JONES LUMBER C0 PROFESSIONAL GRADI'ATE 0F QwEN A . SMILEY STUDm. EIJ(‘)ICU 'l.‘ [ 0N MISS Marguerite Boyle Mortgage Investments Telephones: 42 Willowdale Hudson 0235W. FRANK A. BOWDEN & SONS LANSING RADIO POLES CONCERT ENTERI‘ AJNER AND TCACHER WILLIAM BROTHERTON Consisting of New Popular Shades in Vel- vet Hats for matron and misses. Some Metallic Trim and Satin Hats. Also a var. iety of shades of Felts. at exceedingly low priges. STORE OPEN TUESDAYS. THURS- DAY AND SATURDAY NIGHTS. STARTING Monday, December 28 Just Two Weeks Clearing Sale of Mid- winter Millinery at the MISS BARKER tuburban Yonge Real Estate ‘ - F '- / ’ Telephone Willowdale W-Iï¬ RICHMOND HILL BRANCH. PHONE 27 BUILDERS SUPPLIES Houses for Rent and Sale Boyle Stqdio Rough and Dressed Lumber Hardwood Flooring Pine Lath I Cedar Shingles ‘ R¢ oï¬ngs Gyp I‘ar paper Wailb Cenle Street East Thornhill Millinery Store .MPEREAL BANK Finch’s and Yonge Willowdale 63 J Loans and Insurance We can place your money at 7 per cent. on First-class Mortgages from $1,000 to $2,000. Clients waiting and no commission. 30 to 50 feet. Save Money Real Estate Telephone 28. THORNHILL Building paper 'Ioleplmne THORNHIIL Address J†DUGQAN It is not always easy to save but those who do save prosper. As a little money is accumulated it should be placed in a Savings Bank account where interest will be paid and the principal sum be secure. There is a Savings Bank Department at eyery branch of this Bank. a, G yprock Wailboard OF CANADA D0( rs Sash Last week’s issue of The Liberal told of the serious illness of John Leary, one of the oldest residents of the Gormley district. The attack iproved too severe for a man of Mr. Leary’s ninety-one years and he suc- cumbed at the week-end. Born in ,County Fermanagh, Ireland, the late Mr. Leary was brought to this country and to the Gormley district by his pioneer parents when he was little more than a year old. Gormley was then in the backwoods, and Mr. Leary, who lived on the Second Concession from the time of his arrival in the county, saw it emerge frorn the wilderness to the well-ordered, pros-1 perous farming community it is toâ€"‘ day. Fifteen years ago Mr. Leary retired, and since then had lived here in the village. He was a Methodist, and is survived by his widow, who was formerly Miss Mary Jane Dale; one brother, Joseph of Whitevale, and three sons, Deputy Reeve George Leary and Wesley G. Leary, both t‘ home, and Edward P“ on the 0d homestead on Lot. 1, A The funeral was heldTuesday afâ€" ternoon at Heise Hill Cemetery, near Gormley. Services were conducted at the house. DANIEL O‘BRIEN One of the pioneers of King Town- ship passed away last week in the person of Daniel O’Brien, who died at the residence of his daughter, Mrs. H. E. Teasdale, Yonge street, Aurora. Mr. O’Brien was born in Markham Township in 1832, the son of William O'Brien, who came from Nova Scotia and settled in York County about 1828. He learned the trade of black- smithing in Pickering and moved to ,Laskay, where he established a busi- lness which he carried on for a number of years. Mr. O’Brien was an ardent member of the Sons of Temperance and always took an active interest in the work of the Order. In politics he was a Liberal. Mr. O’Brien is sur- vived by seven children, Mrs. McPher- son of Vancouver, Dr. O’Brien, Grand Prairie; Mrs. Young, Minesing‘; Mrs. Fraser, Newmarket; Joseph M., of Laskay; Benjamin J., of Toronto, and Mrs. H. E. Teasdale of Aurora. The funeral took place to King cemetery.‘ EMMA SMYTH Death, resulting from a heart affec- tion, came unexpectedly to__Miss Emma Smyth, 73 years old. at the‘ home of Mrs. David Birrell. No. 4 Carey Road, North Toronto, with whom Miss Smyth for some years made her home, both in York Mills and in Toronto. Miss Smyth was born near York Mills, and lived in Richmond Hill years ago‘ with her mother. Interment was in Richmond Hill Cemetery, Rev. Dr. Black, of Eglinton conducting the service. The funeral was held, Tuesday, to Prospect Cemetery, of Edmund John Peterman, who died December 19, at his home, Byng Avenue, Willowdale. Services were conducted by Rev. Mr. Waugh, Willowdale; Rev. Percy Pea- cock, Lansing; and Rev. Mr. Peer, York Mills. The late Mr. Peterman was 67 years old. He was married twice. His second wife, formerly Mrs. E. J. Acey, survives. Government. Municipal and Corporation Bonds 6 Bought, Sold and Exchanged J. J. Deane JOHN LEARY, GORMLEY EDMUND JOHN PETERMAN All business strictly ccnï¬dential Obituary Print: Phone: 73 Woodbridge A. T. MlNNIS. Managerl Villewdale Membership tickets may be ebtained from 0. Cooper, G. H. Glennx F. E. Sims, N. J. Glass; and J. MacLean; the price is only $5.80,, they are easily wor- th ï¬ve timel the money. so come and join the Curling Club. You will get mete fun for $5 t_han you orver had. The club has decided to send rinks to compete for the 'Ei-nkard and District Cupâ€"the skips being; for the Tankard, H. Thomson and 1?. S. McNaix; for the District Cup, W. Scott and Ir. Mac- Lean. Visitors aré alwayé réve’lcéingth the club rooms. which are now open every week day afternoon and evening. Nomination Tuesday in North York Township were : Rules governing these three competi- tions will be posted up in :5: club rooms. A telepbiene will be inn: lad as soon as ponsible. Ice is being psepand and, if appearances count. should be readyin good shape for playing in a leg days. The President. Jumps McLean, will give trophies to the n lnners of a series of gnmps which will he competed for by doubles. Arrangements are being made for a checker wurnamenb amnng the members who participate in this good old game, Px-izvs will be award- ed the two players whu do tbebest in this Contest. REEVE‘ F. J. Goode and R. 1“. Hicks. FIRST DEPUTY REENE. james Muix'hend, H. McAlister, and 5‘ Banington. Individual prizes will be awarded the winners and runners-up of this competition: , 0. Cooper. D. Dubonette, G. Drury. J. Hunt, L. Doner, W. Frisby. R. Thompson, J. Graham, D. Watson, G. Yerex. , The enthusiasm shown by the local curlers in their preparations fur the season 1925-26 nugura unprecedented success for thi- cluh. Already several largely attended meeting. hnva been held, and plans have been duly con- sidered whereby tho devnteel of the 'iomin‘ game may have a niost en- joyable winter's sport. Improvements me being made to the playing area and better lighting facilities are being prgvided. I The following members have been elect? skips for the Slater cup and SnliL Inedalgompptitionl : 80!] . AIL this one plank in your New Year's Resolution platform: that you are going to buy your lumber of us and know that it is right. Stick to this resolution during the coming year and you will have accomplished some substantial building. Skips Named By The Curlers The Sisman Shoe Factory of Aurora gave a banquet to their employees, with their wives and other guests to the number of about 400 in the Me- chanics’ Hall, together with a musical program, to show their appreciation of the co-operation of the output of .AA- 1925. The theft of 120 chickens, all White Wyandottes, from a farm near Maple, in King Township. was reported to County Constable R H. Chapman by County Constable \Valkre, of King Township. While the constables were talking on the phone a half-ton motor truck containing the poultry and with three men in the driving sedt, became stalled in the ditclr a short distance from Constable Chapman’s home, and was pulled out by a local farmer with a team of horses. The truck was well out of sight in the direction of Toronto before Constable Chapman was noti- ï¬ed. The search is being continued in Toronto. While coasting down Gorham Street hill, in Newmarket. Slmo Drury was struck on the head IYork County - And District A pretty wedding was solemnized at the home of Mrs. J, K. Miller, Seventh Line, Markham, December 12, when her eldest daughter, Mary Ema (Maisie), was united in marriage to Harry M. Warriner, only son of Mr. aners. J. W. Warriner of Markham. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. E. M. Burgess in the presence of the immediate families. The bride was given in marriage by her brother, Mr. Earle Miller of Fenelon Falls, and wore a gown of sandlewood crepe satin, with a necklace of pearls (the gift of the groom), and carried a bouquet of sunset roses. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Warriner will be at home to their many friends at Meadow Brook Farm, after the ï¬rst of the new year. SECOND DEPUTY REEVE. W. G. Scrace (ucclamation). THIRD DEPUTY REEVE. W. J. Buchanan and W. W. Auden COUNCILLOR. P. G. Bridge and W. W. Carson. HYDRO COMMISSIONER R. S. Riseboruugh (acclnmation) THE ONE RESOLVE FORM? TO MAKE --lS BUY 0F 05 fOR Goooness SAKE North York Elections Housesrmes, Coloshes- Bbots and Shoes; For M'en. Sweaters and Sweatcv Coats. Shim. mes" Neck Scarfs, Gloves..Cartets. A‘rm. Bands. Handkerchiefs. Etc, Tics inlï¬oxes from . . . . . . . . . . 75c tw $135 Sweaflus from . . . . . . . . . . . . $2.50 rs) $5.50 Hockey Boots; Boys, 33.50; Men‘s $13.50 OUR S U (ICES TIONS F OR CHRISTMAS GIFTS Cars Damaged In A Collisioa (Special to The Liberal) Lansing, Dec. 24.â€"â€"Whi1e driwiarg‘ north on Yonge Street. Sunday,. Mr. AncLy Jack ran into a Ford car turn- ing into the garage. Mr.. Jack. said that he blew his horn to pass Mr. Smith, the driver of thecar, and turnâ€" ed out. As he did so, Mr. Smith turn- ed in front of him. The two cars met and Mr. Jack’s car drove the other one into the ditch,~ The, car owned by Mr. Smith was hadly damaged and seemed to fall apart. while the. other ’car was not injured: so seriously. In Mr. Smith’s car were- six persons, his wife and child and a man and young lady. The ioccp‘ya‘nts (3f {395's Norman J. Glass The Richmmd Hill Furnishing Store tau). ‘- luv vvv-n rv«‘:,â€" ‘ _ 7 , car were Mr. M01115 Jack. and Mr. Howard Games“ No, one was Injured. an assemblage of ahout 200 persons enjoyed the ‘yolly Christmas entertain- ment in St. Edwards School, Lansing, Monday evening. Rev. Father Kelly was chairman. A delightful program of recitations, dialogues, sketches and moving pictures was presented. The Lansing United Church held a concert on Monday, Dgcemher 2‘1... :The pi5é‘g‘x3aï¬â€˜kv‘é‘é oh by the children of the Sunday School along with some. of the older members. Fisherville nited Church held a Christmas Tree, Monday, December 21. A splendid entertainment was put on by the Sunday SchooL After the concert a bountï¬ul supper was enjoyed. neeting lchombt With James Leiavy as‘ Santa Clays, KING COUNCIL King Township Coupci), a_t itsflï¬pql Women and Mism the Wisï¬ing you Merry Cirislmas. Some of the Vaudeville Attractions to be shown: “' the with ‘tru( if a at BIG JAZZ ORCHESTRA. THREE MELODY BOYS, featuring Hawaiian Music. RAY AND CHESTER, Singing, Talking and mncing. POOLEY AND WALKER, Xylophone and Musicar Glasses. ARTHUR LYNN, Versatile Entertainer.. GUS KENNEDY, Comedian, and others.. this Sutton’s H0 1 that the so} matters peyta Marsh drain: BIG COMEDY PICTURES matter munici; he that thi alitY’ W G; ldockï¬ Limiteaï¬Ã© RICHMQ‘ED HILL AND LANSING, Make Futuren Cl'miskmases MERRY? The gifsvomeondahrénms joy to the heart “ï¬fth. reciphnb._ am. through the years. a sense of« security and satisfaction, as mall: as a semi~ annuah reminder aï¬'tu‘u donor in the form of; an, inherent coupon or cheapo. We .‘nandloronlp high grade securi~ tienyieldlngvï¬om ï¬lo 1 per cent. Particnllm glndiy furnished on. request. J. R. Herringtom Richmond Hill. Ont SHAW SCHOOLS almost daily moving ï¬ice poswinns at ver’y Our reputation for ining and competent us many calls from SlnPSS Mann 1d y uto W T‘m our man customers we wish a any Merry @ristmas ané’ Prosperous wk", Year. We have just inflallpd a new machim with which we will beam. to make ug, any poultry tied. Always in stoeh Bran. Shorts, Him». Poultry. H03 and: Catch Feeds;& car of Glutcn Feed an» loadmg: Baled‘H-ay and Straw. DEUVERIES TUESDAYS AND FRIDAY’S J. F. BURR JQHN H. DUNLOP & SON FLORISTS We solicit orders for cut flowers for all occasions, which will be promptly and Carefully ï¬lledq 32 RICHMOND HILL, ONT PHONE 82 W MILL