlcs and l: in time for Sp ions In early, ,,,,,, ...... ump w Chg CANADIAN_ PACIFIC -..‘._ um. The best wood in the world for the manufacture of aircraft is said to be the Sitka Spruce. It is light and strong, and in British Columbia it grows to six feet in diameter. Mlnard's LInlment for stiff The Patient as all that?" Renard .d With Suspicion. _ Dr. Makoverâ€"“Yes,'§fi7fifmom- pXe-te course of my treatment I can safely promise you never will grow old.” J. a. DENNIS Badly digested food, acidity of the stomach, and sluggish liver cause headaches. Seigel's Syqxp wéll rbmrs-vn nu“, A, . Bryan was a Christian name among the Norman invaders of England, and it Is tram this source that the English Bryane and Bryants developed, as Well as the modern anchc Breon. It was originalfly, of coursq, "do Bryan" and "de Brian," bedng variously spelled. Bryan and Bryant are Norman-Frenc’fi {am-d were are hundeds or families of this name In North America and Eng- land whose ancestors never saw Ire» land. For While Brian is fish, and {neit- ably so when the prefix “0" is used, a host of cases: ,There are many Bryan: who trace their names back to one of the Irish Briana, Likewise there are Bruins whose names should logically be spelled Bryan or Bryant. ('1! and wilr mpnny ls harm of 3‘19 fish: to meet 8, Hungary. 1134;0- xppucatiom for farm ,ciaSa listed 5J3; : opcruuuns, farmer: enable us to mun hie! Commissioner. CANADA u inéxu’ai oys. :menL “0‘7 in much $26.00 lamb: ler can't supply filled? promptly. Is it as certainly fatal TORONTO Lhnlr muscles. During the first nil current year there pounds of herring ta} fisheries of Canada. landed the fish were v 809. Among- yha n10 SHIP US YOU/2M I ‘POULTRKGAME.EGGS. II BUTTERAND FEATHEIZS _ 'WE BUYALL YEA/D pmmn _ - WE BUVALL YEA "fife zoday/brpricey - the»: fir a woe Mlnard': Llnlrfienx for Chmlalns. “Yes. and the quean's name wasâ€"â€" wasâ€"" “Isabella,” suggested the mother. "Mother," demanded Alice. with sud- den suspicion, "have you ever heard ans story before ?” Lerri 0T. Old Stuff. Alloe had learned the story of Columbus at school, and was telllng it to her mother. "An' his ships were named the Nina. the Plum, ande " For what is l A thousand years from now, though! life seems strange, He shall beloved who brother‘s.J The gentleman shall always gentle be Whatever laws the government may make, These things shall stand mm 1110’- Iast thread shall break: Honor, and mm and m1th and cour- Lesy. Custom and fashion may make new de- mands. But honest laughter and the cheer- ruI' smile ‘ Shall. to the world's last hour, re main In style, And men shall love the m11_1d which un- dersmnd‘s. "Santa Maria," prompted the These to the end of the man: Baby’s medial-no mafl‘ an 1 Williams' Ont. when he can. A noble spirit sham luau} furpl‘h’K’Jâ€"Iv’o gum-Gum? the»: [6r a week ahead Heve hand Baby's Own Tablets act quickly.! contain no opiates or narcotics. are’ tasteless and harmless. Mrs. Joseph Cmieux, Holyoke, Macs., Bayerâ€"“I, have used Baby's Own Tablets for my children and find them a very satisfac- tory medicine. When my little boy had a cold I gave him the Tablets at night and he was well next dry. I give them to the children for constipa- tion, and they always do good. I think Baby’s Own Tablets acre much (aeier to give a child than liquid medicine. 1 I recommend the Tablets to all moth- 1 ere who have small children and beâ€" 1 lieve they should always be kept on L_,, x n i When a child shows the first symp- toms of a cold, such as sneezing. red- ness of the eyes, clogged or running nose, prompt measures for relief may avert serious results. Mothers should always have on hand some mvle, safe and efl'ecuve remedy for Immedi- ate use. of life; The will to meet and hear his share of strife 1d wrest from It what victory he can. Courage Avoid Serious Results by Using Baby’s Own Tablets. HOW T9 RELEEVE CHELDREN’S COLDS Jeanne Gordon the old hobby of co ls absolutely priceh he first nine months of the ar there was 161,527,600 p: the many Own Tablets are sold by all dealers or will be sent by 5' cents a box from The Dr. Medlclne 00., Brockvllle. truly noble cannot to face the changing tides gr taken from Ithe '2 {POUND - As caught and lined at $1,192,â€" ly uses for the for which 213,- consumed. And: “HA “5m 1 65’ 7F". fl“ 0 cannot Changel Edgar A. Guest don, Canadian-born star: of the Matron E collecting porcelain china banks. She time shall mark prodlaim the moth- sea Instantly came th bright little girl. " triumphantly. In the same class flnluon of a frog wa "He Is that thing down he jumps up, a 19 he sits down." If others who may give Dr. Williams' than they will be ‘ ,Mr. Seguin. You ‘from your druggist, icenvts a box from C { Medicine C0,, Brock child Samuel had am point from thve‘humalz F‘And now,” she 8‘ "I’m thinking of nu look or dress as w e feathers.“ The teacher was strata the truth the five care Is instinct The story or me ha child Samuel hnd on 7 _ _ v . . u 51A for years, and my inside completer broken down In t‘Iwm coughing all day, so ,indigestion, and could not three or four hours after started the pills, not with 5'eonfldem», but by the ti finished the second box I m: - improvement. At t'he fourt‘ uquite recovered, but conti for some further time. My 161‘! me, the indigestion has fed and I now fall as] eep soon as I am in bed. In my ’I do not hesitate to recon i Williams' Pink Pills to an. I reeling rundown or without ii think they are a bles-s‘in ' kind." ‘ \.. In British C undant supply of re mes called the giant c entiy reaches 150 1 d 10 feet in diameter “It is not natural for me to sit down [and write a letter in praise of a pro- lprleiary medicine as I had always been skeptical 818 to their virtues”. i'l‘hua writes Mr. Arthur Seguin, Storthâ€" loaks, Sash, who further sayszâ€"“But |three years ago I opened a general store here in Storthoalis and placed on my shelves a few lines of the best known proprietary medicines. Among‘ ‘these, naturally, were Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. As there were three of my customers who Were obtaining good results from taking the pills, and as I was in need of a medicine i decided to try them myself. HEALTH BRGKE DGWN Could Not Get Sleep for After Going to Bed Penn'd in a. meadow, I shall be dead, I fear, Within this thousand year; And all for that my dear Phfllada flouts me. At all In season: Love wounds my heart so deep Without all reason. I ’gin to pine away In my love‘s shadow, Like an a fat beast may, I cannot work or sleep As the ship stalleth. Please her the best I may, She loves still to gainsay: Alack and weLLwâ€"day. Phulada floubs me. ‘0, what a plague is love! How shall I bear it? She will lncoustant prove, I greatly fear it. She so torments my mind That my strenth faileth And wavem with the wind Poem Worth Knowing. “Phlllada Flouts Me." If one man could claim authorship lot all the poems written by "Mr. Anonymous," he would be one of the greatest, as well as one 01'. the most prolific, poets- ln the World. Few of the fine 014d ballads in English have' an author‘s name attached to them; yet it seems strange that a charming poem like “Phillada Flouts Me," of which we quote the first and last verses, should never have been owned. truth that lbve‘ ; instinctive In been suffering from from The 6r. \1 Ba‘ockville, out 11g all day, suffered from and could not sleep until U‘ hours after retiring. I pills, not with any great but by the time I had Iolumbi ' was given: ing that when he site B, and when he jumps Indians the ar I my inside work had ken down my health. I amply 11h nan side. 9 said 111 mothers We do! 11a: love and protec- lctive In all parents. baby Moses and the (1 box I marked much the fourth box I felt but continued them bia there is an red cedar, some. : cedar, as it fre- feet in height a blessing to ' feel skeptical will Pink Pllls a. fair convinced as was can get the pills or by mail at 50 try ing to demo Hans 391089 “111551 as In my stare now ’ I“confluent! Dr. following as My cough has Lletrated the rs'terious-ly, that don't They wear; n Upe-ra, takes up ims her collection from one She said V who are energy, [13 disappearl catarrh 1118,11 Hours ~ In the manufactura’ of sk handles, and bent wood goods toughness is necessary Canadia ash is largely used. This tree fined to eastern Canada. f Keep “What a glorious voiceâ€"what a in her singing!" whispered the g 1mg lady to the bored critic sitting 1 to her, as the soprano on the platf gave forth her not too musical Mrs And the critic answered darkly- Lhoug'ht of flounder, but 52).?) néver curred to me." Anrd, suiting3t1m action to the word, he walked over to the stove, removed the 11d and took out the lantern. A look of incredulous amazement over- apread the faces of Lhe woodcuttea‘s. That was quickly followed by a sheep- !sh grin, and that, in mm, as the pro- prietor closed the door behind him. by a roar of indulgent Laughter. “You fellows a.” warmed up good?" affabe Injuired the proprietor, rising from his chair. “Becausee it you be," he continued. "I want t’ borrow the lantern to go out and get some kind- Iingsss t' srgart a fire with, and to do th' chores.” [ The men gathered about the stove, rubbing their chilled fingers vigorous- ly, their faces aglow with contentment at the comfort of the room. At last they seemed to be warmed through. They left the stove for the chairs and benches that were scattered about the room and began to assemble their smoking equipment. Gears iheThroat, Relieves Roarsefiesg. goaghs “05655,? "At~a~boy!" cried t thuslasvtically when he ful glow. "The boss’s vawwfi $.73“... mu wt we “gated lantern withlnf“m«..â€"QI ;, replaced, the 11d and woflked wound with: ,,::7, J the stove. As he drew out the slide to the draft, the opposite war] In:- mediately became illuminated with a bright, cheery glow. Seating himself comfortably the proppietor awaited his guests, Who soon entered, boister- ously comp-Lainan of the sudden change in the temperature. The day, which had begun as In- dian summer, had changed rapidly tihrough the afternoon untii,a-t twiligh t',‘ it became a raw, nipping hubinge'r of coming winter. The pwoprie-tor of the village inn, with a lighted Lantern on his arm, entered what had once been the barroom but was now converted into a men’s lounging room. In cold weather this room was heated by an old-fashioned castilron box stove. Chancing to look out of the windowsu the proprietor recognized a party of woodsmen returning from their work' in the woods to the inn, where they lodged. A look OLCOntfition over- npread the proprieW's‘i’a‘ce’. “Therm cornea those WOOdrChODDBI‘S‘," he re- proached himself, “probaibb7 half froze, ‘nd I ain’t got any tire started yet." With his fingers the proprietor combed his forelock thoughtfully. Suddenly his face brightened. Step- ping quickly to the stove, he raised, Ads and set the lighted} AF» .5: - and futile. The parenrtkphe doctor and, ,the medical officer of health share the[ l responsibility for early administration. I i It is good to save a child from death, hut/is it not better still to save a child from disease? During the yeas- 1925 research workers in the health fieldi have perfected "Toxoid," a sure pre-j venit'ive against diphtheria. It is safe.l and absolutely sure; further. it givesI protection against diphtheria without any bad effects. Take you'r child while he is well~to your physician for the “Toxoid” treatment; you will then enjoy an easy mind all through the winter because you know he will be prote‘ted against that dreadful fee of young children, diph-theriatand all the t evils in its train, such a £11 impaired 6 “we heart and general debflity. ;‘.uu.5un. WU pay daily by expreSS 'save manv lives. Even the .‘imallesb ‘ ‘mone order. wh urchin standing in front of a bulletin, y 5 1011 can be cubed board marking the stages of the race 9 "when Without any charge} [with death knew the point of the mad? To obtain the IOP price. Cream drive was that, to be of use and save,must be free from bad flavors and the people from death. the antitoxin contain not leg: than 80 per cent. must be given early. Every man and Butter Fat woman, every mother and father in ' Canada and the United States was Bowes Company Limited, made aware that a case of diphtheria Toronto is certain to recover it antitoxln is1 given on the first day of the illness; For references*Head Omce. Toronto. that every day last mean so many Bank Of Montrealv 0" your 1008.1 banker. ohanves less; that if delayed until the Established for over thirty yam-l 6th to 8th day, antitoxin may he of lit- tle use. Time is the important factor. a” ' . A ll Early administrationmea-m cure: deg ‘ ~ Adverhsemenb layed administration} liray‘he too late Q’ffiws .BUSINESS SCHOOLS» 'I‘mm‘m‘ Mlnard’a Llnlment u we of the Imagination. Fishy Singing 0” carried antitoxin :0 1 ame last‘ euznmérrE-hfifi M 11‘: {MA uJ‘r‘In Am...- Diphtheria. Iceâ€"what a soul WTBCI the gush. rmc sitting next on the platter-m musical gums. ship néver oo. the leader en- ) 532?? the cheer- go’u 3' peach of goods where lizefl a party at from their work inn, “(here they COMP-Mon over- handy. SkiS, too] I '8, he raised Lhe lighted replaced the an white 9 is com through ! mercy, time to‘ smallest ,1 ‘Banhoue. in u gimmth 5- ".d Dec. ‘ Teach your children the Cuticura habit that they may have clear skin and good hair through life. .The constant use of Cuticura Soap, as- SiSth bv Cuticura Clam-..” I _____ Soap And Ointment Best F01n Children w; umvuuus Ll'Dm 3| parts of the world. Send for free book giving full glamculam. Write at once to ’ REHCH'S REMEDIES LIMITED “- St. James’ Chambers. 79 Aderaide East (Cu! this out) Tawny. Canada. The armor 115-911 by especially made for h Salt In Silver Common salt Ls used of silver from Its ore. The plan, there, Each petal a miracle, fragrant. To touch It and mar It I do now To have it In perfect bloom to a I humbly work and wnif like a ms-ebud is o; TAYLOR-FORBES Tree IE Pruners For every purpose in the orchard. cumng limbs up to H inches. Handlesâ€" 4. 6, 8, 10 and 12 feet. VIII Buiqu lulu knows the Hula HAW'S BU k lulu Ind :1 mm“ their 1m pmmem. pan; Wm. Toronto. Our dmipuve circular Ian: (0 any uddresa on request. To obtain the top pri must be free from bad 1 contain not less than 30 Butter Fat. We supply can: and pay charges. We pay daily by money orders. which can b anywhere without any char: COMPANY. LIMITED GUBLPH, ONT. V any-amen. 0115.27.50, 5“ "d ’Nmpmeu.‘ I. TAYLOR. FORBES ROST BITES Rub with M Inard’a. It eases the pain and pre- vents complications. {hype mm 2372‘ WANT CHURNING 100- Mllonq Tubal: fl] mfgt“oufi'¢*hd on than} “n H, “La? 0‘“ PH: m nun , ‘_-v-~. uanl‘D, npomlmcnu and Emphvmmt De- erlculan {m Aux-es: forty Bloc: L is used in Its ore. .mmcxe, fragrant, fair; d mm It I do not dareâ€"- perfect bfoom to share >3 by Joan of Arc to" her 111 Tours‘ permanen fly stopped a by Trench’a Ramedy for Epilepsy and Fitz. Simple home treat. men I. Over 35 year-3' auccess.Thousanduof testimonials from_all lend for free book zivmg cc 2.: ggqe to ae Plan. a Insequ Ls and wait. Lucy Helen P pay daily by express m "an: .4-.. 4‘, Mining the recover open! as TORONI‘T), Wflom express

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