“It was forty years ago,†the Iitble old woman explained, “that I posed for this picture. The painter was a taskiozmbie artist of that period. H9 “What! You have my portfait here?" One afternoon when he left his house M. Bourdin noticed Laborde, who was following him but trying to escape observation. A few days later a woman appearâ€" bd who wished to look at the apart,- ment. She was small and old, with a slightly wrinkled face, but still rosy cheeks. She wore a violet silk dress and a velvet hat. As she was discus- sing terms with M. Bourdjn she cried suddenly, pointing to the engraving: “To-day is St. Ag‘nes’s Day," Ger- trude explained. “Ah!†he said to himself, “Laborde wants to ï¬nd out Where I go to meet Agnes.†He hailed a taxi in order to mystify his friend. After a while, when cer- tain of his relatives met him, they 31- ways asked discreetly: “Are you still happy?" “I am still happy," M. Bourd'm an- Iwered. He had thus from day to day be- came so habituated to seeing those about him consider the woman of the portrait a real person, whom he know well, that he himself, at certain mo- menta, no longer took account of the ï¬ction which had entered into his life. A woman shared his existence. A woman whom his friends knew, of whom they spoke to him, whom they Oven called by her ï¬rst namkand on Iocount of whom they all envied him. Sometimes M. Bourdln was surprised to ï¬nd himself hurrying home, as if a woman whom he loved were awaiting him. He was a little upset when be catered the parlor and Gertrude said to him with a most knowing smile: When winter came M. ~Bourdin deâ€" cided to bake a. trip south for his health. He put in the newspapers an advertisement offering to sublet his apartment. plainis about the secrecy of M. Bour- ’ din’s love affair. “I do not ask you who this lady is," he added. “Undoubtedly she is a woman of the world. That is very ï¬ne. has always seemed to me a little mysterious. Now I understand." _ The secret ‘of M. Bourdin’s life quickly circulated among his acquain- tances. Gertrude, the old housekeeper, divided her glances between M. Bour- din and the portrait when she came into the parlor to wait on him. I must tell you that your life: 1' Freeze, freeze, thou bitter sky, ii‘vIrhave had but one love in my life, Thou dos-t not bite so nigh he said. As beneï¬ts forgot; Though thou the waters warp, The Road to Truthfulness. Thy sitin gis not so sharp “Whatever else my child is, I want. As friend remembered not him to be truthful," is the earnest de- Heigh-ho! sing, heighvho! unto the sire of every true mother. But do we! green holly; do all that we can to make the road ' Mos-t friendship is feigning, most lov to truthfulness easy for him? ing mere folly; Very imaginative children are often Then, heigh-ho, the holly! condemned as- unrtruthfuL The cause Thislife is most jolly. ifor their remarkable “stories†can or ___... ten be traced to exceedineg imagineI . o RIL....JA...._ I A"..- IL- M. Bourdin had smiled and answer- ed at a venture: ' “Agnes.†The following month he shw a big bunch of roses under the portrait. "I see that Monsieur has Been out walking bo-day with his friend." How agreeable it wou‘rd have been to know so charming a woman and (who can tell?) to be loved by her. “Could Monsieur,†she said at last “glve me his friend’s ï¬rst name?†In, .nuu. “I do not ask you who this lady is,"' he added. “Undoubtedly she is a woman of the world. That is veryl The Road to Truthfulness. ï¬ne- I must tel-1 you that your life| “V‘Vhabever else my Child is, I want has a“V3315 599mm! to me a little him to be truthful.†is the earnest de- mYSterious. NOW I undeTStand~†(sire of every true mother. But do we When he gel; home he hung the por- trait on the wall of his parlor. There was plenty of room for it, as the walls of the three rooms of his apartment were practically bare. M. Bourdin found that the engraving made an agreeable decoration and that -it was a pleasure to look at it after hls meals, when he sat in an easy chair and smoked a cigarette. Achusbom-ed to a nap on such occasions, he always cast a Last glance at the young woman before he closed his eyes and a ï¬rst glance at her when he walaed up. The presence of this unknown gave a sense of companionship to the old bachelor, without deranging his existence in any way. It often happened that M. Boub dln passed through the parlor when he could just as well have used the hall to go from his bedroom to his dining-room, solely to have the satis- faction of looking at the seductive portrait. Having a rather timid character, M. Bourdin had never had any love adâ€" ventures. He Lived modestly on a smalfl income, was taken care of by an old servant, seldom paid visits, and.even more infrequently received visitors. One evening he ran across a flower vender as he was coming home and bought a. pot of daisies, which he \piaced beneath the'unknown woman's picture. One of his friends, the ac- countant Laborde, coming in to see him after dinner, noticed the portrait and the flowers. “If that is the picture of one of your friends,†he said with a wink, “I sin- cerer congratulate you." M. Bourdin was dumbfounded and made no answer. In the course of his ca-Ill Laborde renewed his allusions, embroidering them with some com- plaints about the secrecy of M. Bour- tiin’s love affair. He was astonished to hear the auc- tioneer say, “Sold!†M. Bourdin stepped forward to seb- ‘tle. He said to himself: “After all, it is probably a great bargain." His package under his arm, M. Bourdin walked out of the auction room. He was carrying home a pic- ture which the auctioneer had passed around among the bidders. It was an engraving by a little known artist of the head of a pretty and very attrac- ï¬ve young woman. The minimum bid was set at 100 francs. “One hundred and ten!†cried M. Bow-din, in order to appear a con- noisseur in such things. THE PORTRAIT THAT CAME TO LIFE that you?†exclaimed M. Bour- 1 Stories about truthfulness are use- ‘f'wL The familiar old story of the boy who cried “Wolf, wolf!" when there was no wolf makes a deep Impression i-on the childish mind. Other stories may be Invented that show the advise.- bility of having a. reputation for hon- , esty. - A, I Very imaginative children are often condemned as unrtr'uthfuL The cause ifor their remarkable “stories†can of- ten be traced to exceedingly imagina- ‘tive books and stories. This case is grim hand to handle. Since their mo- ’tive in telling it is to a‘ttnact the at- tention of their elders it is usually best ‘to ignore the episode altogether. 0r, 1th its conclusion, “That's a make-be- llleve story, isn't it?†spoken in a mat- [terofâ€"fact way, usually disposes of it I satisfactorily. Sometimes we 81:6 bsmpted to "try" the chifldrem “Did you come straight. home from school, John?" when we know that the forbidden swimming hole proved irresistible. Is this just fair? Do we elders always tell the whole truth when “cornered?†Irt waemsr like a good occasion to ap~ ply the Golden Rule. “My mother is my to tell] things to," one small boy boasted) proudly. A time regommonda- tion. surely. If we say "Now, John, I want you to tell me why you did not come otraighphome from school as I told you andâ€"I want. you to tell me the truth!" We imply his unltruthful- mesa and the chances are very good that John will live up to our implica- tion. If we begin, “I know all about What you (lid, (so it’s no use your try- ingâ€"†John either (believes he is hopelessly trapped or he believes we are “bluï¬ing.†But it we say in a. please.th though unmistany business- like way, “Now, John, how about being late from school this afternoon?" dhanoos are nine in ban that John will ball the truth like a man. Paris has a unique hospital, located on the banks of the Seine. Trees which grow weak along the boulevards are taken there to recover. Mabe it easy for the tell the truth umid they a habit of truthfulness 1-611] of untruthfulmss xave to be solved. He took his visitor’s hand and kiss- ed it. With the dusk which softly penetrated the room in which they stood he felt himself penetrated by a hitherto unknown emotion. “Yes,†stammered M. Bourdin, pushed invinciny in spite of himself toward the lie which had become a verity in his life. “And I can tell you that I always loved you." “Is that possibie?†“I knew that you would come some day and I waited for you." It really seemed to M. Bourd’in that he was telling the truth, and he thought: Why should two persons who had been in love in their youth not. ï¬nish their days together after grow- ing old? 5 _ Hold Your Own. What is true at last will tell Few at ï¬rst will place thee w Some too low would have tlu Some too high~no fault ob tr Hold thine on, and work L Year WiJII graze the heel of ‘ But seldom comes the poet And the critics rarer stlil‘ has been fox-goth and I have grown old. I also had my hour of celebrity then. Did you know me at that time?" Tree Hospital in Paris ’ ' Four Studs. One of which is called “The Swan" because it was made by the master in 1737, me yeaf of his death when he was 93 years old. have been acquired by Rod'man Wanamaker, New York atoreman. Dr. Alexander Russell,'concert director, is shm holding the precious Instrument. little folks to have acquired and the prob- will seldom ‘hee s‘hi thineâ€" ,hy will Tennyson here The Unicorn. The “unicorn†mentioned in the Book of Job was- probably the aurcchs, a. kind of wild cattle now extinct. The ancient Hindu Bible, the Veda. says: “Even the tree does not with- draw its welcome shade from the wood cutter." ‘ Loves Its Murderer. The Hindu religion, probably the; oldest on earth, is quite quaint in} many respects. One thing is drilled] into the brains of the devotees, andl that is that Man must always be so! charitable as to love even his ene-’ mies, regardless of what they may do to him. “Blow, Blow, Thou Wlnter Wlnd." It would be difï¬cult to choose among the songs scattered through the plays of Shakespeare than which is the love- Haslt, but the following lyric takes a high place: Blow, blow. thou winter wind, Tliou art not so unkind As man's lngratltude; Thy booth he not so keen Because thou art not seen, Although thy breath be rude. Heigh-ho! sing. h‘élgh-ho! unto the green holly; v Most friendship is feigning, most lov- ing mere folly; _ Than, heigh-ho, the holly! This life is most jolly. A Poem Worth Knowing. 3-15 Em'r Run -â€"-' HE ONLY WANTS' To PLAY! ADAMSON’S ADVENTURES A.~ homing pigeon was: the means of discover-hm the identity of a man found unconscious near Shefï¬eld, Eng- land. On the back of his cycle was found 'a'basket containing homing pigeons of which the police took charge. All the usual attempts to identify the man failed until the po- lice liberated two of the pigeons with notes attached to their leg-s. Shortly afterward they received a message from one of the owners of the pigeons, giving a. clue to the man's identity. Clock Devlco Lights Stoves. A new appillamce for gas stoves and heaters 15 a Clock device which auto- matically lights or extiu‘mlishee the burnem at any s-pevdfled time. Two bishops of the Roman Catholic Church determined io’do their best to save their countries from the suffer- iu-g and desolation of War and they appealed to our King Edward VII., of- ten called “the Peacemaker.†to act as an arbitrator between these two nations. His efforts'were successful; the nations were reconciled: all the metal of their now useless cannons was cast into this great statue of Chris-t, the Prince of Peace. For many decades 'the people Chiiie the Argentina had been war and in 1904 a fresh outbreak hostilities seemed imminent. On time summit of a rogky pass in the Andes, looking out over the Input:- tains on the boundary line between Chile and the Argentina, stands a. colossal statue of the Christ. The left hand holds aloft a cross, the right hand is raised in blessing; and over the granite pedestal is engraved this inscription: "The-sle mountains will crumble into dust before Argemlnians- and Chileans will break the peace which, at the foot of the Redeemer, they have sworn to keep.†“Peace Hath Her Victories.†Pigeon Identiï¬es a Man E When certain trees are converted i into timber, they do not agree, if used together. On contact, decay sets in, [though each kind of wood‘, on its own, ,is thoroughly durable as thber. Cy- !press. for example, is‘ a. very quarrel- :some wood, disagreeing as it does with Ibo-t1} walnut and cedar. The invention of the compass was of great importance since many voyages of discovery cauhd now be undertaken with greater prospect of success. Thus, shortly afterwardsx Columbus discovered America, and VBS'CO do Gama succeeded in sailing round the Cape of Good Hope, noting incidental- ly that the constellations appearing at night over the southern seas; were (1115 ï¬erent from those he had seen from Portugal. One Kind of Gentlan Left. Though the fringed gemtian of the eastern United States has become rare and is threatened with extinction in many placea. the fringed bentian of \the matte/m mountains: is still exâ€" ceedingly abundant. The mmner's compass seems to have been known to the Chinese from very early times. It is reported that in 2600 8.0. an action was fought in which the Emperor of China. success- fully navigated his fleet through a fog by the aid of an iwmment which was probably a compass. The early Greeks knew that a min- eral canng Ioadstones would attract iron. Iron rubbed with ioadntoxw also became abbe to attract other pieces of iron. About the year 1450 an Italian, trained Flaws Gioja, found that the magnetized iron, when suspended, pointed north and south. Using a. circular card upon which the magnet- ized nee-die was hxed, Gioja made his compass by attaching the card to a cork placed in a basin of water. This arrangement was, however, soon 1111» proved upon. The Sailor-’3 Signpost. The Lesser of Two Evils. Woods That Disagree. iellu's fairy-godmother bestowed upon ithe little down-trodvd-en girl "Danton- fles en' v'ai-r,†id: wag a. pair of fur sdï¬p- per-s that she gave. The English ï¬rans‘mtor mixed up "vair" (fur) with | "vel're" (glass). 1‘ It was. surely one of the happiest er- :rors in literature, for the little glass Esl'! 3-939 are bo-day the most fascinat- ! ing pa-x‘t of Cinderella's attire. Uan ice in two Inchraa think, it Is not really safe for walking upon. al- though at an 111th and a half Lt will bear a fast skater whose weight. na- turally, is never dead welghrt. I-oe flve Inches thri'ok wilfl bear the ï¬reï¬ght of a. motor-oar, while at six inches It in safe for a crowd of peopflb. In winter, a rise of the barometer betakens frost. During a. frost. water contracts in vo-Irume until it fat-lbs: to 40 d‘egees. Then it expands until it freezem Snow obstructs the passage of mund. Frost asslism it. In winter, river waber is: several de grees warmer than the air. ' Solid ice is much lighter than its equivalent bulk of water. Dark clothes, owing to their p-ecumar qualhty of gathering heat from “19 air. are the \varmes‘t‘tm winter wear. Violins and bows come in dimereut sizes, lzi‘kle s-hoes and suits of clothes; and it is very important for a child to have; a. violin and bow of ï¬lm proper Mus‘l-c stores usually keep in stock, quarter, half, three-quarters, seven.- elgh‘ts and full size vl'ollns‘. The seven- elghts s-lze is known as: the “lady's violin." Such instruments are very close to full size and differ only sjlght- 1y at ï¬rst glance, but are made to ao- commoda‘te women players who have shout arms and'flngew. In vtone quality these slightly smaller instruments are quilte equal to those of full size. it o! 800d! make. Below the surface of the ground is much warmerâ€"even in the ha-rdes't (Doshâ€"than on the top. He had painted fmmty péoptle, And a. frosty church and'steeple, And a. frosty bridge and river tumb4 “113 over (malty rocks, Frosty mountain peaks that glimmered And flue frosrty ferns- that shimmeu‘e-d, And a frosty llvbtle pasture full of frosty mule groom ‘ size; A violin which is too large, or a. bow which is too long, results‘m the puizil acquiring all sorts of faults in position and movement. Violins are sometimes made to or der, somewhat smaller than quautea' size, for very young children to begin practice upon; but such violins are more like toys than real ï¬ddles._ They can be played upon practically: how- ever, and are sometimes used for humorous musical sketches In vaude~ ville perfcrmanaces. Snow is merely frozen air vapor. while hall is rain frozen during its fall! to the earth. Cold weather is the best time to do mental work. The absm‘oe of fogs during from 13 because the vapor which ordinarin woufld have become fog ls: frozen on the ground; as hoax-frost, before it can rise. ~ During the winter or twenty-three years ago, ice of twenty-ï¬ve inches in thickness formed: in many places in England. It was all touched. in so lightly. And It gld‘ttered, oh, so whitely, That I gazed and gazed in wonder at the lovely painted. pane: Then the sun ,rose high and- higher With his wand of golden ï¬re, Tlll, alas, my picture vanlshed and I looked for it 111 vain! white because its c'rys-talls reflect the rays of Light. 106 contains an enormous amount of latent ‘heaL » When eighteen cubic inches 6? water are frozen, they become twenty of ice. The frozen water expands because ice crystals do not ï¬t so closely as- water particles: When I wakened, very eamly, All my window pane was pearly, With a ï¬vparkling little picture traced in lines 0! Shining white, Some magician with a gleaming, Frosty brush, while I was dreaming. Must have'roome and by the s‘barligm worked All through the night. Cinderella’s Slipper. The pantomime season never comes and goes whthou‘t a presentath of .the fairy story of Cind‘evrelfla and the Glass Slipper. It is curious, however. that we owa this s-linp-e‘r of glans to a. mï¬s« take make by the pea‘son who ï¬rst buns-Eavted this famous» story from French mm English. In t‘he seventeenth century fur was worn only by the grandest folk. and was as much a Sign of distinction as the hares: jewels. Consequently, when Madame dd’Aulnoy Wrote that Cindsr- ï¬st jur‘ “Yes, Dave," replied the dcctoy, “I'm afraid it wim have -to come off." ‘ “Humrp‘hY: was the ummotional re- ply. “It'd been cheaper tc ht the shredder have it.†‘ .A farmer. Well sted qualities, 1 mred m a corn 5 “Say, doc," he Ian who had bg will I have to Ic Because snow holds much whom id, ï¬t is a, valuable fertilizer. It id bite because its ens-tails reflect the Freezing Facts. About Violins. Frosted Pane. vell known for his tight- s, had his arm badly in- ‘n shredded. he inquired of the physi- to Form called b the arm to dress it