All the latest styles and fabrics at reasonable prices. We are especially well equipped at this seaaon to take care of orders for quick delivery. RICHMOND TAELORS 1A. Greene - Telephone 5] or Residence 49W TUXEDO AND DRESS SUITS Repairing! Cleaning and Pressing at Reasonable Prices. NOT BOASTWLM BUT THANKWLEXâ€" LADIES! This is a year of Economy. What better Christmas gift for your husband than a new Suit or Overcoat .7 Suggestions for Christmas We handle the very best lines of Overcoats and Suitings, and are ready at all times to quote prices certain to be attractive to you. Lakeside 5280 Westinghouse 53 PRICES WITHIN EASY REACH For $53.00 upward we can supply you with a Westing- house Set. Ask us to demonstrate this set at your own home or at our Showroom and to show you the Westing- house-Brandes Loud Speaker, Brandes Heaqi Sets or Phonograph Attachment. ‘ m Westinghouse Radiola St. John’s Church Christmas Day service 9 a.m. Tuesday, Dec. 27th, Holy Communion 11 a.m. Sunday School 10.15. The Hall, Christmas Lantern Service 7 p.111. The Annual Christmas Concert will be held in The Hall on Monday, Dec. 28th, at 7.30 Wish You All A Merry Christmas and Happy and Prosperous New Year. ' If you will havu lauudly I'ledy when d: How (mils. you will assist us in giving goof! selvice, If yuu unlv lune duivel‘ call when phmwd for, call up :15 early as cumenient to insult- pl 01an attentiun. Richmond Hill Motors The Radiola lll. is the ideal set for farm use and the ideal Christmas Gift. It brings in all the good rograms, and is so simple to operate that anyone ‘an get good results with scarcely any instruction. )n thousands of Canadian farms Radiolas are a source of enjoyment every night. We enjoy the wonderful satisfaction of hav- ing achieved a family laundry service that is unique in the history 0f Toronto and district. Our years of patient research work have made it possible for any house- wife to have the “famin wash" done in five different ways---and at a price which is within easy reach of the most modest house- keeping budget. WE CALL IN RECHMOND HILL DISTRICT Wednesday and Saturday THE RICHMOND TAILORS OAK RIDGES TELEPHONE 109 175 Ossington Ave., Toronto RADIQLA FOR CHRISTMAS! tH-e' 'WESTINGHOUSE can do. ch'll be glad to demonstrate 319.913“! home Vila: Teston Old Boys are giving a dance Christmas night in the Township Hall, Vellore. McDonald’s orchestra will furnish the music, and Joe Golden will be floor manager. The committee in charge are: Gordon Weldrick, James Gray, Fred O’Briea and A1- GIVE A TESTON W. H. Murphy is in receipt of a card from his partner, Morley Beynon, who with Mrs. Beynon is on a motor trip to Tampa, Florida, where they will spend some months. Mr. Beynon’s mother and brother are at present in Tampa. At the time of writing Mr. Beynon was taking the Virginia hills on high, following a brief stay in Washington, where he had a look at the White House. “Tell Jim McLean,†he adds in a stage whisper that was picked up by the ampliï¬er, “'that‘ the while sole, $3 25 : men's 4 eyoleL red sole $3 ()0: men‘s 7 vvelet. light gum, $2 63 ; boy’s? (Tell-t light. gum $225 (inlusllv s â€" Women’s 2 buckle. 2 dnmv, $3.50: wmnvn’u 4 buckle. $3.00 ; miasps 3 buckle, $2 65. N. J. Glass. 25-26 Councillor J. A. Greene wishes the citizens of Richmond Hill a Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosper- ous New Year. Was?Euflzér‘diéépbointed on not seeing Drury." Members of the York County Med- ical Society held their annual meeting at Aurora on Thursday in the home of Dr. C. J. Devins. Dr. H. I. Kinsey of Toronto gave an address on “Dif- ferential Diagnosis of Diseases of the Chest,†which was followed by a help- ful discussion of the subject by the members. The following ofï¬cers were elected: President, Dr. S. W. Otton, Newmarket; Vice-President, Dr. W. A. Sangster, Stouffville; Secretary, Dr. S. J. Boyd, Newmarket, and Treas- urer, Dr. H. B. Freel, Stoufl‘ville. In the report last week of/the ban- quet given in Aurora by Naughton & Jenkins, solicitors, the name of E. M. Legge, Deputy Reeve of King Town- ship, was Inadvertently omitted. Mr. Legge responded to the toast to “York County.†The case of James [Hunt of Rich- mond Hill, resulting from the auto- mobile mishap at the Maple side road some weeks ago, in which two men were killed, has been postponed until after the holidays. At the Masonic Hall, Tuesday, De- cember 29, St. Mary’s. Church of Eng- land, will hold a Christmas tree and entertainment. ‘A splendid three-act play will be given by the Girls’ Aux- iliary, “The Inn of Desire.†The fol- lowing characters will take part: Mary Saxon, Gladys Goddard; Mary Cameron, Margaret Battersby; Mary O’Neil, Vera Morris; Miss French, Marian Carter; A Maid, Hilda Tooley; Candas, Gra e Paris; Tenko, Dorothy Hick; Shus ila, Marie Brooks; Ma- donna, Olive Paris; Five Angels, Kathleen Morris. Sylvia Battersby. Violet Neil, Ethel Kendal, Margaret Duncan. Recitations, etc, will be given be- tween the acts. Admission, 25c. Chil- dren, 10c. Everybody welcome. Rev. J. W. McIntosh will conduct both services in St. Paul’s United Church next Sunday, speaking on themes appropriate to the old year. The Sunday School will meet at 2-15 p.m. All are invited to these services. Miss Carroll Langstaï¬, who is at- tending the University of Toronlo, is spending the holiday season with her parents, William Espey, of Markham, is tak- ing over the store occupied by W. L. Rainey, at Elgin Mills, at New Year’s. Mr. Rainey is moving to his ï¬ne new home and store at Langstaï¬â€™, follow- ing his special sale of goods. Fire which destroyed the home of Joseph Durant, Elgin Mills, Friday last, gave the new Richmond Hill ï¬re truck its ï¬rst real run. The blaze apparently starting from a stove, rapidly consumed the house, nothing being saved. Arrival of the Richmond Hill ï¬reï¬ghters helped to save adja- cent property, including the stable of Mr. Paton. Hose lines were run into a creek, water being pumped with great difï¬culty. Ignoring the authority of Major Morrison, superintendent of the Jail Farm, and countermanding an order given by him, an inspector from the City Engineering Department, sent to the Jail Farm by the Property Commissioner, precipitated a verbal duel between the Major and himself a few days ago. The trouble started over one of the wells at the farm, which had been showing “red colonies†(bacteria) in the water. The Major ordered it emptied, cleaned and dis- infected. The city inspector, it ap- pears, countermanded Major Morri- son’s order about the well, without ï¬rst consulting him. In addition to reporting the incident to the property committee chairman, Major Morrison has made a report t6 the' inspector (3f prisons. Arrangements have been completed by Messrs. Willis and Sloan, manag- ers of the Richmond Hill Hockey Club, .with the council for use of the We appreciate {ï¬e Rind fav- ors of Me pas! year and ex- tend f0 our @usfomers our ï¬earlz'esf wisï¬ee for a ï¬nerry C’ï¬rl'slmash'de, a Wealthy, Wappy and Prosperous Henry Ryhlmrs CREE TINGS Richmond Hill News Notes â€" Maï¬a 4 eyelet men's 4 eyoleL red +~--++ ++§ Christmas In The Churches} o-th rink, for games scheduled in the 0.11. A. Intermediate series. Fast players in Markham, who will be in the Richâ€" mond Hill line-up, are understood to be getting into form. Another meeting was held an the Hotel Richmond last week, with a view to carrying forward the organi- zation of a Yonge Street League, Mr. Livingston, of the Hydro Railways, being in attendance. It is understood that no deï¬nite action has been taken yet. $.§...+...§...§ §...+...§... “0.4 +...§...+..§..I 8 am. and Choral Communion at 10 am. On Sunday, December 27, Holy Communion 8 a.m.; Morning Prayer and Sermon, 11 a.m.; Choral Even- Song and Carols, 7 pm. ' ’At St. Mary’s Church (C. of E.) Richmond Hill, on Christmas Day Holy Communion will be celebrated at Two Christmas anthems were sung at last Sunday‘s service of the Con- tinuing Presbyterian Church in Ma- sonic Hall. With Miss Aileen Atkinson at the piano, the choir rendered with ï¬ne effect “Holy Night†and “It Came Upon the Midnight Clear." Next Sun- day, Leo Stolls, tenor, of Toronto, will sing a solo. The anthem will be “Angels from the Realms of Glory." Rev. Mr. Murdoch, who preached last Sunday will again occupy the pulpit. The Christmas services in St. Paul's United Church were well attended and with bright music and suitable mess sages left memories that will not soon be forgotten. The minister spoke at the morning service on “Jesus, the Word of God,†showing how this name for the Saviour is most appropriate in the suggestions it gives of His character and work. The choir renâ€" dered a special Christmas anthem and Mrs. R. S. Cooper sang very appealâ€" ingly Neidlinger’s “Prince of Human- ity.†At the evening service the ser- mon subject was “How Jesus Saves.†The choir sangl‘flHoly Night,†and also ST. MARY‘S ANGLICAN CHURCH Cooke's beautiful setting of “Unto Us a Child is Born," in which Mr. A. T. Minnis rendered the bass solo with striking efl‘e‘t. Mr. David Stirling added to the beauty of the service by playing Handel’s Laigo as a violin solo. Mr. A. Rand Phipps was in charge of the organ. The general superintendent, :ho matron, the teachers and about 1-30 :hildren from\the True Blue Orphanâ€" age, Yonge Street, north of chhmond Hill, attended the hristma: Resvice iast Sunday morning- at the Richmmd Hill United Church. The Richmond Hill Church is supplying gifts for the Christmas tree at the Orphanage, 1nd the Victoria Square United Church is providing all the fowl required for Christmas dinner. Special music. as described in last week’s Liberal. was rendered, and Rev. A. A. Wall preached on subjects appropriate co the season. On Thursday, midnight mass will be celebrated by Rev. Father Malone The Notre Dame mass, sung in two parts, is selected for the service. the choir being under direction of Mr. J M. Greene. Service will begin at three minutes to 12, with the singing of “Angels We Have Heard on High," with solo by Mr. Greene, and a chorus. “Adeste Fidelis" will be rung in quartette, and a solo at the Offer- tory will be taken by Miss May Green. J. Porell will sing two solos, one in the Gloria, and the other at the Offertory. Mrs. Greene will be or- ganist. Meets in Masonic Hall SUNDAY SCHOOL l0.00 A.M SERVICE - - IHS A‘M. Rev. Mr. Mnl'dm‘h will preach. Subject : “The Man that, God Wants." V At the same hour, Rav. Father Kelly will celebrate mass at Lansing. CONTINUING PRESBYTERIAN ST. MARY‘S ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH METHODIST UNITED CHCRC “an amounoun HlLL DAIRY . PerfectFood ! "Jaaï¬MY/(maz'z'ï¬-J | C.H.COWIE,PROP. I IRWEWPNQE'LLDARYT Richmond Hill Dairy milk carries its own argument; of goodness sealed in every bottle. It. makes its appeal to your sense and to your appe- tite. Order it. ST. PA U L‘S UNITED ro- M+-o-§~§*+~v§~o-§-Iv§w§+ MADAM KNOWS GOOD MILK ALL WELCOME USE PHONE 53 Silk Hosiery, Scarves, Ribbon, Novelties. Fancy Brass and China Ware, Toys, Silk Handkerchiefs uda Tiengnder-the-Arm Bags, Childrén’s Pursés, and many other things \suitable for gifts. L ASK US ABOUT WINTER UNDERWEAR Quality Shoppe YONGE AND CENTRE STREETS CHINA AND CUT GLASS Royal Albert Crown China Cups and Saucers from 50 cents. This is a special lme and cannot be replaced at this price. Jardinieres. Vases. Bread Plates. Butter Tubs, Sugar and Creams, Tobacco Jars, Salt and Peppers, Cheese Dishes, Teapotsâ€"plain a: d fancy, Condiment Sets, litc. Hand Painted Children's Cup and Saucers 15c â€"Lustre 25c. ' v A rt Brassware, such as Jardinieres. Ash Trays. Cigar Holders, Vases, Etc. Cut Glass Water Sets, Sugar and Creams, Sherbets, Vases, Bon-Bons, Flower Baskets, etc. Prices to suit all purses. 14- Ignites quickly after which ‘_it burns with a light brown smoke. 100 per cent. comfort, eacily regulated to sudden changes of temperature with minimum amount of coal. THOR NHILL POULTRY FAR} @ggggéggggmgégg Home-made Scotch Shortbread PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW. Intense heat, easily control- Wil hold fire nearly as led because of its sensitive long as anthracite or coke response to draft and with but little more at- check. tention. Fruits Candies ééééWéWé-éééw TE-(JgpNOMICAL " NO 5007 LITTLE ASH N0.CLINKERS FREE BURNING THORNHILL PQULTR'Y FARM Domestic Coal Do Your Christmas Shopping Here From now until after Christmas the store will be open every week day and evening. including Wed- nesday. To sell at $12.00 a ton, delivered. COME IN AND SEE OUR SELECTION OF Suitalble For Christmas Gifts MRS. NOR MAN BATTY SPECIAL LINES FOR CHRISTMAS TRADE An exceptionally high grade ‘bituminous coal of extremely hard structure and possessing characteristics which makes it particularly suitable for domestic use. STEIN’S Black Gem Dry Goods, Millinery, Ladies’ Wear, Fancy Goods and Novelties. We:'are:near"you, why not deal at home? We pay the highest prices for aid hens and young cockerels, live. Ornamental and Useful AT THE ELEVATOR. â€" SOLD BY â€" TRENCH BI. RECHMOND HILL